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Queen Guantlet too hard? Why release impossible fights for festivals?


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> @"Luthan.5236" said:

> Sorry. But that is not something I'd expect to hear from someone that describes himself as experienced player. Considering you have "a" strong build I guess you expect the Gauntlet to be similar to your dungeon experience: Just using 1 build copied from somewhere and then being able to do everyghing?


> Imo Gauntlet requires you to change builds for most enemies.

Actually you can easily do all the old bosses apart from liadri with the same build. And it doesn't have to be a good build. I remember doing those on both my old bearbow ranger build, and altruistic healing bunker guardian (don't judge me, i liked those builds) back when the event appeared for the first time.

Liadri, yes, you probably would need to adjust for that one.


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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"TheGreeneKnight.1970" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > @"Digit.1823" said:

> > > > I fully agree with the OP. I do my leveling with gathering, chopping wood and mining minerals. I have recently found out that during this event i cannot use my lumber axe, mining pickaxe or my sickle to do any kind of damage on the bosses. This game is now actively forcing me to make legendary gear because otherwise i cannot participate in this event at all. It's ridiculous!

> > > >

> > > > I feel really bad about this, i find it disgusting that the toxic elitist raiders and dps meter users are now dictating how i need to play this game. I came to Guild Wars 2 because it was promoted to be a casual friendly experience for everyone to enjoy. And i can only play this game for like 45 - 60 minutes a day, and now i cannot even participate in an event i would very much like the rewards from. Anet fix this mess immediately!

> > >

> > > Nice try ;)

> >

> > You got baited pretty hard by a post before this though. And that's also the problem I have with this thread, you really can't distinguish sarcasm/troll post from actual casual entitlement anymore since some people are just really, really bad at playing this game at a level higher than post-nerf story missions.


> Seriously! I swear my girlfriend is trolling me sometimes. Yesterday she's sitting across from me, playing GW2. She's complaining about some boss or other and I tell her she needs to dodge a certain attack. She says "How do I dodge?". Like, seriously? You've been playing this game for about 3 years now! At what point do you make any attempt to learn the most basic mechanics? Instead of saying that, I just told her I don't know what your keybindings are, just click that big red orb in the middle of your screen.


She didn't want you to tell her how to dodge bro, she wanted your attention.

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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> For everyone who is saying these bosses are meant to be hard, that is the point of the OPs post, they should not be that hard. A little reading with comprehension is required here. I totally agree that these need to be tuned down, not everybody wants to spend time doing research on how to beat the boss or what is the current optimized build for the class that is the most optimal to use against each boss. If I wanted homework I would go back to school, this game I do to relax after doing real work.



And there is plenty of not hard, very easy, relaxing content requiring not much more effort than showing up. There is just this one slice of content for those who enjoy a modicum of challenge.

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dungeon master and 80% map exploration doesn't make you a good player at all. you can complete all dungeons, fracs, raids and still not be a good player.

map exploration is just time consuming and doesn't require any thinking. challenging content was before raids. in 2013 the festivals existed and it was almost the same with those bosses.

i don't understand how people can have fun when they're not challenged.

you should understand your class better and the encounter, if you don't you won't beat 'em.

i don't understand why everything should be easy for everyone.

those bosses are meant to challenge people.

if you don't like challenge, don't do those kind of stuff, just stick to open world.


i hope it's a troll/bait post and not serious one, if it's serious i lost hope in this community. people complaining how ez stuff are so hard for 'em. no wonder people stop playing gw2 cuz too many people who can't bother to learn their class and actually try hard enough, people just want everything easily handled to 'em. while hardcore people just quitting one by one because of that mentality.

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Im going to try tonight and will post back with results. Im not a great player, and this is the first time seeing this event. I have done the group bosses but not the gauntlet, i will go in blind first, and if i wipe i will look at strat sites. Whats the achievement for killing them all?

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> @"Vences.7238" said:

> Too hard? You never played Brawler's Guild in WoW. QG is super easy compared to BG.


I played BG , i dont know about QG but BG was rough, but not nearly as rough as the mage tower challenge. I think Hexos was the hardest fight in BG at least in the top 3. Maybe nibblah too, i think it also depends on what class you did them on. Some classes had an easier time of it because of certain abilities they had that others dont.


My one guildmate said something about thief on QG because they have a invuln thats a true invuln and not a damage reduction.



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> @"Kiza.5630" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > BTW.. I gotta admit defeat myself and go watch a youtube vid on Turai, cos that dude is messing with my drinking habits!


> Never surrender! But I can feel what you mean. I only managed to beat him once last time, but was too scared to try to repeat it this year. It cost me all of my tickets, all of my festival token and a lot of nerves. Still one of the best things in game imo. Would despair again. :D


Oh it's just what the "DOC" ordered imo.. we need fights we just can't win on the first attempt.. trust me I've tried Turai a couple of dozen times and got to varying points where I start to feel I have him in the bag, only for something to go horribly wrong.

But that is the fun of it imo, I will get him though even it takes me until wayyy past my bed time, but he will feel my wrath, if only once by fluke :)

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> @"Digit.1823" said:

> I fully agree with the OP. I do my leveling with gathering, chopping wood and mining minerals. I have recently found out that during this event i cannot use my lumber axe, mining pickaxe or my sickle to do any kind of damage on the bosses. This game is now actively forcing me to make legendary gear because otherwise i cannot participate in this event at all. It's ridiculous!


> I feel really bad about this, i find it disgusting that the toxic elitist raiders and dps meter users are now dictating how i need to play this game. I came to Guild Wars 2 because it was promoted to be a casual friendly experience for everyone to enjoy. And i can only play this game for like 45 - 60 minutes a day, and now i cannot even participate in an event i would very much like the rewards from. Anet fix this mess immediatly!


You forgot to put in the ....play how you want.... line in this post otherwise 10/10

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I know. I got stuck in the same place, and I regularly get 30000 dps against Ambient creatures! I am a veteran player and i have so many better things to do than play this game so Anet should just give me the rewards.


It took me like, 3 tries to get past the first 2 tiers with my PERFECT build!!111


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> @"meatwad.3058" said:

> I think it is very clear that ArenaNat hates rangers! I know it is true!!!

> They make the arena a closed space so it is impossible to stay at range!! Very obviously designed to make it harder for rangers, as if playing Ranger wasn't already hard enough!

> I feel your pain Doc Holiday, I hope they take a look at these bs overpowered bosses and buff ranger :) especially the one that does not use elite specializations :)


While Ossa is just rough for anyone and has given me trouble, I've beaten all the other bosses with my ranger. It's an incredibly versatile class. If you want to stick with the bear pet and longbow pew pew build, you can do just fine in open world but you won't get anywhere anytime things get harder. Life's no fun without any challenge, so adapt and overcome! Read guides, practice different techniques, and always improve on your build.

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as a loyal gamer i disagree.


please do not nerf every single player content until its possible to do it onehanded. i am not a mesmer myself, but it was fun to try out different builds and tactics until i was able to defeat all tiers. When i lost (which did happen a lot) it was mainly due to my habits, you have to adjust to your enemy. And if you think all players should be able to do everything in a game i argue many players will leave because of a lack of challenge. 99% of the game already suffers from a lack of challenge imo

its also a very old content (2013).



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> @"Rym.1469" said:

> As a veteran player, I feel you, Doc.

> I too have problem with the bosses, I think they are vastly overtuned - especially since classes are in general weaker than they were when Gauntlet was originally released.


> I dearly hope ArenaNet adresses this issue and makes the game more accessible for casual players like us, members of the Champion's Club.


can you explain why classes are weaker now?

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> @"Doc Holiday.1326" said:

> Let me begin by saying that I have played this game since release. I consider myself a fairly experienced player. Now I don't like to brag, but I have the Dungeon Master title, and I have 80% map completion. <


This sounds like a troll to me. "Played since release" and only 80% map completion, and Dungeon Master as if that's a tough achiev.


However, even if not a troll, we actually needs more difficult content in the game. Not less. Many in my guild have figured out how to beat the tougher Gauntlet bosses - through perseverence, or even by looking at a guide ;). Not by using DPS meters, which actually won't help you, as mechanics are key.


Defeating the tough content is a nice feeling of satisfaction, but mainly because it is tough, and not everyone can do it easily, or even at all. There's nothing wrong with that. Some, not all, but some players really want more of a challenge.



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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> not everybody wants to spend time doing research on how to beat the boss or what is the current optimized build for the class that is the most optimal to use against each boss.


Correct, not everybody wants to do the work, but some do. Isn't it reasonable the game caters to both types. You have no requirement for gear of build progression to complete this content. It's entirely bonus. So let us masochists have some pain, if that's what we want.


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