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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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> @"Gatvin.6510" said:

> I love this feature. I really do. I WOULD really like to see savable keybind profiles to go with it rather than the one-set-for-all-builds-and-characters we currently have. I was hoping that we'd see something to address keybinds before wintersday and the bell events came out.


ARC Templates didn't have a keybind function, and I managed fine without.

Then again, ARC was actually a really good templates system.

I suppose the shitshow we have now differs from ARC in a number of ways.

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> @"Nebilim.5127" said:

> This is completely trash and worthless for anyone that plays more than 1 mode, or have legendary weapons/armor. For instance, i have 6 builds on my guardian, 3 for raids, 3 for wvw. But if i want to swap to something for open world or for fractals, i need to go to my build template slot, unequip it and do it, basically undoing all my template and forcing me to click all over again to save and do it again.


> Please, just let us use arc template again.


Ehm.... keybinds are your friend. Also, in case you didn't know, you can use the same equipment in two builds by dragging it from the left hand pane.


Am I missing something or does this solve your problem?

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Dear diary, it's me! Laganja! With another fever dream!


The last few days / weeks I've been thinking about how to improve build ~~templates~~ loadouts even more, you know, making them actual templates. I already did a first mockup a while back, but then I thought: "The hero window needs an overhaul!".


Tha base for this overhaul came to mind when I took a look at gw2skills.net and their editor. It shows so much useful information and I took a lot of inspiration from it:

* effects (boons, conditions, cc, etc) your build is capable of

* a short overview of specs you're using in the current build

* upgrades visible in their own slot


So I sat down (again), opened Photoshop and started to move things around, scrap some stuff, add some new stuff and some things came around.


As usual, a


*This is just a design concept. I don't know how hard it would be to implement, I just played with the interface*

[Full gallery on imgur](https://imgur.com/a/UCa1XzZ)


# Rearranging the Hero Panel

Some major things have changed in the hero panel! There is no longer an extra "skills and trait" menu and two new menus were added: mounts and travel.


![](https://i.imgur.com/OCuzyIu.png "")

From top to bottom this would be:

1. Equipment (Inventory)

2. Armory (Templates)

3. Training

4. Mounts

5. Travel (all your teleport items and unlocks are available here)

6. Journal

7. Crafting

8. Achievements

9. Masteries


# The equipment menu


## Equipment

The equipment menu is just your regular gear / inventory. It has changed quite a bit!


![](https://i.imgur.com/x2dJzcf.png "")

The left side shows your characters information (name, level, class) along with your currently loaded template and a preview of your templates specs. Just below that are your attributes and settings.


On the right side is the "effect summary". It shows what your build is capable of doing: boons, conditions, cc, buffs, combo-fields and combo finishers.


![](https://i.imgur.com/yezXcTc.png "")

Below that is the expandable inventory. It shows up whenever you want to change stuff around.


In the center is your character and their gear. I placed some more slots for upgrades and infusions next to the gear. Right now it's more of a... "visual support" to easily see if/what upgrades your gear has slotted. There's also a new "customize" button which shows up if you select an armor piece or weapon.


![](https://i.imgur.com/aASX749.png "")

You can open it to select stats, upgrades and infusions (depending on your gear, of course). The inventory panel on the right adapts to whatever your selection needs (stats, infusions, upgrades, gear).


![](https://i.imgur.com/vS9qKEq.png "")

I was thinking about adding a toggle for upgrades to show/hide the upgrade slots, but I'm not happy with it right now.


**This is your equipment.**

It's based on your currently loaded template, but does not change your template once you decide to change weapons or stats on the fly. This is where settings come into play: If you ever decide to save your changes, you can...

* ... override your currently loaded template

* ... save a new template

* ... revert any changes and reload your current template


by the way: gathering tools and glyphs are now also part of your build.


## Builds

Builds look different, too! Instead of being horizontal, I arranged them vertically and removed a lot of unused white space to make them more compact (also I had to because otherwise they would not have fit into the area).


![](https://i.imgur.com/bR7b6cp.png "")

Below your specializations are your characters skills. It shows what weapon types you've equipped in your weapon sets and let's you change your utility skills.


![](https://i.imgur.com/7guqUor.png "")

Selecting a slot opens up the skills & traits window with pre-defined filters for that slot, in this case 'healing skills'.


![](https://i.imgur.com/FRVeIt6.png "")

You can also toggle between aquatic and terrestrial environments.


## Wardrobe

The wardrobe is now part of your build, too! Since specializations and gear is not important for the wardrobe, the window looks a little bit different from the rest.


![](https://i.imgur.com/kDUhldF.png "")

Now you don't apply skins to items, you apply skins to gear slots. This way you can change your gear around, but keep all your settings (skin, dyes). Applying skins to slots requires transmutation charges as usual, loading templates does not use any charges, though.


Novelties are just skins with functions, so I moved them to the wardrobe as well. You can now set chairs, toys, finishers and minis according to your style of build as well.


# The Armory


![](https://i.imgur.com/Nd0ch7s.png "")


The armory contains all your saved builds. Your list of builds is on the left, your stat and effect summary is on the right with your characters information about gear, traits and skins in the center. You can choose which build is your default PvE, WvW and PvP build and edit your templates or delete them.


![](https://i.imgur.com/mknjTrZ.png "")


Your build list will change to the inventory panel once you edit a template.

In the top left, above the inventory, you can change the name of the build.

In the top right, you can set a gamemode for your build.


The center looks and behaves exactly like the equipment screen.

Any changes must be saved to take effect.


# Mounts


Mounts now get their own submenu in the hero panel.

I created two versions but I'm not quite happy with either. They are also an early draft.

I also added a "dummy" underwater mount just because we don't have one yet.


## Version 1

![](https://i.imgur.com/SEelTv5.png "")


An overview of all of your unlocked mounts is on the right side.


![](https://i.imgur.com/ucMG20s.png "")


Choosing a mount will open the skins & dyes panel for this mount and shows their skin slot and dye channel.

It also shows a short description and your unlocked skills for this mount.


## Version 2

![](https://i.imgur.com/vhHHxgb.png "")


All your mounts are laid accross the window, showing their icon, image, and their engage skill.


![](https://i.imgur.com/GhvDcdD.png "")


Choosing a mount will fade out all the others and moves your selection to the left. The engage skill becomes a "back" button.

The center area now shows your mount slot, dye channel, a preview and skills. The right side shows your skin and dye collection.


# Travel


Unfortunately no screen here.


This panel would list all your unlocked teleports.

Things that would show up here:

* Tomes

* Teleport to Home Instance

* VIP Lounges

* Word Boss Devices


# A final note


Again, these are just mockups. There needs to be more usecase evaluations and usability tests, as well as some warning messages when you change stuff. There's a lot to be thought of.


Also: I know this will probably never happen. But I did it anyway.



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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Nebilim.5127" said:

> > This is completely trash and worthless for anyone that plays more than 1 mode, or have legendary weapons/armor. For instance, i have 6 builds on my guardian, 3 for raids, 3 for wvw. But if i want to swap to something for open world or for fractals, i need to go to my build template slot, unequip it and do it, basically undoing all my template and forcing me to click all over again to save and do it again.

> >

> > Please, just let us use arc template again.


> Ehm.... keybinds are your friend. Also, in case you didn't know, you can use the same equipment in two builds by dragging it from the left hand pane.


> Am I missing something or does this solve your problem?


They need more than 6 builds...so no..

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> And minmaxing or remembering your actual builds isn't really that hard, if you have troubles with that then, again, it's your own problem. Worst case scenario, grab a pen, piece of paper and get over it. Additional build/gear slots are still by no means obligatory or key for the gameplay, so the claim -from the thread that got merged here- about build slots making gw2 somehow "expensive to play" is as false as it was before.

Thank you very much to bring it to our attention that we are simply too stupid to play Guild Wars 2. We are so stupid that we can't remember the small amount of 180 builds. (9 chars with 20 builds each - 3 game modes, solo/group, fractals, raids and so on)- It is our fault that we can't remember this small amount and get bother by the fact that the templates always change if we do something and legendary items will trash our build even more.


Since I'm just so stupid that I can't play this game anymore I will take my little brain and my money elsewhere.


I wonder why someone always ask me if I'm still sane...

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> @"BadHealer.3608" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > And minmaxing or remembering your actual builds isn't really that hard, if you have troubles with that then, again, it's your own problem. Worst case scenario, grab a pen, piece of paper and get over it. Additional build/gear slots are still by no means obligatory or key for the gameplay, so the claim -from the thread that got merged here- about build slots making gw2 somehow "expensive to play" is as false as it was before.

> Thank you very much to bring it to our attention that we are simply too stupid to play Guild Wars 2. We are so stupid that we can't remember the small amount of 180 builds. (9 chars with 20 builds each - 3 game modes, solo/group, fractals, raids and so on)- It is our fault that we can't remember this small amount and get bother by the fact that the templates always change if we do something and legendary items will trash our build even more.


I didn't say that, but you're free to think about yourself whatever you want and if you decided that the best thing to do here would be to play a victim and imply I said something that I didn't then... It's your choice and apparently your problem.


> Since I'm just so stupid that I can't play this game anymore I will take my little brain and my money elsewhere.


Ok, thanks for letting eveyone know on the forum, have fun.


> I wonder why someone always ask me if I'm still sane...



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My household has been with GW2 since Beta. We haven't really played anything else. We take breaks on gaming altogether occasionally, but we always come back. We haven't felt like the patches of the past year or so have offered much, not very engaging content, poor balance changes, not much in the way of new builds being opened up, just existing builds being hit - less variety is less interesting.


In particular the extremely aggressive monetization of the very broken & underwhelming loadouts has had a negative effect on our enthusiasm for GW2. Both on the principle and the actual costs involved. It was just such naked greed. Normally several times a year when my wife or I finish a major project we will splash on some gems. This time we took that splash and bought several chromecast 4K's, Stadias, controllers etc, and most of their current games line up.


I hope the devs have learned something from the reactions to loadouts, excessive monetizing, lack of new ways to play just avenues being closed off. Even if the devs don't want to say too much publicly. Also I hope they get on some interesting content, a new expansion, some neglected build styles becoming interesting to try out, splitting pvp, wvw and pve balance into 3 separate processes and so on.


We'll check back in from time to time I'm sure. I hope the loadout system will be replaced by something functional or even something that improves gameplay. I hope Arenanet abandons the idea of making players pay to use menus/interface - it's just an all round insulting idea.

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I am having trouble understanding how the recently added GW2 Load Out system works. To me, this set up seems overly complex and unintuitive. There are several moving parts that don't seem to fit together very well. It seems to me, no system at all would be better.


This is going to be hard for me to explain as I really don't understand how it works.


So this system has a left side and a right top side for load outs.

So you start with 3 tabs on the left side and 2 tabs on top. I see that the top is for equipment, and the left is for stats. So I can have 3 sets of stats, and 2 sets of equipment. I don't get this because it should be equal (stats plus equipment = one complete set up) Plus there are weapon type stats to consider as well because you may switch weapons during combat and your stats could be affected because of this?

Then I switch to another toon, and see that the left side is already used up with 3 stat builds from the first toon? So when I try to add a different set of left side stats, it overwrites what was there before, but not the top (equipment part) which is not shared, just the left (stat part) is shared?

Then I switch to a 3rd toon and, and, and it just gets worse?


The armor load out shares the same equipment. So I had a set up in the 1st slot, then I went to build a 2nd slot. I only had 4 of 6 pieces to start my 2nd set, but I noticed the system auto-filled the missing 2 pieces with equipment from #1 . I thought great, I can use 2 pieces from #1 until I can afford to complete the new #2 set. Then I bought 6 runes for the new 2nd set. I installed them on the new #2 set, replacing the random older runes on the new pieces to get the set bonus. I then switched back to #1 for awhile, and noticed my 6 set bonus was gone. The system over wrote the existing (random) runes from the 2 pieces it borrowed from the 1st set. Of course the two 1st set runes that got wasted are really expensive to replace, and if I did, the 2nd set bonus would be gone. The answer here is to NOT auto (or otherwise) barrow from the 1st set in the first place and just buy 2 cheap pieces to use in #2 temporarily. I learned that the hard way. I would imagine 1st and 2nd sets rarely share the same runes. In fact, why it would default auto use things from the #1 load out is beyond me. I mean why even have a 2nd set if the system wants to use the same gear for both anyway? The unfilled #2 slots should stay blank until you get new gear to avoid such costly mistakes.


I think each character should have their own wardrobe system that uses ONE set of unique stats AND equipment for each load out. This would be more simple and easy to understand and use. You could start out with 2 or 3 free load outs with the option to buy more.

This idea of trying to combine things doesn't work for me; especially when some things are combined while other parts are not.

Why so complex? Just making one system and letting every character use a separate copy of that same system seems like it would be easier.


As it is now, I would prefer the option to opt out completely. For now, I will just ignore the system completely.

All of this is just my opinion of course.


Happy Holidays!

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> @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

> The wardrobe system has been in the game for almost 6 years. I think you mean the build template system.


Yeah you're right. I mean the equipment load out system. I wonder if I can edit my post. Probably not.


LOL. Ironically, the Wardrobe system has its issues as well. But that's a post for another day.



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For Sobx.1758



**I thought I would point out some friction/pinch points you have missed which lead you to believe you are not causing people distress or offence when you respond.


Much of what you claim is not your fault is drawn from implications based on your choice of language and phrase. An implication is a logical conclusion based on previous evidence and statements, hence why at least one person believes you are indeed, implying things.




@Nephalem.8921 said:


I and a lot of friends found a better solution. Stopped playing this garbage and moved to other games.




Cool, is this supposed to bother me in any way though? If that's what causes someone to quit the game, then maybe they actually didn't enjoy it in the first place.


Things that cause people to quit the game do not have to have anything to do with enjoyment of the game.


They could be monetized but 10-20bucks for unlimited full deal is the most i would pay. This 200€+ nonsense needs to stop.


As I said, I disagree with the pricing so I don't pay for it. w/e




**Stating what you choose to do or not do is fine. Adding w/e implies that you don’t give a damn either way and you are not going to contribute usefully to the argument, it mainly implies that @Nephalem.8921’s comments are worthless.




@misterman.1530 said:


show previous quotes


"If you don't remember your builds then it's your problem lmao."


Almost every single one of your responses is a variation of the "you are a terrible player, so learn to play" theme.






Nothing in that quote is insulting anyone. Start using words according to their meaning, thanks.


Saying "if you don't remember your builds then it's your problem" in no way means I think he's a "terrible player or can't play", what are you even talking about right now?




**Much like the above comment, what you initially said was unfair, people can’t remember for lots of reasons and even writing them down is impossible for a variety of reasons. Adding lmao is the extra insulting part. You’ve implied that something is so simple anyone should be able to do it and then you laugh at them for the possibility that they can’t.






How was what you wrote constructive in any way?


And how is claiming that "buying template slots is obligatory and because of that playing gw2 is super expensive now" constructive in any way? It's just a lie. So what I said was "constructive" by pointing out OP's initial statement is false. Obviously talking about OP from thread that was merged into this one.


You are correct that people don’t have to buy into the system. People HAVE TO USE the new system though if they are to get back any of the functionality Anet took away to implement the new system. To get any BENEFIT of the new system you DO HAVE to buy into it. By changing how the game functions they have manipulated the environment to exclude other options.




**On both accounts that I think are important for Anet’s build/template system, Quality of life improvement and good investment, I believe they have fallen amateurishly short of the mark for a professional organisation.


The builds/template system was supposed to be an improvement over the original automatic switching in game modes but it has not been for many people. To get the full functionality that a FREE, 3rd party made programme had, you have to spend A LOT of money. I would have paid money $15-20 for a system that worked as well as ArcDPS, maybe even bought extra’s, but GW2 template gear system offers less and costs far too much to even do those basics.


The template system should not require the support of windows notepad to function let alone downgrading from an expensive piece of data processing hard and software to a pencil and paper. What is the point of all of that code if writing it out by hand is needed to make a system function?




This document is cut and paste into Word and not using the forums quote system as it was done in my lunch break hence the changes in format. I chose to highlight my responses in bold for clarity and as the previous posts are already available. My apologies for the “Shouty” text.





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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> As we sign off for our annual holiday break, we’re wishing you and yours a splendid season. In 2019, you brought down Kralkatorrik, defeated Qadim the Peerless, attended the biggest charr party ever as a guest of honor, and faced treachery in the Far Shiverpeaks. You’ve befriended skyscales, bonded with Raven, tackled four Strike Missions, and kicked back at festivals throughout the year.


> Now it’s time to rest, relax, and look forward to what comes next! Before we head home to spend time with our families, we wanted to give members of the Guild Wars 2 team an opportunity to talk about these updates in their own words. [Read more here](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/looking-ahead-to-the-new-year/)!


> ![](https://us.v-cdn.net/6027239/uploads/editor/vn/6uhv6wb2cael.jpg "")



At least we have a clear roadmap to show us they are never going to address the real issues with templates. :/

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> Tell that to all the people who demanded the feature in the first place, despite constant warnings of exactly this happening.


Most people who wanted build templates (not loadouts), myself included, were expecting a system similar to GW1 and/or the now blocked ArcDPS plugin: easy to understand and use, no cluttered/complicated interface, and most importantly _unlimited_ and _free_ template storage. We didn't get any of that, hence many people are justifiably upset and want other options and/or for the current system to get a major revamp. The current system seemed to have been rushed out for quick monetization without making sure it is up to quality and player expectations/feedback.

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I think the concept and implimentation of build templates is fine, but the User Interface of build templates could use some work to make the system more user friendly. It took me a solid 30 minutes to sit down and see how it all works - after which I could explain to my friends how to use it - and my main problem was remembering what buttons do and which ones would cause me to accidentally delete my build...

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> Works fine and well but without a “how to” it can be confusing to those who can’t figure things out on their own.


Actaully its totally non working garbage if you use legendary weapons and have to swap weapons in and out of weapon slots, because it automatically removes your sigils and infusions on them each time, its a kitten nightmare.

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