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About the Charr victim complex, and Anet's hatred for Ascalon


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Like many others who grew up playing GW1, I've always loved pre-searing Ascalon. The place and the lore still has a special place in my heart, it's what truly hooked me into the franchise in general. I've leveled several characters to the point of getting the Legendary Defender of Ascalon title and I still log in from time to time just because of.. "sentimentality" - as Bangar would put it. In fact, a lot of people do - in 2019 pre-searing Ascalon City is STILL the second most populated town in GW1 after Kamadan (the main trade hub).


After GW2's launch I had to get used to the fact that Anet apparently despised everything about Ascalon, did a complete 180 and now we're supposed to not see the Charr as invaders, but allies. We help them kill ghosts of beloved characters over and over again, help them blow up statues, etc. That was a tough pill to swallow but I've made my peace with it.


Yet Anet never misses an opportunity to twist the knife even more.. the first entry of the Icebrood Saga was fairly promising gotta say, but despite that it still left a bad taste in my mouth.


Specifically the part where Bangar is playing the victim by saying something along the lines of "Why should we trust humans, they used to make armor out of our skins, treat us like animals, bruhuh :'( "


Well yeah sorry if you genocide an entire kingdom after nuking it from orbit, burn the women alive, take children for slaves, eat prisoners, be the trigger of a cataclysmic event destroying another kingdom entirely (Orr) while simultaneously invading a 3rd one (Kryta), you **DON'T** get to feel sorry for yourselves. But apparently Anet doesn't remember that part of the lore..


I guess my question is, why does Anet hate Ascalon so much? Why do they continously disrespect their own lore and try to push away a part of the people who are deeply invested in the GW universe? Why do you want me to hate something that I'm deeply attached to since childhood? Could you at least stop rubbing dirt in the wound? Pre-searing fans are people who care deeply about the world you've created Anet, on a level most studios/writers could only dream of. Yet all you've ever done since GW2 is **push us away on purpose**. Why?

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They aren't, they are telling the story from the Charr side. And from their point of view, their feelings are quite in keeping with the lore.


Yes, the Charr did all that butchering, but lets not forget the humans came in and started a war against them and took their land to be their Kingdom. Humans are equally culpable when it comes to the unpleasant actions - they were the invaders. I'm no Charr fan and I didn't like the direction of the Charr at launch, but Bangar's perspective/dialogue is spot on from his point of view.


So, no they haven't disrepected their lore (at least in this specific instance) or anyone playing the game. Humans have the Krytan region and they needed somewhere to put a race they knew people would want to play and Ascalon was a natural fit given it was their land prior to human settling (yes Charr took it from other races, but that's irrelevant for this point) and they still occupied much of the region post-GW1

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Can't know what exactly the writers had in mind while designing that dialogue but Bangar's mention of horrors committed by humans is perfectly in character for a hate mongerer. It's a very common thing among factions that hate each other to constantly mention past atrocities. Using such appeals to emotion, they play down (or even justify) further atrocities as "revenge" which is then again used by the other side to justify even more atrocities ... and the spiral of violence goes on and on. Don't want to stir up political arguments so I wont call this or that side the villain, but for IRL examples of this, just look at the conflicts between the Turkish republic and Kurdish "independence fighters" or "terrorists" (depending on which side you're on), or look at the Israel vs. Palestinians conflict. It's burned into my memory how a very nationalist classmate in high school --this was in Turkey-- dug up some historic incident where apparently some Armenian group raided a Turkish village and murdered everyone and disemboweled babies. Made a presentation about it in front of the class. I don't even know what his point was supposed to be, just to paint the Armenians as evil somehow I guess, because debate over the Armenian genocide was raging those years, which Turkish society doesn't want to acknowledge.


Maybe the writers expected exactly your reaction from the audience: to call bullshit on Bangar speaking like the Charr were the only victims. He is the villain of this story after all.

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> @"Taylan.2187" said:

> Can't know what exactly the writers had in mind while designing that dialogue but Bangar's mention of horrors committed by humans is perfectly in character for a hate mongerer. It's a very common thing among factions that hate each other to constantly mention past atrocities.


I'd agree with what you've said if it was done in the big speech, but nope. This was in private with only him, 2 high ranking Blood Legion officers, and me being an Ascalonian human present.


This is not Bangar being smart and manipulative, this is Anet trying to paint Ascalonians as villains and Charr as the victims, a VERY consistent theme since 2012.


Bangar's motivations and actions completely make sense even without Anet amping up the completely BS Charr victim complex. It feels like yet another unnecessary jab at people who are rooting for Ascalon.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> This is not Bangar being smart and manipulative, this is Anet trying to paint Ascalonians as villains and Charr as the victims, a VERY consistent theme since 2012.


> Bangar's motivations and actions completely make sense even without Anet amping up the completely BS Charr victim complex. It feels like yet another unnecessary jab at people who are rooting for Ascalon.

Because Charr WERE the ones who had the lands before humans did. Balthazar commanded humanity to take the lands by force and ended up causing a long seated grudge. A grudge, btw, that Anet has constantly been pushing as something people need to get over. A Charr PC will even point out that the world has changed, and the Charr need to change with it, letting go of old grudges. Something it appears you need to do as well.

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> @"RyuDragnier.9476" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > This is not Bangar being smart and manipulative, this is Anet trying to paint Ascalonians as villains and Charr as the victims, a VERY consistent theme since 2012.

> >

> > Bangar's motivations and actions completely make sense even without Anet amping up the completely BS Charr victim complex. It feels like yet another unnecessary jab at people who are rooting for Ascalon.

> Because Charr WERE the ones who had the lands before humans did. Balthazar commanded humanity to take the lands by force and ended up causing a long seated grudge. A grudge, btw, that Anet has constantly been pushing as something people need to get over. A Charr PC will even point out that the world has changed, and the Charr need to change with it, letting go of old grudges. Something it appears you need to do as well.


Thank you.


I -am- a charr player. And while i -do- love the lore of GW1, and even taking into account that charr did push the original inhabitants off the area, the humans invaded and forced the Charr out, the Charr returned and took back what they had owned for a much longer time than the humans ever did. its time to let go of old grudges, and wanting to push a race of PLAYER CHARACTERS off the continent as a previous poster mentions is never going to happen thank goodness.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> This is not Bangar being smart and manipulative, this is Anet trying to paint Ascalonians as villains and Charr as the victims, a VERY consistent theme since 2012.

You're half right. Bangar is not being smart nor manipulative. He's expressing his true feelings about the matter, mostly to charr and one amorphous blob who could be anything from a Blood Legion soldier to an Ascalonian loyalist to an asura who couldn't care less either way. Bangar truly feels that the humans did the charr wrong, whether that's accurate or not. Considering by the end of the chapter he's depicted as the villain, I don't think he's meant to be sympathetic.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

>I'd agree with what you've said if it was done in the big speech, but nope. This was in private with only him, 2 high ranking Blood Legion officers, and me being an Ascalonian human present.


Big liars tend to believe their lies, so it makes sense he'd bring it up in private, while he couldn't say it openly during the celebration because he had to hide his hate-boner for other races. He clearly used that line of thinking behind the scenes to radicalize the Charr who are now behind him though.


(He did openly say "Charr above everyone" in his speech but that's still within certain limits and could be defended as pride in his race instead of hatred towards other races.)

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> oh people, do I remind you? the charr were not 'first' either. One species invades a place and displaces another. That is the natural order.


> and on that note, I would not mind a 'push the charr off the continent'



Who was there before the Charr isn’t relevant to the point. Humans displaced Charr and Charr took it back. In that slice of history, the morality is on the perspective of the victor as it often is. The Charr feel they were the aggrieved and thus will paint humans as the greater evil.


GW1 was the opposite and in part because of who ruled the Charr at that time.


GW2 showed a progressively more civilised race in the Charr, but old hatreds and bigotries die hard, esp in the older Charr like Bangor who will remember uneasier times. To him, hunanities transgressions are less easily forgiven.


The Charr are not blameless, but they are in the position to assert morality given they are the victors.


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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> Like many others who grew up playing GW1, I've always loved pre-searing Ascalon. The place and the lore still has a special place in my heart, it's what truly hooked me into the franchise in general. I've leveled several characters to the point of getting the Legendary Defender of Ascalon title and I still log in from time to time just because of.. "sentimentality" - as Bangar would put it. In fact, a lot of people do - in 2019 pre-searing Ascalon City is STILL the second most populated town in GW1 after Kamadan (the main trade hub).


> After GW2's launch I had to get used to the fact that Anet apparently despised everything about Ascalon, did a complete 180 and now we're supposed to not see the Charr as invaders, but allies. We help them kill ghosts of beloved characters over and over again, help them blow up statues, etc. That was a tough pill to swallow but I've made my peace with it.


> Yet Anet never misses an opportunity to twist the knife even more.. the first entry of the Icebrood Saga was fairly promising gotta say, but despite that it still left a bad taste in my mouth.


> Specifically the part where Bangar is playing the victim by saying something along the lines of "Why should we trust humans, they used to make armor out of our skins, treat us like animals, bruhuh :'( "


> Well yeah sorry if you genocide an entire kingdom after nuking it from orbit, burn the women alive, take children for slaves, eat prisoners, be the trigger of a cataclysmic event destroying another kingdom entirely (Orr) while simultaneously invading a 3rd one (Kryta), you **DON'T** get to feel sorry for yourselves. But apparently Anet doesn't remember that part of the lore..


> I guess my question is, why does Anet hate Ascalon so much? Why do they continously disrespect their own lore and try to push away a part of the people who are deeply invested in the GW universe? Why do you want me to hate something that I'm deeply attached to since childhood? Could you at least stop rubbing dirt in the wound? Pre-searing fans are people who care deeply about the world you've created Anet, on a level most studios/writers could only dream of. Yet all you've ever done since GW2 is **push us away on purpose**. Why?


Because we the players have never experienced those events from the Charr's perspective, only from the humans perspective.


Ascalon belonged to the Charr long before the Humans even came to Tyria, but the Charr originally claimed it from the Forgotten via conflict.

When humans first arrived they much like the Charr spred out across the world and started claiming territory via conflict as well.

A war between Human and Charr was unavoidable and Humans as we know were successful in driving the Charr out of much of their territory, largely in part to a lot of Charr infighting between the 4 legions after the death of the last Khan Ur which weakened the Charr's military capabilities and give Humans an advantage.


It took a long time for the Charr to get themselves together and start trying to reclaim their lost territory but by that point Humans had settled on their lands through multiple generations and they considered them to be their lands thus the invading Charr were naturally seen as aggressive animals or monsters, and the eating of people didn't help that image either.

The Charr however saw the Humans as usurpers or an invasive species that had no right to be on their lands, let alone build cities on it.

So it came to what so many wars always come down to, two sides fighting over land that both sides claim is theirs.


As far as i'm aware though, there was never any dialogue between the Charr and the Humans.. no diplomatic efforts were ever made and neither side even considered the other anything more than animals for a very long time.


Banger is not wrong when he says humans hunted his race like animals and wore their hides, claws and horns as trophies.. likewise you are not wrong when you said the Charr enslaved humans and used them for food.


Both races committed horrible acts against one another over the 1000+ years they were at war.. and that kind of stuff tends to linger for many generations afterwards too.

For some, forgiveness isn't an option even when it's the most beneficial choice for both parties, and those old wounds just cannot be healed.

Banger is a victim of that as are many Charr and many Humans in the modern day Tyria, I.E the Renegades and Sepratists.

This sort of thing takes generations to subside.. and even then those old wounds can still reopen should hatred start to fester between the races again.

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You are trying to put all your emotions on Arenanet... which is insane.

Yes, this successful gaming company is just filled with HATRED and DISDAIN for the human kingdom they wrote and designed. They want to spit on it, and spit on you at every opportunity. They thrive on the idea of using a video game to make their fanbase suffer. Their whole point in writing the current storyline is because they know who you are and they hate you. Because, like, that's GREAT business practice and TOTALLY logical and sane.



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I loved the old Ascalon per searing, I also like the charr, but would have preferred it if the player character I played in guild wars 1 was able to stop the searing and was to a sense able to reverse the tables on the charr.

I came up with the idea iof an alternate timeline even though the searing is prevented the charr legions under control of the flame legion shamans and the titans still attack Kyrta and Orr but its Kyrta not Ascalon that suffers with much of Eastern Kyrta including the captiol of Lions Arch being sacked and plundered, with the nation of Orr still being invaded but then destroyed by Vizier Khibron wiping a large chuck of the charr legions then the Musrrsat help the founders of the white mantel and drive the charr legions scrambling back for the far northern Ascalon they control leaving the charr legions armies badly weaken not destroyed from two failed invasions and the male charr demanding why they wasted time attacking to far of nations over attacking Ascalon's great walls and why and how the charr shamans failed to bring them victory as they failed three times this would deal a blow to the flame legions control of of the legions and cause the charr legions to split from each other with many charr still attacking ascalon their way without flame legion since they brought them nothing but defeats, and of course the charr would be no closer to destorying the great wall of ascalon and the kingdom of Ascalon would stil lbe standing as a bastion of human civilization. Oh and the kytrans would fall more willing to the white mantel's lies as they kytans come out badly scarred and bitter towards both the charr legions and the kingdom of ascalon. Mostly the kytans would hate the ascalons after all if you were an kytan how would you feel that your rival nation Ascalon won the guild the third guild wars by default thanks to the charr legion attacking and crippling Kyrta, and destroying Orr where as Ascalon came out unscathed and stronger then even with its army having time to recover, and having the the hero of ascalon my male human fighter character to thanks for stopping the charr attack on the great wall of ascalon. If you were a kyrtan or an Orrian you lost family and friends, years of your life, you home, possibly your livelihood all to the third guild wars that ended with Ascalon coming out as a default victor. The Kyrtan's what is left of the Orrian's are angry and want revenge and more will side with the white mantel. In the end the white mantel is still beaten as the hero of ascalon still goes to Kyrta to find out about rumors of kyrta planning to attack ascalon again.

Also the charr may end up being united by Kalla Scorchrazor with her surviving as the charr legions are in a desperate situation to retake ascalon and somehow destroy the great wall of ascalon, Kalla may end up as the first female charr Khan-ur if she is not killed by the flame legion charr shamans. Still teh charr would attack the great wall with cannons and other powerful weapons that they can build but ascalon's great walls have also been outfitted with cannons on the walls as well. SO the charr get no more closer to taking Ascalon then they ever were. The Legions would have a reason to not want peace with the kingdom of Ascalon a charr character personally may have a hard time even wanting to work with humans. and the storyline for the male and female charr characters would be about how the charr characters attempting to try and work with non charr including humans. A charr character may even risk starting the war with humans of Ascalon just cause they been no doubt taught to hate the humans of ascalon no matter what. Oh and the kingdom of Kytra still hates Ascalon and the white mantel keep encouraging the hatred of Ascalon and its people. Matter a fact more races and their nations would be against and hate the kingdom of Ascalon which in no small is thanks to the white mantel causing non humans to be against Ascalon just to get Ascalon in to countless wars to weaken it. A HUman character from Ascalon has to deal with the radical hatred for his nation including from the charr most of all.


DO not take this like it got be serious this is just made up on what if Ascalon was saved from the searing happening.


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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> They aren't, they are telling the story from the Charr side. And from their point of view, their feelings are quite in keeping with the lore.


> Yes, the Charr did all that butchering, but lets not forget the humans came in and started a war against them and took their land to be their Kingdom. Humans are equally culpable when it comes to the unpleasant actions - they were the invaders. I'm no Charr fan and I didn't like the direction of the Charr at launch, but Bangar's perspective/dialogue is spot on from his point of view.


> So, no they haven't disrepected their lore (at least in this specific instance) or anyone playing the game. Humans have the Krytan region and they needed somewhere to put a race they knew people would want to play and Ascalon was a natural fit given it was their land prior to human settling (yes Charr took it from other races, but that's irrelevant for this point) and they still occupied much of the region post-GW1


I *kind* of agree with this, but only to an extent. I would say ut makes sense for the Charr to villianize the humans, but I am unsure if i'd say the humans are equally culpable. We know Balthazar wanted to expand and his view was the one that got the most support from the Pantheon, but Dwayna and Melandru also wanted peace. Likewise while Balthazar is depicted in a very negative like in PoF, we're unsure how aggressive he really was at the time especially considering how Zafirah describes his tenants. Balthazar had always been ruthless and epxnasionist, but was it ever that bad before? and if so why did humans manage to forge alliance with so many other races?


For all we know the Charr were hyper violent psychopaths who opened fire on humans the moment they got off the boat, it fits the theme of their previous occupation of the region. I tend to view humans more akin to migrants because of how they operate, and Charr much closer to violent expansionist colonilists, which fits with their description in Ecology of the Charr. Is that to say humans are blameless? Absolutely not, but the Charr are much more evil in my eyes, and i'm not even sure i'd be that sympathetic even had the humans attacked first.


I imagine if Icebrood Saga is anything like HoT for Sylvari or PoF for humans we likely will be spending a good amount of time dissecting this parts of Charr society. Given Bangars speech it came off as something rooted in something like reason, but also something that wasn't right, or even sane, judging by the end of the prologue I can't imagine our takeaway was supposed to be he was right all along.


That said yes, I would like it if my Ascalonian human could say something besides just be background wallpaper while Bangar irrationally foams at the mouth. :P

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> Specifically the part where Bangar is playing the victim by saying something along the lines of "Why should we trust humans, they used to make armor out of our skins, treat us like animals, bruhuh :'( "


> Well yeah sorry if you genocide an entire kingdom after nuking it from orbit, burn the women alive, take children for slaves, eat prisoners, be the trigger of a cataclysmic event destroying another kingdom entirely (Orr) while simultaneously invading a 3rd one (Kryta), you **DON'T** get to feel sorry for yourselves. But apparently Anet doesn't remember that part of the lore..


From what we saw, Bangar is clearly an insane character, are you trying to apply logic to a twisted man's (charr's) speech?

Also saying "what Bangar thinks=what Anet thinks" is not logic.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> Like many others who grew up playing GW1, I've always loved pre-searing Ascalon. The place and the lore still has a special place in my heart, it's what truly hooked me into the franchise in general. I've leveled several characters to the point of getting the Legendary Defender of Ascalon title and I still log in from time to time just because of.. "sentimentality" - as Bangar would put it. In fact, a lot of people do - in 2019 pre-searing Ascalon City is STILL the second most populated town in GW1 after Kamadan (the main trade hub).


Pre-searing was a wonderful place, and I loved it. I still need to someday finish my legendary defender though.


> After GW2's launch I had to get used to the fact that Anet apparently despised everything about Ascalon, did a complete 180 and now we're supposed to not see the Charr as invaders, but allies. We help them kill ghosts of beloved characters over and over again, help them blow up statues, etc. That was a tough pill to swallow but I've made my peace with it.


This will be a shocker I'm sure, but the Charr of GW2 are NOT the charr of GW1. Iron legion is not representative of the charr forces in the past, and infact actively can be seen repairing damages of the searing to the land (cleaning lakes of tar and other debris, making the land farmable once more, etc. Outside of a few specific ghosts, most of those "beloved characters" are driven mad and nothing like they once wear, hating all living things (seeing them as charr) and stuck in history, presenting a danger to EVERY LIVING BEING. It doesn't matter if it's human or Charr, they'll try to kill it. Blowing up statues/chunks of the wall is an act to try to keep the ghosts from actively grouping up. It's meh, but this is a different time.


> Yet Anet never misses an opportunity to twist the knife even more.. the first entry of the Icebrood Saga was fairly promising gotta say, but despite that it still left a bad taste in my mouth.

> Specifically the part where Bangar is playing the victim by saying something along the lines of "Why should we trust humans, they used to make armor out of our skins, treat us like animals, bruhuh :'( "


So your point is literally "How dare a sapient race find it horrific that another race actively used to skin their fallen soldiers, and turn the fur/skin into armor and their bones and horns into decorations."?


That's not playing the victim by the way, that's Bangar explicitly saying why he hates the idea of the treaty with humanity. He's not being a jerk because he's racist, but because he looks at the past and doesn't want these things to happen to the Charr again.


To flip this around, this is like saying Ascalonian's are being outragious and playing the victim card for sympathy by pointing at the charr and going "They used to burn us alive as sacrifices to their gods, and slaughtered us for food!" One cannot be a victim card while the other isn't. Both sides did horrible things. Hell I've had theories about humans eating the charr too, due to food shortages in the post-searing landscape.


> Well yeah sorry if you genocide an entire kingdom after nuking it from orbit, burn the women alive, take children for slaves, eat prisoners, be the trigger of a cataclysmic event destroying another kingdom entirely (Orr) while simultaneously invading a 3rd one (Kryta), you **DON'T** get to feel sorry for yourselves. But apparently Anet doesn't remember that part of the lore..


He doesn't feel sorry for himself. No Charr does. The radical elements simply don't want any peace with humans because of the deeply violent history of the two race's interactions. Bangar's example of Charr Hide Armor is simply one thing he hates that humans have done to the Charr. This is literally true of the radical human elements at Ebonhawke. They don't want any peace with the charr because the horrors the charr did to humanity.


Also as said before, guess what? DIFFERENT LEADERSHIP. Yes the charr did those horrific things, but back then they were under a different leadership system, dominated by the flame legion. Now we have the three legion free from that rule, and guess what? Modern Charr do not : 1: actively have slaves (They have prison labor, but it's mostly charr, few humans that I saw). 2: Eat humans. 3: Burn prisoners on sacrificial altars.


> I guess my question is, why does Anet hate Ascalon so much? Why do they continously disrespect their own lore and try to push away a part of the people who are deeply invested in the GW universe? Why do you want me to hate something that I'm deeply attached to since childhood? Could you at least stop rubbing dirt in the wound? Pre-searing fans are people who care deeply about the world you've created Anet, on a level most studios/writers could only dream of. Yet all you've ever done since GW2 is **push us away on purpose**. Why?


They don't hate Ascalon, GW2 is just showing us more viewpoints to the world then humanity. They don't disrespect the lore or bash Ascalon. They don't push people away, it's more of people shoving themselves away.


Hell, did you not notice how some Charr in black citadel openly oppose the standard story about what happen at Rin? ACtively trying to find the human perspective and put that knowledge out?


More people then just pre-searing fans love the world deeply and care about it. All Anet did was expand the lore, showing us what the Charr think as opposed to being mindless furry orcs from warcraft. That while the humans feel invaded and dislocated, that the Charr felt the same way. Both sides laying claim to the same region as their home, and brutally warring over it. Neither side is right, neither side is wrong.

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The Six beware that the race (read: legions) who has little to no contact to humans as they are now is still a bit miffed about what happened over 250 years ago. Of COURSE they still hate humans, they are far away from them and left to their own ideas of how bad and awful they all are. They didn't have time nor intereest in getting over the past because they were only ever exposed to their own idea of it.

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> @"Loesh.4697" said:

> I *kind* of agree with this, but only to an extent. I would say ut makes sense for the Charr to villianize the humans, but I am unsure if i'd say the humans are equally culpable. We know Balthazar wanted to expand and his view was the one that got the most support from the Pantheon, but Dwayna and Melandru also wanted peace. Likewise while Balthazar is depicted in a very negative like in PoF, we're unsure how aggressive he really was at the time especially considering how Zafirah describes his tenants. Balthazar had always been ruthless and epxnasionist, but was it ever that bad before? and if so why did humans manage to forge alliance with so many other races?


That's the gods. Not the humans. Different groups.


In addition, the Six Gods' involvement were only for the first 100 years. There was another 1070 years between their non-involvement and the Searing where the humans of Ascalon constantly pushed back the charr out of the lands they've owned for - by that point - centuries.


That said, I would say charr have more villainism in the story than humans. Mainly because they wanted to recapture land - to the point of searing the land - that they lost over a millennia before, that they had conquered from other inhabitants beforehand, and had owned for less than a generation.


_That_ said, I do not think this episode is victimizing the charr. There is a **very** heavy coat of "charr are warmongers who have never had a time in their cultural history where they weren't fighting massive wars". Yes, _Bangar_ blames humans for their atrocities. But he is also a warmonger himself who simply doesn't _want to consider_ peace and this is heavily showcased.

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Honetly saddened by the amount of Charr apologists in the GW2 community..


Call it what you want, they commited the worst war crimes in the known lore. Sure Anet retconned it to "taking back their homeland" but by that time it was also the human's homeland. By the same logic native Americans could carry out a genocide and you people would be fine with it, I suppose.


In this very chapter of the story they talk a lot about how the Charr always had enemies, they **NEED** to point their weapons at something. It's not like they are poor peaceful souls that just want peace, no, they are the worst most aggressive and ruthless warmongers in GW and NOT victims by any stretch of the imagination.


They pretty much waged war on everything that moved, but I guess if they get beaten once that's "unfair" to them. Give me a break. Charr are the spoiled lovechild of Anet.

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