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What is the point of making multiple lvl 80 characters?

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What is the point of making more characters and having more than one level 80?


I have 3 level 80s and I've used 1 out of the 3 to beat all 3 main quest lines of the game. I always use my Necromancer. The base game and the 2 expansions. Not just that I've accomplished a huge of amount of things.


So getting to my point. When I go to another one of my level 80's who hasn't accomplished what my main character has. I don't feel the purpose in redoing the story line or doing the same things over and over again. I can't even sum up the motivation to make a new character either because I know I'll just either be grinding, or using tombs of knowledge or a level 80 Auto item and doing the same roller coaster ride all over again when I could just go find a new experience with my main character.


I'm having trouble seeing the point. Is it just for PVP purposes to make a specific level 80 for WVW and PVP maybe?

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I have several L80 Rangers alone. They use different Specializations, and/or are different races.

Some players may get bored with the same Profession; some want to see the different story arcs. Some just want every Profession; certain Professions/builds are better at certain things. Some players would rather not swap gear all the time, etc. etc.


I think there are fewer players that only play one character than those who play multiple characters.


Oh, not to mention...the more characters, the more opportunities to play 'Fashion Wars'. Lol.

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I like having a variety of options.


I have 11 permanent characters, 7 at level 80. Between them I have at least 1 of each race/gender combination (2 female sylvari) and at least 1 of each profession (2 elementalists, 2 engineers). It means I get to play through lots of different versions of the personal story (and I've made tempoary characters to play through the versions my permanent ones didn't get) which is something I enjoy doing and I get to see all the different race/profession dialogue through the rest of the story.


But maybe more importantly it means I have my choice of all those different professions and builds for whatever I want to do. I can do WvW on my weaver, raids on my druid, use my mesmer (or thief) for the daily jumping puzzle so I can portal other people to the end, fill a variety of roles in dungeon and Fractal groups depending on what the group needs, or just play whatever I think would be most fun today.


It also comes in handy for leaving characters in different places. I always have at least one in a city for quick access to services and at the moment I'm working on the Claw of the Khan-Ur so I need lots of elder wood. I've parked my warrior (who I wasn't using much) in Malchor's Leap for the elder wood farm and can do that whenever without disrupting what my other characters are doing.


And finally it lets me use a wider variety of the armour combinations and character concepts I have. Each one has their own style, personality and colour scheme and they all look quite different.

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I know it sounds crazy so bear with me but... some people don't hate the story! D :


In all seriousness, I do enjoy replaying the story from time to time. I have two characters that I play the most by a mile and then some and they are pretty much up to date with every story release. Then there's a third character that's only a few steps behind in terms of story, and then a couple more that are currently at different parts of the story. In general I have a character for each profession and race/gender combination (I think male Charr is the only one missing, mostly cause I have three Sylvari) and I like to switch between different characters depending on my mood on what I want to play.


So what's the point? Uhm... fun?

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There's not a class that's 'best' at everything, so if you have multiple maxed toons you increase your ability to bring more effective options to your content. OP seems focused on the story, and I would say is correct from that perspective. If you are only interested in running through the story releases, and only doing each of them once, one toon is plenty. And necro is a fine choice for that :)

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It comes down to player personality. Some players prefer to play one character and do everything on that. For those there's hardly any point in even *making* other characters, let alone levelling them up.


Others, like me, like the variety. I have one character of each class, two of them not yet 80, and they're all in various stages of story completion. Most have done the lvl 30 story, but only my main is actually "up to date" with the story - the rest are scattered between those extremes.


Some goes further than that, either continually playing the story with new characters, or making additional characters to play different builds without having to retrait/regear one.


In short - because of fun. If it's not fun for you, don't force yourself!

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For me, the main replayability in RPGs comes from playing them again with different professions (or 'classes' as most other RPGs insist on calling them - which has always seemed weird to me). But if you really want some tangible reason why having multiple characters is a good idea, here's something that I think no one's mentioned yet: certain achievements can be easier with certain professions. For example, I found the Kingslayer achievement (defeating Turai Ossa in the Queen's Gauntlet) easiest with a Mesmer, having tried it and failed with several other professions. Most of the other Queen's Gauntlet fights I found easiest with a Necromancer. There are some story achievements of the "don't get hit by a particular attack" format that are easier with a Ranger, either because of the longbow range or because those particular attacks will hit your pet instead of you. And then there's five personal story achievements requiring a character of each of the five races, and those even reward mastery points (although admittedly don't require level 80s).

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I have 21 characters and thinking about creating more in the future. For me, the benefits are:

- an opportunity to play every profession and/or specialisation;

- an opportunity to play all races (more APs, diverse stories, different feel for each of the races);

- an ability to level all crafting disciplines (for self-sufficiency and profits ;) );

- additional storage (as a hoarder, I need a lot of inventory slots, maxed out material storage and bank tabs are not enough for me);

- multiple map completions for legendaries;

- dedicated bag opener;

- dedicated resource farm characters;

- dedicated characters for various game modes;

- higher adaptability to game changes caused by balance patches.

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I like to try out the different options within the story. No single character can play every storyline, because we have to make decisions here and there which path to follow.

Aside from that, I do need a few different professions for PvP. I only really play one character in PvP modes, but I need the rest to learn how they function, what skills to expect and what animations to look out for. So I try to get to a decent level of gameplay with several professions.

If you ever want to try fractals or raids, you also might want to have several characters at level 80 and with decent equipment.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> There's not a class that's 'best' at everything, so if you have multiple maxed toons you increase your ability to bring more effective options to your content. OP seems focused on the story, and I would say is correct from that perspective. **If you are only interested in running through the story releases, and only doing each of them once, one toon is plenty.** And necro is a fine choice for that :)


Unless you want to do all the personal story instances once. Then you need 30 level 20 minimum characters, 15 level 30s, 10 level 50's, 6 level 60's and 3 level 80's (although only 2 need to do the last few steps and only 1 needs to do Victory or Death).

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > There's not a class that's 'best' at everything, so if you have multiple maxed toons you increase your ability to bring more effective options to your content. OP seems focused on the story, and I would say is correct from that perspective. **If you are only interested in running through the story releases, and only doing each of them once, one toon is plenty.** And necro is a fine choice for that :)


> Unless you want to do all the personal story instances once. Then you need 30 level 20 minimum characters, 15 level 30s, 10 level 50's, 6 level 60's and 3 level 80's (although only 2 need to do the last few steps and only 1 needs to do Victory or Death).


I was responding to the OP, who specifically pointed out they had no interest in redoing the story. Players with different motivations will see different benefits . . .

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well thats why various professions exists.. i sticked to my warrior for the 2 first years when i came to gw2. then i made a necro for some hard lsw2 achievments and i sticked to him on pvp, when i played wvw for a long time(like 1 year) i ended with my guardian... but if your single characters is enough to do all stuff on the game,, so good to you not all players had that "luck"...


just remembering also that some history chapters gives BL Key. some "die hard" farmers make extra characters for this, some time ago theres no limit to farm these keys, then Anet introduce a weekly cap to BL Key acquired from history.


in HoT and POF theres backpieces rewarded that depends on characters choice, so to gey all backpieces u need at minimum 3 characters.


My real push to make 1 for each profession was HoT and the **elite specialization weapons**, to get weapons skins for all elites u need 1 characters for each profession.

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Variety in playing. Each one is a different combination of profession and Elite profession, which means each plays differently. For example I have a Scourge Necromancer and a Reaper. Each has their individual set of skills and ways of handling mobs. This keeps combat fresh for me as I rotate among all my chars. In addition each looks differently so I have multiple chars with different skins/appearances to choose from.

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> @"Sir Arigius.6294" said:

> What is the point of making more characters and having more than one level 80?


> I have 3 level 80s and I've used 1 out of the 3 to beat all 3 main quest lines of the game. I always use my Necromancer. The base game and the 2 expansions. Not just that I've accomplished a huge of amount of things.


> So getting to my point. When I go to another one of my level 80's who hasn't accomplished what my main character has. I don't feel the purpose in redoing the story line or doing the same things over and over again. I can't even sum up the motivation to make a new character either because I know I'll just either be grinding, or using tombs of knowledge or a level 80 Auto item and doing the same roller coaster ride all over again when I could just go find a new experience with my main character.


> I'm having trouble seeing the point. Is it just for PVP purposes to make a specific level 80 for WVW and PVP maybe?


Making one of each class makes sense because there are some things you need a specific class to do (or do best). There are race specific skills, but they do not get used as much, it is nice to swap up my charr ranger for, oh, a human, though.

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My motivation for multiple characters was mainly the achievement aspect. That's why I have at least one toon for every profession and race. I have more than is needed to cover everything, but that's because buying the expansions bumped up my character count and I didn't let them go to waste. But, although I changed my main several times, my most played is the necro, too.

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Do you always eat the same things day after day? Unless you have serious OCD or medical needs I'll guess the answer is 'No.'


I have one character per profession at level 80, a couple mules for item storage, and a throw-away so I can delete and level-up which is fun in itself.


I like my Reaper for most everything, but still have fun running around with my ranger, Deadeye, and Renegade. They all have a different play style and I don't get bored with one single character.

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Why do I have 30 level 80 characters? Because that's my play style.


I'd rather have characters that have a specific handful of builds (assuming I'm using them for some purpose instead of just fun) instead of cramming everything onto one character. I also enjoy Fashion Wars but hate changing good looks, as well as coming up with characters and backstories. I enjoy GW2's world and story, but I don't do the story on every single one (usually up to Claw Island just for the keys but not many beyond that). And I find map completion meditative so the larger a pool I have of characters to do that, the better.


Plus it's cheaper to buy a character slot and use them for storage than it is to buy an extra bank tab, not to mention how easy it makes farming certain nodes.


I'd rather have the option to play every profession and elite—and be ready the moment more elites are released—than stick to just my main. You ask what's the point in having multiple 80s, I ask what's the point in having just one in an MMO. Different people enjoy different things.

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> @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> I have 21 characters and thinking about creating more in the future. For me, the benefits are:

> - an opportunity to play every profession and/or specialisation;

> - an opportunity to play all races (more APs, diverse stories, different feel for each of the races);

> - an ability to level all crafting disciplines (for self-sufficiency and profits ;) );

> - multiple map completions for legendaries;

> - dedicated characters for various game modes;

> - higher adaptability to game changes caused by balance patches.


Above points are also for me.

And also i like to create different characters with looks.

But mostly because of the crafting disciplines and AP points.

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> @"Sir Arigius.6294" said:

> What is the point of making more characters and having more than one level 80?


> I have 3 level 80s and I've used 1 out of the 3 to beat all 3 main quest lines of the game. I always use my Necromancer. The base game and the 2 expansions. Not just that I've accomplished a huge of amount of things.


> So getting to my point. When I go to another one of my level 80's who hasn't accomplished what my main character has. I don't feel the purpose in redoing the story line or doing the same things over and over again. I can't even sum up the motivation to make a new character either because I know I'll just either be grinding, or using tombs of knowledge or a level 80 Auto item and doing the same roller coaster ride all over again when I could just go find a new experience with my main character.


> I'm having trouble seeing the point. Is it just for PVP purposes to make a specific level 80 for WVW and PVP maybe?


The cost of ascended gear vs. legendary gear. There isn't a lot of build freedom in this game, so it's actually easier to gear a single character for the role and make another for a different role and/or function. Also, there's the convenience factor too. Say that you want to daily things in certain zones -> you actually save a good chunk of change by stationing different characters in the different zones, especially as some port fees are going up to 5s!


On top of all this, there's also experimenting with different professions.


You're totally right you could do everything on one character, but there's plenty of legitimate reasons for alts.

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