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Is the "Kingslayer" title even worth something anymore?

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The only thing worth anything in this and any game is the feeling of well being you take from it (i.e., fun and joy).

I use whatever title I find funny, and usually forget about it.

If your goal is to be in the minority, sites like those you used to get those statistics can help you a lot more than the community.

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> @"yusayu.3629" said:

> It's part of the "open world"/single player PvE content, so it's not really worth anything by default. It's meant to be relatively easy to get.


They're supposed to be quite challenging PvE encounters and the fact that it's a solo achievement probably means it's worth more than a lot of other achievements, as it's a mark of _individual_ skill, so unlike most achievements you can't just tag along and get it by being in the same group as more skilled players.

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > Just curious about if it's even considered an achievement anymore or if this is easy content that almost everyone has done by now given by the statistics that 13,043 of 219,483 (5.978%) unlocked it. Feeling kind of discouraged to even use that title after I aquired it way before the current festival since I have the feeling that it's too easy to get. Feeling the same way about other things like legendaries or the skyscale and even raid clears by now. But that's a different story however. What are your opinions on this matter? Is there any "hard" content left these days? Even "God Amongst Mere Mortals" is so common by now that I literally see everyone running around with it.

> >

> > Edit: added the %)

> Since when does less than 6% equal "everyone"?


> My opinion is that you're using false humility to brag. "Oh woe, these things that other people don't have **were so easy for me** ... "


Nailed it! OP, if you need to have a super-duper-ultra-exclusive title to make you feel good about yourself, maybe stop and think about why that is. Other people having the same thing as you doesn't make you lesser for it.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > almost everyone has done by now given by the statistics that 13,043 of 219,483

> "Almost everyone" is nowhere near the case, given the quoted statistic: under **six percent** of GW2 Efficiency accounts. (And those likely over-represent achievement hunters compared to the general population..) The vast majority of people haven't earned the title.


> What's even more surprising is that in order for the OP to have copied those numbers, they would have seen it presented as:

> > 13,043 of 219,483 (5.943%)


Yeah, that really is an interesting definition of "everyone has it"...

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There's a huge problem with people complaining about how easy a game is and then not explaining why it is.


If players find it easy, they need to:

Explain what they are doing to trivialize content.

Be open with what they are using and why it outshines the other options.

Point out the difference between what is hard and what is easy in mechanics, scenarios and mobs.


If only a few players are able to achieve something ever because of how bonkers difficult it is (likely achieved through a fluke), there's something wrong with how that is designed and that sort of thing has no place in a game.


How low of a number of players getting a thing do you think it needs to be to make it special? How low can that number get until you have no hope of getting it either?

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The rarest title (other that those that nobody has) is Baron/Baroness of the Arena. It's a PVP title.

Non-PVP title is Furious Achiever and very close behind Kegmaster (although this can be called "PVP title").

For a non-achievement, non-pvp related title, we have Fractal God

Exalted Achiever completes top 5.


Then we have "I'm rich, you know." , "Fractal Champion", "Envoy's Herald", "Acolyte of Dwayna" and "Shadow of a Shadow" to complete top 10.

All these with 1/5th the stats of Kingmaker so OP good luck getting them.

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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> Not even sure what the Kingslayer title means someone accomplished. I still run around with Avenger of the Dispossessed.


`/wiki kingslayer`

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Queen%27s_Gauntlet_(achievements)

> Defeat King Turai Ossa in the special tier of Queen's Gauntlet.

> **Title:** Kingslayer

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> @"MrRuin.9740" said:

> Titles have worth?

> I wouldn't put any worth on them, besides something you want to have displayed since I'd bet a lot of people either don't know or don't care where the titles even came from that others are displaying.


This. I don't have a clue what the majority of titles are about and I've been playing on and off since Prophecies. I'd humbly suggest most players won't notice (or care?) either.


OP: If you find value in a title, then do take self-worth from that. But IMHO I would suggest that having to 'prove yourself' repeatedly is perfectly fine. I don't judge people based on how flashy their weapons or armour are (they could be going for a subdued style!), or on titles or APs... only on how they play when I'm in a group with them.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> > @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > Only if your name is Jaime Lannister.


> Haha good one ^^Almost haven't thought about this.


> > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:


> >

> > Edit: phone typos. Also "God Amongst Mere Mortals" just means you've played GW1 to unhealthy levels. :p


> Yes, I'm aware of this but I've seen almost everyone running around with it lately. It's much more these days than before. Is anything currently happening in gw1 I'm not awre of which increases the chances of getting that title/or made things easier? Currently not able to check the situation.


> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > Means as much to me as " The blazing light" which is alot actually, both werent easy for me.


> Well, those are actually no problem at all. There are raid bosses that are much more a problem and even raids are too easy.



> Alright, just to clear this up: I'm highly insecure about myself and I fear that this behaviour is somehow transported from rl into playing games as well. The main focus here is actually me trying to show off so that I don't have to feel anxious and paranoid around everyone. Like all other veterans I want to be taken seriously and not to be considered useless. I want to prove everyone that I've been there since 2012 (Even if it's spread between two accounts of which I had lost the original due to losing login informations during a long break after I got back in September 2015 with this current one) and know everything! I'm always afraid of what people think of me and I feel the need to perform 100% without any mistake at everything and that everyone watches every little step I take so if I make a single small mistake I'll be discredited from my status and be called "just as worthless as someone who just started" even if it's not the case. I'm tired of that I can't "enjoy" the game anymore and have to prove myself every time. Is that so? Do you all observe everyone else and insult them for mistakes or laugh at them? I just can't get over this anymore and I feel the need to discourage every new player whenever I see one just like all other fellow veterans do and i hate it, if i'm honest. Why can't people just be nice to eachother and leave each one alone these days? Why has the community become so toxic and why is it only about showing off? Does one need to be an utterly kitten to show they're a veteran these days?


You are putting way too much value on what people think about any individual's ability in a game. In reality, most people play games as a means of entertainment or escape. It does not matter what valuable skins or titles you have because they might look at your toon for about 5 seconds before forgetting you exist. Unless you're a streamer or some famous player, nobody really cares what you do in the game. And even if you were e-famous, it would only be shallow recognition. Titles are for self-fulfillment and improvement, no more no less. I mean why would you actually care about how the average or above average skill clicker even judges your ability, or even assume they could even do so in the first place?

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Of course it is! Don't let _anyone_ tell you otherwise! Turai will work you out if you're not on your game. Same with "The Blazing Light", I don't care how good you are in this game, whether you're new or a vet, you _will_ struggle with Liadri! Back in 2013 or 14 when I first beat her, it took about 20-25 attempts. As time when on, the attempts decreased. Last year, I had around 10. This year...3rd try.


The real question though, I think is, is the title even worth something to YOU? Because if it isn't, then I wouldn't even worry about it. Also, anything worthwhile in this game takes time and effort to achieve. For example, I will mention fashion since some people deride that part of the game as "easy" and "casual". The title "Fashion Collector" requires the unlocking of 1000 unique skins. (/wiki) I know that I will never earn that title because I'm personally not interested in it and, even if I was, it will take me ages to get. (1000 skins is a lot!)


Another question to ask is, do you enjoy the pursuit? Because if you don't, then there simply is no point in doing it.

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> @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> Turai will work you out if you're not on your game. Same with "The Blazing Light", I don't care how good you are in this game, whether you're new or a vet, you _will_ struggle with Liadri!


_Sigh_. Hold my beer. ... And I don't even like beer! You even admitted yourself that it took you three tries at your latest. Tomorrow, it'll probably be one! I keep sayin' it, but master the mechanics of anything in this game, and as long as it's not blatantly unfair, it'll become a cakewalk to someone.


I haven't struggled on any gauntlet boss at all this festival. Neither do I feel it's brag fuel, as anyone can do it if they put their minds to hard countering whatever gimmicks are thrown at you.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> When i read the posts in this thread it makes me sad. Where is the competition in GW2, games need to be competitive otherwise its just boring barbie dress up. Everyone is just so blah about the game, what is wrong here? Where is the drive to push into the next level, the drive to become better , do more. I dont want the bar lowered, that makes for games that have little identity and def nothing interesting content wise. Games are competitive, the Olympics are games, chess is a game, video games are the same, there has to be something to fuel the drive to play and do well.


See you in the [ERP](https://matcherino.com/t/erp "ERP")!

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> @"MrRuin.9740" said:

> Titles have worth?

> I wouldn't put any worth on them, besides something you want to have displayed since I'd bet a lot of people either don't know or don't care where the titles even came from that others are displaying.


Yes, I even got titles I had to eventually had to look up to see what I did to trigger it. Most I consider worth less than common minis. Much less since it is not like you can sell them.


I consider them about the same 'value' as those things that say you have mapped everything. Ever since someone I saw someone with 'been there, done that' idling for a long time in a place where a lot of mobs spawned.

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It came down to being proud and fulfilled for achieving your personal goals, objectives and/or item acquisitions you always dearly wanted. It can also be wonderful exciting moments that are cherished. I have learned to stord those memories as additional mementos in parallel to achievements.


See my post some time ago about the same feeling:


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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> The rarest title (other that those that nobody has) is Baron/Baroness of the Arena. It's a PVP title.

> Non-PVP title is Furious Achiever and very close behind Kegmaster (although this can be called "PVP title").

> For a non-achievement, non-pvp related title, we have Fractal God

> Exalted Achiever completes top 5.


> Then we have "I'm rich, you know." , "Fractal Champion", "Envoy's Herald", "Acolyte of Dwayna" and "Shadow of a Shadow" to complete top 10.

> All these with 1/5th the stats of Kingmaker so OP good luck getting them.


Nah, PvP has become too toxic for my taste as you're more reporting players than actually playing. Participated in a few leagues but that was long ago before that system gor revamped and things like chest rewards were changed. For fractals, I can say that i hardly ever do them as I hate pugging and do them always alone. For "Envoys Herald" I first need to get back into raiding (which is actually happening) after my previous static group became inaactive and disbanded with the release of w2. "Acolyte of Dwayna" is doable but very expensive to be honest. "I'm rich you know" isn't even worth the 1k gold to put into as it only gives 5 AP aside from the title. If it was 50 AP I'd reconsider it however. "Kegmaster" is also doable but it's wortless actually since it's not requiring any skill. "Exhalted Achiever" isn't prestige as well as there are people who already got past 40k AP which is an achievement. However I feel that you're only worth something once you have 35k AP.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> Nah, PvP has become too toxic for my taste as you're more reporting players than actually playing. Participated in a few leagues but that was long ago before that system gor revamped and things like chest rewards were changed. For fractals, I can say that i hardly ever do them as I hate pugging and do them always alone. For "Envoys Herald" I first need to get back into raiding (which is actually happening) after my previous static group became inaactive and disbanded with the release of w2. "Acolyte of Dwayna" is doable but very expensive to be honest. "I'm rich you know" isn't even worth the 1k gold to put into as it only gives 5 AP aside from the title. If it was 50 AP I'd reconsider it however. "Kegmaster" is also doable but it's wortless actually since it's not requiring any skill. "Exhalted Achiever" isn't prestige as well as there are people who already got past 40k AP which is an achievement. However I feel that you're only worth something once you have 35k AP.


There are only 35 people in the world with Furious Achiever and only 1505 with Exalted Achiever, they are very rare titles. Those numbers are of the entire community btw, not only gw2efficiency. On gw2efficiency it's 28/1326 respectively. On another note: this means 80% of the playerbase above 40k AP is on gw2eff, and 88% of the playerbase with 35k+ AP is on gw2eff.

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