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What is the class it feels worst for you to lose against?


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Easy pick: Mesmer. Not because they are particularily broken but I just hate the clones and illusions and their ability to break targeting, especially when they go invisible too.

It's just pure cancer to fight them imo, no matter if 1v1 or in a team fight.

While I think I'm actually not too bad at figuring out quickly who the actual player character is, the necessity to do this is just bullshit imo.

And I dislike clones not only for the visual clutter I think it's also the most important utility that enables mesmer to sprial out of control if there's some broken trait or anything. Mobility is also extremely good, especially in-fight.

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I could pick builds from every class I hate to lose against, but ranger is the worst. While Boonspamming or kite/stealthing, fire into team fights from a mile away rangers are horrible to go down to, the real culprit that makes ranger the worst: overturned pets!

Nothing worse than being killed on my thief as some Smokescale teleports with me, or being CCd to oblivion on my Necro by a Gazelle, or watching a merge and the ranger becomes a tank/healer/sword 3 revenant?

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Warriors - specifically spellbreakers - have the best in-fight passive sustain, have access to the highest pool of health, have access to excessive might generation, CC-chaining is probably second to best (only beaten by Holo currently), all while having no trade-offs from going onto an aggressive amulet. Their kit is specifically made to 1v1 and 1vX, which makes them, Imo, the most unfun to play against.

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