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So after waiting a while after the icebrood saga intro, I played 30 minutes on the new map and got bored.


We waited so long for this. Was it just me that was expecting an expansion level of content to be released going from s4 to s5? The new mastery doesn't feel good at all. Hot brought gliding and movement, and pof bought mounts... wth is the raven stuff???


I'll say it again. We dont need living world maps that we wait months for and burn through in a few hours. We need CONTENT. A new pvp game mode such as arenas. Something new for wvw like dueling zones. Dungeons that matter, new fractal level from 100-110.


This is so disappointing. You dropped the ball so hare with your icebrood saga announcement remember? When you gathered people to a convention for something that could have been done on a blog post.


Then we wait and get this. Is this it? Yeah I've heard people saying "more frequent releases" but anything short of once every month... so what? Even then.



It's obvious that living world is what you're going to stick with, introducing new maps. This is fine. But not if it takes this long and has such little content.



Icebrood saga could actually have been a different framework for an expansion.... I'm so disappointed. I didnt expect new elite specs just yet, though they would have been nice, but the masteries are a total let down. Add to that there is nothing new at all....

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I honestly have been enjoying the pacing of GW2, coming from WoW, who give content updates maybe every 6+ months and those content updates are just endless time grating grinds and poorly done ones at that. If Anet is releasing content every 2-3 months with decent gameplay like Whispers in the Dark, I'm happy with it.

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> So after waiting a while after the icebrood saga intro, I played 30 minutes on the new map and got bored.


> We waited so long for this. Was it just me that was expecting an expansion level of content to be released going from s4 to s5? The new mastery doesn't feel good at all. Hot brought gliding and movement, and pof bought mounts... wth is the raven stuff???


> I'll say it again. We dont need living world maps that we wait months for and burn through in a few hours. We need CONTENT. A new pvp game mode such as arenas. Something new for wvw like dueling zones. Dungeons that matter, new fractal level from 100-110.


> This is so disappointing. You dropped the ball so hare with your icebrood saga announcement remember? When you gathered people to a convention for something that could have been done on a blog post.


> Then we wait and get this. Is this it? Yeah I've heard people saying "more frequent releases" but anything short of once every month... so what? Even then.



> It's obvious that living world is what you're going to stick with, introducing new maps. This is fine. But not if it takes this long and has such little content.



> Icebrood saga could actually have been a different framework for an expansion.... I'm so disappointed. I didnt expect new elite specs just yet, though they would have been nice, but the masteries are a total let down. Add to that there is nothing new at all....


Why you use “we” all the time? Please speak only for yourself. I am quiet happy with the first episode. There is more to come.



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Anet said that the new Saga would bring expansion level content. It didn't say that expansion level content would be there in every episode. We have no idea how long the saga is. But to expect expansion level content in every episode is like me saying there's a great fight scene in a movie, seeing the first ten minutes, not seeing a fight scene and complaining.


I suspect many will complain afterwards, because what Anet said was we'd see the sort of things you'd get from expansions, but they didn't specify. To them, that could mean strike missions, which we're seeing already. Expansion type content doesn't mean everything that's going to be in an expansion. It just doesn't.


Edit: And yeah it's content. You might not like it, but I'm having a hell of a time.

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Then again, they surely think their build "templates" are expansion level content...


I hope this was just the unevitable lower-quality episode we get from time to time. I don't know if it's a team issue or just plain bad luck, but looking back at previous seasons those episodes were usually followed up by something much better. Let's keep looking forward.

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> So after waiting a while after the icebrood saga intro, I played 30 minutes on the new map and got bored.


> We waited so long for this. Was it just me that was expecting an expansion level of content to be released going from s4 to s5? The new mastery doesn't feel good at all. Hot brought gliding and movement, and pof bought mounts... wth is the raven stuff???


> I'll say it again. We dont need living world maps that we wait months for and burn through in a few hours. We need CONTENT. A new pvp game mode such as arenas. Something new for wvw like dueling zones. Dungeons that matter, new fractal level from 100-110.


> This is so disappointing. You dropped the ball so hare with your icebrood saga announcement remember? When you gathered people to a convention for something that could have been done on a blog post.


> Then we wait and get this. Is this it? Yeah I've heard people saying "more frequent releases" but anything short of once every month... so what? Even then.



> It's obvious that living world is what you're going to stick with, introducing new maps. This is fine. But not if it takes this long and has such little content.



> Icebrood saga could actually have been a different framework for an expansion.... I'm so disappointed. I didnt expect new elite specs just yet, though they would have been nice, but the masteries are a total let down. Add to that there is nothing new at all....


What do you mean "waited so long"? This episode literally came out faster than all past episodes since LS2.


In fact judging by their release schedule, partial map updates (we only got half of a map this time), and the general feel they are aiming for, they're trying to create the system they had in LS2 with the advantages of LS3+4, so we'll probably get more content overall this season.

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It's actually one of the few maps I've decided to get mastery on. It has some nice skin rewards and very good XP. It's also a popular meta/map because you can change LW5 for LW4 currency - something we desperately need especially with the daily changes.


Yeah it's small, but I've played this map way more than half the other maps. They said numerous times maps will be expanded, rather than having separate maps. It's going to get silly if we have a new map every episode, the list is so long now.

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It is disappointing. Locking reward chests behind masteries is such anemic design. Story was extremely short, and the zone is quit ugly. Again, a square map with a different biome in every corner, exept smaller and blander and with much less fluff. The new combat is gimmicky and extremely situational. You fight one type of mobs and then quickly have to go look for the opposite type of mobs in order to at least make *some* use of the Buff and extra Skill you have: exept that it really does not make much difference. Does that special skill actually do something?


Typical example: during the assault on the keep you fight Fallen at one of the Domes, so you get the Resilient Buff. Unfortunately, the only mob worthwhile using the Special skill on is the Icebear Bomber, yet the skill does not work on this particular mob! And off course the Buff and skill have no effect on the Fallen so you have to run to another Dome where another type of mob attacks to get some use out of your buff. Fun! :(


My advice would be to actually make the buff last for at least half an hour or maybe a whole hour. That way you can be a bit more relaxed about it and actually see some use of the Buffs now and then. I am sure there are "rotations" or "best pathways" for the events/chains where you can maximize the buffs as it is now but why not make your game more fun?

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> @"Death.9268" said:

> Story was short but great none the less. The map itself is beautiful, nice achievements, and a good meta event.

> Strike missions the old and new one are great. I do hope they will make it even harder.


> Can't wait what they have to offer for the next area of this map =)


Just wanted to second this, all of this.


Also, I love the Jormag voice!

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> > So after waiting a while after the icebrood saga intro, I played 30 minutes on the new map and got bored.

> >

> > We waited so long for this. Was it just me that was expecting an expansion level of content to be released going from s4 to s5? The new mastery doesn't feel good at all. Hot brought gliding and movement, and pof bought mounts... wth is the raven stuff???

> >

> > I'll say it again. We dont need living world maps that we wait months for and burn through in a few hours. We need CONTENT. A new pvp game mode such as arenas. Something new for wvw like dueling zones. Dungeons that matter, new fractal level from 100-110.

> >

> > This is so disappointing. You dropped the ball so hare with your icebrood saga announcement remember? When you gathered people to a convention for something that could have been done on a blog post.

> >

> > Then we wait and get this. Is this it? Yeah I've heard people saying "more frequent releases" but anything short of once every month... so what? Even then.

> >

> >

> > It's obvious that living world is what you're going to stick with, introducing new maps. This is fine. But not if it takes this long and has such little content.

> >

> >

> > Icebrood saga could actually have been a different framework for an expansion.... I'm so disappointed. I didnt expect new elite specs just yet, though they would have been nice, but the masteries are a total let down. Add to that there is nothing new at all....


> What do you mean "waited so long"? This episode literally came out faster than all past episodes since LS2.


> In fact judging by their release schedule, partial map updates (we only got half of a map this time), and the general feel they are aiming for, they're trying to create the system they had in LS2 with the advantages of LS3+4, so we'll probably get more content overall this season.


Em, it's true that LS4 was much slower, yes, but the LS3 episodes came out as fast as Icebrood Saga episodes, contained more content than Episode 1 _and_ they released raids, fractals and current events alongside them.


In fact the gap between Episode 2 and Episode 3 was the exact same as the gap between the Prologue and Episode 1 of the Icebrood Saga.



Rising Flames on September 19, 2016

A Crack in the Ice on November 21, 2016



Prologue: Bound by Blood on September 17, 2019

Whisper in the Dark on November 19, 2019


We'll have to wait and see how it goes but Episode 1 felt very light indeed when compared with the prologue. Maybe Episode 2 will add a whole lot more when it rounds out the map.




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This is how GW2 has been going about content. This IS the content. And it isn't content that can be done in only "a few hours". Maybe a few days of hard grinding. For the majority of players, that would take a couple months to completed IF they play only an hour or so every day. That's the target demographic.


This chapter was great. I'm even surprised how little grinding there is in it. Even encourages going through the story with multiple characters.

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> So after waiting a while after the icebrood saga intro, I played 30 minutes on the new map and got bored.


> We waited so long for this. Was it just me that was expecting an expansion level of content to be released going from s4 to s5? The new mastery doesn't feel good at all. Hot brought gliding and movement, and pof bought mounts... wth is the raven stuff???


> I'll say it again. We dont need living world maps that we wait months for and burn through in a few hours. We need CONTENT. A new pvp game mode such as arenas. Something new for wvw like dueling zones. Dungeons that matter, new fractal level from 100-110.


> This is so disappointing. You dropped the ball so hare with your icebrood saga announcement remember? When you gathered people to a convention for something that could have been done on a blog post.


> Then we wait and get this. Is this it? Yeah I've heard people saying "more frequent releases" but anything short of once every month... so what? Even then.



> It's obvious that living world is what you're going to stick with, introducing new maps. This is fine. But not if it takes this long and has such little content.



> Icebrood saga could actually have been a different framework for an expansion.... I'm so disappointed. I didnt expect new elite specs just yet, though they would have been nice, but the masteries are a total let down. Add to that there is nothing new at all....


I totally enjoyed EP1 way more than the prologue, Grothmar Valley felt more like a helter skelter beach party than a serious part of the story (Watchdogs 2 players know what i mean). And i absolutely love the dark layout, the mysterious surrounding and the psycho ambient. It is more of a horror game without pseudo funny things, pure goosebump enjoyment.

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> @"Astrolicus.3716" said:

> Imagine being so salty and complaining when we're just in episode 1, just wait until later this season, then judge. It is extremely early to judge LWS5 at this point. **_We are literally in episode 1_**


Imagine being so salty when it's just 7+ years old game. We have to wait until it hit 15 at least. 7+ years means nothing. Its still in beta.

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Let's not get crazy here. First off this comes 2 months after prologue which is faster release then typical LS episode (round 3 months, sometimes above).

Secondly we've yet to see where this goes. Like i was complaning about no karmic retribution, but turns out karma is bountiful on this map.


I've yet to pass my judgement on the map itself, i'll give it time to get to know it well. Now if ep 2 fails to deliver some new addition to core content like a fractal, a raid, or something that will work outside designated saga maps (like bettle or skyscale for LF4) then i might be less inclined to defend it there and then. But for now i'm still giving them some time to surprise me.

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