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What is the "worst" map?

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In Unranked: Spirit Watch. Your entire team rushes orb straight away to fight the other 2 people that don't realize you can nearly finish the midfight before the orb actually spawns.


In Ranked: Forest. The terrain gimmicks are probably some of the worst of all the other maps, heavily favoring classes with blinks. I find the side objective really annoying as well, as people almost never know when to actually kill beast. Some people throw away 100+ point leads because they continually feed points by gambling with getting the +25 after it's already been stolen 2 or 3 times in a row.

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I dislike;


* Legacy because the lord has a terrible weakness to conditions even though they use a healing signet that doesn't grant resistance, which should. It's an okay design otherwise.


* Forest because beasts are an annoying gamble and another condition biased bonus on the map. Design is also fine.


* Capricorn because it's too big and favors mobility builds too much, the bonus is however balanced.


* Temple because it also favor mobility builds, height is a pain to deal with, but the bonuses are great and can be engaging.


I honestly prefer;


* Djinn because it's small, has no height bias like Spirit, bonuses can do wonders but aren't overpowered.


* Skyhammer the bonus isn't stupidly OP. Really small which brings build diversity.


* Coliseum because it's even, has balanced bonuses, isn't too big.


* Khylo because it's also even, no bonuses at all and again not stupidly big.


I'd change my opinion if changes were made because the game should be good for every profession to excel, not just having a Thief to back cap as mandatory for a win. The same argument could be said to defend points, but the advantages are still there to +1 while you're afk on the node you don't want Thief to decap.

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I can appreciate every map in some way. The problem is that the secondary objectives demand too much brain cells. Like those beasts on forest are real noob magnets. For some reason ppl will camp spawn and ping the beasts on the minimap like theres no tomorrow. These people do not question themselves and neither should you. Im not talking low tier games. Having these idiots in your team every game is the endgame reward.

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For conquest obviously Spirit Watch.




Forest of Niflhel: In terms of nodes I think this has hands down the best. Both the side noding experience has excellent areas to fight, as does the team fight. Both have excellent uses for line of sight and jumping puzzles and even advantageous terrain for teleports. Not only is the far push encouraged on this map with the second gate towards the enemy node. But even as the person getting home, should the worst happen and you team get eaten alive at mid before you can even join the fight, the capacity to go from your home node to far is really forgiving and can really swing an initial bad opening in your favor as a side noder. The map is very comfortably sized as well. The only complaint is that Svarnir and Chieften 99/100 are not worth it, but every game I see my team going towards them on respawn. I've seen teams abandon a triple cap to push the beast 4vBeast.


Eternal Coliseum: Overall well balanced map. After the revamp both the mid team fights and the side node experience have a lot of thought put in to them with line of sight and jumping puzzles and no ports. The map mechanic is solid and can swing things without feeling truly mandatory like Bell on Capricorn or a noob trap like Forest and Kyhlo. It is Guild Wars 2's Final Destination Fox Only No Items. I also love the aesthetics of an actual arena.


Temple of the Silent Storm: This map is so close to being my favorite map. It has hands down the best map mechanics that can change the game in favor of creating a massive snowball, or a losing team can recover from what appears to be a completely hopeless map. I love the aethetic. And I like how mobility is favored here with lots of objectives where moving fast can save the day. If there is one thing I dislike it's that the side noding experience is very mediocre and that's what holds it back most in my opinion. Limited capacity for interesting jumping puzzles, limited access to no ports to prevent a plus, but side nodes leave you pretty blind to pluses comparatively, particularly if they can port at you through walls like a thief or a rev as they can take a Call Target from their ally to target you without you ever seeing them. If the side nodes got a remake that made them comparable to the other maps this would hands down be my favorite map.


Skyhammer: Skyhammer is overall a solid map with an aesthetic I like. The map mechanic feels impactful without being outrageously over powered. And compared to Temple the side noding experience is overall a bit better than the side noding experience there, albeit you are still really blind to porting pluses. Even the far push is really comfortable. If there is one thing I actually don't care for it's the Mid and Skyhammer experience. The distance between these two nodes and the spawns is too short. So many Skyhammer games end up with the team fights being these big endless meatgrinders on both or either sides were almost as soon as the enemy team dies they're back there ready to fight and leave Mid and Skyhammer unresolved mosh pits for literal minutes at a time. Given that I rarely play builds that team fight, mostly sticking to roaming side noding on Condi Mirage or roaming on Power, getting bogged down in endless team fights is not my idea of a good time.


Legacy of the Foefire: A classic map but a bit flawed I must say. I think every single node provides interesting terrain from all parties involved. The side nodes are comfortable with useful terrain and easy line of sight for watching incoming pluses. The mid node is big and spacious, with good capacity for line of sight and kiting. There's a reason every 1v1 server uses this map because for actual fighting it's potentially on par with Forest. But it's not perfect For starters, the map mechanic is almost entirely a non mechanic. Maybe once a season I'll see it come into play in a meaningful way. This means there is no true comeback mechanic for the losing team. In addition, while the nodes are great in terms of fighting, the lay out of the map gives you too much visibility across the terrain making it easy once you gain a foothold to know exactly where all of the enemy team is because if you stand at the raised sections by mid you can literally see all the nodes and both spawns. Because of this its very easy for a team in ranked to just win the opening and then never lose nodes again because the losing team just doesn't have the capacity to out rotate them as easily when the enemy team has a bead on all their movement. Still, one of the more fun maps to play despite it's flaws.




Battle of Kyhlo: A fun map for classes that port, but otherwise I find the layouts of all the nodes rather subpar for enjoyable combat. Both the side nodes and mid don't feel fun to fight at. Though on the plus side the terrain on getting to the various nodes is also pretty fun. Treb is a complete noob trap. At best no one touches it and it's a nonmechanic. At worst one of your teammates decides he's a treb main and goes to it every time all game throwing the rest of the map. Also because of the map's layout and the Clocktower Node this is just like Legacy of Foefire in terms of how much this map snowballs. Also Old Clocktower was cooler. I loved breaking the windows before diving into the fight.


Djinn's Dominion: One of the prettiest maps, but it isn't ready for ranked. Sadly it's in ranked. I'm not sure exactly what can be done to truly fix the map. For starters it's too small, once a team fight is won the side nodes are immediately snowballed onto. The map mechanic is another noob trap. If I could do anything with this map, I would make the Lamp a Permanent 4th node rather than a special mechanic. This would make it extremely unique compared to other maps and it would also alleviate the problem of just how tiny the map is by making more of the map relevant and also alleviate hard the side nodes get completely snowballed every game.


**Revenge of the Capricorn: My least favorite map in ranked currently.** The individual nodes are all solidly designed. It's gorgeous, but I think this might have the worst layout outside of Spirit Watch. For starters, the initial far push is basically impossible. I mean its not impossible but you really only have two routes, either the long way swinging through home or by literally cutting through the team fight as it opens, potentially forcing multiple cooldowns to get that far push. Now imagine you're the player on home and your team wipes before you can even get to mid. In other maps like Skyhammer and Forest and Temple you can push far in relative safety with solid amounts of Line of Sight to hide you and terrain to use as you push that way. If you team wipes and you try to push far the entire mid fight can see you and if any one is paying attention you're already in range to be stolen onto, phase traversed onto, and judges intervention onto making a decap attempt extremely punishing. And even if the mid fight doesn't immediately rush you, you're running right into the enemy who got home and there's little capacity to actually sneak past him. Compare to Temple where if you're sneaky and patient you can use the back door to quickly decap the point right from under the enemy's node as they leave the point when they finish capping.


In addition, while Bell is a solid mechanic I think the actual node on bell is just really unfun to fight on. It's a meatgrinder and without any sort of line of sight and a hilariously inadequate jumping platform it just massively favors team fighters because there's almost no terrain you can use to stall a fight here. Even Skyhammer has the panels on the side of the node for line of sight.


Right now Capricorn is the single most snowbally and swingiest map in the game. At the same time. This sounds contradictory but it's true. While Bell is a solid map mechanic and does decide games, what really decides this map is how boxed in the team that lost the last engagement is. Your capacity to recover with a far push that baits a favorable 1v1 or even a 2v1 you can stall while your other teammates try to recover is just so low. You have two options most of the time; you go home or you go mid. This means Capricorn snowballs harder than any map as often times teams just don't have any capacity to break through the choke points. On the other hand, I've also seen the most extreme and wild swings on this map. And when this happens it's usually some sort of upset at mid or home while you've been losing, and then once you've gotten that foothold your enemy can't break through the choke points.


I think if the giant buildings had entrances could actually be walked into allowing you to cut diagonally from your spawn to far without having to try and cut through the mid fight, it would really help with the layout problems. Maybe make Bell's node a bit bigger with just a little bit more terrain to use.

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How I rate conquest maps: I'll stick a number /10 because people like that sorta thing even though it's practically not very useful.

**Legacy:** It's pretty great all around, except that in ranked, the lord is pretty much exclusively a mechanic to wrap-up a skunk game rather than for epic comebacks. The spawn exits on this map are significant and well placed. The oversized mid point is unique and affects build choices. There are many areas to range, kite, and to choke-point players. 8/10

**Forest:** It's a solid map except that ranged builds suffer terribly thanks to the design of the capture points. Also, the beasts should only grant the bonus to whoever did the most damage to it or some other, less frustrating resolution to a contested beast. A player "stealing" a beast rarely is the difference between a win and a loss. It would be cool if the beasts roamed the map since some games players don't even kill them. One of the best parts about Forest is that the spawn exits are both useful in their own ways.

**Skyhammer:** Back when you could fall to your death this map was fun. Now this map is as bland as they come with the exception of jump pads. Also, rarely does a team that consistently loses the capture points win the match thanks to the Hammer mechanic. There are two ways to leave spawn, which is good. At launch: 8/10, now: 5/10

**Kyhlo:** This map has always been a atmospheric and iconic winner. Unfortunately, due to anets crusade to make everything as "samey" as possible, the interesting aspect of the treb destroying the terrain and leaving the clocktower exposed was removed, as well as the ability to climb on the roof and camp above the point. Also the treb isn't fun to use and isn't even impactful at high levels of play. I'm 100% sure the treb will be reworked in future updates to be more like every other map's secondary objectives: Time gated, Impactful, and Boring. Kyhlo is also good in that there are multiple ways to leave spawn, even if they are still campable. At launch 7/10, now: 6/10

**Temple of the Silent Storm:** This map is as close to perfection as anet will probably get. The capture points aren't too close to one-another. The setting is unique, there are plenty of opportunities for melee and ranged builds. There are central areas which allow you to engage on a point where needed. There are choke points where you can ambush players moving from point to point. Most importantly though, the secondary mechanics are impactful and the game can be won by the most map-aware team even if they don't secure the secondary objectives. **This is the map where I see the most teams throwing the game. Most people seem to think that rushing tranquility with all you've got is the way to win. All without realizing that the longer you're down there fighting with the opponent having more capped points, the more you will lose in the end.**The map was more interesting and fun back when there was a mechanic which rewarded more points for kills. The worst part about this map is how there is effectively only one spawn exit. At launch: 10/10, Now: 9/10

**Eternal Coliseum:** Man I loved this map back when it first released. It was barebones but was unique in how large and open the map was. Threats were seen a mile away. Lots of places for ranged classes to be useful but few kite spots. It really FELT like a coliseum. Fastforward to now and the map has been boringified as usual. It's still a good map though, since the secondary objectives are impactful and can help turn the tide. However, the secondary mechanic of this map makes steamrolling the other team really easy, especially since only one of the spawn exits is useful. At launch: 8/10, Now: 6/10

**Revenge of the Capricorn:** I loath this map for some reason. Maybe I'm bitter that they took away the Capricorn map with the interesting underwater element and replaced it with this derivative dross. At any rate, the map is serviceable. I probably dislike how the map mechanic is so essential that you are forced to teamfight even if your build isn't designed for it. Also, despite the predictable paths people take between points, there is almost no opportunity to USE those choke points thanks to how all the physical terrain is laid out. This also has the effect of making it extremely hard to surprise someone if you DON'T use stealth. All-in-all it's a very teamfight oriented map that punishes anything else. Also, 90% of the time players will use the spawn exit directly in front of them no matter which point they are aiming for. 2/10 for anything other than a teamfighter. **this is the worst map**

**Djinn's Dominion:** I like this map even though it is very similar in color palate to Coliseum and Capricorn and similar in layout to many others. I like how quickly both teams are squared off against on-another at match start. There are reasons to use both spawn exits which is a plus. There are interesting kite spots and terrain assets. The map's secondary mechanic is useless atm because the skills you get are slow to cast and have a small area of effect. It's an unassuming map of an unassuming size with an unassuming secondary mechanic. 5/10

**Spirit Watch:** Spirit watch at first release was (nearly) peak map design. The secondary mechanic, while not equally advantageous among professions, allowed players to use some of their character's skills to ACTIVELY forward the map objective instead of sitting on a point. In the current iteration, the mobile secondary objective is more boring than sitting on a point since you can no longer use your skills. Like Temple of the Silent Storm, players actually have to THINK when using the secondary objective. The two spawn exits of Spirit Watch are as significant a choice as those in Legacy of the Foefire which is fantastic. The capture points are spread out enough to where it's hard to have a teamfight when people die a lot, lending the map to a more roamer friendly flow. There are also many areas that are excellent for ranged builds as well as the ability to push someone to their death if played well. 9/10 at launch, 7/10 now.

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Spirit Watch


And I'd put SkyHam just behind that. I know the map has been improved, but I actually liked the original SkyHam for the occasional casual game. The changes have definitely all been good from the perspective of making it a better map for any serious competitive play, but it's just not very enjoyable compared to others. At least in the original form, the cheesy knockbacks and such made for some funny moments.


> @"Engal.6359" said:

> Champions Dusk by far. I turned off stronghold it's so bad.


I almost forgot that game mode exists. The map itself isn't really bad, but the design of the game mode overall was just never balanced very well and the over-reliance on escorting NPCs caused too many problems. I still think that it's fixable, but the devs seem to have written this one off long ago.

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I’d rate maps by how important or unimportant the map mechanics are in the context of the map design overall.


Foefire: Mixed. Lord is usually too important to ignore or too pointless to pursue. If you are down by 300 points a lord kill either won’t happen or even if it does the opponent can just hold a three cap and still win. I’d prefer if the lord was worth more points in the early game and less points if it comes late game.


Forest: Good. The beasts aren’t worth too much and a single roamer can use them as a way to buy time for a team that has a poor start to regroup and not be down too many points. Worth it to use and sometimes not. Well balanced in this respect and three good lanes (water, middle path and mountain pass).


Khylo: Mixed. Treb is not a great mechanic but Anet has tried to make it better. Still not great but can at least provide some impact if not overused. Map has nice verticality even if there are more chokes and two main lanes so options are somewhat limited compared to others.


Skyhammer: Mixed. Hammer can be powerful but also only decaps plus damage so a coordinated team can decide not to compete for hammer and play around the mechanic. Lots of LoS and jumping platforms even if the map feels very one lane given the size.


Temple: Good. Two different and powerful mechanics that can be played around and enable complex tactical play. Both home nodes have two entrances and with under/over pathing to mid there are ways to rotate that improve the feel of playing on this map.


Coliseum: Good. Defensive and Offensive mechanics that are worth fighting over but won’t automatically turn the tides. Nice size and plenty of obstacles to fight around. The mechanic could be improved by making the buffs a temporary team buff that works for one kill or one down per person. That said a good map.


Capricorn. Good. The map mechanic is well balanced and a team can give up the first bell to kill a few players on the way towards the bell and get a three cap. Lots of fun and verticality around mid.

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I like almost every map. That explains why I still play pvp lol.

But there are features in every map I also dislike...


**Forest**: Too much pve, I hate the beasts, otherwise great kiting spots and map design overall!

**Skyhammer**: Platforms often don't trigger, otherwise fun map and predestined for me as a nec main. I also love the color scheme!

**Temple**: Almost the perfect map, good and impactful objectives, good kiting spots, maybe too op for classes with teleports...

**Capricorn**: Favors teamfighter classes, nice snowball possibilities due to bell, but imo too big and bad for slow classes

**Collosseum**: After remake good map, impactful objectives, , I love fighting at far and close. but way too easy spawncamping, no way out

**Djinn**: same as colosseum. but I hate the map objective and ppl who think they are doing well by taking it while the rest of us is outnumbered...

**Foefire**: The best kiting possibilities and no port spots, amazing advantages u gain through that. Otherwise Lord is kinda cheesy and more often than not a trap

**Khylo**: Same as foefire, great map! But treb is useless (with rare exceptions ofc thanks to the element of surprise)


So out of those maps I guess Djinn is the worst for me, followed by colosseum because of my spawncamping traumata in the past and the map design overall.


**Sprit watch** comes straight from hell and I can't express my hatred towards it.

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The worst maps for "teamplay" in ranked (since it is not teamplay when u gotta play with 3-4 randoms...) are Capricorn and Temple.


Numerous times ppl just went for bell and forgot about the nodes, and were fighting there for an eternity while the nodes for the enemy team were ticking. Or it is the other way round, a whole team ignores the bell, not even creating a fight there, giving free points to the enemy. Same with temple. I had sooo many games where one team got a lead, even with 100-200 points or something, but threw the game by overinvesting in the lower buff, having no nodes and just going there to die, over and over again. Instead of just preparing to cap again.



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Least favorite? It's a tie between Foefire and Skyhammer. Champion's Dusk doesn't even exist in this comparison.


Forefire: lord is boring, kinda pointless if you're winning because you don't usually have to worry about the enemy taking it, and the only reason you'd take it is a mercy kill on the match. Otherwise becomes a TDM at home/mid for the losing team. Comebacks happen, but only usually when the winning team plants their heads somewhere the sun shine.


Skyhammer: I miss ranger Longbow 4'ing people off the cliffs. Fall damage op. But in seriousness, the map had a lot of weird terrain issues where I frequently get stuck on invisible edges, walls, or even inside the terrain when certain classes fight on points (guardian bubbles are worst offenders for terraining me);; gorgeous map with a great aesthetic, but the minor annoyances of a broken jump pad, protruding map bits and lack of one hit KO fall damage traps ( :^3 ) make this map kinda bad.


The rest are all kinda MEH. Capricorn has an honorable mention for that kitten bell fight, though.

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