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What do you miss from GW that you would like to have in GW2?

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> I suppose I liked Gw1 mobs and bosses because they used player skills with player skill tells (or skills similar to what the player could use). It made them feel genuine, rather than a reskin of the last boss you killed, and presented a challenge without needing to die just so you can adjust to brand new mechanics.


> Signet of capture was also an interesting idea - collecting elite skills was for everyone else like pet-hunting was for rangers. I liked that sort of content.


> The Gw1 warthog was so cute. I want it in gw2.


> Oh, and the skintight outfits. and hairstyles. FOR THE LOVE OF LYSSA, KORMIR AND DWAYNA, BRING BACK THE HAIRSTYLES.


I agree in the part of mobs it felt better than they feel in gw2 for sure. For the most part i believe bosses are better in gw2.


The whole mobs being tje same classes as us system tho was excellent idk why they dropped it.

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After getting my 2nd account and starting to take it though the story again, I certainly miss the campaign's in GW.

Doing the personal story ( I chose asura over human this time) , starting HoT and completing PoF so I could get the griffon, it's so full of blah blah I lose interest.

While in GW I did the missions maybe 100's of times, for myself to help friends get master or just for fun. In fact I did the old Ascalon missions the other day for a bit of fun.

I think it's because you had to do missions to unlock area and it gave meaning, while the story here is just 'there' and a few mastery points. (ok you need story to unlock ths seasons i get that)

But i dunno. I went though all 3 GW campaigns and GW:EN on every class, while here I'm struggling to do the story again here on another character.




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1. The Skin I most miss: Draconic Aegis - https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Draconic_Aegis Don't try to improve it or fancy it up...just make a nice sharp clean version and bring it in via a collection.(Please don't gem store it.) I would even help write a story to support doing the collection. My warrior...to this day...in GW1 wields a Chaos Axe and Draconic Aegis.

2. I am hopeful we will see Cantha...but I do miss the Ritualist. (I am still hoping for the Dervish too...maybe the next elite class for the Guardian...hint,hint :) )

3. Polymock

4. An option for Outfits to display only when in Cities. (LA, Iron Citadel, Divinity's Reach, etc.)

5. Actual Guild Capes (I know, I have read, its a graphical nightmare...but I can still want/miss them. :) )

6. Only because it is way overdue...BUILD TEMPLATES :)

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Dont get me wrong, I really enjoy GW2. It has many features where it excels its predecessor but the things I miss from GW1 the most are:


1.) ANet's attitude towards the game (-ing industry). GW1 wasn't made to be the next big MMO. Sure, it was kind of a niche product, but still was commercially successful, which shows they made the right decision those days.

GW2 took a step backwards imho, because they decided to cater to the masses to increase the income, but all in all they created a 'weaker' product than beforehand.

GW2 is a jack of all trades. It tries to tell an interesting story, to deliver big boss fights in the open world, to have exciting pvp battles etc., but does it succeed? Well, kind of.

I - as a PvE player - really enjoy every new chapter of the living story we get. But can this experience compete with other games, that focus on storytelling? Not even close!

And that is the main point I wanted to make: Sometimes it is better to concentrate on fewer aspects and with GW1 ANet did a way better job in this regard.


2.) I miss GW1's low level cap.

What's the deal with leveling, when (simply put) all it does is adding zeros behind the numbers on both sides. There is no difference between inflicting 10 damage to a monster that has 100 hitpoints and 100,000 dmg to a 1,000,000 hitbar.

Sure, leveling still gives the player the feeling of some kind of progression, but as mentioned above this is merely an illusion. I personally want another way of progression instead, like myself getting better at playing or getting more variety in playstyle and therefore beeing more succesfull in the game, which leads me to another point:


3.) In GW1 you can get max level gear pretty early and without much efford.

In GW2 it takes way more time to gain equivalent gear plus the power of characters is at around 70% dependent on the gear they are wearing, which makes aquiring new gear necessary, if you want to change your build / playstyle.

I am aware that veteran players quite easily can aquire new ascended gear, but still it is an unnecessary timesink to me.

Like during the leveling phase, you spent way to much time preparing for the game, than actually playing it the way you want.


4.) GW1 has more tactically challanging fights than GW2, even in PvE.

While i really enjoy GW2's better movement system, the fights are too action oriented. That doesn't automatically mean the fights have to be more boring and need less skill, but to me that's exactly the case. The only things I have to do are to keep up my rotation while deciding when to use a dodge or a CC. GW1 has more to offer, when it comes to counter the build of an opponent / win against an opponent.

The only way GW2 is able to make fights more challanging is by restricting (the movement of) the player and raising the hitpoints of an opponent, which equals the amount of time, the player has to endure the fight. But that's no fun at all.

Let me as a player be more creative to find a solution. In the end I will feel more accomplishment, if i beat a boss in a creative way, than merely beeing happy a made it through, because the opponent was immune to CC (looking at you, sniper).


5.) I think the design of the weapons and armours in GW1 is superior to GW2.

I like it more simple and don't find the new flashy designs very appealing (although they could be explained lorewise).

To have legendary Weapons in the game, that can't be explained in the lore and look like someone has stolen them from the set of a random b-movie, doesn't make it better.

And as I am writing about the looks of GW2: I am not very fond of the particle effects (in fights) neither. I know ANet already has taken a couple of steps to tone them down, but to me they could go even further and let the player decide, what's to be rendered and what's not.


6.) Last but not least: I really miss my monk. Guardian / Druid cannot replace my hybrid healer.


Sorry for the wall of text, but this topic really matters to me and it is the first time I explain in detail (more or less), what's bothering me about GW2 on the forums and not discussing it within the small circle of my friends.

So, chapeau if you made it till here and forgive me my mistakes, english is not my first language.

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1. Build templates

2. Scarier zones. I like the S3 Ring of Fire maps, I really do, but it's still a little disappointing that it's basically just a volcano now, whereas in GW1 that place felt like it was actually Hell. Hopefully the Far, Far, Far Shiverpeaks will be more doomful.

3. Monk body tattoo armor.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> 1. Buld templates

> 2. Capes

> 3. Build templates

> 4. Maybe build templates also


This and only this.

Henchman or any other kind of companions would kill the game for me. I cant stand another SWTOR where i never need another player to run content. If i want a singleplayer i'll play Skyrim

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

> > Actual cutscenes

> GW2 has cutscenes, and _much_ better ones than GW1. Even the old story cutscenes with two characters standing there talking were better than what GW1 had (your character didn't even move their mouth when speaking until... Nightfall, I think).


I guess he misses the factions cutscenes, which pretty much amounted to a running montage for 20 seconds before or after dialogue.

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1. Necromancer armours. All light armour in GW2 is based on GW1 Mesmer and Elementalist armours. The closest you can get to GW1 Necro armour is Bloody Prince's Outfit (obviously inspired by Necro armours), the Profane skin (which is similar but not identical to the same-named GW1 armour) and possibly Seer (which has its own problems related to light reflectivity, colour reproduction, really ugly boots and leggings that clip badly with every other light armour set in the game).

2. Armour doesn't drop, you gather materials and take them to an NPC and have them make exactly the armour style you want, and you add the colours and stats you want after the fact. No crafting skill required.

3. Weapons can be dyed.

4. Any character can use any weapon, but weapons carry buffs that are only useful to a particular class.

5. Visibility toggles on headgear and capes.

6. Capes.

7. The short stick-like one-handed light ranged weapon was called a WAND, which is what it is, not a "sceptre" which is something completely different.

8. Foci didn't look like bent sticks with cowbells attached. GW1 had a wider range of common foci that looked like magical items (a skull, Medusa's head, an oversized gauntlet, a scroll case, a fetish or doll, a chalice, etc.) instead of electric torches or rayguns (only named exotics and above look like foci in GW2), and when a skull was held as a focus the face of the skull was _toward_ the target, not staring up into the sky or at the ground. A skull looked like the character was _holding_ it, not like a thumb was thrust into a hole drilled in the back of the cranium.

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> @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

> 1. The feeling of going out into a map. Since it was an individual instance, being out there in the wilderness felt so lonely and forlorn. It felt like, if your party died out in the unforgiving wilderness, no one would come to save you, and no one would find your corpse. It felt like there was nothing but wilderness and danger for miles and miles. That feeling is totally lost in GW2, where players and NPC's are around every corner, and there are waypoints a click away.


So true! Just too bad we couldn't reload in our personal instance out of nowhere.


I also liked how the monsters stayed dead and didn't respawn. It gave me a sense of accomplishment. I could also take my time exploring.

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-Literally all of Cantha.

-Actually, all of factions. Bring the Kurzicks and Luxons back so I can make fun of anyone that picks those sea turtle-loving rock-lickers.

-Ritualist. I. Loved. Ritualist.


-Mandatory request for guild capes that we've been asking for for like 7 years

-The old armors NOT AS OUTFITS.

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The hero system as this is a fine way for social anxious and paranoid players like me to not actually be "forced" into a group of random strangers who judge every little mistake you do even if you're a veteran and of course fail conditions from missions. I know the fail conditions can be frustrating but it gives you at least a good opportunity to plan and organize before rushing brainless into the mission. Also bonus missions would be fine and I still hope that Cantha may be coming back someday even if there are a mass of hints saying it won't. Another thing I value from the hero system (or hero and henchmen system since heroes weren't a thing before henchmen) is that you can build actually nice stories around your character and group from their adventures. Oh and perhaps the Realm of Torment but I doubt it will be the same since it was a lot "creepier"/"more disgusting" originally and the GW2 version will be toned down (just like necro minions and some creatures) into cotton candy and fluff then.

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> @"Swing.6439" said:

> -Menagerie

The menagerie was a slapdash workaround to remedy the problems with GW1's pet system, GW2's pet system fixed those problems by default and the pet menu literally contains most of the menagerie's actual functionality.


It was pretty, yes, but I'll take pets that are automatically the same level as me and can be painlessly changed on the fly over that.

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A Story that actually feels personal. Original GW had that nailed.

Good Character Customization options that original GW had

Race/ Class/ profession locked armor that original GW had. It helped with originality and distinguishable features.

Actual Fantasy Aesthetic. GW2 has lost its identity and almost feels like a korean mmo, just without the grind. (So many wings, sparkles, anime hair, and lack of personality to the game itself that it had when 1st starting out)

Skill based PvP, not class based PvP

Build Templates

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