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PvEers/ Raiders/ SPvPers/WvWers/Fractalers etc what do you want next that will satisfy you in GW2?

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> PvEers/ Raiders/ SPvPers/WvWers/Fractalers etc what do you want next that will satisfy you in GW2?


> Give a clear answer to what exactly you want to be done to the game that will make you happy.


The devs made different sections on the forums purposely, and that’s where specific feedback about those modes go... Use them if you had ideas, because the devs aren’t going to sort through this thread in the general section...









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As someone who spent the first 6 and a half months after release, playing SPvP exclusively, and then quitting untill HoT release, and playing that in PvE Exclusively untill after killing sabetha, and again quitting untill a month or so ago, when i returned and got PoF.



For SPvP - I'd love to see some proper balance and change of pace that could shake up SPvP, im not sure if Swiss-style is going to do enough for that.


For PvE - I'd love more raids, and more Fractals, and ofc a proper HardMode. It's not that i hate the dungeons, it's just that for me personally, the several-paths-approach, never quite did it for me, with that said, i don't think it'd be fair to introduce only new fractals and raids, and ignore the dungeoneers entirely, so an even ratio for all three would be amazing.


For Open-World - I'd love to see some actually-hard-and-mechanically-difficult World Boss Encounters, for me personally, i only did world bosses once or twice per boss, and that was basically it. the reward and difficulty simply didnt hold any interest to me at all, and thus the replayability for me was non-existant when it came to that content.


For WvW - I'd love something that would pull someone like me, whos spent less than 60 minutes total in the WvW zones, i can honestly not tell you what it'd be, because i have no idea. all i know is, that the concept of WvW, giant battles and so on, is one i find fun - but when there, it does nothing for me.



Going for any one of these, without the rest however - *Would be a massive F you, to anyone who enjoys those particular playstyles, so it has to be all*



TL;DR, Arenanet is like a sandwich shop, that refuses to tell the regulars and new customers, that they've stopped selling sandwiches. *Content Would be Nice* .

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > Short answer: more meaningful/repeatable content and less throwaway/filler content.


> I dont understand. Explain please


Meaningful/repeatable content: what players either repeat a lot, or is content with interesting mechanics/fights/story and unique rewards. Raids, Fractals

and well designed meta events are examples of the first, living world story instances and well made large scale collections (like Skyscale) are examples of the second type.


Throwaway/filler content: content that is barely built to be played once and then be completely forgotten. Not to be confused with Living story/collections, story can be repeated on different characters and large scale collections are long term goals, talking about anything else that the game is overflowing with. Think about the largest living world maps that have nothing for you to do in them and boring meta events that are there to get some AP and a couple unique rewards and then forget they exist. It's content that is required to keep the maps alive, but I think we have too much of it, and too large living world maps, their resources can be much better spent elsewhere.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > PvEers/ Raiders/ SPvPers/WvWers/Fractalers etc what do you want next that will satisfy you in GW2?

> >

> > Give a clear answer to what exactly you want to be done to the game that will make you happy.


> The devs made different sections on the forums purposely, and that’s where specific feedback about those modes go... Use them if you had ideas, because the devs aren’t going to sort through this thread in the general section...


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/pvp


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/wvw


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/fractals-dungeons-raids


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/professions


I will counter that, moderators have already said they review and forward summarize feedback. If anything this thread has value since it concatenates those in one spot.

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1) Reduce the aggro range of PoF and beyond back down to 600.

2) Reduce visual clutter so that combat isn’t mindless and shallow mess.

3) Reduce bright flashing effects so that it doesn’t damage players’ eyes.


In general, don’t just go AbandonNet. Go back and fix/address issues players have with existing contents.

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More comunication from anet.

Raid every 6 months instewd of 9 (since LS should be every 3 months right?) but that is not possible I think. Just a wish

Elite specializations, idealy tied to story and relesed separately and not at once. This way there will be something new every 3 months instead of 9 (raid relese) or ~6 (balance patch)



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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > for them to deliver the 2 year teased content.


> Are you talking the 18month guild wvw one?

> If so A it aint 2 years and B that aint content, its still the same just you get to do it with your guildies


and pvp... no difference between 18 months and 18 years, still an absurd amount of time to tease players if you know what I mean.




- sparklers and rainbows.

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A game that receives updates more than 3 times a year would be a good start.


But as primarily a pve player:


Raids and fractals need to be released far more often than 1 a year.

They need to be harder as well. people should not be clearing new raids 2 hours after release. combined both of these issues are causing the pve scene to stagnate.


We also need new elite specs to shake things up again.



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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> Swimsuits. Those will definitely satisfy me. ;)


> Goodnight everybody!


You kid, but we've been asking about this for *years*. So many summers come and gone without it. T-T


But as for what would actually satisfy?

A from-the-ground-up crafting and itemization re-work. It'll *never* happen, but it impacts everything in the game, and it just feels terrible.

Teetering on probably 40-50 suffixes, too many stats in general, a no-longer-utilized "Discovery" system, poor sinks, rarity that leads to grind... It's a mess.

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More fractals would be nice. Dungeons are definitely a bad idea, as the only thing that distinguishes them from Fractals (the explorable path mechanic) is also what makes them worse, making them non-canon and irrelevant to the lore of the game, increasing the workload without a significant reward, and causing them to reuse a lot of bosses in the different paths.


Plus, the whole lack of difficulty scaling that also makes Fractals just infinitely superior to Dungeons.

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PvE : "I want new update to the Core Metas to get new phases and mechanics to the fights"


SPvP : "I want a new 40vs40 instanced pvp match with PvPvE element"


WvW: "I want improved PvPvE elements with stronger NPC and more Mini objectives on the map and powerful NPC Faction boss NPC that players can summon to attack enemies on the map. Need better access to mobile sieges instead of being guild specific.

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**Pve: **

- Dungeons: every day 2 random paths are selected (daily mission) --> reward each 1 token of accession (3 total) : 25 tokens = Weapon box, 30 tokens = armor box (except leggings and chest) 45 pieces = leggings / chest box.



- Rework core game meta events

- Add more bosses such as tequila and triple trouble then rotate them through the week. (monday X, tuesday Y, ...)

- Maps such as DragonFall are for many people a lot of fun, expand on the idea of such maps (bigger, more variation of events, etc...) compensate by adding less filler maps (see next point)

- Instead of whole new maps expand on older zones to compensate the work done on the "Meta Maps"



- the NPC's are a joke (guards/elites) make them stronger


- reward system is fine (add more) it is going into the right direction.


- SPvP and WvW should use the same characters, let people just go in slap on a few skins and off they go with the class they want. (this would stimulate new players and motivate others to try out a different class) the whole gear aspect should be removed (as in SPVP) Rewards should still be stat and gear based as these should be usable in PVE.


- remove some of the smaller towers (as the map is crowded) and rework them into smaller objectives.


**Quality of Life:**

- in game announcement board: Let guilds setup events in advance for the community this should be visible in the main cities. (time, date, what, start location + some details) this could be done through submission (a GM checks if it's ok or not)

- Reduce the amount of trash loot.

- Look into the RNG system ... my new account gets waaaay better loot then my original launch day one - something is fishy ... ;)

- Black lion chests - 2 fixed items are just to much out of 4 especially at the price point for a key.



I am not that into it but a time based (fixed time and dates) 40vs40 such as @"Knighthonor.4061" suggested would be cool.



- Rework some of the weapons, update skills, ...

- I feel like the need for teamwork, builds that support groups has diminished over the years

**Game is based on just zerging these days, other builds are often not wanted or required anymore. **

- rework gear:

Berserker gear: after X amount of pieces boon duration is reduced by X % but Fury effect is increased from 20% to 23%

Do this for all types of armor to get people to think again about their build instead of slapping on full damage.

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> @"Halbarz.3854" said:


> - Look into the RNG system ... my new account gets waaaay better loot then my original launch day one - something is fishy ... ;)


'casual bias'. It's a real thing. Basically, you get better loot if you are new or don't play often.


Basically, it's the gaming equivalent of a drug dealer giving you the high end gear to get you hooked, then starts cutting your stuff with bicarb.


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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > PvEers/ Raiders/ SPvPers/WvWers/Fractalers etc what do you want next that will satisfy you in GW2?

> > >

> > > Give a clear answer to what exactly you want to be done to the game that will make you happy.

> >

> > The devs made different sections on the forums purposely, and that’s where specific feedback about those modes go... Use them if you had ideas, because the devs aren’t going to sort through this thread in the general section...

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/pvp

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/wvw

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/fractals-dungeons-raids

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/professions


> I will counter that, moderators have already said they review and forward summarize feedback. If anything this thread has value since it concatenates those in one spot.


No, sorry. There is a reason why modes are separated out. 1- It’s logical. 2- It makes it easier to go through information being posted.


There were also individuals in charge of monitoring specific sections and reporting back any useful or interesting info back to the devs. Also makes the devs job easier to scan for anything interesting in sections that relate to what their role is.


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