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What is your favorite mount?

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Skyscale. I've always loved dragons, so having my own dragon mount in a game I enjoy playing is amazing and I have so much fun just flying around or climbing up to places I could never get before.


Although the griffon is the one I keep on the default mount key binding, and therefore on one of my mouse buttons most of the time, because if I don't have time to select the right keybinding I probably want speed over manoeuvrability and don't have time to think about whether a ground mount is ok. (I used to change it every time I changed mounts, but more than once I'd hop onto my mount and over a cliff before I realised I was on the wrong one, so now I only change it if I know I'm going to be using a specific mount for a long period of time, _and_ getting on and off a lot, and then I change it back to griffon afterwards.)

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In terms of usefulness, the tier would be...


**Most useful mounts:**

Raptor - Best mount to use on most flat terrains and short distance travel. Its speed on flat terrains is just so much faster than most other mounts. Not the most efficient on uneven terrains or long distance travel, though. Nice engage skill.


Griffon - The more height the player starts from, and the longer the player needs to travel, the better the griffon is. But even if the player is only about 2 meters above ground, the griffon can get nice speed. Just briefly tap skill 1 (not the engage skill) for a decent speed boost. On uneven terrains where the player needs to go further than the raptor’s 2 jumps, the griffon is the best choice. Not the most efficient on flat terrain, not the best for gaining height, or if flying very short distance covered by 2 Skyscale boosts.


Skyscale - On uneven terrains where the player needs to go a short distance, Skyscale is the best choice. Also, if the player needs to go up diagonally, the skyscale is the best choice. Not the most efficient for speed, or when the player doesn’t need to gain height, or anything past short distance travel longer than 2 raptor jumps.


**Useful mounts:**

Skimmer - The only mount to use on water, so it’s obviously got its use. Too slow on land, and can’t swim, which limits its use.


Jackal - Before the player gets the fall damage mastery or an aerial mount, this mount is probably the most useful mount. Once player gets both, not so much. For speed, raptor is faster. For falling, griffon is better. Only best for sand portals and going up hills.


**Least useful mounts:**

Springer - Best for going up vertically faster than the Skyscale. Like the jackal, it’s very useful before it gets replaced. Afterwards, it’s rarely useful since just going up diagonally with the Skyscale is often faster and the Skyscale can go up higher than the Springer ever could. Nice engage skill.


Roller beetle - Best for flat terrain long distance travel the player plans ahead. If the player isn’t going long distance on flat terrain, isn’t sure where/when to dismount, or doesn’t know the terrain, this mount is not useful.


In terms of just pure fun, my ranking would be...


1) The griffon is the most fun to use. Using its turbo boost to fly across maps is so fun.

2) The roller beetle is my 2nd favorite. Like the griffon, boosting through maps is very fun.

3) My 3rd favorite mount to use is the raptor, when I just need to travel 2 jumps away.

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