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[Merged] Guild Wars 2 and Twitch Drops

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> I think "Twitch" is interested only for children's, who can access pc to install game. Let for 6-12 old watch game streams ..

> And Gw2 mostly is for 30+ old players, so no any point to spent any focus to that "one-day streams".



That’s a wild, not researched assumption


> [The average age range of users is 21 years old, with 76 percent of viewers aged between 18 and 49.](https://www.polygon.com/2014/1/16/5314940/twitch-68-percent-of-users-have-cut-back-on-tv-because-of)


I’d trust the above over someone flinging kitten at something because they don’t like or agree with it.



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> @"Xar.6279" said:

> > @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> > It just us not really a twitch game...


> Yeee.


> Learn it OP. Anything you will ask here the answer will be always the same.


> Gw2:

> - isn't fun to watch

> - isn't raiding game

> - isn't pvp game

> - isn't mass-pvp game

> - isn't about progression

> - don't have enough resources to do content you want

> - isn't run by Blizzard

> - isn't for veterans


> Etc, etc.


> But meantime... There's good question. If it's not twitch game then why ArenaNet is doing their streams on twtich regularly xD?



Or Twitch is pointless

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > @"Astrolicus.3716" said:

> > It is known that some video games uses Twitch to give away free stuff, Warframe as an example, sometimes they give free stuff just watching x stream for 3 hours. Why can't ArenaNet do the same? Just watch one of their streams and maybe get 1 x free skin. I honestly feel that they are missing the opportunity.


> Was it Digital Extremes (maker of Warframe) giving away free stuff or the streamers themselves giving away free stuff, out of their own pocket?


> Streamers give away free stuff in lots of games as a way of attracting subscribers, competing with other streamers for viewership which gets them more income from a larger share of advertising dollars. As far as I know it's really rare for the gaming company to reimburse the streamer.




Its both.


Digital Extremes does giveaways for platinum, and they also enable Twitch Drops for all of their partners. There are also special giveaways like with the most recent Tennocon. If you watched the Tennocon stream for 30 minutes you got a free Prime frame and a free cosmetic (the cosmetic was specific to and only available to those who participated in watching or those who were actually *at* the convention).


> @"lare.5129" said:

> I think "Twitch" is interested only for children's, who can access pc to install game. Let for 6-12 old watch game streams ..

> And Gw2 mostly is for 30+ old players, so no any point to spent any focus to that "one-day streams".



This is so wildly inaccurate...its almost baffling. It almost seems as if the people constantly repeating this sentiment haven't paid attention to many of the other posts in this thread that ultimately *disprove* this notion. Why do people not read?

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So i was having a discussion on stream yesterday about the best way possible that not only i can help people, but new players in particular. First and foremost let me say that it was suggested by a dev that i was having a conversation with that i post here in regards to my thoughts to see how other's think and feel about it, so hear me out!


I have been going out of my way the last few days as i have returned to gw2 about a week ago. There is nothing that makes me happier than helping someone new to a game. I've done it with any MMO i feel even remotely established in, and it truly makes the game more "fun" for all involved. New players are the future of the game, they are a large part of what will cause the game to grow etc. With the discussion of how to better help new players, we asked ourselves if the limitations to a new account are a bit to hidden. Perhaps make them more front and center so that anyone looking to try the game does not feel like they just spent money only to be held back if they decide to drop 40 hrs on the game in a few days.


This discussion led me to thinking. Why does ArenaNet not partner with Twitch. I know what your going to say... gw2 players don't watch twitch. Wrong. Apparently people do, otherwise there would not be a category for it. But most of all? it is an easy opportunity for gw2 to grow THROUGH its streamers, and through twitch. Twitch drops is huge. Look at Elder Scrolls Online. It's general viewerbase doubles if not triples on fri/sat/sun when drops are active. Know what they are getting? a CHANCE at a free "crate" which 9 times out of 10 contains a bunch of potions and not much else. BUT it is more eyes on the game, a positive talking point, which i am sure turns into some sort of revenue for the company.


**To that i would propose ArenaNet take a good look at it. What about Twitch Drops for gw2? Let's say if you actively watch ANY gw2 stream for 2 or more hours, you have a chance to receive an in-game Black Lion Chest Key. yes. 1 (ONE) key, per day fri/sat/sun. I would argue this would easily double the gw2 viewship. It would also semi promote its streamers who are hopefully being positive about the game, and people who genuinely want to share there knowledge of the game and all there is to do. I for one stay positive. Are there things wrong with the game? yes. But there is in every MMO. Instead of taking the negative route, try and find ways we can influence the game ourselves. Gold giveaways, passing out bags to new players in the newbie zones. Meet a new player? Show them how to craft, something. What can WE do to help the game and each other?**



Just my 2 cents..



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"watch ANY gw2 stream for 2 or more hours"


No thanks, I'd rather play GW for 2 or more hours.


"Gold giveaways, passing out bags to new players in the newbie zones. Meet a new player? Show them how to craft, something. What can WE do to help the game and each other?"


You need Twitch for that?

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The real discussion is "why i have to watch twitch"?


Last time i had heard of twitch ingame, years ago, was wvw commander(Rhys of Tidal Legion) saying hes was streaming the run.


the GW2 playerbase is also very sensitive when feel forced to do something, if Anet tie-up any regular reward to a mandatory "to do something" out of the game, the playerbase will turns to cry rivers here in the forums.


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As a new player I highly agree to this post. Especially the part where you can watch streamers for a chance to get a black lion chest key I don't know about everyone else on here but ive been playing for about a week and I have 30 black lion chest with no keys. Yea you can buy it with gems but if you try the twitch drop thing the player base / viewer base for this game would skyrocket I've seen it myself in as @"Caffeine.6724" said In Elder Scrolls Online. Not only would it help ANets population it would give the chance for some very nice streamers to be seen and for that I think in itself will revive this games pop.


Thank you.

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> "watch ANY gw2 stream for 2 or more hours"


> No thanks, I'd rather play GW for 2 or more hours.


> "Gold giveaways, passing out bags to new players in the newbie zones. Meet a new player? Show them how to craft, something. What can WE do to help the game and each other?"


> You need Twitch for that?


If you have ever used twitch, you do not actually sit there and watch someone unless you want. you could have it on a second screen, in the background, and unmute when your waiting for a respawn, a boss spawn.


Don't need twitch to help people, it is an idea to broaden the ideas of how to leverage getting more eyes on the game, and in a positive light.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> The real discussion is "why i have to watch twitch"?


> Last time i had heard of twitch ingame, years ago, was wvw commander(Rhys of Tidal Legion) saying hes was streaming the run.


> the GW2 playerbase is also very sensitive when feel forced to do something, if Anet tie-up any regular reward to a mandatory "to do something" out of the game, the playerbase will turns to cry rivers here in the forums.



You don't HAVE to watch twitch. Just like you don't have to brush your teeth, or do anything for that matter. It is a matter of how can we actively get more eyes on the game, and hopefully turn that into a few new players. No one is being forced, but having an OPTION never hurts. Much like how people have the option to log into a forum and base there view of a game solely on the opinions of those on the forums.

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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> You could just read the comments in the other many threads on the exact same subject for your answer then. It's a pretty clear no thank you.


Its less of a "no thank you" and more of a "There are many people who don't understand or have a completely vitriolic and inaccurate perception of streamers"


I've seen way too many comments from people who just lambaste streamers with insults and assumptions. Its not helpful.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > You could just read the comments in the other many threads on the exact same subject for your answer then. It's a pretty clear no thank you.


> Its less of a "no thank you" and more of a "There are many people who don't understand or have a completely vitriolic and inaccurate perception of streamers"


> I've seen way too many comments from people who just lambaste streamers with insults and assumptions. Its not helpful.


No vitriol against streamers here. If you want to watch gw2 on twitch, no one is stopping you. You asked a question, you got an answer, people don't want it. However, to claim that just because they don't immediately agree with what you want, they're clearly ignorant and don't understand is, quite frankly, insulting.

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> @"ILovePlebs.8043" said:

> Just stop commenting if its negative we don't want a negative forum post or else NOTHINGS going to change ever.


If you don't want people to disagree with you, then a public forum is probably not the place to post topics. If you just want people to agree with what you say and do exactly what you want, this isn't going to be the place.


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The "problem" if theres one is that GW2's playerbase for some reason is much more engaged on youtube than twitch. see Aurora Peach, her videos on youtube have up to 100k views, her videos about GW2 averaging 10k to 20k views, Twitch rarely exceeds 100 views. also GW2 had very solid, long years streamers on youtube, thanks mainly to Dulfy, Potatoes and others. these streamers hardly will give up youtube to do content exclusively for twitch...So be careful when creating a problem where it does not exist.

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> @"ILovePlebs.8043" said:

> As a new player I highly agree to this post. Especially the part where you can watch streamers for a chance to get a black lion chest key I don't know about everyone else on here but ive been playing for about a week and I have 30 black lion chest with no keys. Yea you can buy it with gems but if you try the twitch drop thing the player base / viewer base for this game would skyrocket I've seen it myself in as @"Caffeine.6724" said In Elder Scrolls Online. Not only would it help ANets population it would give the chance for some very nice streamers to be seen and for that I think in itself will revive this games pop.


> Thank you.


You can sell your chest on the tp for some silver 6-7ish, they used to be worth 3 copper so 1 copper profit when they droped alot.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> The "problem" if theres one is that GW2's playerbase for some reason is much more engaged on youtube than twitch. see Aurora Peach, her videos on youtube have up to 100k views, her videos about GW2 averaging 10k to 20k views, Twitch rarely exceeds 100 views. also GW2 had very solid, long years streamers on youtube, thanks mainly to Dulfy, Potatoes and others. these streamers hardly will give up youtube to do content exclusively for twitch...So be careful when creating a problem where it does not exist.


YouTube will always have more views than twitch because its real time my friend. YouTube generates views over Weks/Months/Years 100 views on twitch if 10 of those are new players with a positive aspect of the game they will more than likely buy it making a net more money so they can work on better content. YouTube is good also but if you got on the twitch train and actually gave it a shot I guarantee the game will grow at a slow rate. Tell me how this isn't a good idea please id love to hear it.

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Another problem pointed in this link below is that gw2 visual noise is too big in competitive modes(competitive modes seems cater big audience on twitch). PVP is too fast paced. WvW is just zergs explosive light balls. Normally ppl watch videos of competitive modes to learn some techniques, but in GW2 u cant learn pvp watching it because of visual noise.



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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > > You could just read the comments in the other many threads on the exact same subject for your answer then. It's a pretty clear no thank you.

> >

> > Its less of a "no thank you" and more of a "There are many people who don't understand or have a completely vitriolic and inaccurate perception of streamers"

> >

> > I've seen way too many comments from people who just lambaste streamers with insults and assumptions. Its not helpful.


> No vitriol against streamers here. If you want to watch gw2 on twitch, no one is stopping you. You asked a question, you got an answer, people don't want it. However, to claim that just because they don't immediately agree with what you want, they're clearly ignorant and don't understand is, quite frankly, insulting.


I'm not saying that based off of an assumption, I have literally read posts from people saying they "don't understand why people watch people play video games rather than play them". There is an entire thread where that is discussed. It has nothing to do with "oh they don't agree with me therefore they are this or this" and more to do with the fact that it has been discussed already at length and I've *seen* people post this stuff.


It isn't negative to be ignorant,to be unaware of something. Sometimes it just needs to be explained in a certain way to give way to understanding the perspective. If you don't want to or don't like watching streams that is fine...I don't care...I'm sure the streamers don't care, but I find that people seem to have an inaccurate perception of streamers, some of it even amounting to vitriol like "streamers are just attention seeking and looking for money" which I find to be inaccurate, also a strange misunderstood idea of the audience of Twitch.


I'll post a few here but won't identify the posters;


> Well to be honest, Warframe has Rebecca Ford, the best community manager of any game I've ever played, and by a significant margin. She is one of the (many) reasons that Warframe is successful and I love watching her streams. Why? Because she is part of the company that develops the game and not a random streamer that streams for attention and/or money, she has access to all the juicy information, she has an excellent way of presenting it and showing off what is coming in the **future**. Her personality is great too.



> "Anonymous1" said:


> > "Anonymous2" said:

> > > "Anonymous1" said:

> > > Because maybe people enjoy playing the game more than watching other people telling them how to play it or enjoy it. Twitch is just making money for people preying on idiots

> >

> > Right. So your logic is to insult and attack people who were able to make a living out of something they love, are passionate about and enjoy? Not to mention annually contribute to charities?

> >

> > Kay.


> No, I insult people that are gullible enough to support people who do this for a living by watching them play a game they could play themselves. While I do not know for sure, I would be very certain that the ones that do donate are in a minuscule minority




> Just going to put this out there ... there is something FUNDAMENTALLY wrong with a game when someone chooses to watch another play it than play it themselves.





> I don't think you have misunderstood me ... I don't 'get it' when people would rather watch than play games, especially if the kinds of people this game attracts have lifestyles that limit their game time (and I believe that is the majority of the people that play this game). The more people would rather watch a game than play it tells me the games are better movies than they are games. I'm not talking about watching to learn or see how to do something in-game either. I'm talking about legit watching someone play a game ... because that's fun to someone, MORE fun than playing the same game.




Literal examples of misconceptions and vitriol directed towards streamers and/or streaming. I'm not just assuming anything, I also wasn't targeting you with my post; it just happened to be in response to your post.

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