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Poll: Build Templates

Miss Lana.5276

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Better idea, add an additional system that is somewhat like what arc templates had in addition to what anet is currently implementing. That way, people who want can save multiple different armor pieces in the various "equipment templates" while those who have legendary can switch between various builds without being limited the way the current implementation limits them. Arc dps templates after all did not store the gear, simply switched it. What this means for those with legendary gear is that the sigils and runes will still be in the inventory, unless you have set up a anet styled template with the runes/sigils included.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > This poll would have made more sense if done _after_ the release of the feature. ;)


> Would it have? Sometimes a preventive judgement prevents negative things later.


I try not to judge until I've tested the subject first. I understand the concerns, but still, premature judgment can have a negative influence as well.

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> The only thing that would have changed would be "do you think the price is too high" which is another question entirely.


Okay, you have a point there.


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> **Community for 7 years:** Give us build templates - you can even monetise it with extra slots through the gemstore!

> **Anet:** Sorry its late, here we are.

> **Community**: How dare you




> It's fine for them to monetise extra slots on this in my opinion. I'm just glad it's here after such a ridiculous wait



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I don't need gear slots when i have legendary armor and upgrades, I need the ability to stat swap quickly. The current system being sold seems like garbage and appears to be a a big screw you for people who invested in legendary armor, sigil, and runes.

Why can we not have the same system as gw1, where a sting of text can control both our skills and traits, and what stats legendary equipment has, similar to how gw1 effected pvp equipment.

I recommend everyone goes to gw1 and see how they system should be implemented, and not the bad system they are trying to sell us now.

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If the info is stored online, paying makes sense, but only if it’s not a rip-off (like 80 gems per slot). But it’ll probably cost several hundred gems per slot.


However, if it’s stored offline (where player saves build template info on their own computer, like GW1), it should be free.


There’s still too much we don’t know about how the system works, so I won’t vote anything more than other, for now.

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Insofar as the gear templates actually store the gear, and constitute free inventory slots, basically, there's no way they were ever going to be free and I'm fine with it.


And I would even be fine with a little paid convenience of storing build templates with the account, in the cloud, in a way that survives moving from computer to computer or reinstalling or whatever -- but only as a supplement to a very generous free client-side storage for build templates. I mean, they're chatcodes. You can paste them from build sites or a text file or whatever. Limiting them so strictly and charging, when there's no technological reason they can't be practically unlimited in number, just feels like holding people upside-down and shaking the pennies out. It feels sleazy, which is sad since it's something people were looking forward to.

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I'm fine with this. If I need additional slots, I can either use my debit card, or farm gold. Either way, I'm covered. People want everything for free, but forget that Anet is still a company with employees that need to be paid for their time and effort. If people really want to moan about it, perhaps Anet shouldn't even release this content because people are just going to meow and moan that they shouldn't gotten it all for free anyway, since day 1. Believe me, I saw the Twitter post and the amount of entitled posts about how it should have been free from day one with unlimited slots and so on was headache-inducing.


You don't want to use the new build/equipment templates out of some misplaced principal? Fine, however, don't be surprised if arcdps's build templates don't work anymore (and no, not because Anet is going to disable that). I read what deltaconnected says and they said they aren't really going to be supporting build templates much longer, if at all, after release of the official so offset the workload. If you blame Anet for arcdps build templates not working after release because delta doesn't want to work on them anymore, which is understandable, then that's on you. People were already talking about how Anet is somehow going to disable the ability to run arcdps...even though they've never made any plans to do so. The amount of tinfoil hats being made is staggering.


Either way, I'm looking forward to this. Fully support it. Don't like it? Don't use it.

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> @"Kanok.3027" said:

> People want everything for free, but forget that Anet is still a company with employees that need to be paid for their time and effort.


Anet is a company, yes. Companies make goods and services that, if the customer sees fit, make them a profit. If they make a shoddy product the customer won't buy it. Their job is to make products their customers (us) want to buy. Their effort is only paid if the product pleases the customer, and the customer purchases it. I don't get paid for my effort when I make a beanie that doesn't sell. Someone has to buy it first.


This is like a fence manufacturer making a dodgy fence but some loyal customers still say "They're still a company with employees that need to be paid for their time and effort." No. Why do game companies get a pass?

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A lot of people point to GW1 and their "unlimited" and free build templates. Thing is, GW1 and GW2 are two entirely different games and probably on two very different engines. Perhaps build templates were not easy to work on, or even the fact they saw a third-party solution was available, so they decided to leave it on the back burner until they were ready to tackle it.


Now, you say you don't get paid for your work if it doesn't sell. Correct, but you are not forcing others to buy it and they are not either. This is an optional feature. Completely optional. I use arcdps build templates, but can do without them. I have since I started playing and only recently started using them earlier this year. Sure, they are convenient, but they are not required at all. This new system will offer to offset your space costs by taking your armor and placing it into the actual equipment template so it no longer takes up space for that character. You know how AWESOME that is? Certainly something I'd pay to have since arcdps's build templates doesn't offer that. I can actually have that space freed for LOOT and I don't have to worry about accidentally salvaging a piece of important gear. This is a new feature and I love it. I am more than willing to support them to get this feature and make it so I don't have to wait 500ms per piece of gear/trait to be equipped. I have several characters with several builds and I am more than willing to pay for the** convenience** of this feature. Again, it all comes down to convenience.


Don't want to use it? Don't. No one is literally forcing you to use it. Does that mean you will have to do things the old way? Yes, but that only takes your time. It does not, in any way, affect your gameplay. And you know, it's unfair to continue to ask deltaconnected to continue working on build templates for arcdps. I'm sure they have other things they could be doing with their time, but people that find this function "required" will hound these indie devs until they do it or leave the scene, thus affecting everyone involved.


No, this is NOT required, this is not a scummy practice because it should have been expected. We already pay for extra storage, extra character slots, extra bank storage, extra material storage and no one really cares too much about that. Don't wanna pay with real money? Farm gold. It's super easy to do nowadays. PLENTY of ways to do it. Don't want to? Don't use it. Again, not required. If you think it is and are entitled to get it for free, then you are only fooling yourself and those kinds of decisions will make developers think twice before bringing in new QoL changes that could very well have some sort of paywall because they know the vocal minority will simply do the same as they usually do: tear them down. And then who is affected? Current and new players.

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> @"Kanok.3027" said:

> Now, you say you don't get paid for your work if it doesn't sell. Correct, but you are not forcing others to buy it and they are not either.


No, but saying this:


> People want everything for free, but forget that Anet is still a company with employees that need to be paid for their time and effort.


certainly implies that I and others should pay them for this product regardless of whether or not we like it, want it or will use it.

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I would be fine with paying for QoL features like this if I knew the money was being used to develop content I care about. I need templates for WvW/PvP/Raids. I don't need templates for open world or story.


I already know that this money is only going towards more mount skins and living story. So i'm not supporting it with my wallet.

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> @"C Cspace Cowboy.5903" said:

> LW stories? free. Raid updates? Free. Fractal updates? Free.


> Build templates that WvW players use? Monetized, and ban the free version.


> I'm done. 14 days until unchained, and if that flops, I'll do like the rest and go to ffIV


Camelot unchained is releasing already?

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Just a friendly reminder, that everyone **will** indeed get all the features for free, including 3 build template slots, 3 build storage spaces (+ the limited time launch offer for 3 free spaces) and 2 equipment template slots. It's just the _extra_ slots people would have to pay for.

I think that's completely ok. The game has to fund itself, and this is exactly the right way to do it.

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