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Anet back in Silent Mode

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > > > Their lack of communication is a detriment to the game and is a good chunk of the reason my friends and I no longer play. This isn't likely to change either which is sad because at it's base I do enjoy the game.

> > > >

> > > > But you still post on the forums?

> > > > Look at the demands people are throwing at them. Then think why they are keeping quiet.

> > > > This forum is hardly the welcome wagon.

> > > > The demands and reasons for these demands from the skill nerfs, to the skyscale to this saying that if things don't change people have/will quit is preposterous. Totally and utterly preposterous. And if you want a cool word, *lame*

> > > > It is past trolling and flaming.

> > > >

> > >

> > > If he/she didnt post on the forums it would mean he or she has already quit the game and moved on.

> > >

> > > The examples you bring arent unique to gw2 and are a loud minority, i dont think its acceptable for anyone to act like that but devs shouldn't base their entire communication policy around these pll when much more can be understanding and cooperative.

> > >

> > > Most ppl that say "ill quit if x" dont quit, vayne saw the lack of raods as a selling point yet 7 wings in hes still here. If someone is gonna quit over someone they arent gonna be silly about it, they will just quit.

> >

> > I hate this straw man argument. I don't hate you.

> > But this same argument was said on every MMO that has died over the years.

> > Its always a justification for developers to not listen to honest caring critics. Warhammer Online, Darkfall, Wildstar, etc would all still be here if many fans didn't run good critics away when they were trying to give good negative feedback on the game and just dismissing them as some kind of vocal minority trolls.


> W8 what arguement? That anet doesnt communicate because ppl were rude or that anet shouldnt base their communication around whether ppl can be rude or not?


> I dont see a problem with good negative feedback but theres some very negwtive stuff for the sake of being negative with nothing meaningful to take from.


They should expect good and bad feedback in a public forum. Both considerate and rude. Them being unable to deal with bad and negative feedback is an ineptitude on their part not the community. It can be done in a healthy way, other game studios do it. In Anet's case instead of making a mistake and learning from it they make a mistake and run from it (in regards to communicating with their player base).

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > > > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > > > > Their lack of communication is a detriment to the game and is a good chunk of the reason my friends and I no longer play. This isn't likely to change either which is sad because at it's base I do enjoy the game.

> > > > >

> > > > > But you still post on the forums?

> > > > > Look at the demands people are throwing at them. Then think why they are keeping quiet.

> > > > > This forum is hardly the welcome wagon.

> > > > > The demands and reasons for these demands from the skill nerfs, to the skyscale to this saying that if things don't change people have/will quit is preposterous. Totally and utterly preposterous. And if you want a cool word, *lame*

> > > > > It is past trolling and flaming.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > If he/she didnt post on the forums it would mean he or she has already quit the game and moved on.

> > > >

> > > > The examples you bring arent unique to gw2 and are a loud minority, i dont think its acceptable for anyone to act like that but devs shouldn't base their entire communication policy around these pll when much more can be understanding and cooperative.

> > > >

> > > > Most ppl that say "ill quit if x" dont quit, vayne saw the lack of raods as a selling point yet 7 wings in hes still here. If someone is gonna quit over someone they arent gonna be silly about it, they will just quit.

> > >

> > > I hate this straw man argument. I don't hate you.

> > > But this same argument was said on every MMO that has died over the years.

> > > Its always a justification for developers to not listen to honest caring critics. Warhammer Online, Darkfall, Wildstar, etc would all still be here if many fans didn't run good critics away when they were trying to give good negative feedback on the game and just dismissing them as some kind of vocal minority trolls.

> >

> > W8 what arguement? That anet doesnt communicate because ppl were rude or that anet shouldnt base their communication around whether ppl can be rude or not?

> >

> > I dont see a problem with good negative feedback but theres some very negwtive stuff for the sake of being negative with nothing meaningful to take from.


> They should expect good and bad feedback in a public forum. Both considerate and rude. Them being unable to deal with bad and negative feedback is an ineptitude on their part not the community. It can be done in a healthy way, other game studios do it. In Anet's case instead of making a mistake and learning from it they make a mistake and run from it (in regards to communicating with their player base).


Yup, exactly. It seems to be their trend, you can even see it in their development of content. Look at Dungeons; those were essentially abandoned in favor of Fractals and Raids rather than them taking the time to fix their mistakes with them. Look at Ranked sPvP; progressively being abandoned in favor of automated tournaments and Swiss tournaments *whenever those actually happen*.


They certainly need to do so much more in regards to their communication with the community, and their community interaction. The current state of things just feels like bandaids and half measures and those don't cut it.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Curious: if any of you were a game manager, and read through this thread (and the several others like it), would you then -- honestly -- ask your developers to step into them?


No never. But as a game manager I'd make a post with an overview of what's coming. And then keep it updated

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Curious: if any of you were a game manager, and read through this thread (and the several others like it), would you then -- honestly -- ask your developers to step into them?


Step *into the thread*? No. I'd ask them to take steps to see how we could improve on these circumstances, make a post that acknowledges and explains the errors made and that steps are being taken to improve our efforts and ways of communicating with and interacting with the community, look at community suggestions, parse through the good and the bad ones, begin formulating ways to execute the ideas compiled from both the community and internal discussion, make another post detailing these ideas and begin putting these changes into effect.

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> @"Trollocks.5084" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Curious: if any of you were a game manager, and read through this thread (and the several others like it), would you then -- honestly -- ask your developers to step into them?


> Nobody is asking for that.


Never said anyone was asking. I was just positing a hypothetical.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Curious: if any of you were a game manager, and read through this thread (and the several others like it), would you then -- honestly -- ask your developers to step into them?


No, because I wouldn't pay my developers to sit and chat with unreasonable players all day. I think the only thing I would do is question WTH people are asking for in threads like these because the truth is that Anet does communicate with us.

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Just to give an example, we have on the FF XIV reddit a topic named "Guild Wars 2 Refugees coming to FFXIV":



If you take a look, it's not made by a GW2 hater, or whatever you want to call it; rather, by someone who's frustrated with the current situation of the game, and the lack of any sign that things will get better.


There's a very interesting topic discussing it on the GW2 reddit:



In which, again, the main theme is frustration with ArenaNet's silence about the future of Guild Wars 2.

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> Just to give an example, we have on the FF XIV reddit a topic named "Guild Wars 2 Refugees coming to FFXIV":




> If you take a look, it's not made by a GW2 hater, or whatever you want to call it; rather, by someone who's frustrated with the current situation of the game, and the lack of any sign that things will get better.


> There's a very interesting topic discussing it on the GW2 reddit:




> In which, again, the main theme is frustration with ArenaNet's silence about the future of Guild Wars 2.


Considering that post contains the answer to.

How many wings could you possibly do a year.

The answer is we could probabely do 6 wings.


The question was not

How many will you do a year?

I'd take the rest of the things said redditer write with a huge grain of salt.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Curious: if any of you were a game manager, and read through this thread (and the several others like it), would you then -- honestly -- ask your developers to step into them?


> No, because I wouldn't pay my developers to sit and chat with unreasonable players all day. I think the only thing I would do is question WTH people are asking for in threads like these because the truth is that Anet does communicate with us.


No, they really don't and multiple examples of poor efforts of communication have been given and it just looks like you've chosen to ignore them.


The information is sparse, the frequency is rare and when we finally do get information on content or updates it is revealed at a point in which nothing will change with it despite community feedback because they tell us about a week or so before the release and we have never seen them change *anything* about it. Which then leads to said update and content being left unattended to because ANet will then choose to not address any problems with the release unless it is something *explicitly* controversial like the Skyscale collection or something to do with the gem store or an actual *bug* that only appeared due to being released on the live environment.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Not true. There have been Dev-posted feedback thread asking for thoughts on upcoming changes, and after said feedback, the proposed content was changed.

> Also polls on proposed changes, and majority wins.

> Thus, it would be inaccurate to state 'we have never seen them change anything' (after feedback).


When was the last time we saw such thing?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Not true. There have been Dev-posted feedback thread asking for thoughts on upcoming changes, and after said feedback, the proposed content was changed.

> Also polls on proposed changes, and majority wins.

> Thus, it would be inaccurate to state 'we have never seen them change anything' (after feedback).


I was referencing recently. I'm aware of those polls and their feedback "initiatives" which have since been defunct and relatively unused.


They have not done well in recent years with communication with the community nor in taking feedback into consideration beyond previously mentioned "controversial" things that have been released. We have also seen feedback on balance changes go unheard for the most part and ANet just ends up helping nothing with game balance with each passing balance patch, despite giving this "illusion" that they are communicating by posting "Upcoming Balance Changes" only a week ahead of time, then not acknowledging feedback and changing things before their release onto the live servers. They use the live environment as a testing ground with the community for changes in the game but then seem to not want to acknowledge the feedback given on such things.


We consistently get updates that definitely needed more time before being fully released to the live servers and ANet tries to "remedy" the problem with something else entirely that isn't even related to the previous update. In essence they try to rectify a problem with one thing by just releasing some other new thing only to possibly have more issues appear with that content without remedying what was previously a problem and leaving it to fester.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> Which then leads to said update and content being left unattended to because ANet will then choose to not address any problems with the release unless it is something *explicitly* controversial like the Skyscale collection or something to do with the gem store or an actual *bug* that only appeared due to being released on the live environment.


And even then, they will often leave the bugs there. One example is the Maw of Torment meta event - on release it was bugged (one of the NPCs often gets stuck, blocking the event), and, when ArenaNet revamped the rewards of the PoF meta events, they still didn't bother fixing the bug.


There has been no communication from ArenaNet about this bug, or about any of the other game-breaking bugs in the game. They refuse to address problems like this, including things that have been in the game for a long time now; like you said, they've been left to fester.


Being left in the dark about if old content will ever be fixed, while being also left in the dark about the direction of future content, is understandably worrying part of the community.


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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > Just to give an example, we have on the FF XIV reddit a topic named "Guild Wars 2 Refugees coming to FFXIV":

> >

> >

> >

> > If you take a look, it's not made by a GW2 hater, or whatever you want to call it; rather, by someone who's frustrated with the current situation of the game, and the lack of any sign that things will get better.

> >

> > There's a very interesting topic discussing it on the GW2 reddit:

> >

> >

> >

> > In which, again, the main theme is frustration with ArenaNet's silence about the future of Guild Wars 2.


> Considering that post contains the answer to.

> How many wings could you possibly do a year.

> The answer is we could probabely do 6 wings.


> The question was not

> How many will you do a year?

> I'd take the rest of the things said redditer write with a huge grain of salt.


I assume theres more more meaningfull comments in that thread.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> The question was not

> How many will you do a year?

> I'd take the rest of the things said redditer write with a huge grain of salt.


The specific question was: "How many raids do you think you are gonna crank up per year"

The answer: "That is a more tricky question to answer simply because we are trying to find our stride in terms of how long it takes us to build this stuff, what can we actually build in a month or six months depending on who is on the team. If we are looking at these wings early guess would be maybe six per year."


So the early guess is they'll "crank up" six raid wings per year.


"to increase something, esp. the sound of a radio, television, or stereo"

How many raids are you gonna increase per year? Not the best choice of words I guess

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Curious: if any of you were a game manager, and read through this thread (and the several others like it), would you then -- honestly -- ask your developers to step into them?

Developers? No, that's not their job. I would however made sure i had someone whose job _would_ be communicating with the community, and that the person (or persons, if one wasn't enough) in question had all the information, access and permissions to do their job well.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Curious: if any of you were a game manager, and read through this thread (and the several others like it), would you then -- honestly -- ask your developers to step into them?

> Developers? No, that's not their job. I would however made sure i had someone whose job _would_ be communicating with the community, and that the person (or persons, if one wasn't enough) in question had all the information, access and permissions to do their job well.


Thank you! I completely agree. There are so many posts/threads where people are demanding that the developers come to the forums and answer X or Y. No, it's not their job; their job is to develop content and I would prefer that they focus on that.




I also agree that there should be a dedicated community manager (or whatever one wants to call it) or even a team of them (3-4 perhaps?) who should monitor the forums and drop information when and where it is appropriate. In this, I feel that ANet is lacking. I wonder, then, about the cost of employing a team simply for a community forum that, perhaps, includes a very small minority of the player base. It may simply not be worth the money/resources to dedicate one or more persons to such an endeavor.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I also agree that there should be a dedicated community manager (or whatever one wants to call it) or even a team of them (3-4 perhaps?) who should monitor the forums and drop information when and where it is appropriate. In this, I feel that ANet is lacking. I wonder, then, about the cost of employing a team simply for a community forum that, perhaps, includes a very small minority of the player base. It may simply not be worth the money/resources to dedicate one or more persons to such an endeavor.


They don't need a new community manager or hire more people, they already have someone (or multiple people) posting on their official website about upcoming releases, they make posts on social media too. They also already have community managers on the forums that interact with the community often. Those with the power and the knowledge need to inform these community managers of what's coming because I'm willing to bet they are as in the dark about what's coming as us the players. After all, a community manager can only post about things the director and/or lead developers tell them too, they can't really tell us about things they imagine.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Thank you! I completely agree. There are so many posts/threads where people are demanding that the developers come to the forums and answer X or Y. No, it's not their job; their job is to develop content and I would prefer that they focus on that.

There wouldn't be so much demand for dev attention and response, if players were better informed by other means. People are just frustrated due to being kept in the dark.


> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > I also agree that there should be a dedicated community manager (or whatever one wants to call it) or even a team of them (3-4 perhaps?) who should monitor the forums and drop information when and where it is appropriate. In this, I feel that ANet is lacking. I wonder, then, about the cost of employing a team simply for a community forum that, perhaps, includes a very small minority of the player base. It may simply not be worth the money/resources to dedicate one or more persons to such an endeavor.


> They don't need a new community manager or hire more people, they already have someone (or multiple people) posting on their official website about upcoming releases, they make posts on social media too. They also already have community managers on the forums that interact with the community often. Those with the power and the knowledge need to inform these community managers of what's coming because I'm willing to bet they are as in the dark about what's coming as us the players. After all, a community manager can only post about things the director and/or lead developers tell them too, they can't really tell us about things they imagine.

Precisely. That's exactly why i mentioned that the people in question need to have all the relevant info, and must be allowed to _share_ that info. Gw2 always had community relation people - it's just that they were either not informed, or not allowed to say anything. Or, most of the time, both.


No size and skill of community relations team can help, if that team is prevented by company policy from sharing any info and can only engage in small talk.

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> @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> Most posters here put more effort into making the game better than anet does.


> Game is on life support, will be revealed soon. Season 5 will be a huge let down.


Dutch people have a saying: "de beste stuurlui staan aan wal".

Roughly translated: people who think they can steer a ship better have an easy time just talking about it standing on the shore. Sounds like forums to me :-)

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> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > Most posters here put more effort into making the game better than anet does.

> >

> > Game is on life support, will be revealed soon. Season 5 will be a huge let down.


> Dutch people have a saying: "de beste stuurlui staan aan wal".

> Roughly translated: people who think they can steer a ship better have an easy time just talking about it standing on the shore. Sounds like forums to me :-)


In most cases that quote rings true but in this case I donno lol

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