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GW2’s brand recognition

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If I ask my friends whether they know about WoW, or Final Fantasy, or The Elder Scrolls, they’ll be like, duh. Do your friends know about Guild Wars 2, though?


I remember going to buy HoT during release from a Gamestop and they didn’t have it, I had to buy it online... but of course, the GameStop had FFXIV’s expansion. I wonder if more people or less people know about Guild Wars now. Have your friends heard of it? (Friends made in GW don’t count!)

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Yes. I have several friends, coworkers, bosses, and friends-of-friends/kids of friends who know about and play the game. They all prefer different aspects of Guild Wars 2, play different servers, and have different activity times and availability in their schedules. I've also recommended it to several people who have asked about my gaming preferences, because I find it to be so versatile in its ability to be entertaining for so many different kinds of people.

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"No, none of my friends have heard of it, that clearly means the game is doomed and dying."


...sorry, couldn't resist. It fits in with all the other doom 'n' gloom threads (many of which you've started, in fact).


Yes, my friends have heard of this game, mostly through my endless enthusiastic babbling about it, so perhaps that doesn't count...

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ANet's never been very good at self-promotion (the CEO literally asked for help from fans to spread the word). And, as a small studio, they don't have access to the sorts of corportate-sized budgets that are available for TESO (Bethesda), WoW (Blizzard), or FF14 (Square Enix, owned by Warner).


It's not obvious to us as consumers that stores like Gamestop have such limited shelf space that they don't have room for every game. In effect, publishers "pay" them (in the form of deals) to reserve room for their games, which means small publishers have no room for theirs. (This is also why a supermarket will have 20 brands of laundry detergent, 15 made by one company and 5 by another one, with no smaller firms represented.)


I'm not sure why NCSOFT has never considered it their responsibility to cross-promote GW1 or GW2. ANet just isn't big enough to compete _for advertising and shelf space_ in the same marketplace as Blizzard and the like.

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I'd seen _Guild Wars_ (both 1 and 2) mentioned and praised in the gamer community for years before I checked it out based on a friend's recommendation. I'm not even into MMOs, generally. I've played single player games in the franchises mentioned in the OP; _Guild Wars_ didn't have that advantage going for it.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> ANet's never been very good at self-promotion (the CEO literally asked for help from fans to spread the word). And, as a small studio, they don't have access to the sorts of corportate-sized budgets that are available for TESO (Bethesda), WoW (Blizzard), or FF14 (Square Enix, owned by Warner).


> It's not obvious to us as consumers that stores like Gamestop have such limited shelf space that they don't have room for every game. In effect, publishers "pay" them (in the form of deals) to reserve room for their games, which means small publishers have no room for theirs. (This is also why a supermarket will have 20 brands of laundry detergent, 15 made by one company and 5 by another one, with no smaller firms represented.)


> I'm not sure why NCSOFT has never considered it their responsibility to cross-promote GW1 or GW2. ANet just isn't big enough to compete _for advertising and shelf space_ in the same marketplace as Blizzard and the like.


That’s what I do like, just look at this amazing mmo, I’ve invited arround 40 plus persons and none stayed some were from gw1 times.


Most said it was a game for idiots, awfull balance toward low effort gimmicks.

They also complained about the spam based game rather than user brain combat system.

Some even talked how boring pve was, they felt they were lacking some dificulty, and when they have a lvl80 Downscaled helping, game gets even worse since the lvl80 clears eclerything.


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If I asked most of my friends I'd have to start with what an MMO is and probably have to cover the fact that people play games on PC and that games can have a storyline and can be about more than how many points you score in a level along the way.


But recently my board game club was talking about MMOs (originally about WoW Classic but the conversation drifted from there) and everyone there knew about GW2, whether they played it, had tried it before or weren't interested they all knew the name.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > I’ve invented arround 40 plus persons

> I hope you patented all 40 of them otherwise that seems like a waste for being the first people inventor.


I didn’t :), typing in a smartphone with corrector in english languages while ur typing is horrible can lead to nasty results. Ehheeh.


But L the ideas that people get by experimenting the game they feel all quite arround the same issue, spam and to much visual clutter, I even stoped showing wvw and pvp videos.. most tended to laught and joke with the game after they try.


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I wonder how many players would know of World of Warcraft if the previous Warcraft games didn't exist. Same for The Elder Scrolls Online and Final Fantasy XIV. Guild Wars 1 never reached the popularity of Warcraft 3, The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim or Final Fantasy VII. Plus all those franchises had way way more games in their series, games that became very popular. Guild Wars has just two games, without a massively popular single player, offline, game to drive the mmorpg version, like all those other franchises.

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It is actually the only mmorpg that any of my friends played. They know Wow but never played it.

In my book GWs (1&2) were always just after Wow based on the amount of chatter. We have a small gaming community (forums and some events) here with a few hundred people and GW2 topics were always second only to wow in popularity within the mmos.

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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> Comparing GW to those franchises is like comparing an acclaimed and successful indie film to the MCU or Star Wars. Of course it won't have the same recognition as massive franchises with pre-existing material and an established fanbase.


But Guild Wars 2 is not an indie game. It's more like a B-movie.

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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> Comparing GW to those franchises is like comparing an acclaimed and successful indie film to the MCU or Star Wars. Of course it won't have the same recognition as massive franchises with pre-existing material and an established fanbase.


not so so, on its genre, GW2 is quoted alongside WoW and others... then genre is dying and GW2 is one of few survivors.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > Comparing GW to those franchises is like comparing an acclaimed and successful indie film to the MCU or Star Wars. Of course it won't have the same recognition as massive franchises with pre-existing material and an established fanbase.


> not so so, on its genre, GW2 is quoted alongside WoW and others... then genre is dying and GW2 is one of few survivors.


Yes, GW2 is considered among the best "western" MMOrpgs. That doesn't mean it has the same brand recognition. Quality and brand recognition are not the same thing.

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