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When even grinding is worthless now.........what do you do?

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Recently returned to the game and was halfway through my 2nd legendary last time. I'm now about 200g off finishing it, but the day to day grind is sucking the life outa me. I use the word grind loosely because as the title suggests, im finding that worthless these days. Everything has no value on the TP, except of course the real killers like mystic coins and other high demand mats. How do people make money these days? I tried to flip like i used to but it seems pointless these days with the cuttthroat competition and slimy TP tactics. I wanna survive in this game but grinding for hours for pennies is just depressing. Any tips would be appreciated.

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If you specifically want to make gold as fast as possible your best option right now is to go to the Mad Kings Labyrinth and then use the LFG tool to find a farming map. It's not especially fun - running in circles spamming skills on enemies - but it is profitable, especially if you sell the Trick-or-Treat bags instead of opening them. Each individual bag only sells for 4-5 silver but you get lots of them.


In general that's how farming works in this game - you don't get one item which you can sell for large amounts of gold, you get lots of items which all sell for a little bit and it adds up. For example one common farming technique is to play The Silverwastes meta on a level 80 character, then transfer all the bags of loot to a level 50 character to open, so you get level 50 items to salvage for mid-tier crafting materials.


But if you find that boring then I absolutely agree with @"Fenella.2634". Your best option is to stop focusing so much on making gold as quickly as possible and just do whatever you want to do for fun. You will still get gold (or items you can sell), albeit more slowly. But there's no point burning yourself out by focusing on one goal you're not actually enjoying. It's a game, the point is to have fun playing it and since you don't need a legendary weapon for anything you can simply start doing the fun parts now.

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Best farms.




(The volatile magic one, you have to buy mat bags with it from a volatile magoc trader or something).


Fractals are a good method to earn gold. Can net 30-50g per T4 run, if you have the fractal masteries.


Halloween lab is good too, but sell the bags in a few months for best profit.


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Just doing gemstone metas, fractal and game dailies nets you heaps. Mix up your metas, it may not be as optimal the past where you could spam Istan etc but it's at least more refreshing.


While I don't grind anymore, I still make ~20g a day just doing dailies and a few of the decent metas.

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I made my gold by selling legendaries. Once you sell one you can craft another in a few days-weeks to sell again, assuming you have all the account bound currencies like spirit shards and karma. If you sell 2-3, you will have around 3k gold. Farming is terrible because its based around pathetically low gold/hour gains, or ridiculously rare drops. Its designed to be addictive yet unrewarding.

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I don't grind. Personally my way of making money is to create and sell legendary weapons. Once you've got the seed money set, it's surprisingly good profit, especially if you don't sell the t6 mats and upgrade the t5 into t6.


However, I do have sort of a daily rotation that I used to do. See, all of the map metas have a once per day loot that's about 1 gold, alongside of all the other treasure chests that they award. So, if I want to earn gold, I just bounce around doing these:


Auric Basin

Verdant Brink

Tangled Depths

Crystal Oasis

Elon Riverlands

The Desolation

Domain of Vabbi

Domain of Istan


There's many more out there, like in the LWS4 maps. However, doing all of these usually eats up my free time. However, there are other places to consider:


Treasure Mushroom Hunting (the 5 outside of Dragon's Stand)

Dragon's Stand

Thunderhead Keep

Daily t4 and CM fractals

Drytop Treasure Hunt



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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> Best farms.


> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Yh487baFzsbJARil-evNdrG3KOmoncEfurElBm0CzdE/htmlview


> (The volatile magic one, you have to buy mat bags with it from a volatile magoc trader or something).


> Fractals are a good method to earn gold. Can net 30-50g per T4 run, if you have the fractal masteries.


> Halloween lab is good too, but sell the bags in a few months for best profit.



Not trying to be rude, but what planet are you living on where fractals bring in 30-50g a run? I have had fractal mastery since it was released and Average 6g-12g for a full T4 run. And even that isn't fantastic.

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> @"Justin.5231" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > Best farms.

> >

> > https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Yh487baFzsbJARil-evNdrG3KOmoncEfurElBm0CzdE/htmlview

> >

> > (The volatile magic one, you have to buy mat bags with it from a volatile magoc trader or something).

> >

> > Fractals are a good method to earn gold. Can net 30-50g per T4 run, if you have the fractal masteries.

> >

> > Halloween lab is good too, but sell the bags in a few months for best profit.

> >


> Not trying to be rude, but what planet are you living on where fractals bring in 30-50g a run? I have had fractal mastery since it was released and Average 6g-12g for a full T4 run. And even that isn't fantastic.


Return of fractals is very subject to different factors.


1.) Are you running T4?

2.) Are you running recommended after T4?

3.) Are you running challenge modes (both or only 1)?

4.) Do you have any rank of fractal god?


It is not uncommon for someone with fractal god title to get a return of 30+ gold daily when running CMs, T4 an recommended and even more.


Most important are actually recommended to new fractal runners since they make up almost half of the daily gold gained while the T4 dailies have a higher chance of dropping loot chests. Challenge modes and fractal god title just add on top.

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If you're only 200g away then lab farm should get you there soon enough, eg if you can farm at least two stacks of bags or more every hour - each stack is around 12g if you sell now, so anywhere between ~25 or 30+g per hour depending how casual or intensely you go about it.


Sure it'll take a few hours to rack up to 200, but I'm in a similar position to get Dawn having already crafted the other three components of Sunrise, and doing an between half an hour or an hour of this every now and then is helping to get towards placing a buy order fairly soon.

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> @"Goatfish.5082" said:

> Recently returned to the game and was halfway through my 2nd legendary last time. I'm now about 200g off finishing it, but the day to day grind is sucking the life outa me. I use the word grind loosely because as the title suggests, im finding that worthless these days. Everything has no value on the TP, except of course the real killers like mystic coins and other high demand mats. How do people make money these days? I tried to flip like i used to but it seems pointless these days with the cuttthroat competition and slimy TP tactics. I wanna survive in this game but grinding for hours for pennies is just depressing. Any tips would be appreciated.


TP flipping works just fine. You might need to learn a bit of patience and do some research, though. If you have initial capital you can easily make 1000g/week on TP.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Grinding is worthless? Sounds good ... because no one wants to grind in an MMO anyways. Just play the game. You will get what you want eventually.


No you wont.. 7 years and still not a single legendary drop in open world PvE.. Not even a precursor..

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Grinding is worthless? Sounds good ... because no one wants to grind in an MMO anyways. Just play the game. You will get what you want eventually.


> No you wont.. 7 years and still not a single legendary drop in open world PvE.. Not even a precursor..


Well legendaries don’t drop.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > Grinding is worthless? Sounds good ... because no one wants to grind in an MMO anyways. Just play the game. You will get what you want eventually.

> >

> > No you wont.. 7 years and still not a single legendary drop in open world PvE.. Not even a precursor..


> Well legendaries don’t drop.


That's their point.. you can't get legendary without some grind. That grind might be fun to you, but its still grind.( repeating a task for gold/materials/gifts)

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > Grinding is worthless? Sounds good ... because no one wants to grind in an MMO anyways. Just play the game. You will get what you want eventually.

> > >

> > > No you wont.. 7 years and still not a single legendary drop in open world PvE.. Not even a precursor..

> >

> > Well legendaries don’t drop.


> That's their point.. you can't get legendary without some grind. That grind might be fun to you, but its still grind.( repeating a task for gold/materials/gifts)


Well grind is a pretty big part of MMO’s. Those that have issues with it are playing the wrong genre.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > Grinding is worthless? Sounds good ... because no one wants to grind in an MMO anyways. Just play the game. You will get what you want eventually.

> > > >

> > > > No you wont.. 7 years and still not a single legendary drop in open world PvE.. Not even a precursor..

> > >

> > > Well legendaries don’t drop.

> >

> > That's their point.. you can't get legendary without some grind. That grind might be fun to you, but its still grind.( repeating a task for gold/materials/gifts)


> Well grind is a pretty big part of MMO’s. Those that have issues with it are playing the wrong genre.


Oh I'm not complaining :).

The responses were to Obtena who made the claim that no one wants to grind in an mmo.


clearly this is false, being that MMOs are grind.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Grinding is worthless? Sounds good ... because no one wants to grind in an MMO anyways. Just play the game. You will get what you want eventually.


> MMOs content is the defintion of grind ?


> Designed to be repeated..over and over and over ..


Sure ... doesn't change what I said ... People like things fast and now.

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Grinding is worthless? Sounds good ... because no one wants to grind in an MMO anyways. Just play the game. You will get what you want eventually.


> No you wont.. 7 years and still not a single legendary drop in open world PvE.. Not even a precursor..


Legendaries don't drop period. Just saying. Doesn't matter if they drop or not anyway, because they're cheap enough to buy. I haven't had a ton of legendary drops but I have 23 legendary weapons. But yeah, legendaries don't drop...period.

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Grinding is worthless? Sounds good ... because no one wants to grind in an MMO anyways. Just play the game. You will get what you want eventually.

> No you wont.. 7 years and still not a single legendary drop in open world PvE.. Not even a precursor..

If you want a legendary, don't rely on drops. You can craft them. I've crafted three all the way without grinding anything, just using materials that had accumulated in my bank/wallet. On top of that, I was lucky enough to actually find two precursors in 7 years (one about 3 years ago in the labyrinth chest in the Silverwastes, the other just this weekend from a guard in wvw) and was able to craft those two weapons from accumulated materials, too.

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