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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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Would be awesome if each equipment tab would save whether you had an outfit on or off, what outfit it was, and differences in transmutation skins.


Example of what I mean:


A Charr uses the same Ranger build in all 6 build templates. He only has 1 berserker gear setup, which he also uses in all 6 tabs of his equipment templates. But due to a new system where each equipment template individually saves outfit settings and transmutation settings, he is able to configure 6 different fashions, with one berserker outfit, so he doesn't have to keep wasting transmutation charges and/or messing with outfit settings manually, each time he wants a change in skins:


* Equip Temp 1 - An Iron Legion themed outfit

* Equip Temp 2 - A Flame Legion themed outfit

* Equip Temp 3 - A Blood Legion themed outfit

* Equip Temp 4 - An Ash Legion themed outfit

* Equip Temp 5 - A Metal Legion themed outfit

* Equip Temp 6 - Some outfit designed to be clownish, ugly, and trollish, for the lulz


Keep in mind, this is all with the same single berserker gear outfit. So essentially the guy has himself configured to rock out different themes at will, on swap.


Just saying, this would be a pretty cool addition to the fashion wars.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> But how would they monetize it? Wardrobe templates inc


Doesn't need to be monetized as a separate feature at all.


Granting such an accomody to the preexisting templates would intrinsically encourage people to purchase more equipment templates & outfits to begin with.




* By standard, I use 3 equipment/build templates on all of my characters, which is usually enough to have the builds I need, ready to go.

* However, if I could very quickly swap character themes when I feel like RPing as something different, as a fashion war enthusiast and speaking for myself, I can say that I would be inclined to purchase more template panels just for the sake of having different looks to quickly swap to.


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A Charr using the same build in all 6 templates wot? Also what you're talking about is already implemented, the equipment tabs use different armor and thus different wardrobes for them too.


Outfits are colored based so maybe some dye templates is what you're looking for?

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> A Charr using the same build in all 6 templates wot? Also what you're talking about is already implemented, the equipment tabs use different armor and thus different wardrobes for them too.


> Outfits are colored based so maybe some dye templates is what you're looking for?


Read the suggestion more carefully.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> What is there to update? Clearly this is working as intended.


There are still some pretty bad bugs. For legendary armor, it kicks out runes/sigils/infusions when you swap gear around. So you have to remember to put them back in manually or you run around with missing sigils/runes/infusions if you rely on the templates themselves.


The templates are still causing pretty bad crashes for people. Can sometimes ruin a match like in pvp when someone swaps a build with templates and it crashes them mid swap. Had a few games last week where it did that to players and they ended up having half a build because you can’t swap once the match starts.


It also skill flips certain classes like rev.


I would hope those things, among the rest of the bugs aren’t intended for something that people hail as a “Robust, well-made program”.


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> @"Roquen.5406" said:


> There are still some pretty bad bugs. For legendary armor, it kicks out runes/sigils/infusions when you swap gear around. So you have to remember to put them back in manually or you run around with missing sigils/runes/infusions if you rely on the templates themselves.

This is a known issue: [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100933/legendary-equipment-and-templates](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100933/legendary-equipment-and-templates#latest)


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Roquen.5406" said:


> > There are still some pretty bad bugs. For legendary armor, it kicks out runes/sigils/infusions when you swap gear around. So you have to remember to put them back in manually or you run around with missing sigils/runes/infusions if you rely on the templates themselves.

> This is a known issue: [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100933/legendary-equipment-and-templates](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100933/legendary-equipment-and-templates#latest)



Honestly, not looking forward to the armory because I expect it to be behind a multi-tiered paywall, per character. Similar to templates now.


It’s also another system on top of the underlying system and so I expect it to bring about a lot of bugs in implementation.


Though I will have to wait to see it’s release before making an actual judgement.


That still leaves templates with the other issues that players are currently running into.

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> @"Roquen.5406" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Roquen.5406" said:

> >

> > > There are still some pretty bad bugs. For legendary armor, it kicks out runes/sigils/infusions when you swap gear around. So you have to remember to put them back in manually or you run around with missing sigils/runes/infusions if you rely on the templates themselves.

> > This is a known issue: [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100933/legendary-equipment-and-templates](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100933/legendary-equipment-and-templates#latest)

> >


> Honestly, not looking forward to the armory because I expect it to be behind a multi-tiered paywall, per character. Similar to templates now.


> It’s also another system on top of the underlying system and so I expect it to bring about a lot of bugs in implementation.


> Though I will have to wait to see it’s release before making an actual judgement.


> That still leaves templates with the other issues that players are currently running into.


expect them to sell the armory slots like they do shared inventory slots and I would hazard a bet of 100 gold that they will sell for 500 gems each. Anet doesn't give away QOL anymore

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TPMN, I think the biggest problem with build storage and build templates is you can't notate which weapons were active. Equipment is a large part of a build overall. The current implementation bifurcates a build into skills+ traits and equipment while arcdps linked gear, traits, skills despite having the three as separate entities. Having a preview complete with icons and such (with sharing abilities) is an improvement over arcdps though.


Build storage also has the limitation of needing 3000 gems just to hit the 24 slot limit , which can't even hold one build per specialization even if you throw money at the problem. With the 40% discount this past sale that dropped it to 100 gems per slot (300 gems = 3 slots), it is still far more pricey than bank tabs (which are basically 20 gems per slot since 600 gems = 30 slots).


However, build templates are faster and even somewhat "pay to win" in WvW since you can disengage and swap via hotkey. Originally it was stated you could only swap builds and equipment in keep/spawn but currently you can do so merely out of combat. Arcdps had the forced delay which is nonexistent now.


The past equipment template sale to 350 gems (30% off) was a nice step towards adoption, but there really needs to be a permanent discount for unlocking all templates for a single character. In addition, people that min-max could make use of the datamined 10 equipment template limit if not more. Legendary armory could help solve this (as people with legendaries are the most likely to use more than 6 equipment templates) but pricing has not been announced.


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To go from something that worked across your entire account, free, unlimited build storage, free, could swap legendary pieces from shared inventory slots, free, easy to use, etc... to this abomination that limits you drastically even if you spend the 360$ to buy all the slots.


Yea. There's no comparison.


I left when it was implemented and won't return.


Games officially dead to me


4 accounts. Thousands spent.



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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"c space cowboy.2764" said:

> > I left when it was implemented and won't return.

> > Games officially dead to me

> Then why bother using the forums?



Perhaps because sometimes it's hard to say goodbye at the end of a relationship, and if it's acrimonious there's always the temptation to make your feelings known long afterwards.


I think it's good that Anet is made aware of the strength of feeling their decision has caused, and the reasons for that, even though, sadly, I also believe noone from Anet is reading this thread or gives a shit. I'm sure they just wish this thread would die.

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> @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:


> ... I also believe noone from Anet is reading this thread or gives a kitten. I'm sure they just wish this thread would die.

To be fair, at this point nothing new has been generated in this thread for quite a while. There's nothing else here for Anet to read. They know the tenor and opinions of the players who have posted here. Repeating the same observations and complaints isn't getting anyone anywhere.


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Feedback from a blind player.


Templates with their hotkeys was a huge QoL update for me. I actually finished unlocking all elite specializations because of it, knowing I can have two builds on my chacters I can easily switch without navigiating the visual-only GUI.


The two characters I play most constantly switch between two builds each, which lets me freshen up my gameplay or adjust to changing circumstances. I only need to set things up once, after that just two key presses.


However, I'm of the mindset that equipment and build tabs should be linked to a single key press. There are many times where I'm trying to use skills and nothing is happening. It takes me a while to figure out that somehow my equipment and build templates desynched (meaning somewhere I forgot to press two keys, or I pressed both and one didn't register for some reason). This is frusterating. Equipment is just as much a part of a build as the skills and traits. Case in point, I can't use my weapon skills at all if I have my firebrand build and dragonhunter equipment. Additionally, a build based on conditions needs equipment based on conditions. I really don't understand how builds and equipment were separated.


Additionally, I can only use two builds on each character, since the third build slot doesn't have a corresponding equipment slot.

New slots are out of my price range considering they are per character.



Besides those two points, this system is amazing. It's extremely accessible for me and something I want in every game I play. Switching builds before was required me to get someone else with eyes to do it for me, since there is no way I can spatially remeber 50 iconss (19 equipment in inventory, 19 on character screen, 12 trait icons to select, including which specialization to selct). Thanks for implementing this system, my gameplay is so much better now.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:


> > ... I also believe noone from Anet is reading this thread or gives a kitten. I'm sure they just wish this thread would die.

> To be fair, at this point nothing new has been generated in this thread for quite a while. There's nothing else here for Anet to read. They know the tenor and opinions of the players who have posted here. Repeating the same observations and complaints isn't getting anyone anywhere.



but its fun

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> but its fun


For me there is nothing fun about still complaining about the state of the system and that proper Templates were sacrificed in the name of monetization.

For me it's genuine disappointment in the company and franchise I've supported and played for one and a half decades, exactly because they didn't pull things like this and always seemed to put the player experience and game functionality and integrity first and then worried about monetizing it after, in a reasonable way.


Guild Wars, with it's lack of subscription and oppressive cash-shop seemed to always be about providing a good experience first, which then made one as customer want to support in way of getting some shiny extras, not having to shill out hundreds for even just baseline functionality to be able to enjoy the base gameplay in the first place, just to then pay extra for any shinies on top of that.


To get complacent and to not make longterm engaging content anymore which keeps people around and makes them want to support the game (from expansions, to dungeons, to Fractals, to Raids, to WvW to PvP, etc.), and to then compensate for eventually dropping revenue by just repeatedly stacking up the cashshop more and more, especially to the degree of so heavily monetizing a supposedly core system like templates has been incredibly disappointing.


Watching people defend these escalating monetizations steps in gaming over the last few years is like (although not really a thing) watching frogs being slowly boiled alive, calling out all the complainers why they are so upset about the water slowly getting hotter and hotter and what their issue is with that.


It's genuinely depressing how the industry is devolving in terms of actually caring for the product and player experience, and how 10-15 years ago in GW1 (a game that managed to release full stand alone expansions every ~6-12 months, without sub-fee and just a barely existing cash-shop), if you had told people GW2 would eventually be a game in which you had to pay 10€/$ per build, per character (while in turn releasing an expansion only every 2-3 years), they would have probably laughed you out of every room at that time for being ridiculous.

Now that's just par for the course.


Why bother making content when people happily buy and defend 3-6 trivial slots to save builds in (or one or two mount skins) for the same price as an entire content expansion with map design, massive amounts of game design with specialisations and new features, writing, voice acting and on and on?

It's not surprising monetization increases while content production declines - with games becoming nothing more than service platforms for purchases, but it's disappointing nontheless. Although I'm not even sure anymore how much companies can be blamed for this development, with consumers so avidly enabling them.


Yet when I'm playing a game I want to feel like, well, playing a video game, not like as increasingly the case feel like I'm in a low substance showroom attached to a store in which I get to parade around purchases.


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> @"Balthzar.3807" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

> >

> > > ... I also believe noone from Anet is reading this thread or gives a kitten. I'm sure they just wish this thread would die.

> > To be fair, at this point nothing new has been generated in this thread for quite a while. There's nothing else here for Anet to read. They know the tenor and opinions of the players who have posted here. Repeating the same observations and complaints isn't getting anyone anywhere.

> >


> but its fun


It's also cathartic for those of us who despise the system, and lament the loss of Arc Templates, to keep reminding ourselves, others and Anet just how bad the current rubbish is.

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