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Why we don't have emote for kiss or hug?


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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> And what if I don't want my character to be /hugged or /kissed by creeper types?


I'd say one of two solutions:

1. You both have to enter the emote targeted at one another (Like how 'Cheer @' returns '[Player] cheered for [Target]').

2. A confirmation box that you have to confirm or deny, and an option in the game options menu that lets you set who can send you cooperative emote requests (Everyone, Friends, Guild, Friends and Guild, No one, etc...).

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> And what if I don't want my character to be /hugged or /kissed by creeper types?


This. How do you make sure the emote only works on consenting targets? (That's after figuring out how to animate something that affects another character, not a trivial matter).

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> People feel harrased when other people jump close to them how would it be if they wre being huged and kissed at?


Yes, thank you. Because some people couldn't take something like what is suggested and be mature about it is why I believe ANet would not create these emotes.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> We don't have any emotes where your character touches or interacts with another. I suspect it's a programming thing, it's harder to program emotes that affect two characters.


Gw1 had some, like rock paper scissors. I wonder why that feature never made it into gw2...

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> @"DietPepsi.4371" said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > And what if I don't want my character to be /hugged or /kissed by creeper types?


> I'd say one of two solutions:

> 1. You both have to enter the emote targeted at one another (Like how 'Cheer @' returns '[Player] cheered for [Target]').

> 2. A confirmation box that you have to confirm or deny, and an option in the game options menu that lets you set who can send you cooperative emote requests (Everyone, Friends, Guild, Friends and Guild, No one, etc...).


1. might work but 2. could be easily abused to grief or harass.

Last thing anyone wants is constant popup boxes because a group keep spamming emotes at them.


Personally though I am all for more emotes but not emotes like this, not without heavy restrictions like only being able to perform them with your spouse after you character is married or something which is a whole other thing entirely.


I play both male and female characters and i'm not interested in any of them having to deal with wierdos trying to emote hug or kiss them.

In reality I don't like touching people I don't know under any circumstances and I do get the occasional hugger type try and hug me at conventions which always annoys me.

Personal boundries are something I value.. at least if someone comes upto me in game and starts making pervy comments I can retort and make fun of them.

If someone comes upto me in game and spam hugs/kisses my character I can't exactly stab them in the face to make them go away xD

I'd rather not have emotes like that in the game unless I have some kind of way to defend myself against unwanted emote harassment lol

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From an asuran perspective /blowkiss@ and the @'d asura should respond with /cower.

If we are talking emotes, I would like /surprised on asura to poop a bauble "shit a brick reference" for when I'm about to be ran over by WvW zerg.

also no need for /slap, you can go to wvw and throw seige on your friends dead bodies, or enable seige placement "not building it" in pve for seiging people.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> People feel harrased when other people jump close to them how would it be if they wre being huged and kissed at?


Jump next too? WHAT? Well, better tell them to not look down, cause asurans will jump anywhere w/wo anyone, it's the native hello. =)

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> -snip-


I'm glad someone finally took the time to read my comment. Thankyou.


How about a mixture of 1 and 2 then? That is; you and the co-operator both have to have each other targeted, and type '[co-op emote type] @', and there is a setting added in the general settings that controls who can do co-op emotes with you (Everyone, No one, Guild, Friends, Guild and Friends, etc...)


If a player targets you with a co-op emote and they aren't in your permissions it returns "[target] isn't accepting [emote type] right now."


> @"avey.4201" said:

> Jump next too? WHAT? Well, better tell them to not look down, cause asurans will jump anywhere w/wo anyone, it's the native hello. =)


Yeah, I can't help but feel that that is rather irrational to feel harassed just by someone jumping next to you. Like you said it's generally accepted as a form of friendly 'Hello' in this game, and I've never felt like anyone jumping in front of me has been doing so with malicious intent, heck I often join in as a way of being friendly back to them.



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> @"DietPepsi.4371" said:


> I'm glad someone finally took the time to read my comment. Thankyou.


> How about a mixture of 1 and 2 then? That is; you and the co-operator both have to have each other targeted, and type '[co-op emote type] @', and there is a setting added in the general settings that controls who can do co-op emotes with you (Everyone, No one, Guild, Friends, Guild and Friends, etc...)


> If a player targets you with a co-op emote and they aren't in your permissions it returns "[target] isn't accepting [emote type] right now."

I get it, really I do, but I think that this is a lot of effort to put something in the game that would really target a very small niche of the player base.



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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I get it, really I do, but I think that this is a lot of effort to put something in the game that would really target a very small niche of the player base.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I agree totally that I can't realistically see this being implemented in-game any time soon specifically because of the amount of work and headache it would cause the ANET devs whom would have to work on it, and how little payoff there would be in return. I just wanted to clarify that in the unlikely scenario that some ANET devs did commit to implementing this, it would be totally possible to protect vulnerable players and prevent other players from abusing the system for malicious purposes.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> No thanks. This would be one of the last things I want to see in game. If implemented, then people would again start calling for a marriage system with boons or perks which, IMO, wouldn't benefit the game.


Now i want to /hug or /kiss you for some odd reason.

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> @"Offair.2563" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > No thanks. This would be one of the last things I want to see in game. If implemented, then people would again start calling for a marriage system with boons or perks which, IMO, wouldn't benefit the game.


> Now i want to /hug or /kiss you for some odd reason.


Haha! No, thank you. ;) A simple /wave will suffice.

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> @"DietPepsi.4371" said:

> > @"Ryukai.6524" said:

> > We don't even have a /hi or /hello or /greet so you got no chance for a /hug


> /wave gives you a /wave.


I know, but it's not the same as a Hello or Hi. You generally wave at someone that you know but are passing by and not stopping to chitchat with.

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> @"Offair.2563" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > No thanks. This would be one of the last things I want to see in game. If implemented, then people would again start calling for a marriage system with boons or perks which, IMO, wouldn't benefit the game.


> Now i want to /hug or /kiss you for some odd reason.


Definitely needs a /hug


Such much in need it will be hard to make one realize it this late in life. But if the dam breaks..

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> @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > No thanks. This would be one of the last things I want to see in game. If implemented, then people would again start calling for a marriage system with boons or perks which, IMO, wouldn't benefit the game.

> > >

> > > How did you go from someone asking for an emote, to people wanting a marriage system with boons and perks? The game can use more emotes, so I’m all for it.

> >

> > I've been around here for a while. I am making a prediction based on observation.

> >

> > But I have been wrong before. Still, I wouldn't want the proposed suggestion added.


> I've been here longer, ignore this guy. More emotes is a good thing!


1. Assuming gender, how _not_ 2019.

2. This is no contest. Your opinion isn't worth more because you "have been here longer."

3. The suggested emotes are nonsense IMO (_and I have been here since GW1's release!!!11_ :lol: ). It would only make hanging around in cities even more ridiculous than already existing immersion-breakers like mini skirts, high heels, neon infusions and futuristic/sci-fi designed outfits and weapons do. So, no thanks.

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