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Why are you still playing Guild Wars 2?


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After so many years, and having taken many breaks, I still find myself returning to the game, especially when the going gets tough in life, there's always a fun and safe place to be here.


With the holiday season here and in the spirit of gratitude and gifting, for veteran players, I'd love to hear your stories and of why you still play now after so many years, and newer players, what new memories have you discovered and made?

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Real life has taken me away for a few months but im coming back. I like the world i like the combat and the classes. So much i want to do still in GW2, and this game competes well in 2019 and beyond. No game outside of sub games like FF and WoW have as good a world and content as GW2 to journey through. And nothing i mean nothing beats the combat!

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My own contribution, is that I took my partner who just started playing to grab the age old treasure of mine, quaggan tonics. We escorted Blubloop and tried to tag team the champ drake and died alot until finally another player came around and we managed. And then got our quaggan tonics. Reason that this makes a good story is well nostalgic to return to Orr and core maps after all the new content and how excited I am to introduce the quaggan tonic to anyone and how it was a representation and a part of many past memories with guilds, or random people in LA or DR, or crazy stunts like quaggan tonics in wvw or other things like that

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I try to make the most out of the game as my time allows me. I try to make a big investment when creating a character and learn their personality and their role in this world. I plan to have 2 of every race, male and female, and all 9 classes (plus one duplicate). It takes a long time, as right now I'm only starting the beginning of my 3rd character, so I plan to stay for a long while until they'll mature and fully flesh out. Eventually I'll have to place them in their own spots in the world (HoT Maps, PoF Maps, etc.), but that's what fun about a recurringly updating game like GW2 - plenty of new places to explore as time goes on. I already have too many chores in real life to worry about, so GW2 is great way to relax and enjoy the free time while I can. Also, there's no monthly fee so there's no need to feel stressed about not playing constantly! I love that kitten.

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Because I have a fun guild whom I like interacting with. http://tinyarmy.org


Because GW2 allows me to play on my terms instead of demanding that I grind hours every day to stay competitive in the end game. Speaking of which...


Because GW2's "end game" is open ended and largely left up to me. I'm not locked into progressive raiding or anything like that. Whatever I feel like doing at this particular moment -- whether it's WvW, crafting, riding the world boss train, chasing achieves, map completion on an alt, or just standing around in DR being TINY -- I can do it without worry or penalty or anybody telling me I'm wasting my time. "Why aren't you getting ready to raid tonight rabble rabble rabble" -- yeah, go back to WoW, elf gazer. It's my time, my way.


And finally, some honesty: because nothing decisively better has come along in the MMO world. If anything, GW2 has dramatically raised my standards of what I consider a good MMO. So given all of the above, it'll take something truly special to pull me away from here.

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I've tried leaving this game on many occasions when I got bored of the game.

I would go and find new games to play around in, even similar games which satisfies my mmo hunger .... it did for a while but always could not get rid of gw2 from the back of my mind.


Movement, combat and the feeling freely maneuvering around aopen world mmo, encourages players to play with others are all the positives I see and feel that cracks the deal for me

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Because otherwise I'd go insane. Let me explain:


I am very sick. With what? Who knows. It seems like every 6 months I get a new diagnosis. What they're sitting on now is severe fibromyalgia, which is the IBS of pain disorders. Basically, nobody knows why I'm in pain and why my body is having random immune reactions to everything and why my brain is melting, so they shrug and call it fibro. Nothing treats it, and the combination of several other disorders has left me fully disabled. To be frank, I'm just waiting to die right now.


But I dread idle hands. I HAVE to be doing something. Problem is, I can't do anything and everything hurts. But playing GW2 gives me at least SOME sense of achievement, some sense of progress.

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- Guild Wars 2 combat is what make me hunger for more, it fit me, i also love the story driving despite of all the negative thinking from others i still love it and one last thing is the satisfaction i found in helping others out which can only be achieved in gw2 only even though i did the same on many other mmos.

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> @"takatsu.9416" said:

> After so many years, and having taken many breaks, I still find myself returning to the game, especially when the going gets tough in life, there's always a fun and safe place to be here.


> With the holiday season here and in the spirit of gratitude and gifting, for veteran players, I'd love to hear your stories and of why you still play now after so many years, and newer players, what new memories have you discovered and made?


there is no better game and probably wont be.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> Because otherwise I'd go insane. Let me explain:


> I am very sick. With what? Who knows. It seems like every 6 months I get a new diagnosis. What they're sitting on now is severe fibromyalgia, which is the IBS of pain disorders. Basically, nobody knows why I'm in pain and why my body is having random immune reactions to everything and why my brain is melting, so they shrug and call it fibro. Nothing treats it, and the combination of several other disorders has left me fully disabled. To be frank, I'm just waiting to die right now.


> But I dread idle hands. I HAVE to be doing something. Problem is, I can't do anything and everything hurts. But playing GW2 gives me at least SOME sense of achievement, some sense of progress.


WOW mate, you have much better reason to play this game than any of us. And sorry to hear that...


While I’m not in some sort of paralyzed and in fact I’m a perfectly healthy person that could go and enjoy all that life has to offer, I’m still wasting my free time on this game, because I love MMORPGs and this one is in my opinion one of the best and most unique ones.


Combat system is amazing and I don’t mind rather a poor endgame PvE content, because I’m a PvPer at heart. All I need is a good combat system and a place to fight. All my other PvE itches (raids, dungeons, world exploration, fun quests and good storyline) are easily trated with what this game has to offer.

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Mainly because of:

- Guild.

- Role Play.

- sPvP


Additionally because of:

- Story.

- Group, instanced pve (when smt new is released).


But after all w/o Role Play & my guild I would definitely move on to the other game years ago. I can't imagine how it's possible to play GW2 only for pvp or pve or story, because there's at least few better online games for these game modes on the market.

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Because it fits my need for a casual MMO with actual good gameplay which allows me to login and quickly play together with many others without having to organize by guild. It also looks, and sounds great, has no sub to force me into playing and has a gem store with excellent skins and QoL items which I slowly earn by gold-to-gems. It's the (this) working man's MMO.

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