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@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" @"Karl McLain.5604" Hi! You can probably answer this at this point (to keep with the theorycrafting)

There are some changes on Scrapper that are not very clear to me from the wording on the notes, can you clarify this?


Is the trait Impact Savant scaled by healing power? or is it just flat 15% of physical damage? (I'm not sure exactly what do you mean by "strike" damage). Said this, can you elaborate on how you see this affecting support builds that sacrifice their damage output for healing? (specially if you are using healing kit to keep your allies up, which doesn't provide any damage at all)


Is the trait "Kinetic Stabilizers" losing its 10% extra damage when stability is up? if so, can you maybe elaborate on why scrapper is losing so many damage modifiers? was it dealing too much damage?


And finally, if you don't mind, given that the purpose of the class has somewhat stabilized around being a tanky spec with access to superspeed, barrier and stability, have you considered making the spec share some of the later two with allies? I can see how it could step on other specs areas (guardian as stab giver, scourge as barrier giver) but then, it would be interesting to see what do you guys think about that possibility.

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There was absolutely no reason at all to remove Shiro's Superspeed.

There is also no reason to add 10sec cooldown on EtD

Nor was there reason to slap a hefty 35 energy cost on the new "Call to Anguish"


And as I have mentioned before, if Anet seems intent to just gut core legends to the ground, they might as well remove the whole Energy feature, because it exists to limit the somewhat short CD utilities which are slightly more powerful.


If they keep gutting Core Legends, or gutting Legends in general, Revs are gonna end up with 10 lackluster utilities with cooldowns that cost an absolute bomb to cast and takes from the same Energy pool which fuels our weapon skills.


Resource management my bumbum, this is just forcing the player to play this class on hard mode without actually adding any mechanical difficulty.


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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> > > @"CerealNumber.9348" said:

> > > It seems like strong damage specs were nerfed like halo reaper and condi rev. Dragon hunter GS and LB got a buff :thinking: Chronos gotta relearn their characters again

> > > They want to even out the damage potential for specs that are made for damage. Which doesn't really make sense. If a Spec made for damage have no group utility I expect them to have higher damage potential than other specs made for damage that has some group utility.

> >

> > Technically speaking, Reaper's damage output hasn't been touched.


> Yea, and that's the problem, Necro is STILL (since launch) the official lowest DPS class in the game! STILL!!! And I thought ANet was on their way of changing that (in their last patches), but no, full STOP again! Instead, it gets nerfed (not DPS-wise, although less reliable Scholar now) .... I really don't get it. Why has Necro never been allowed to come off that dreadful bottom DPS spot???


No it's not O.o I mean it's not OMGTOPDPZ but it's certainly miles better than where it was. I remember a time when it reaching a 27k benchmark was wow for Reaper, now it's at 31.2. That, combined with it's inherit tankiness, puts Reaper in a good place. Unless your talking base necro than ye, lowest dps of all.

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> @"LordTemujin.5498" said:

> Seems we will have to wait for another year before elementalist is playable on WvW...


If ANet continue to do this to elementalist, by next year probably there will be a patch to delete the class. Well, might as well.


Why huge nerfs across the board for almost every profession? When I play a class, I find it fun when my professional skills are effective and useful. By gutting useful and essential skills and insisting that they are changes for the better, is ANet trying to make more players leave this game?


Many loyal and veteran players who are not forum regulars are out to voice their displeasure and many will finally give up this game after 6+ years of hoping that one day ANet will make their class strong and useful, hence fun. Yes sometimes they do that, but only to have those classes gutted a few months later after you have spent tons of gold, real money and time gearing and learning the class.


Over the years, it has been proven by all these fake balance patches that when your profession is given a buff or genuine positive change, it will be short lived. So, enjoy the portal thingy while you can thief class. In the following few patches, it would be nerfed six feet into the ground, or worse, removed totally just like what they will do to Scrapper in the coming patch. To remove, not nerf, our four elite toolbelt skills and one essential support trait skill. Deleted, Removed, Gone, just like that. It's like they don't care anymore. Makes me wonder if you guys are still grim over the loss of your friends and collegues a few months back?


I want to repeat what many has asked in this forum, does the balance team even play GW2 these days? Especially WvW? Wait, looking at the mess and unhappiness this patch will create, the answer is obvious.

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Well done with the 'Balance' Patch Anet! I was getting worried the balance team had stopped maining guard and warr, but the latest notes put my doubts to rest! Simply outstanding work. Keep it up. I especially love the random Reaper and ele nerf. I don't get all the overreaction and whining. All those lesser classes should know their place by now!

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> @"LebumJames.3487" said:

> Well done with the 'Balance' Patch Anet! I was getting worried the balance team had stopped maining guard and warr, but the latest notes put my doubts to rest! Simply outstanding work. Keep it up. I especially love the random Reaper and ele nerf. I don't get all the overreaction and whining. All those lesser classes should know their place by now!


Its the best patch ever,it really shows they know what theyre doing.

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This is by far one of the best patches to come, it's sad that more than the majority of people completely miss the point of most changes. I see a lot of degenerate builds finally being put down while a lot of stuff was put together more consistently to leave space for more significant changes.


I'd speak mostly for Mallyx, the only legend without a CC finally gets one with a freaking leap, something the entire profession didn't have until now. The addition of the elite changes to keep the dark field, giving access to dark aura is a fantastic idea.


Those Elementalist changes really spike curiosity in me as well to start playing it again.


ALSO FINALLY RAMPAGE GETS THE COOLDOWN IT DESERVES. That's another crutch down. The damage reduction couldn't be further more welcomed, it's not like someone is meant to be killed in Rampage anyway, only halted by clever means such as boon removal + CC.



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I main chronomancer in WvW raids + occasionally roaming. I'm actually disappointed and won't pick my chronomancer for raids anymore..

The distortion granted me survivability and clones die in split seconds in mass fights, they are unspawnable. So shatters become technically useless.

Guess I'll fully switch to guard and scrapper then.

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These ele nerfs... haha...ha.... I love it. You know you could've easily given us a stance range boost for soulbeast and update our f1-f3 skills to be more support oriented.

the druid nerf tho... thanks? i guess? not like im a druid main or anything >_>

AND... thieves.. portal? thanks i love it. thief/scourge/mesmer new meta. perma-stealth and portaling.

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> @"memausz.7264" said:

> What kind of 'feedback' caused someone of influence to decide this change needed to happen?


Whatever lead you to believe there was someone of influence involved? This is what happens when balance for the engineer (and other professions) is fobbed off to whomever was unlucky enough to be left in front of the bottle once it stopped spinning.


Quit assuming there was lobbying or horse trading going on when it's been demonstrated here that they haven't an F to give, nor a clue, and wouldn't take either -even if they were being given away for free and by the gross. They still don't have a test server. And why should they? Why, when much of guild wars two for the past several years has exemplified the philosophy of minimum viable product, assuming you're willing to stretch and massage the 'viable' bit to make it stick.

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I don't think people even realise how much of a nerf this is to reaper. First, survivability goes way down from the loss of healing in shroud. Second, dps is going to fall due to being unable to maintain scholar up-time in shroud. This is just getting silly now, there was absolutely no need for this. If you're going to make a change like this, either make it a trade-off for a bit more dps or make it so reapers can actually benefit from healers in shroud.


Revenant changes.. I don't even have words to express how ridiculous these are. Do you even understand how the class works or are you just guessing?


I'm so sick of this "balance team" making changes based on golem dps done by min/maxers that don't represent real raid scenarios. I'll check back in next balance patch as I'm not playing this garbage.

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**Dear Arenanet,**


**Sword Weaver in sPvP**


Upcoming Changes are OK, so far it looks as 5-10% nerf to power builds. Not sure what was a reason to do it, but will see how it will be comparable to other classes.


It still serious lack of conditions removal on Elementalist besides Arcane+Water lines;

I believe Arenanet should not force people to use Arcane+Water;

I believe Arenanet _should not punish people_ who do not want to use Arcane+Water;



Biggest PAIN is Air line, it has no conditions removal. Point. Why?

Please add at least SOMETHING.



Big problem is EARTH line, no one use it because conditions removal does not really work here and also damage is non existing here.

Look Elementalist has 7-8 conditions on him, if just ONE condition is burning Elementalist will imediately have <75% health after 1 second !

and then [Diamond Skin] will not work AT ALL and Elementalist will die immediately considering low health pool

- Please add 3 conditions removal to [Diamond Skin],

- or reduce threshold to 25%

- or remove 1s CD



One available option via Fire [smothering Auras] is not enough vs any conditions builds (Messmer, Necromancer, etc). Absolutely not enough.

Lesser Cleansing Fire just 3 conditions removal on 60s cooldown is a joke as well. One necromancer may appliy 6-8 conditions every 10-15s

May Aura Application remove also 2 conditions?



Considering lowest Armor, lowest Healing Pool, etc, Elementalist MUST have a protection buff (I am talking about melee-weaver)

But then weaver FORCED to take Arcane line,

Please give possibility to obtain some protection besides Arcane line!

I believe Arenanet _should not punish people_ who do not want to use Arcane, and should not force players to use Arcane;

Alternative must be big a big DMG buff if Player will not use Arcane to balance RISK vs REWARD.

Current state is - if I will not use Arcane, Risk will many time increase (no Protection!) but no visible Reward, DMG buff in not significant and now even reduced by 10% after this patch, so without Arcane Melee Sword Weaver is unplayable. Why Weaver - Elite Profession is unplayable without a specific trait line - Arcane?


Minor stuff:

[Aquatic Stance] - nobody use it since PoF start, why not to buff it?

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> Then why do i see a stat boost increase ? Open your stat menu, look at armor/toughness Then pop rampage.


> Im popping rampage right now where my base armor on my Condi build is 3.402 armor, i pop Rampage and it goes to 4.402. In practice you "could" break from cc first with rousing and after it pop Rampage and u'l have 1k ontop of that which would for me be 5.4k armor. Which im showing with the screenshot below,don't stare in his eyes too long.


> https://imgur.com/a/peL1sTx



> 100 extra there since i was in range of tower buff.


> Edit: Link gives a weird link and doesnt work when you click on it, Just copy/paste it.


> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> It doesn't. It used to. They reworked it way back.


> September 09, 2014

> This transform no longer increases power levels exponentially. The damage of skills in this transform has been adjusted to compensate.

> This transformation now gives 25% damage reduction.

> This transformation now reduces the duration of immobilized, crippled, and chilled by 33%.


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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> -There is still way too much stability and get-out-of-jail-free nonsense in the game

> -Patch needs to focus on interactivity instead of number nerfs. I don't see anything in here that would actually make the game more fun or challenging. If anything, a lot of utility seems to be getting removed and replaced with just straight damage. This is the wrong direction to take PvP and will eventually result in a dead boring game.



This ^ thank you


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And here I was beginning to think you couldn't make me want to uninstall anymore. And I would if it wasn't for the content. But "balance" is shit.


Seriously, this isn't FFXIV. Stop killing off playstyles for the sake of keeping everything in line with everything else. Just buff the rest to where it's at least viable and everything was till you gutted a lot of it needlessly.


I am getting sick of re-gearing this class and switching mains. I just watched Scholar in FFXIV get turned from the most complex and engaging thing I've played (Heavensward) to the most braindead healer that can carry (Shadowbringers) and now I'm watching the same happen to Chrono.


ESO looks interesting. Also, GW2Classic when?

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> @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

> And to elaborate further about how bad the situation with Soul Eater is as of now in PVE...though it could've been splitted between PVE and competitive modes. (Kitty started writing this in Necros' "Soul Eater Rant"-thread, but it's probably more meaningful to publish here instead.)


> The nerf is mostly due to PVE and it was needed (though we still need nerf to teef's Invigorating Precision, too, so give Kitty 9 good p/p or rifle DEs and she'll show how broken IP is...) As of now, a decent reaper does about avg. 20k dps or more to boss in raids whenever dpsing. That means over 1k heals per second from Soul Eater-trait alone. And to add to that, possible adds multiply that healing as long as they're alive and thus reaper's been able to sustain itself with Soul Eater alone as long as mechs weren't failed to the inevitable wipe.

> Kitty did some math for her guildies on discord about one of her recent Slothasor kills (and that's one of the more damage-intensive raid bosses).


> As for ex. a Slothasor Kitty did on power reaper 2 days ago lasted for 278 seconds and Kitty took 281k damage during that time (which is much but squad had otherwise really low dps and that meant really much incoming damage as the fight progressed).


> Kitty did avg. 21k dps total (including damage to adds) and thus (278 seconds * 21k dps * 0.05% dps as incoming heals) / 281k damage taken = 291,1 / 281 = 1.039.


> And that 1.039 means that Kitty got more heals from her damage than the damage she took and as long as she didn't take enough burst damage to get downed (and Kitty never did), Kitty could've fully sustained herself entirely through Soul Eater's heals. And the same thing has happened at other bosses like Sabetha, Cairn, Mursaat Overseer and Samarog on Kitty's cleaner kills.


> And if you have a squad of good reapers with Soul Eater as it is now, you could also essentially eliminate the need of a healer at some bosses (just need the boons).

> And actually, Kitty did a reaper-only Slothasor a couple weeks ago (she was being a healer reaper, the only actual pure healer in the squad, to boon and heal peoples if they ate shakes or tantrums) with a squadful of somewhat mediocre reapers with Soul Eater traited.

> So does this not need a nerf?


Let me get this straight; this trait, that every Reaper has come to rely on for the past 3 months (due to the removal of the GS changes) is being removed completely because when it is used in ONE game play mode it is too strong? So somehow this is seen as justification to completely screw over the hundreds of thousands of us who aren't in the 10% that play raid content, who couldn't give a rats ass about raiding, ? Well that just makes so much sense, and it just goes to show you how twisted and one dimensional the vision of this team really is, no compromise to the bulk of the player base, it is too OP for raiding so lets just remove it completely from the game because the minority of the player base who raids found a way to abuse it!


Don't tell me this was the only solution, but I gather based on past history it was the easiest solution, despite the consequences. No testing to see the impact on the rest of PVE or PVP, nope just do it because it affects raiding!

This isn't balance it is favoritism, it's shoddy workmanship that the bulk of the player base pays the price for and it's a bloody shame that this is condoned by management at Anet. This is shameful!



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> @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

> And to elaborate further about how bad the situation with Soul Eater is as of now in PVE...though it could've been splitted between PVE and competitive modes. (Kitty started writing this in Necros' "Soul Eater Rant"-thread, but it's probably more meaningful to publish here instead.)


> The nerf is mostly due to PVE and it was needed (though we still need nerf to teef's Invigorating Precision, too, so give Kitty 9 good p/p or rifle DEs and she'll show how broken IP is...) As of now, a decent reaper does about avg. 20k dps or more to boss in raids whenever dpsing. That means over 1k heals per second from Soul Eater-trait alone. And to add to that, possible adds multiply that healing as long as they're alive and thus reaper's been able to sustain itself with Soul Eater alone as long as mechs weren't failed to the inevitable wipe.

> Kitty did some math for her guildies on discord about one of her recent Slothasor kills (and that's one of the more damage-intensive raid bosses).


> As for ex. a Slothasor Kitty did on power reaper 2 days ago lasted for 278 seconds and Kitty took 281k damage during that time (which is much but squad had otherwise really low dps and that meant really much incoming damage as the fight progressed).


> Kitty did avg. 21k dps total (including damage to adds) and thus (278 seconds * 21k dps * 0.05% dps as incoming heals) / 281k damage taken = 291,1 / 281 = 1.039.


> And that 1.039 means that Kitty got more heals from her damage than the damage she took and as long as she didn't take enough burst damage to get downed (and Kitty never did), Kitty could've fully sustained herself entirely through Soul Eater's heals. And the same thing has happened at other bosses like Sabetha, Cairn, Mursaat Overseer and Samarog on Kitty's cleaner kills.


> And if you have a squad of good reapers with Soul Eater as it is now, you could also essentially eliminate the need of a healer at some bosses (just need the boons).

> And actually, Kitty did a reaper-only Slothasor a couple weeks ago (she was being a healer reaper, the only actual pure healer in the squad, to boon and heal peoples if they ate shakes or tantrums) with a squadful of somewhat mediocre reapers with Soul Eater traited.

> So does this not need a nerf?


Looks like it performs worse than a conventional group, so there is no reason to nerf it on that basis.

Additionally, it has the usual Necromancer problem that if not using the inferior all Necro meme comp, most of what Necro does is redundant, while Necro suffers alone from not being able to be healed at times, missing out on resustains.


Additionally it's not flexible, and as soon as you need another class to provide something like Reflects the entire comp falls apart, as that other class then would need a Healer for sustain, someone providing boons etc., at which point all the Reapers are redundant again and you are back to using better and more flexible professions with higher DPS as well.


If Thieves healing for 6k/s against single targets is fine (which I think it is, because who cares?), I think Reaper healing for 1k/s conditionally is alright, especially since it's the only thing sustaining you in Melee in PvP, where people (those 1 in 1000 people who are still trying to make Reaper work in high rated PvP) already dropped the GS for Staff with Axe because Necro simply can't survive going into Melee with anything outside of Shroud, which without this Trait is back to a matter of simply delaying death a bit without any way to resustain.


For trying to solo difficult content, even with this Trait in it's current form, I would still choose Scourge (or another Prof.) over Reaper any day, which means it can't be that OP if plenty of things do it better already, not that this type of solo challenge should be balanced around in the first place, but just to note Reaper's self sustain is inferior to plenty of things like Scourge even with the Leech.


So Soul Eater Leech in summary:


Outclassed in Open World/Solo challenges, but even if it was outperforming who cares, it's not like there is any challenge in Open World.

Makes niche all Reaper Meme comps possible, which is hardly an issue because they perform worse than conventional groups while lacking all the flexibility they have.

Vital in PvP, where Reaper wasn't played at higher ranking still because even with the Trait is surviveability and self-sustain is simply too bad when compared to most other things as these damage levels we have highly favour the scaling defenses that other professions have.


So why does this need a nerf?




On a side note, I can appreciate the Irony of them removing a 5% damage to health Trait because it is "too strong", while introducing a 15% of damage to Barrier Trait for Scrapper in the same patch, as a minor Trait no less (and while IP as 20% damage to Health exists).


Guess someone will have to make a video of an all Scrapper group killing a Raid boss or smth so it gets removed without compensation again next patch..

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If we're going to put cooldowns on rev legend skills we should put cooldowns on theif weapon skills, put a 5 second cd on vault and a 7 second cd on unload, a 10 second cd on sb 5, and see lets just see what it does to that class, oh also make the util skills deplete initiative, so lets have shadow refuge and shadowstep cost 8 initiative. Impossible odds superspeed removal just hurts disengage, probably intentionally. Imbrace darkness change makes the legend boring because having no more stat change or unblockable makes it feel less like youre channeling a dangerous powerful demon.

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Ilusionary Persona (shatter without clone) for Chrono has to stay.

Obviously nobody in your balance team plays WvW nowadays, which is fine, but at least hear the community.

Merging the F5 into Distortion is totally bad idea.

Distortion is emergerency button for most cases, being foreced teleported back to the spot is suecide.

"The defense-focused Elusive Mind" - you meant "The die-when-it-tiggers Elusive Mind" right? Because being denied to dodge is just like that.


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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> Greetings fellow Tyrians!


> We've prepared a Balance Update that is slated for next week and in keeping with our push to get the Release Notes to you early so that you can theorycraft, discuss and prepare... here they are. Enjoy!



> ## Necromancer

> While reapers were designed to be durable frontline fighters, the Soul Eater trait is providing a little too much survivability, so we're removing the ability for this trait to heal while in a shroud. We are also making some changes to core necromancer death shroud skills. These changes are aimed at improving the uptime of shroud skills to put them more in line with their elite specialization counterparts.

> * Death Shroud: Fixed an issue in which the UI icon displayed while in shroud incorrectly used the icon for Dark Path.

> * Dark Path: Updated the icon for this skill. Reduced the recharge from 15 seconds to 8 seconds. Reduced chill duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds. This skill now damages, chills, and inflicts bleeding on all foes in the area, rather than only damaging and inflicting bleeding on the first foe hit. The projectile fired by this skill now travels in a straight line rather than following the slope of the ground. This skill no longer shadowsteps to the target by default. Instead it flips over to Dark Pursuit when the projectile hits.

> * Dark Pursuit: This follow-up skill to Dark Path shadowsteps the necromancer to the first foe stuck by Dark Path and increases the recharge of Dark Path by 8 seconds. Dark Pursuit can be cast for 3 seconds after the Dark Path projectile hits a target.

> * Life Transfer: Reduced recharge from 40 seconds to 25 seconds.

> * Tainted Shackles: Reduced recharge from 40 seconds to 30 seconds.

> * Dark Water: Reduced recharge from 15 seconds to 8 seconds. Reduced pulses from 7 to 4. Reduced duration from 6 seconds to 3 seconds.

> * Wave of Fear: Reduced recharge from 25 seconds to 20 seconds.

> * Gathering Plague: Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

> * Unholy Martyr: Fixed a bug that could cause this trait to prevent cleanup of Death Shroud boons.

> * Soul Eater: This trait no longer heals while shroud life force replaces health.





Ahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa! AHAHAHAHAHA! Can any Necromancer tell me that he is playing without Elite Specc? No? What a extremly wasting of Ressources.. again. Waiting for another 3-4 Months happening nothing to Necro. No clue what to do with Necromancer so we are "buffing" something that nobody plays, great! You guys even not trying to get smarter, sorry to say that but NCSoft did nothing wrong...

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> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> ### March 27, 2018 Patch Notes:


> * Net Shot: Fixed a bug that prevented players from being able to fire this skill at targets behind them.


> ### July 11, 2019 Upcoming Patch Notes:


> * Net Shot: Fixed a bug that could allow this skill to be fired backward.


> Any reason why the later note is considering the first one a bug?? Also why reverse this?



Its 2 diff bugs apparently.

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On elementalist changes, I like the rolling up of the recharge traits plus some element defining aspect as the GM minor.


I do see that fire is losing 10% modifier from changes to the master trait taking the place of pyromancer training. It seems like a good way to balance this could be toning down the 10% damage vs burning foes to 6-7% damage vs burning and doubled to 12-14% when attuned to fire as the GM minor? This keeps some of the power while attuned to fire while also encourging builds to look elsewhere (water perhaps) if they aren't going to spend significant time attuned to fire.


As it stands with the initial change plan, there is now no trait that benefits a power ele in the master tier which is a bit odd.


Thematically, it would be nice to make water the same adjust down to 10% outgoing healing and doubled to 20% outgoing healing when attuned to water.


Earth could work the same, as well, granting more defense when actually attuned to earth. Basically the air GM trait has the most flavor and interaction because you get something extra based on being attuned to that element in addition to investing in that element's trait line.


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Maybe just delete Druid...no longer needed as a class at all. and i must say, what the actual f***? complete waste of time as i really wanted to play druid and i liked certain aspects of the profession as i love playing healer...GW2 balance team thinks pure healer with some utility is shit i guess...or they just like FB? And why nerf ele staff ? was my main along with ranger but i guess i wasted my time over nothing trying to learn to play it. Was fun when i started playin it four years back. Now...i will spend my money on other games..

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