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Fishing: How would you all like this to work?

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> Fishing would be a great activity to just sit back and enjoy the ambiance in this game, its a perfect match for these maps. This attitude of 'don't do anything until my pet issues are addressed' is pointless, all you get is a stagnant game if the devs were foolish enough to follow that advice.



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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> Actually there is already fishing ingame, there is an event and a heart where you have to fish. And honestly I think that these activities like fishing are a waste of time. If I would want to go fishing I would go to a real lake. No need to have that in a computer game.


That's something i can't really agree with. You could say the same about shooters "Just go to a real shooting range / play paintball", or about sword fighting: "just join a sword fighting club". Saying you don't need any activity in a computer game would just completely remove all computer games.

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Personally I'd prefer they didn't add it at all, as it's something I've seen done in many different ways in games and I've never liked any of them enough to wish it was in more games or even to play it more than necessary in those games.


But if they were to add it I'd want it to be:

1) Optional - someone no one ever has to do for any reason except because they feel like doing it. (Think Wintersday mini games, where you can completely skip one or two if you don't enjoy them without missing out on meta achievements, items etc. or anything except a few AP.)


2) An actual mini game where you're doing something. By far my least favourite in-game fishing is the ones where you push a button to cast then just have to stand there unable to do anything else until something tells you to push another button to see what you've caught, then you push the first button again repeat the process. The ones I don't mind too much are in games like the Legend of Zelda series where you're always doing something, and what you choose to do and how well you do it affects your success.

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I think this would open up a bunch of cool stuff. New cooking, new masteries, a legendary fishing rod (cause lul, why not), and a whole new mini-game like feature. I think it would work pretty simply, maybe something like how Stardew Valley's fishing works. Then as other have said you could get junk items, cooking supplies, and collection items. Maybe even some times you real in a rare mob that you have to proceed to fight. There could also be group fishing events where you have to pull some kind of boss from the water or catch so many fish in a period of time. There could be meta events around it too. You have to clear hostile mobs so you can fish in peace or these is a fish frenzy where everyone has a 50% increased catch rate for a short period. Idk, I think it could be fun if they got creative with it.

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Seems a bit boring i still have not found the mood to even finish my 500 cooking quest yet. I cant think of a single game where i enjoyed the fishing unless it was one of those games only dedicated to fishing lol i think the dream cast console had a game like that... that was the last time i enjoyed fishing in a video game... would rather go fishing irl tbh.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> Seems a bit boring i still have not found the mood to even finish my 500 cooking quest yet. I cant think of a single game where i enjoyed the fishing unless it was one of those games only dedicated to fishing lol i think the dream cast console had a game like that... that was the last time i enjoyed fishing in a video game... would rather go fishing irl tbh.


I would personally just like more interactive things to do around maps, even if it's not fishing in particular. No matter what map I go to in PvE it really boils down to doing similar meta events and passively gathering nodes. Some more mini-game like features scattered throughout maps would be nice, they can tie special skins and collections to them. Something to break up the same ol' same ol'. Maybe how final fantasy has card game mini games.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > Seems a bit boring i still have not found the mood to even finish my 500 cooking quest yet. I cant think of a single game where i enjoyed the fishing unless it was one of those games only dedicated to fishing lol i think the dream cast console had a game like that... that was the last time i enjoyed fishing in a video game... would rather go fishing irl tbh.


> I would personally just like more interactive things to do around maps, even if it's not fishing in particular. No matter what map I go to in PvE it really boils down to doing similar meta events and passively gathering nodes. Some more mini-game like features scattered throughout maps would be nice, they can tie special skins and collections to them. Something to break up the same ol' same ol'. Maybe how final fantasy has card game mini games.


I feel like HoT challenge mini games were suppose to be exactly that and people hated a fair amount of them so anet mostly stopped adding them after that.

To be fair a lot of them were super frustrating there are some in which i would never ever dare do again because they were that much of a pain in the butt to get gold in.

That said those mini games didnt offer special skins or collection things just mastery points which you kind of need to generally play through the game and some story instances so depending on how smart/lucky you were with spending HoT mastery points at the time they may have been chill or super frustrating.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > Seems a bit boring i still have not found the mood to even finish my 500 cooking quest yet. I cant think of a single game where i enjoyed the fishing unless it was one of those games only dedicated to fishing lol i think the dream cast console had a game like that... that was the last time i enjoyed fishing in a video game... would rather go fishing irl tbh.

> >

> > I would personally just like more interactive things to do around maps, even if it's not fishing in particular. No matter what map I go to in PvE it really boils down to doing similar meta events and passively gathering nodes. Some more mini-game like features scattered throughout maps would be nice, they can tie special skins and collections to them. Something to break up the same ol' same ol'. Maybe how final fantasy has card game mini games.


> I feel like HoT challenge mini games were suppose to be exactly that and people hated a fair amount of them so anet mostly stopped adding them after that.

> To be fair a lot of them were super frustrating there are some in which i would never ever dare do again because they were that much of a pain in the butt to get gold in.

> That said those mini games didnt offer special skins or collection things just mastery points which you kind of need to generally play through the game and some story instances so depending on how smart/lucky you were with spending HoT mastery points at the time they may have been chill or super frustrating.


HoT mini games could be frustrating, but they were really clever ways to teach the players how to use the movement systems that are such a big part of the game. I guess Anet could have made that clearer, but the seem to enjoy keeping things mysterious.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> Fishing would be a great activity to just sit back and enjoy the ambiance in this game, its a perfect match for these maps. This attitude of 'don't do anything until my pet issues are addressed' is pointless, all you get is a stagnant game if the devs were foolish enough to follow that advice.


The requests for fishing are 'pet issues' as well. People can enjoy ambiance in the game without having a new mechanic added.

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> @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> NO! Just NO! Don't waste any resources on some stupid fishing feature. There is plenty of better content that can be added to this game.


Well duh! We all know THAT! But fishing is like capes and player houses, it won't go away from the forum until it's in-game.

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I like fishing in other games and I once mentioned I would love to see it in gw2 as well BUT things changed and now I say no and here is why...


- They did implement some fishing events/hearth after my initial reply on the topic. See lws4 maps Sandswept Isles and Thunderhead Peaks.

- They could have utilised fishing with "ascended" cooking but they did not so we have no single use for fish resources (like fish and fish body parts)

- They love to lock popular events between time gates... how fun would fishing be if you are only allowed to do it shortly anyways (as there may be risks of exploits if not implemented well).

- Once popular events, like beetle racing and awakaned events (are those even still in game as I haven't seen any for a while now), "die" out soon so its a waste of resources I rather see spend on pvp/wvw/fractals and raids atm (these honestly need more love right now as living worlds and new maps is fun but abandonned as soon as everyone did them). I see more replay value in pvp/wvw/fractals and raids once you have done all story.

- It would be massively monetized... Days of fun and quality of life (some of which we have payed for buying expansions) are over.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> I rather see the dev resources spent on an expansion than in-game fishing.


oh yeah i'm sure the devs have meetings like "so. what are we going to work next? a full new expac or a side activity like fishing? hmmm"

anyway I'd enjoy it, even only rod fishing would be nice. since gw2 has already tons of aquatic life they could use it somehow.

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I can more say how I'd want fishing *not* to be implemented. ArenaNet has shown that more often than not they can come up with intriguing twists and variations on what other MMOs have done, in ways that seem obvious in hindsight. But I'm not them, or any kind of game designer. So all I can do here is repeat what I've said in other threads about what makes MMO fishing not fun and hope that if ever they implement fishing, they avoid the pitfalls.


To wit: I've seen fishing in four different games that I can think of. BDO made it pretty active, to the point that I couldn't even figure out what to do despite having a guide telling me to do stuff during the cast bar. What stuff? Nothing I did had any effect and I gave up (it was only a trial week, and I was getting splitting headaches squinting at the screen trying to see creatures vs background plants. Maybe not entirely BDO's fault I didn't grok the fishing). The other three were WoW, LotRO, and ESO. When you strip away the little cosmetic differences, the core mechanics are made to avoid bots by requiring you to watch the screen, keeping your mouse in the area where your line might bob at some random point during the channel time, and click on the bobber (or hit an interact key) the moment it splashes. You might also have a timed buff that improves your results so long as you haul in the fish while it's active.


So rather than being a relaxing thing to do while chatting as some seem to claim, you have to keep your camera pointed at the pool, your mouse cursor in the pool, and one finger on your hotkey -- or at best have only one hand available for the keyboard due to the mouse requirements -- and your attention sharp for long enough to get bored waiting for the splash. No text chatting possible, you might miss the splash. No looking around at the scenery, you might miss the splash. No checking out a forum post while you wait, you might miss the splash. But the dead time between splashes and casts stretches out, until you've wasted a lot of time for a few catches. That's not relaxing or exciting, it's big-yawn tedious. At least for me.


In the past I've suggested having fish pools be like any other node. You use a gathering tool, you get to the pool and interact like any mining or chopping node gather, boom you have fish. Somehow I don't think that would satisfy the players that actively want fishing, however, so again I leave it up to experienced game designers to come up with something fun, engaging, and repeatedly enjoyable.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> In the past I've suggested having fish pools be like any other node. You use a gathering tool, you get to the pool and interact like any mining or chopping node gather, boom you have fish. Somehow I don't think that would satisfy the players that actively want fishing, however, so again I leave it up to experienced game designers to come up with something fun, engaging, and repeatedly enjoyable.


I'd love to see fishing nodes, especially with the recent expansion to ascended cooking. However, I think that might be something better timed for when we start dealing with the DSD; it just ties in better and I can imagine they could leverage it for new underwater mechanics. Not only for cooking, but for other crafts as well. I get the feeling that is still a way off, but who knows? It might even be in a couple of weeks.


I don't think that having fishing require player interaction is a bad thing. It IS a mini-game, after all. Parking your character somewhere and watching a progress bar tick by is just plain boring. I do think that it should be fairly light compared to other mini-games, but not totally hands-free.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> Hell I would fish for hours in WoW just enjoying the scenery. Not so hard, but perhaps we had longer attention spans back then.


Haha yeah I agree with that. I remember enjoying watching a game in my Amstrad load for 30 mins. Now I’m impatient after a 3 sec loading screen!!


I do still enjoy fishing in lotro. Esp in the right spot in Hobbiton when the sun lowers to reflect off the water. Or even in animal crossing. It isn’t for everyone but I would find it a fun excuse to slow down on occasion if brought here.

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If they did fishing... It would be some pond in your home instance available in the gemstore that allows you to easily farm meet for cheap alternatives to best in slot recipes. It would probably have some exclusives that can be shared that everyone would want.


No on fishing.

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