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Changes We Need In GW2 for 2020 From Vallun

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> If there was an opinion present in this thread maybe there would be opinion wars. You could post their main points as basis for discussion instead of promoting their youtube channel.


Posted timestamps to all of his opinions, The video itself is quite extensive and i found doing this to be the most sensible thing for me and others.


Video isnt running ads and if ppl dont choose to sub the benefits hes gonna recieve from this are rather limited.


I might update and add tldw on this later but im fairly busy rn.


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I started the video.



I disagree big time with his hardmode idea. Because then GW2 wouldn't be a MMO anymore if the world was instanced like GW1. Hardmode should be a zone to zone type of thing that makes things harder but more rewarding but still a MMO with grouping and players roaming.

Also scheduled Meta events are not the issue. That's actually the best thing about the open world PvE because it's easier to get large groups of players together for more advanced mechanics Meta Events and objectives. Problem is that the latest Meta Events aren't really boss fights but long drawn out event chains unlike most of the Vanilla Meta Events are just boss fights.

Also disagree with his argument about Account Bound achievements. That's one of the best parts of GW2 since I am not forced to play on any specific character/class. I can play achievements across whatever character/class I am in the mood to play.



I disagree when he say Balance is the only issue and that it's too rewarding. No WvW use to be able to not have ranks and pip system because Karma loot train was good enough back in most of Vanilla and the WvW survived on hype from prerelease alone back then which was dying off hence the reason the server links down the road. The game mode was dying before Warclaw, Pips, Elite Specs and all that stuff. It needs objective based gameplay with defined winners and losers. Need objectives of all sizes as well from large scale objectives to solo objectives. Solo captures of camps don't count and not fun.



I disagree with what he said. I play it and still have insensitive to unlock skins and materials to make new skins and unlock stuff. No different from any other MMO. And yes it does need new content. I played SPVP back in vanilla because it pretty much was only thing available. There was nothing else outside un-queued maps which most don't play. I, like many others, want larger SPvP game modes with new objectives and gameplay other than Conquest circle maps. In fact these smaller 5v5 maps expose more of the balance issues since it gets more rock paper meta oriented. Many roles and specs aren't useful or valuable in SPvP because of this, which is why in WvW you have more wiggle room to play how you want compared to SPvP.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> I started the video.


> PvE:

> I disagree big time with his hardmode idea. Because then GW2 wouldn't be a MMO anymore if the world was instanced like GW1. Hardmode should be a zone to zone type of thing that makes things harder but more rewarding but still a MMO with grouping and players roaming.


I believe the reason he might have chosen this format for vanquish could be because he didnt want to split the community? The way i understood it this is basicly an instanced version of the map with more mobs, some bosses and without the metas.


Was that not what was suggested?

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > I started the video.

> >

> > PvE:

> > I disagree big time with his hardmode idea. Because then GW2 wouldn't be a MMO anymore if the world was instanced like GW1. Hardmode should be a zone to zone type of thing that makes things harder but more rewarding but still a MMO with grouping and players roaming.


> I believe the reason he might have chosen this format for vanquish could be because he didnt want to split the community? The way i understood it this is basicly an instanced version of the map with more mobs, some bosses and without the metas.


> Was that not what was suggested?


That's not a MMO. I don't want that. I would stay in GW1 or Diablo 4 for that.

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Something that baffles me about feedback like this is why they think anyone's going to watch it. I'm not going to spend 1 hour reading someone's forum post, so why would I watch a video where it's much harder to gloss over the irrelevant bits?


If you're going to make a feedback video, by all means do, but keep the length to something reasonable like 5 minutes. It just doesn't need to take that long to make a point.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> Something that baffles me about feedback like this is why they think anyone's going to watch it. I'm not going to spend 1 hour reading someone's forum post, so why would I watch a video where it's much harder to gloss over the irrelevant bits?


> If you're going to make a feedback video, by all means do, but keep the length to something reasonable like 5 minutes. It just doesn't need to take that long to make a point.


There is always and option to skip to a part that you are intrested. I only watched the part where he talks about raids and the part about thief.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > If there was an opinion present in this thread maybe there would be opinion wars. You could post their main points as basis for discussion instead of promoting their youtube channel.


> Posted timestamps to all of his opinions, The video itself is quite extensive and i found doing this to be the most sensible thing for me and others.


> Video isnt running ads and if ppl dont choose to sub the benefits hes gonna recieve from this are rather limited.


> I might update and add tldw on this later but im fairly busy rn.



You should read this for next time:



Posting a video of someone else without offering anything useful yourself isn't good feedback. Also, posting feedback on a lot of different topics in one thread isn't really good either, split the points and make separate threads for each of them, instead of putting all topics in one thread. But more importantly, the idea of feedback is for the one giving it to keep the discussion going, but for that to happen they must be the ones giving the feedback to begin with.


Good luck

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:


> There is always and option to skip to a part that you are intrested. I only watched the part where he talks about raids and the part about thief.


It's a bit more complicated to figure out whether the topics being discussed are going anywhere useful without devoting a lot more time, though. Written text can be glanced over, and you can slow down to pay attention to the interesting bits. I have no idea whether I'll find any of this worthwhile, and I'm not inclined to find out without a proper synopsis.

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Giving content-creators a little more attention is on my new-year's resolution for 2020. So I watched the parts which I am interested in: PvE & Engineer.


**PvE:** Make content harder. Hardmode. Repeatable challenges with worthy rewards (instead of just AP). CMs with daily rewards. New dungeon in the style of TA Aetherpath.

**Warrior & Engineer:** Both are in a good state. More combo finishers. Nerf Bull's Charge and Particle Accelerator.


I have recently watched that teapod video of him reading and commenting a written article. A huge time-waste if you say so, but it was at least entertaining. Listening to this video was a chore. And I only watched barely 15 minutes of it.


**PvE**: He is not even scratching on the surface. It is pretty much the perspective of a raider. Using TA Aetherpath as an example for a good dungeon just gives me shivers.


**Engineer**: NOPE. Just the recent problem with the UG/Detection Pulse change is controversial enough to fill several threads and videos, even if you ignore PvE completely. They moved an Elite skill of an Elite Specialication (Scrapper) into a basic utility-skill, which can be accessed by every build. He did not mention the broken state of core or the questionable tank situation of Scrapper in PvE. What about turrets? What about gadgets? Some of our utility-skills have not seen a real change (other than cosmetics) since 2012.


Honestly I do not like this kind of threads. Just posting the link to a video of someone else. Barely giving any information about the content and just finishing with "Let the opinion wars begin." is just bad. Like that video will change anything? Like ANet will listen to this single content-creator and do everything RIGHT from now on? They once did that with a suggestion video of WP and the result was not really good. To add insult to injury, those who advertised the video and asked ANet to listen belonged to the group who criticized the the following patch the most.


If you want to say something, just say it. The forums exist to discuss different opinions and ideas. It is not a show-room for videos. Agreement or disagreement to the points he listed leads to nothing but an increase of viewers. He wins and we waste our time, discussing with someone who will never respond at all.


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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> Giving content-creators a little more attention is on my new-year's resolution for 2020. So I watched the parts which I am interested in: PvE & Engineer.


> **PvE:** Make content harder. Hardmode. Repeatable challenges with worthy rewards (instead of just AP). CMs with daily rewards. New dungeon in the style of TA Aetherpath.

> **Warrior & Engineer:** Both are in a good state. More combo finishers. Nerf Bull's Charge and Particle Accelerator.


> I have recently watched that teapod video of him reading and commenting a written article. A huge time-waste if you say so, but it was at least entertaining. Listening to this video was a chore. And I only watched barely 15 minutes of it.


> **PvE**: He is not even scratching on the surface. It is pretty much the perspective of a raider. Using TA Aetherpath as an example for a good dungeon just gives me shivers.


> **Engineer**: NOPE. Just the recent problem with the UG/Detection Pulse change is controversial enough to fill several threads and videos, even if you ignore PvE completely. They moved an Elite skill of an Elite Specialication (Scrapper) into a basic utility-skill, which can be accessed by every build. He did not mention the broken state of core or the questionable tank situation of Scrapper in PvE. What about turrets? What about gadgets? Some of our utility-skills have not seen a real change (other than cosmetics) since 2012.


> Honestly I do not like this kind of threads. Just posting the link to a video of someone else. Barely giving any information about the content and just finishing with "Let the opinion wars begin." is just bad. Like that video will change anything? Like ANet will listen to this single content-creator and do everything RIGHT from now on? They once did that with a suggestion video of WP and the result was not really good. To add insult to injury, those who advertised the video and asked ANet to listen belonged to the group who criticized the the following patch the most.


> If you want to say something, just say it. The forums exist to discuss different opinions and ideas. It is not a show-room for videos. Agreement or disagreement to the points he listed leads to nothing but an increase of viewers. He wins and we waste our time, discussing with someone who will never respond at all.



Theres no agenda here i dont agree or disagree with the suggestions made i simply find the subject of "changes i want to see in x year" to be an interesting one and i feel like it could be a good starting point for bitesize feedback on multiple aspects.


Its not about trying to tell any one of us players or content creators whats the correct opinion or not but to moreso create a picture for the developers on what players would like to see happen in 2020. And no the picture isnt the opinions shared in this video, its the opinions shared in this video and the commends of players.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> I went straight to Ele part, heard him saying "Elementalist is probably the strongest proffession right now" - and stopped listening at that point. That guy clearly knows very little about the game.


Weaver is over performing currently in sPvP and one of the strongest in PvE. So if that is what the video said, it is absolutely correct.


> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > If there was an opinion present in this thread maybe there would be opinion wars. You could post their main points as basis for discussion instead of promoting their youtube channel.


> Posted timestamps to all of his opinions, The video itself is quite extensive and i found doing this to be the most sensible thing for me and others.


> Video isnt running ads and if ppl dont choose to sub the benefits hes gonna recieve from this are rather limited.


> I might update and add tldw on this later but im fairly busy rn.



If you ever quote a video you must provide a summary of what it covers. I would not waste my time to watch anything that I dunno what it intails. It could be complete bull shit. Just putting time stamps means nothing. You need to summarize what the video says so if it is interesting people consider watching it for more details.


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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> I went straight to Ele part, heard him saying "Elementalist is probably the strongest proffession right now" - and stopped listening at that point. That guy clearly knows very little about the game.


I donno seems u kno very little cuz weaver is indeed one of if not thee strongest specs right now as it has bunker level sustain due to healing and evades plus very potent condi bursts so....

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > I went straight to Ele part, heard him saying "Elementalist is probably the strongest proffession right now" - and stopped listening at that point. That guy clearly knows very little about the game.


> I donno seems u kno very little cuz weaver is indeed one of if not thee strongest specs right now as it has bunker level sustain due to healing and evades plus very potent condi bursts so....


It has zero mobility

IF they stay on 1 captured points permanatly , then it will be 5 players (including you ) , facing 4 other for the rest of 2 captured point

While the Ele , will be afk on their Point (dont bother to touch him)


How we call this system ?

Lets say it : +1 Roamer / -1 Tank


HoT weaver + PoF Mesmer are based on the evasive archetype of thief .

You know the ppl who defended the Thief for 4 years and quited (remaining on the forums+ getting to do the same @ after the balance patch ) , say something about reactive survibility + low hp ....

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > I went straight to Ele part, heard him saying "Elementalist is probably the strongest proffession right now" - and stopped listening at that point. That guy clearly knows very little about the game.


> No sure about PVE, but in WvW roaming, Weaver is very strong.


WvW roaming is, like, very very narrow subset of game experience (and even there it's very controversial statement, it's definitely not the strongest, more like "can do job, more or less, if your skill is pretty high"). There are definitely professions which can do better with MUCH less effort/skill required.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > I went straight to Ele part, heard him saying "Elementalist is probably the strongest proffession right now" - and stopped listening at that point. That guy clearly knows very little about the game.


> I donno seems u kno very little cuz weaver is indeed one of if not thee strongest specs right now as it has bunker level sustain due to healing and evades plus very potent condi bursts so....


A bunker is very very niche build which is useless for anything else in this setup - and still there are other professions which can do same thing and still can be more useful. Overall, Eles are quite mediocre in all gaming modes. You always can point out to something that is much more sustainable and have better or comparable DPS at the same time, and more useful to the team.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > > I went straight to Ele part, heard him saying "Elementalist is probably the strongest proffession right now" - and stopped listening at that point. That guy clearly knows very little about the game.

> >

> > No sure about PVE, but in WvW roaming, Weaver is very strong.


> WvW roaming is, like, very very narrow subset of game experience (and even there it's very controversial statement, it's definitely not the strongest, more like "can do job, more or less, if your skill is pretty high"). There are definitely professions which can do better with MUCH less effort/skill required.


It is just not just WvW but also PvP where fire weaver is op.

2 others have disagreed with your post so you must be an ele main.

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