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What are your issues with GW2 and how would you fix them?

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The lack of support for content other than ow pve and lw. Its a subjective issue and not one that needs fixing necessarily, the game could find bigger success in a more niche market of mostly ow content.


Id love to see pvp and wvw get more attention as well as raids and fractals, imo we dont need as many story updates for lw to be good, less episodes and less maps can work too but i also value consistency and fast releases so ehhh.


Some aspects of the combat like the overeliance on aoe, the way conditions work amd boons as a system in general. In my opinion this is much more of an objective issue with has led to problems in terms of powercreep, class gameplay, teamplay, balance and visibility.


I would cut down the aoe skills by quite abit, turn most of the condies into debuffs rather than dots and create actual dot skills and remove the stacks format for simply and have not have system. Oh also imo boons would be better as low upkeep high potency buffs that multiple classes work together to make the most out of, like other mmos.


The age of the game both in terms of visuals and performance is showing/baseline features of the game anet isnt bringing up to date.


Engine is crap and game often runs like crap, visual clutter is stupid and anet isnt adressing it, ui is ok but costumisation is missing and if they cba giving it to us they should consider letting modders do it for them. A visual upgrade could be nice (looking at poe2 overall)


Lack of longterm vision and focus from anet, no elite specs, no expansions males me thing the devs are simply milking the game.


Mostly my issues with gw2 boil down to the game not proofing and updating itself to relevance.


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Build Template got released... and i didn't realize i needed it,lol.

Mounts were released... and i didn't realize i needed it XD.


i just casually play, i log on i roam around and fight stuff, fight world bosses. then log off.


What could improve it for me... hhmm, no level cap more interactive fights with monsters or people(think Doom 2016 or Nier:automata) like i want to feel/sense like my character is being beat up by the monster, i want the bosses or enemies to be able to grab/throw/slam my character physically and animated and if does happen that my fellow GW players could help me get released from the grip of said enemy(reminds me of spider queen) but, can you imagine the spider grabbing a fellow fighter and starting to wrap him with it legs with spider webs or about to chomp on our player character(with serious damage). probably increase the physics in the world... VR Support would be nice...


Actually , yeah, just give me Multicore/thread Optimization and VR Headset support,lol.


Thanks to the DX12 mod, i mostly have better hardware usage. Core and Thread count have gone up but, the Game engine is still Code limited.

Yes, it has improved but it could be better.


1. Unlock the Limits on Core/Thread Usage in the Code

2. VR Headset Support

3. More physical interaction with enemies/players

4. Realm ending boss,lol(kinda like the running man, mystery beast ,etc.)

5. No level caps...(You upset the Balance young one, head my words)

6. Do you still want to be a Hero?

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > And to be fair ... it was no 'natural' progression either. It went from 0 to 100 when it went from Core to HoT.


> No it didn't.


Even though we don't agree, the natural progression, however you want to define that, is STILL a move away of just ONE of the parameters that brought the initial adopters of the game to it which is my point in the first place. It really matters little how fast it was done or how much. The fact is that it HAPPENED.


The fact remains that this isn't a discussion only about difficulty (a point you continually ignore). It's about ALL the parameters that depart from those set by the initial release of the game and consequently, why it was adopted by the original players of the game. You can argue all you want if HoT is a return to what was intended; it's irrelevant. What is relevant to what I'm saying is that what the initial adopters of the game were given at the beginning is NOT what HoT delivered, whatever way you want to describe it.


I don't disagree that Anet always intended for players to 'develop' their play; in fact, that's what I'm talking about. Whatever Anet intended to do in the game in the future, it was done disregarding the reasons that people adopted the game in the first place. Frankly, I think it's ridiculous to expect the playerbase to develop with the game to 'keep pace' so to speak. It should be the other way around ... unless of course Anet doesn't want customers anymore.

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Thinking on it some more, my biggest issue really is the way new story content is being provided: one small drop every few months. That's no way to build up tension and keep people excited about it - it a frequent fabula interrupta. It can't compete with other games that tell tales of great adventure, hence it's really boring in comparison. I'm growing weary of GW2's story. At least with expansions we had a complete campaign to play through at our own pace. There is no feeling of playing an RPG in GW2.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> The fact remains that this isn't a discussion only about difficulty (a point you continually ignore). It's about ALL the parameters that depart from those set by the initial release of the game and consequently, why it was adopted by the original players of the game.


Yes, parameters that existed on release and sold the game included the interesting/exciting instanced dungeons and open world meta events. For a while both served their purpose, until the community got good enough to breeze through them. Then, especially in 2014 and 2015 when we didn't get anything new and exciting, we only had the old Core tyria to play on, the content that was already on sneeze mode, and the two Season 2 maps. Heart of Thorns was a return to the initial parameters the game had on release, the parameters that made lots of players start this game and then get bored with it when they changed mid-way through.


The original players of the game clearly adopted it for different reasons than you did. It's why they were leaving in huge numbers back in 2012 when they had nothing left to do and Anet decided to add Ascended tier to keep them in the game. If they hadn't you'd be happy, but the game would be dead.

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Loot loot and loot, and more important some goal to work towards (PVE) as i am not a raider, WvW or PvPér. :o


Currently semi-retired from the game but what would get my interest back would be legendary PVE armors to work towards to, and please not 1 set that would take 25 metric tons of materials and 5000 gold but reasonable achievable in about 4-6 weeks play.

I got 7 chars and none of them i consider an "alt" so that would keep me buisy for a while. ;)


It would require you to do, world bosses, map events, dungeons, meta's and you would basicly be visiting many many maps to do stuff and collect **tokens or some currency** sure you still need the materials, gifts etc etc.

So maps would automaticaly be visited and played again by players that rarely or never even go (back) there, because there is not really a reason to.


Note: I wouldn't mind buying a gemstore item for example **glob of divinity** 250 gems - an item to upgrade ascended armor piece (with the actual gameplay collected items - gifts etc) because developing new (PvE) armor cost time and money, i get that.


Just thinking out loud, i don't think it's gonna happen but who knows - 6 armor pieces x 250 gems x 7 characters.. hmm thats good money Anet - make it happen :+1: B)

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > The fact remains that this isn't a discussion only about difficulty (a point you continually ignore). It's about ALL the parameters that depart from those set by the initial release of the game and consequently, why it was adopted by the original players of the game.


> Yes, parameters that existed on release and sold the game included the interesting/exciting instanced dungeons and open world meta events. For a while both served their purpose, until the community got good enough to breeze through them. Then, especially in 2014 and 2015 when we didn't get anything new and exciting, we only had the old Core tyria to play on, the content that was already on sneeze mode, and the two Season 2 maps. Heart of Thorns was a return to the initial parameters the game had on release, the parameters that made lots of players start this game and then get bored with it when they changed mid-way through.


> The original players of the game clearly adopted it for different reasons than you did. It's why they were leaving in huge numbers back in 2012 when they had nothing left to do and Anet decided to add Ascended tier to keep them in the game. If they hadn't you'd be happy, but the game would be dead.


What I do know ... the game changed and moved away from the expectations it set with original players. I don't see a reason to claim the game would have died if they didn't change those parameters that set original players expectations ... just to argue some speculation? maybe to support an agenda you have? OK, you have at it ... but not with me /shrug.


I know that IF Anet offered consistency to players for how they presented content from day 1, we would certainly have a more homogeneous population that would be easier to appeal to. Instead, we got Anet trying to appeal to all kinds of groups of players, and pretty much just barely satisfying anyone ... yeah that sounds like a GREAT situation we are in.


I mean, let's just put the cards on the table here. Clearly, you like the direction of these changes, so it's not surprise you're taking the extra steps to arguing the other side of the coin. There really isn't a reason to fell threatened by what I'm saying here though ... the fact is that Anet is spread so thin, no one is really getting what they want and there isn't any turning back either. Are we dogs fighting for scraps? Feels like it ... and that's all that's left. Maybe you think you can make a full meal from an extra scrap? You won't. We all lost already.



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That last message does bring up another problem I have - tasks that take too many steps/too long to do (skyscale as an example).

Sure, it should be some effort to get a new map, and you can look at the wiki for the full steps. But even beyond skyscale, scavenger hunts have some point where instead of being interesting, they are just tiresome & repetitive.

I've recently been completing some of the PoF collections for ascended weapons for the elite classes, and I find that one pretty much ideal in terms of time, difficulty, and variation. It isn't a huge number of task (~12 I think), so for each one you do, you feel like you are making really progress for them, even that not all the tasks are of equal difficulty. But the tasks themselves (within a weapon) are different - some, like doing a race, fairly easy. Bounties can be harder. But at no point do I feel like I'm just needing to do the same thing over and over again to get the collection done. I'd really like to see more of those. Instead of the more recent ones where it really just seems to be grinding the same content over and over again.


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Instead, we got Anet trying to appeal to all kinds of groups of players, and pretty much just barely satisfying anyone ... yeah that sounds like a GREAT situation we are in.

> the fact is that Anet is spread so thin, no one is really getting what they want and there isn't any turning back either.

> We all lost already.


Picked these 3 parts. First with the release of the Icebrood Saga Anet no longer tries to appeal to all kinds of players and Anet isn't spread thin any longer. Most types of players did lose already as they no longer get any content. The open world players that want really low skill level content did not lose though, as the Icebrood Saga is exclusively aimed at them so far. The easiest possible story, the easiest possible meta, the easiest possible open world mobs, that's what we are getting, Core Tyria (low level) type of difficulty/content. Now that there is only that type of content, at the neglect of anything else, you are saying it's still not enough for those players? If the players that get ALL the focus from Anet now are still not satisfied with what they are getting then yeah it's all over. Now imagine how everyone else feels when they get nothing. At least during the evil HoT era there was content for everyone, maybe not in the amounts you wanted, but there was. Now it's over.


We'll see Q4 2019 results and then Q1 2020, if the Icebrood Saga doesn't change in its ways and Anet starts spreading again, to check if this new direction helps the game or hinders it.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

>At times since LS1 and our rejection of the format (and often the living world in general), it has felt like the community is a merely a hindrance and an annoyance to their art. It's a harsh observation and perhaps untrue, but they are so stand off ish, so unwilling to engage and so encouraging of the divide between dev and community in a way unlike most of other games companies, that it does sometimes feel like it.


As I remember from the past, there was no General rejection of the Living Story Season 1 (LS1) at the time it happend. Of course, the quality of the episodes was varying, but it was overall epic and good.


I too believe, that Anet should improve their communication skills with the player base a lot. But LS1 is not a fitting example for this.


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> @"Zok.4956" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> >At times since LS1 and our rejection of the format (and often the living world in general), it has felt like the community is a merely a hindrance and an annoyance to their art. It's a harsh observation and perhaps untrue, but they are so stand off ish, so unwilling to engage and so encouraging of the divide between dev and community in a way unlike most of other games companies, that it does sometimes feel like it.


> As I remember from the past, there was no General rejection of the Living Story Season 1 (LS1) at the time it happend. Of course, the quality of the episodes was varying, but it was overall epic and good.


> I too believe, that Anet should improve their communication skills with the player base a lot. But LS1 is not a fitting example for this.



You remember incorrectly - Ls1 was massively rejected. So much so the devs had to come out and ask the community to be more patient, bear with them for the pay off and then had to change the entire LS format due to the hostile reception.


There are some great bits to remember (marionette, Battle for LA) and some people liked it, but overwhelmingly it was despised as a whole. There was more festival than story and what little story was crammed in late as the devs scurried to try and stem the tide of anger against the entire thing. LS2 in the end was very much damage control as more backstory was put in the first two episodes to fill in the blanks, than the entirety of LS1.


Even some of the devs hated it as per one of the dungeon devs bemoaning having to design content only to see it deleted a few weeks later. And there were other mutterings coming out internally too


No, LS1 was def not well received by the masses. Time has mellowed things and it is looked on more favourably now than it was at the time. Anecdotally, I saw more people leave because of LS1 alone than I did with any other part of the games history.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Instead, we got Anet trying to appeal to all kinds of groups of players, and pretty much just barely satisfying anyone ... yeah that sounds like a GREAT situation we are in.

> > the fact is that Anet is spread so thin, no one is really getting what they want and there isn't any turning back either.

> > We all lost already.


> Picked these 3 parts. First with the release of the Icebrood Saga Anet no longer tries to appeal to all kinds of players and Anet isn't spread thin any longer. Most types of players did lose already as they no longer get any content. The open world players that want really low skill level content did not lose though, as the Icebrood Saga is exclusively aimed at them so far. The easiest possible story, the easiest possible meta, the easiest possible open world mobs, that's what we are getting, Core Tyria (low level) type of difficulty/content. Now that there is only that type of content, at the neglect of anything else, you are saying it's still not enough for those players? If the players that get ALL the focus from Anet now are still not satisfied with what they are getting then yeah it's all over. Now imagine how everyone else feels when they get nothing. At least during the evil HoT era there was content for everyone, maybe not in the amounts you wanted, but there was. Now it's over.


> We'll see Q4 2019 results and then Q1 2020, if the Icebrood Saga doesn't change in its ways and Anet starts spreading again, to check if this new direction helps the game or hinders it.


Check all you want ... that doesn't change what I said ... the damage is already done. The change to the game has ALREADY impacted the original adopters.

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> @"Solvar.7953" said:

> That last message does bring up another problem I have - tasks that take too many steps/too long to do (skyscale as an example).

> Sure, it should be some effort to get a new map, and you can look at the wiki for the full steps. But even beyond skyscale, scavenger hunts have some point where instead of being interesting, they are just tiresome & repetitive.


Oh good grief, the Collection Abuse has been horrible. All it does is pad out play time by adding a load of easy-to-copy/paste collection points that can be scattered throughout a zone, with very little context. Sure, we *might* get a pithy clue or a vague location, but that just makes it smack of "tee hee, we're devs and so very clever and puzzley" rather than guiding the players on an experience. I'd feel much better about it if we had something more akin to the treasure maps/compass items to do these scavenger hunts with, and not have 40 items *per mini collection*.


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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> You remember incorrectly - Ls1 was massively rejected. So much so the devs had to come out and ask the community to be more patient, bear with them for the pay off and then had to change the entire LS format due to the hostile reception.


> There are some great bits to remember (marionette, Battle for LA) and some people liked it, but overwhelmingly it was despised as a whole. There was more festival than story and what little story was crammed in late as the devs scurried to try and stem the tide of anger against the entire thing. LS2 in the end was very much damage control as more backstory was put in the first two episodes to fill in the blanks, than the entirety of LS1.


> Even some of the devs hated it as per one of the dungeon devs bemoaning having to design content only to see it deleted a few weeks later. And there were other mutterings coming out internally too


> No, LS1 was def not well received by the masses. Time has mellowed things and it is looked on more favourably now than it was at the time. Anecdotally, I saw more people leave because of LS1 alone than I did with any other part of the games history.


My gawd, but I *hated* the 2-week cadence of Season 1. It was a huge rush to do all the things before it ended, and that was still at a time when ANet wasn't as adept at splitting the players up, so participating was difficult from all the zergs.


But at least ANet communicated in the wake of that backlash. Agile production isn't always bad, since they did shift gears to more sustainable content.


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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > You remember incorrectly - Ls1 was massively rejected. So much so the devs had to come out and ask the community to be more patient, bear with them for the pay off and then had to change the entire LS format due to the hostile reception.

> >

> > There are some great bits to remember (marionette, Battle for LA) and some people liked it, but overwhelmingly it was despised as a whole. There was more festival than story and what little story was crammed in late as the devs scurried to try and stem the tide of anger against the entire thing. LS2 in the end was very much damage control as more backstory was put in the first two episodes to fill in the blanks, than the entirety of LS1.

> >

> > Even some of the devs hated it as per one of the dungeon devs bemoaning having to design content only to see it deleted a few weeks later. And there were other mutterings coming out internally too

> >

> > No, LS1 was def not well received by the masses. Time has mellowed things and it is looked on more favourably now than it was at the time. Anecdotally, I saw more people leave because of LS1 alone than I did with any other part of the games history.


> My gawd, but I *hated* the 2-week cadence of Season 1. It was a huge rush to do all the things before it ended, and that was still at a time when ANet wasn't as adept at splitting the players up, so participating was difficult from all the zergs.


> But at least ANet communicated in the wake of that backlash. Agile production isn't always bad, since they did shift gears to more sustainable content.



There are def some positives to come from LS1 beyond a few sketchy memories. It evidently brought some tech in to help with large scale group events - I mean compare what we have now with the tragic release that was the Karka Invasion in 2012. Marionette brought in a really efefctive lane design for World bosses which we saw in Vine wrath, tarir, Gerent etc.


And yes, whilst the post LS1 forum communication threads we had were incredibly pretentious in format (I forget the name of them), they were effective at communicating and understanding the context for design decisions.

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1. WvW needs love, More than a restructure. (I already have a topic on it.)

2. Races need to mean something, we need more reasons to have alts of other races or you end up with people Only wanting to play one race. The community is predominately human because they lack armor issues and their racial elites are pretty good if not at the very least meme-build worthy.

3. Class balance is a joke, rework all of it.

4. Give gear a purpose outside of being a fixed gate, as in armor from different locales have special passives. (Joko regions have undeath passives, which give you some passive aura's and themes. While mordremoth zones have mordrem themed passives.) It would make gear hunting more than just transmog, the gear itself would offer a small passive customization that is not inherently a power boost but acts as a secondary form of customization ontop of the trait/skill system.

5. More character customization in general for EVERYONE.

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More at least some new wvw content.

And most annoying, almost everything "shiny" in Skin Wars is only on GemShop.

Sure, you can buy it via gems, by farming and grinding more gold. How ...much...fun. (beside it depends whats on sale at that moment, but hey here have some chest lottery to waste more money)

And the stuff that is free by grinding looks insanely lame.

Yes i know they need to make money. But rly, either put 20 bucks for a raptor skin or grind a week for it. Not everyone is a jobless person or has only one game to play.

Why is it so hard to give the opportunity to gain skin for example via achievents, make them boring, expensive, dont care, still better (and you can decide what to do) than silly gold farming for gems. Cause thats like most people i know do (at least the day one veterans).


And for the story, i would have prefered a big Addon rather those 30min episodes. Only good stuff there is a litte lore and yea, well, more grinding for the new stuff on gem store. (aka capes are not possible.. wait... now they are.. here pay 300g)

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> ● Drop rates/chance.


> Drop rarity should be improved.

> Last month, I spent a whole week, and maybe 30+ hours worth of forged killing, and not one single forged weapon was dropped.

> Also over a year for Jormag's breath and nothing.


> Finally gave in and had to spend all that gold to craft it myself. Could have used it for more important things, such as account shared slots.


Drop rates in this game have gone down the drain. First year of this game even without the account bound magic find, and 0 magic find on gear, I would get better drops than today. I remember i got Cobalt at least once a week, same with the other exotics. I basically see an exotic drop once a month and I have 300 MF. The months before HoT came out I did the Treasure Hunter collection. The whole thing took me about 3 months to complete, and back then I didnt have max MF. in 2018 and 2019 I helped two different people with this achievement, both times it took us like 6 months of doing it every day and with more accounts than just me soloing it. Still no choya piñata infusion drop, and about 2 months ago I finally got the invisible slippers, after 4 years? Drop rates are ridiculous.

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What I see in this thread is one group of people complaining about being given too much (mounts) while others are complaining about being given too little (PVP). Both groups need to go jump in a lake. The REAL things that need fixed are the technical issues that have been with us for years, some since release.


- Auto-targeting that targets everything except the mob that is actually in front of me hitting me. Auto-target should only pick up the closest target attacking you, or the closest unobstructed target in range in front of you, in that order of priority. Auto-target should never pick mobs that are out of range and/or obstructed.

- Bugged events in Metrica, Iron Marches et al that have been bugged for literally years.

- The year is 2020. DX12 and multi-core processors have been around for years. You know a game has problems when you upgrade your hardware and game performance actually gets worse. UPDATE THE GAME ENGINE TO THE PRESENT DAY ALREADY. We need DX12 and proper multi-threading in the worst way.

- Make the warning circles for abilities more visible. There needs to be only two colors: red bad, green good, and they should visually stand out through everything else on the screen so we can see them. Make the actual areas of the abilities match the circles; too many times I've been hit outside the visible area. And finally, relating to the game engine issue I already mentioned, we need to actually have time to avoid the attacks; too many times I get hit instantly or even before the circle renders on my screen. You have to allow for human reactions and computer operation times.

- Get rid of the visual noise. That especially includes the J.J. Abrams lens flare and the light effects that drown out the warning circles. We should see the game as the real world is seen by normal human eyes. We also need an option to hide or reduce the effects from other players' abilities.


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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:


> - Auto-targeting that targets everything except the mob that is actually in front of me hitting me. Auto-target should only pick up the closest target attacking you, or the closest unobstructed target in range in front of you, in that order of priority. Auto-target should never pick mobs that are out of range and/or obstructed.




^^ This, and not only that example, but in many areas they target mobs that are in a level below the player and never should a non combatant creature auto targeted.

and add custom cursors (not 3rd party) that don't get lost on busy screen and the ability to turn of other players visuals like gathering and gliders.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> You remember incorrectly - Ls1 was massively rejected. So much so the devs had to come out and ask the community to be more patient, bear with them for the pay off and then had to change the entire LS format due to the hostile reception.


> There are some great bits to remember (marionette, Battle for LA) and some people liked it, but overwhelmingly it was despised as a whole. There was more festival than story and what little story was crammed in late as the devs scurried to try and stem the tide of anger against the entire thing. LS2 in the end was very much damage control as more backstory was put in the first two episodes to fill in the blanks, than the entirety of LS1.


> Even some of the devs hated it as per one of the dungeon devs bemoaning having to design content only to see it deleted a few weeks later. And there were other mutterings coming out internally too


> No, LS1 was def not well received by the masses. Time has mellowed things and it is looked on more favourably now than it was at the time. Anecdotally, I saw more people leave because of LS1 alone than I did with any other part of the games history.


This. LS1 was a disastrous mistake that many/most other games would not have survived making. I firmly believe that the people who want to see LS1 brought back either weren't really there for it, or are gaslighting themselves about how bad it really was, or both. It's a testament to the core strength of GW2 as a game that GW2 retained enough players long enough to make HoT -- which first brought a lot of players back, then angered them again with its relatively extreme level of difficulty. Which is why pretty much everything since HoT has been a sort of apology for HoT.

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Oh, and to the people who want "more things" for PVP and WvW, allow me to steal a quote from "The Duellists", an excellent movie: "We came here to kill each other. Any ground is suitable for that." Point being that the ultimate goal in competitive play is for the two sides to defeat each other, and there are only so many ways and variations that can be formatted around that singular goal without distracting too much from it. Just saying.

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- > Make an extra path like the aetherpath of Twilight arbor: What is the current situation of the dungeon? As example, even if the Crucible of Eternity has been shut down, Alpha is still wandering around there, with the possible ability to control all the wandering minions too. What about Honor of the waves? With the new events involving the kodans? It can bring those back to "live" or at least being kinda sentient. Add an outfit tied to each dungeon! Add a special unique ascended weapon, anything. Many possibilities, even using their map as arenas? Activities? Hence, you can even turn that fourth path into a public instance! Imagine ascalon catacombs with 9 other players, fighting leveled up foes! (veteran -> champ, champ -> legendary)


But also new ones? A dungeon happening between Rata Sum and Dragon Stand, one in the desert? Another one in shiverpeaks?


2-General events and their rewards (PvE, excluding raid and fractals)

- > Palawadan and recent ls maps have champions and those drops champion bags. It's time to uniform the core Tyria with that fact. World bosses pre-events should spawn champions, and those should all drop champion bags. This thing will NOT influence the completion of the event. They are all "Follow and protect", "search and destroy" or "Capture" Killing mobs help those events completing and starting world bosses. Also, since WvW have reward paths, since PvP have reward paths, PvE should have those rewards path too. (with an option to disable to still get spirit shards). The path progress when completing events.



- > The mode should receive more maps. Only one have been added "recently" in 2015: Desert borderlands. The 4 others were there since 2012-2013. It has been now 7 years. Would be nice to see at least two new ones. Currently: Desert, Snowy mountain, Big citadel at the center, Islands in the sky and a jumping puzzle. So as next ones, surely a jungle? Fully underground? Beaches or archipelago? Maybe new type of forts and mechanics? I think about strong legendary npcs you could recruit around the map to launch assault on keeps.


4-Guild Halls/ Home Instance/ Housing

- > Will be very cool to increase the limit per area. And the total limit of decorations. Maybe add an option like hiding decos for the issues with lags. I dunno if it can be optimized, but our guild hall have ton of decos in some areas and I don't see any loses of Fps. About the decos themselves, allow us to resize them and turn them in x-y-z axis. Will revolutionize the way of using them. Make decorating "popular" like adding the decos at the ls episode vendor (you did it with grothmar-dragonfall-jahai-bjora, and I'm very pleased by them) but think about adding somes in older ls maps like kourn,sandswept,bitterfrost,draconis mons... /in dungeons/in fractals. As example I can earn wvw decos in wvw and that's very cool seriously. But also more guild missions! New upgrades.


I had a dream the last night where I saw Home-instance decoration bundles sold on gemstores for 100 gems. Themed by races or utility (bookshelves and additional storage), now, 7 years after, I don't expect you to add housing, but you can still add a jukebox golem in home instance. Home would fill more unique if we were able to move the nodes and npcs where we want. Furthermore if we could chose what npcs to put in home, it's even better. We have personal story npcs, but you have none from recent ls and expansions. Why not being able to chose a lounge as home instance? Frankly, can't say if it would be hard to code your nodes/npcs to appear in a lounge.



- > I just regret the disappearance of the personality system. Was a cool little feature to see how your character is seen by others. I miss the choices of answering violently, kindly or with charm to dialogues. Also we are straight good person, not allowed to do evil or deviant, just too much disney to me: we are nice booh bad guy are bad and they should lose.... I have an asura that want to say YES to the inquest recruiter, I have another one wanting to join arcane eye and a charr wanting to join flame legion.

I appreciated the hidden achievs in bjora related to becoming the boneskinner or sleeping and accepting jormag. But it's not like playing it completely like being able to slaughter npcs as boneskinner as example. Would be nice more stuffs like the beta when we were able to play as branded. But note I hate pvp and of course not we shouldn't kill newbies. But imagine an event! Like ooze pit/legion derby where you join factions by speaking to npcs: just make foes and allies as the factions! some will join pact, some will join jormag. It pleases normal event players but also rpers that are currently "forced" to simulate by using weird /say or emotes.



- > Will just say that specs-tied weapons are weaker than others ones. As example my dragonhunter-bow feels meh, but strong with greatsword. Tried staff druid had a good laugh, swapped to dagger-axe soulbeast. There are specs that feels strong for a serious time whereas you have weak ones that stay weak. I play holo, will not hide that it's kinda overpowered, but it's because there is no drawbacks. Introduced as a strong class if high risks are taken, there is no risks. But in same time I don't want the class to be nerfed to ground. Engie were in bad position for long time, always hated by everyone where necros and mesmers got buffs over the years. One of the issues (speak of pve) is that many foes were created with the ancient stats: when i used to have 3200 armor, 3200 power, 75% critical damages, now we are more around 2300 power. I hope the new foes are coded with the news stats and balance and not using 2013 data. The big balancing needed, shouldn't be only nerfs but tweaks, nerfs and buffs. Holos as examples could get burning conditions when the heat is increasing. And so the mechanic could be more about managing/clearing heat, taking care of health. The disabling of utilities when overheating is a meme. Totally useless, why overheating prevent me from trowing elixir? Not even realistic. Photon tool-belt I can understand, but the others...

I really think the balance team need at least to play all the classes, all the specs, all the possible weapon combinations to have an idea about the DPS. And possible balancing. (I don't say runes/sigils aren't important, but doing that will give them a first big global picture) for pve, even easier, see how much time you take to kill a veteran or a champion! basic stats! My reaper is faster than my holo which is faster than my weaver, faster than my rifle deadeye. (Just my example about PVE), pve is "easier" to balance wvw/pvp where much more factors are here. But I let the pro-players speaking about their classes better than me.


No need to bash me about that part, I'm not the biggest balance specialist. And we all play differently, making it harder to figure how to do it.

I haven't spoke about WvW and PvP because I can't imagine how hard it is to balance that, can fully understand the devs.



- > Well, could be nice to have a sylvari one. Asura have ton of them. Norn got deepstone recently. But we could have another charr one too.

I would like a lot to see battle of lion's arch. For the sake of revisiting it and showing to new players how it was. Re-adapted for 5 players.

No, I don't speak about the story etc, just that event. Plus, fractal with multiple paths available can vary the gameplay making it less repetitive.


They aren't new dungeons, they are fast and meaningless. Dungeons were tied to your story and currents events, fractals are just chunk of history you can fill anything in them. I did T1-T2-T3 some T4 but no CM cause it's always the same thing, very fast, no lore behind them. I would have liked to learn more in uncategorized, chaos, old battleground even the recent twilight oasis. Dungeons had that role. Using the dialogue background animated artwork I like a lot, with npcs teelling you what they know, their past and whatever. Why those dungeons and fractals, even events in maps have 0 consequence on us, the story or anything?



- > It's not only about bringing a festival back, it is also to maintain it fun and adding novelties. The nerf of lucky envelopes is a bad move because your new activity is also bad. Not in terms of mechanics but rewards. My groups never reached lvl 12 luck aura, it is time to nerf it and reduce it to 8. The mobs killed don't even give loot? Why? There is no point and explanation, it's just like point 2), you have a timer, TIMER, it means that they can't be farmed endlessly. Plus, if the challenge is rewarding (let's say 3 lucky envelopes) peoples wouldn't care of killing the mobs, or put junk as loot. Also the big issue is that if I make the round faster before the end of timer, we don't even earn bonus luck aura! I would have set 1 lucky aura if round unfinished in time, 2 if faster than planned. Was very and is still disappointed about lunar new year. Had a good time during wintersday/halloween with the new decos and achievs. Just felt the infuz drop chance during wintersday was lowered, it's sad and bad if it's true. Used to drop 1-2 infuz. (speaking of it, bl key drop is worst than ever, back in 2013-14 used to have 1 key per week while killing a random mob, no joke.) But seriously, advertising new armors and weapons which are just ugly shoulder-pads and recolored weapons is as much as false-information "fake news" as everyone says now... it's outrageous and scandalous, profound disrespect. Outfit with chinese year symbol engraved in it I wouldn't minded. (You released hexed outfit at halloween vendor, can't you do one "free" outfit per festival? for baubles bubbles, snow diamond or whatever?) Still waiting sab w3-w4 but that's not new, you can't hide anything, I know the remaining area names, upgrades and splash texts. Indeed even in the worst case, just want to see genie and w3-z1 brought back.

All those rushes events weren't bad in self (boss-meta rushes) and are cool when happening between other festivals. But think about dungeon/ fractal and why not raid rushes? Even now, strikes rushes? Speaking of it, would be nice to have tools in guild to organize events, like a race, a jumping puzzle or hide and seek in our guild hall.



- > Well it's not new considering my discussion historic, I like exploring, Rping, theory-crafting, exploring, interpreting, analyzing the maps. (Broke out of bjora and discovered that a person called DAN literally wrote his name on ones of the out-bound hillside) recently tried to read a drawing in recon cove showing a sea creature written in asuran script, but the quality is so bad I can't read it. Please, in the future devs, if you add props with old krytan or asuran scripts written on it, make sure it's readable.

I like wandering everywhere even if there is no events, but when you find blocked passages or closed stone gates/doors it's frustrating. ( I don't mind reusing assets. I don't notice it apart when you copy-paste the same old krytan text everywhere. I understand them so...)



- > Just want clear answers. Subject alpha-beta proves you can be corrupted by several dragons magics, why denying it? Why still that mystery of deep sea dragon even within events and story steps involving them? Is the ruined path in sandswept a destroyed inquest lab? Auris and class III-IV-V rifts and stabilizers? Malyck? Kuda? E ?

The corpse of Gorrik? How's Taimi's disease is progressing? (*cough ls4e4 "I wasn't ready to tell you, but, um... My... condition—it's not in remission anymore. It's getting worse" " Sometimes the pain is so bad I can hardly focus. I can't calculate how much time I have, but... (sniff) There's an end.") Also there is still a huge hole in the past of asura, the game just jumped from "Quora sum is overrun by destroyers" to "Inquest was founded" and the current world we have. Sure we had rata novus/arcanum but well nothing to explore or learn about. Rata Novus secret achiev new horizon lead to a closed door, so I guess, they escaped? Not a lot about that uncategorized fractal and Arkk. I'm still curious about the big path the olmakans took to arrive where they are.


Would be nice to reinstore AFC or having devs answering questions in our threads in lore subforum. Currently I bet Konig Des Todes is answering 90% of them. But devs answers is always nice and wanted.


11-Maps design

- > More interaction with day-night cycle and weather, would be nice if elements affect foes! Any foes would be slowed down under heavy rain, fire elemental are weakened. More quiet during day; assault during night... Events depending of morning-noon-evening in Tyria time. When moved through a swamp you should feel like you are in mud.. I almost say that the intense heat and sunlight should affect you in desert...


But the big point is also, think about the fail of your events. In kourna as example, it's sad that nothing happens when awakened successfully destroy the vine wall/or shoot with their cannons. The pact camp should be destroyed and overrun by awakened. With a recapture/rebuilding event. Again it feels weird in Bjora, you fail defending for meta, and nothing happens?

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