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What would be Your Cost to Leave GW2

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Just not wanting to log in ... but GW2 is smart ... they made the business so people can 'leave' ... and then come back. People do need ot understand this though ... everything you have put into an MMO will eventually be nothing.


> The same is true of most things people do for fun though. I just came back from seeing Metallica & the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra's S&M2 show at the cinema (sadly couldn't be there for the actual show) and I've got absolutely nothing to show for it. But I've been talking about it with my friends ever since it finished, discussing our favourite songs, times we've seen the band live, our hopes for an album/DVD release etc. Plus I really enjoyed it while it was happening, so that alone is worth the cost of the ticket.


> The same is true for GW2. I know of course that sooner or later something will happen and everything I've put into the game will be gone. But I've enjoyed playing it (and hopefully will continue to enjoy it), so whenever that happens I'm not going to regret it.


Yeah, it's true that's really quite dependent on what you do for fun ... I mean, some day, GW2 will not exist and I will have nothing to show for the thousands of hours I played it.


On the other hand, I have LOTS of other hobbies that only develop my skills and result in tangible things I can make or do. Those don't go poof. I could choose to do these ones 100% of the time, but I don't. I play GW2 as well, knowing full well that I get nothing but pure entertainment from it. No regrets ... at least not right now.

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For me it isn't about what will make me leave. I've spent so much money on gems on black lion loot boxes and cosmetics that leaving now would make the amount of money I've spent even more painfully obvious and shameful.


I definitely feel the water boiling on build templates though. Mount unlocks definitely felt strongly like gambling, even after the hiked price of the selectors came in "the roll a dice option is 3 times as cheap!".


The gem store has always, always been the very worst thing about the game and other games in general. Cosmetics aren't just 'optional'. Especially not when skins are a huge part of the incentive for playing.

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It's entertainment, pure and simple...if I find it a lot more enjoyable than TV, movies or many other forms of entertainment...so I play, I also walk away and play other games when ever I feel like it. It's not that hard to be playing 5 or 6 "main" games at the same time, they're all entertainment...and in most cases more entertaining than most people I know.

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It's never just one thing that makes me quit an online game. It's usually a culmination of things that boil down to "this is **not** fun enough for me anymore".


And it's never in a dramatic "I quit now" fashion. I just gradually lose the desire to login until I stop altogether. Usually to return after a long period of time only to find the annoyances are still there or have become worse.

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I wouldn't go to another mmo after this one (if it went away) these things require far too much money on upkeep.. So if the game closed it would actually do me a favor in the long run.


This is the last mmo i plan on playing as these things are too grindy and expensive these days.

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If Living World spoon-feeding would continue to be the only remaining story model. I don't know for how long I would be able to take that. It's like only being allowed to read one single chapter of a novel every couple of months instead of the whole thing in one go or at a pace of one's own choice. You might say that that's how episodic releases work, but the better television shows, for instance, solve this problem by working with smaller-scale mini stories within the big arch and bringing _those_ to a conclusion at a healthy pace, i.e. frequently offering "mini conclusions" to satisfy the viewer's expectations and curiousity. That's important for a good pacing in story-telling. Also, apart from hiatus, viewers don't have to wait a couple of months for the next episode. For a video game, it often is best to wrap a story up and release it as a complete product rather than beating around the bush for 1.5 years by butchering a story into bits and pieces and eventually boring the heck out of people, because interest wanes quickly when your patience grows thin. (Don't know if boredom qualifies as "cost", though. ;) )

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Like a lot of people have already said here, only if they kill the servers.


I'm still playing GW1 as well as... and am right now.

This game helped me in a critical time, so it means a lot to me; as it was the only thing that could truly distract me from a very, very bad episode in my life.


I absolutely love this game; gw1and 2.


But if I had to stop playing, I would never ever play another mmo ever again.


I've got a collection of hundreds of games for playstation, etc... that have gathered a lot of dust.

Final Fantasy 12 for instance, which is very similar to GW.


So that'd be the end of mmos for me.

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At >10k hours (and I'd regret checking how much money exactly spent) in the game I'd feel like a lot is being 'thrown away' and lost to leave the game, even though logically it wouldn't make sense to stick around and continue just because of the previous time and money spent in it so that's how I'm going to see it.


With the current direction of the game the answer is nothing as the old time of the game being fun still happened it wouldn't disappear on leaving, and if the future of the game looks bad then there's no cost of 'missing out' on something I dislike and the game is easy enough to return to that if things did change a break wouldn't matter too much.


And as focus of the game seems to be adding short story and a bunch of AFK timers waiting for events every 3+months with the rest of the game abandoned, a GW3 would have to be very different (or much more like earlier GW2) to consider. For now I'm playing as ArenaNet seem to intend - little.

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Long time lore junkie and fashion fanatic. Seeing the changes from gw to gw2 was incredible.


But a monthly sub would be the toughest for me. Doable but not sure I’d stick it out more than occasionally.


I’ll miss Tyria for sure. Just like lotro, which I did sub for a good while.


New lotro in the making. Idk if I should be excited or not.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Any form of subscription would see me leave.


> [EDIT] Don't everyone applaud at once.


I strongly agree with your statement. Any game that charges a monthly fee would be the cause of my leave. I think once you buy a game, you shouldn't have to keep paying for it. There's a reason why I quit visiting Arcades in the 90's and spending stupid amounts of money on those big machines that cost 75 cents to a whole dollar to play on.


I do see reason and agree to pay for Add on Content or Expansions, I can see the logic in that. But I absolutely refuse to re-buy a game every month. Some games will give the option of paying for a month, or the whole year just to play. But I just feel like that's the legal doctrine of _road side robbery.

_ and that is something I cannot tolerate as a gamer myself. I feel strongly against it.


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My 'cost' for leaving was XIV. Much better feeling of reward, accomplishment, and mastery than GW2 is willing to give me.

Not that I've "left" GW2, but I'm down to logging in every other day, because even the log-in rewards are just kinda meh except for the days when the big-money Mystic Coins show up.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> What would be Your Cost to Leave GW2


If playing GW2 would not be fun anymore, and I would not care anymore about the game, I would stop playing the game.

However: GW2 is a game where stop playing the game does not automatically mean leaving the game completely, because the accounts will continue to exist.


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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> My 'cost' for leaving was XIV. Much better feeling of reward, accomplishment, and mastery than GW2 is willing to give me.

> Not that I've "left" GW2, but I'm down to logging in every other day, because even the log-in rewards are just kinda meh except for the days when the big-money Mystic Coins show up.


Same. Once a friend convinced me to try out XIV, it was a done deal. Only log in here to help friends with a quest here and there.

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