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What are your issues with GW2 and how would you fix them?

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1. Dungeons: add new rewards and super rare rewards to fix the low amount of players that actually do them (like infusions and Xera's portal for example)

2. Dailies: reduce the amount of dailies so people don't just play after the dailies so they can actually enjoy other things on the game

3. Gold farm: set a cap on the amount of metas completed per map and account (for example: 2 AB, 2 Dragon Stand) so people don't stay on the same map all day and rotate in between metas, making old maps become more populated

4. Raids: help and motivate new raiders by having a less difficult mode, where people can learn things gradually (similar to how fractal tiers, lesser tier = easier but less rewards)

5. Improve weapons that are less used like longbow (DH/ranger), rifle (warrior), hammer (warrior/guard/scrapper) etc.

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The biggest problem is when they strayed from content that appealed to the original market. It gave hope to a low population of high performance players the game was moving in a direction that Anet can barely support. Maybe this is why we see so many calls for 'content' ... Anet spread themselves way to thin trying to appeal to this fringe groups. From a business perspective, the ROI on raids must be relatively low.


There isn't a fix to this without abandoning some players at this point. They should have stopped at Fractals.

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Another set of elite specs. The other game I "play" (I take breaks from it longer than I actually actively play it) is BDO. Aside from being prettier in some sense and having fluid combat, it's vastly inferior to GW2 in almost every way I can think of. However, they recently re-did a lot of "core" BDO specs and are adding a new class soon. That alone was enough for me to fire it up again, even if the "content" * in that game is utterly laughable.


Even without releasing all manner of content people are clamoring for (WvW improvements, better story release cadence, etc) having a new way to play existing content (with new elite specs) I think would go a long way in generating and retaining excitement.

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My main issue is that there was no expansion after Season 4 and that's impossible to solve now.


As for something that can be solved: story progression. The system of living world episodes doesn't work in my opinion, they've made Heart of Thorns free, so it's about time they made the episodes free too. Make it so you can't play an episode if you haven't played the previous ones, that way new mastery abilities can carry over and be useful throughout a season, instead of being map specific. I think the reason they keep mastery abilities locked to zones, is because of this unlock system. For example if they wanted to use Thermal Tubes on more maps, it wouldn't work well because they are unlocked in Ember Bay and since the system is designed so you don't need access to Ember Bay to progress, it creates this design problem with useless mastery skills. Dragonfall was an exception, but the mastery used there weren't exactly essential, or even absolutely useful.


By making all future episodes available to everyone, regardless if they log in to unlock them or not, will solve this issue and free up map designers to use past mastery skills creatively. And I don't think the money they make from episode sales are worth it anyway, after all they scrapped their huge income from Heart of Thorns, the revenue from episode sales would be tiny by comparison. That's my one big issue currently

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- Ability to skip dialogue in stories. I recently replayed one (Thunderhead for map completion), and sitting around for the conversations is annoying - I think I went off and did dishes while the NPCs blathered on (fixing the conversations/likability of the characters can't be done now, but it can be done so I don't have to hear them)

- Timegates - it just means there are some tasks I must log in each day to do (craft certain items, buy certain items, etc), which is an annoyance. I'd rather a weekly quota, or none at all.

- Not going back and fixing old maps as new content is added. For example, rather than adding appropriate terrain to core maps, they just put invisible walls around areas that were not initially designed to be seen. As they keep doing this, it feels like more hacks keep getting added on.


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Several points of course, however, for me for now, the main one is WvW. Anet please, urgently do something... I can witness how it is emptying a bit more every day. On NA servers, it's now either blobbing, or getting blobbed or ktraining... It's rare to find "real" fight guilds. I'm sure some like blobbing and ktraining, but many don't and are leaving one after the other. I have it hard myself to remain motivated. :/

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Some of the problems I have with the game aren't really problems with the content of the game, but the consequences of them.


I'm probably going to be largely absent from GW2 in 2020, with the exception of storyline releases. The main reasons are:

* Loss of the sense of community. Most of the people I used to play GW2 with are no longer here for one reason or another, and over 2018-19 nearly all of the remainder have gone. I could find new groups but I'm just not that interested anymore.

* Loss of the sense of achievement. Particularly in competitive modes, I no longer feel like there's anything to learn. The results are largely determined by my build, not how well I play it.

* Loss of the sense of novelty. One of the main things that draws me into a game is the ability to explore. There's not much to be found in this one, except for the new releases every few months.

* Loss of character personality. My character's race, class and associated personality are meaningless past the level 30 story. I've given up on this one a while back, because it's outside of ANet's resources to do it justice. Larian have been able to manage it with D:OS2, but that's not a MMO.

* Lack of appealing persistent content. I've never been a fan of how WvW was implemented, but I liked the basic premise of it and have always wished it could have more depth. Now that the other factors keeping me interested in the game have faded away, I'm finding there isn't enough appeal to keep coming back to WvW week after week.


Really, the only one I think ANet can address is #2, through rebalancing the game so that individual skill use and timing matters more. And they could maybe make WvW more interesting eventually. Expanded content and storytelling would probably require an entirely new game, so those aren't going to happen.

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1. Content droughts - this would need a faster release schedule** and** more to do in each release.

2. the lack of balance and actual attempts at balancing in pvp. Just try to do it, rather than random shaves here and there.

3. time gating - Just don't do it again.

4. the lack of multiple difficulties for **all** instanced content. just do it.

5. useless weapons - Just buff some of the skills.

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My main issue is that it has excellent combat and mobility (mounts included) mechanics - but is a crappy game, at the same time. It's hard to find a content in the game where you can actually use full potential of it and have fun, you'll be always locked in some tiny part of the game's world (Dungeons, Fractals, Raids, some local bosses in a few hard events etc) - thus you'll get bored with it quickly. 85% of the game's world is a casual kindergarten that presents close to zero challenge to experienced decent player with a developed character (I'm talking about PVE right now, not a big fan of PVP). Add to this the fact that most of game's content is static by design (very low replayability value) - and past 6-12 months the game you once had a lot of fun with now brings only deep boredom.


As to how to fix it, without upsetting all the casuals.. Well, I have a few ideas, but let's get realistic - nobody will do anything about it ;) Anet will just keep issuing some fast-food LWS content as before, with a new fractal/raid once in a while, as it's enough to keep the thing afloat. Not worth my time to write walls of text for nothing.

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1) Improve communication between the devs and the players. This would mean, more openness, less thought policing on the forums, less coorperate speak on actual issues.

2) Instead of moving forward with content that has no replay value, look back now and then and improve on systems that are already in the game.

3) More ingame rewards, even little things, and less gemshop fluff like chairs.

4) I think an expack needs to happen to stir new interest. Living Story/Saga content is good to keep existing players interested but it won't bring in new blood.

5) The quest to make PvP/WvW "more deadlier" led to boring oneshot builds which are not fun to play against. Make bunker builds a thing a gain.

6) Reward skill and dedication instead of placing rewards behind ridiculous RNG drops.

7) ANet needs to decide for who they are making this game. I've been in marketing long enough to know that a company wants to appeal to everyone so they can sell, but when you want a game to stick around for decades decisions have to be made. Some players will have to find a different game while other players will become loyal. Appealing to everyone just won't work in the long run.

8) Improve on low maintenance player generated content. This mostly means WvW for GW2.

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To me the single thing they could do to improve everything is to put some work in abandoned modes and updates. More dungeons more fractals, more pvp updates, wvw, etc. Maybe making dungeons and fractals the same thing if they're too similar to coexist. Each new living world update could have a new fractal. Since they're small and easier to make.

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No challenge in game besides some fractals and raids but once u get the rewards, there's really no reason to keep doing raids.

Lack of content other than story modes ( it should not take 10 months to make a new fractal) ( We've had the same holiday events now for 7 years)

Predatory monetization of integral game features and unwillingness to address it.

No more elite specs or races or expansion on the horizon

No worthwhile rewards that are obtainable in game outside of the gemstore

Terrible class balance

Quest system is just bad, Hearts are and always were bad and are not immersive in any way.

Pvp is full of bots and cheaters and nothing is done

Wvw hasn't gotten any content other than the warclaw since HOT


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1. Dungeon

we need new dungeon not only fractal and rebalance all dungeon and add ascended stuff for the content.


2. Guild

Improve guild mission adjust with how many ppl do the mission and give more reward (exam: gold, crafting meterial).


3. Underwater Combat

the longtime we still same underwater combat and same weapon if possible add more weapon and more content that good idea.


4. Outfit and Black Lion Trading Stuffs

The outfit should be more popular if dev make split to equipment, I will buy instant with my real money for sure. and new fashion or skin release every week or 2 week that make more profit for the company.


5. Expansion

If your company need more money the expansion is true answer for you. Don't rush for release new living world that not helpful the company please focus the issue what everyone tell you and renew or rebalance the content in game. you will be good in long time.

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Those are MY issues, your experience might be different. The fundamental flaw with the game right now is ANet catering to appease and pamper that "vocal elite" in most of their branches of the game (lets say the "top of the pyramid"), while not trying to keep "general everyday player" (the "casual", not in a depreciating way) returning to play and progress with the focus on "a fun leisure time activity".

When GW2 came out, we had that famous Collin Johannson quote of "swing the sword...and swing the sword again" many other competitors had at the core of their game experience. In other words: "Do stuff repetitive" or grind. GW2 has developed into a exactly that for me. Having to grind for many things that could have been finished in the early days with just a few things.

e.g. the Meta event grinding started with doing Tarir 100 times to finish a map achievement. Now this is a very common thing to do in current LS maps. Why isn't it enough to do, lets say five times and then allow you to move on? The same with "slayer" tasks. When GW2 came out, you had to kill 1k foes as a long term achievement. Now I have the task to kill 1k of a specific map region type of monster on one LS map (e.g. Dragonfall). What's wrong with a smaller number?

HoT started with basing one weapon collection achievement on top of a second weapon collection achievement. Early legendary weapon crafting made you revisit some old places, the current legendary crafting consists on dumping endless stacks of Elder Wood and Mithril into the bottomless hole that lets you create Curios and in a second phase the legendary shard for the specific weapon.

This has created a mentality of "most efficient acquisition" of materials, currency and gold that has suffocated areas in-game and of game types that do not "reward" enough.

Older maps (core maps, LS maps without "a farm", out-of-favour meta events & many group events, too), Dungeons and WvW gameplay (excluding the dominant server zerging over the weaker enemy) are in decline.

The fun of playing together with friends, guildies and even competitors (in PvP & WvW) has to compete with "event timers" (just look at the event timer on the wiki!) and a "efficiency or finishing quickly" (try to get into a Raid or Fractal and dare to not bring meta-gear/meta-build or don't skip/run on demand!).

I used to know a lot of my server's WvW scouts and "stewards" (people who did upgrades, repaired walls, escorted dollies etc.) by name, guild, profession and RL location. These days the game doesn't care about the server community (in WvW) any more (guilds migrating, server links etc.) and you are judged by your meta-build (or the lack of it).


I don't think we need more "content". There is plenty of content in game. ANet has to make existing content fun to play again with other characters or builds (e.g. add Dungeon tonics/potions that give you buffs to get more Dungeon currency; evaluate mobs respawing and following you on PoF maps etc.). ANet has to "balance" skills for build diversity in different game modes to make room for individual skill again (especially in PvP).

To be honest, I don't see the devs going that route with dedication, but I can still hope.

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Not an issue per se, but an item from my wishlist I haven't seen mentioned yet. I wish mastery insights and old hero challenges had a secondary purpose. Maybe a small boost of some sort for places of power (aside from charging quartz). Possibly even a choice of benefit from a list you could work towards unlocking, or different boost depending on which god you reach for. Or just a magical drop, perhaps a piece of something you need a decent amount to turn into something simple (fits in the description) yet useful.


Many of them are such neat spots you have no reason to visit twice.

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First is more achievements available for less-than-perfect gamers. It is impossible for anyone without top skills to get radiant (or hellfire) skins for all pieces. The vast majority of achievements that I don't already have are unattainable by me; I'm just not good enough to complete them.


Second, make a better mini-map (i.e. show three dimensions/layers on maps that need it, like Tangled Depths or Draconis Mons).


Third, more shared inventory slots. As I've said numerous times, I buy all I can, immediately upon release, and with real money (not in-game gold). I'll even pay a higher price for more slots.


Other than that, the game is very good.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> * Loss of character personality. My character's race, class and associated personality are meaningless past the level 30 story. I've given up on this one a while back, because it's outside of ANet's resources to do it justice. Larian have been able to manage it with D:OS2, but that's not a MMO.


I agree with all your points, but this one is particularly important to me. :+1:


> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> First is more achievements available for less-than-perfect gamers. It is impossible for anyone without top skills to get radiant (or hellfire) skins for all pieces.



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In no specific order.


Dungeons -

Reworking old dungeons that needs reworking (outside story path)

Adding more late game rewards like infusions or a token system towards legendary armour (as an idea)

Get some late game dungeons going and stop relying on Fractals and Raids to keep people soley interested in PvE.


Raids/Fractals -

Shorter versions. Few more CMs focused on mechanics that's not DPS checks.

Ban DPS readers. This has long been a toxic element to both contents due to DPS checkers, unbalanced

professions and boon spaming.


Balance -

Sort out the balance team (No offense indeed). Get more communication on the ideas that they're looking at and actual feedback the community

The players know what the current situation is with PvE and PvP and should not be ignored - sadly this is how it often is felt from past experiences (WvW is the same, but I think it is more numbers backend - but I could be wrong)


Communication -

It's gotten better, But needs more of - What's being worked on, devs talking about the time they are looking at to get things close to done etc. Half the issue with GW2 is not knowing what's coming and when at a time when players need these kind of things so there isn't any panic and doom.


Under water content/weapons and balance

Enough said.


Guilds and Guilds Halls

What's the point of Guilds? - Make them something and a LFG section/UI for Guild recruitment to stop spamming Map Chat over n over


Mail -

Either get rid of or increase how many mails players can send. 2 is an absolute insult. You can even make it so it increases per account play time etc.

oh and get some sort of GUILD MAIL going.

Oh and OH.. increase the Mail characters, There isn't a lot of room to send much in mails. Especially with the mail restrictions


Maps -

Older maps need to be brought back into the loop and not always making new maps with every story content


Gemstore -

Stop putting everything in the Gemstore and more ingame - take out some things as rewards and put them into the gemstore - Transformation stones for example.

I'm not saying no to Gemstore. But it needs to be properly based in quality not quanity.


Dailies -

Reduce the amount we got. There is way too many that takes all day doing, reducing what players can do without spending ALL day in the game. Perhaps get rid of some simple ones. (Too many per map basically)


Bettle Races -

Add some more in, they're fun, but not many.


Achivements -

The reward is too low atm. People see this as a stupid long term thing and don't bother. Make it more interesting for people to do. just a few achivements per bit helps.


Achivement reward Armour -

Make these become dyable.


PvP -

Balance as per above

It needs something outside PvP season to make things worth it outside tournments and reward tracks.


WvW -

There is a ton of things that has been said to mention here - more communication is needed with WvW.


Elite specs -

Aren't really a must thing, But MORE weapons available to professions. You can even replace some of the more useless traits that we have with traits aimed at those weapons.


Cheaters and banning/punishment -

You seriously need to SORT THIS OUT. Act fast.. don't wait for "group bans". If reports go in, Knowing that they're there 3 weeks later makes players wonder what is the point. It's enough it ruins pvp for the day, having bots and cheaters there throughout the season makes people just give up.

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> @"Gorani.7205" said:

> Those are MY issues, your experience might be different. The fundamental flaw with the game right now is ANet catering to appease and pamper that "vocal elite" in most of their branches of the game (lets say the "top of the pyramid"), while not trying to keep "general everyday player" (the "casual", not in a depreciating way) returning to play and progress with the focus on "a fun leisure time activity".

> When GW2 came out, we had that famous Collin Johannson quote of "swing the sword...and swing the sword again" many other competitors had at the core of their game experience. In other words: "Do stuff repetitive" or grind. GW2 has developed into a exactly that for me. Having to grind for many things that could have been finished in the early days with just a few things.

> e.g. the Meta event grinding started with doing Tarir 100 times to finish a map achievement. Now this is a very common thing to do in current LS maps. Why isn't it enough to do, lets say five times and then allow you to move on? The same with "slayer" tasks. When GW2 came out, you had to kill 1k foes as a long term achievement. Now I have the task to kill 1k of a specific map region type of monster on one LS map (e.g. Dragonfall). What's wrong with a smaller number?

> HoT started with basing one weapon collection achievement on top of a second weapon collection achievement. Early legendary weapon crafting made you revisit some old places, the current legendary crafting consists on dumping endless stacks of Elder Wood and Mithril into the bottomless hole that lets you create Curios and in a second phase the legendary shard for the specific weapon.

> This has created a mentality of "most efficient acquisition" of materials, currency and gold that has suffocated areas in-game and of game types that do not "reward" enough.

> Older maps (core maps, LS maps without "a farm", out-of-favour meta events & many group events, too), Dungeons and WvW gameplay (excluding the dominant server zerging over the weaker enemy) are in decline.

> The fun of playing together with friends, guildies and even competitors (in PvP & WvW) has to compete with "event timers" (just look at the event timer on the wiki!) and a "efficiency or finishing quickly" (try to get into a Raid or Fractal and dare to not bring meta-gear/meta-build or don't skip/run on demand!).

> I used to know a lot of my server's WvW scouts and "stewards" (people who did upgrades, repaired walls, escorted dollies etc.) by name, guild, profession and RL location. These days the game doesn't care about the server community (in WvW) any more (guilds migrating, server links etc.) and you are judged by your meta-build (or the lack of it).


> I don't think we need more "content". There is plenty of content in game. ANet has to make existing content fun to play again with other characters or builds (e.g. add Dungeon tonics/potions that give you buffs to get more Dungeon currency; evaluate mobs respawing and following you on PoF maps etc.). ANet has to "balance" skills for build diversity in different game modes to make room for individual skill again (especially in PvP).

> To be honest, I don't see the devs going that route with dedication, but I can still hope.


I agree here with you. I find it funny that after Chuka and Champawat ANet said that the Legendary Collections are going to be discontinued as they take too much of their work time and effort just to make a legendary item.

And I sit here and wonder - are they saying that making content for the game takes them too much time and resources? This was mind-blowing for me as I find Legendary Collections one of the best HoT additions. Having a journey for your item - an actual journey in order to get your weapon is somewhat a foundation of MMORPGs.


If I could fix that issue - I would very much make more weapons like Collosus Torch, Scion's Sword, etc. When the entire Tyria is just a gold-farm simulator with Renown Hearts, let us have some actual game experience with **just a little bit of story behind the items**. I believe giving weapons specific collections makes them feel much more valuable as you cannot straight up buy it off TP.

And if the above is not the vision of ANet, then I don't really know what's the entire world for. Farming gold the most profitable way?


Dungeons - we know how they are - I'd add 1 infusion per Dungeon in game as a random drop - this alone would make people go for it.

In addition to infusions I would make 1 backpack per Dungeon that's obtainable via Collections. For example - CoF; complete Story and all paths, do specific events on the Fireheart Rise, help High Legions' NPCs, get the flame essence, etc. Something beyond just spamming the dungeon. - That also applies to older maps - give people reasons to be there.


**We don't need new maps every single release** - In fact, ANet themself said that they want to move from the concept of Map per LW Episode, yet it still pursues the idea.

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