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What about PvP do you find to be the most unfun?


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People playing deathmatch in the conquest mode and not caring about capturing/defending points. Or other stupid behaviour. And I'm not talking about noobish builds or lack in skills (I'm myself a noob when it comes to combat). More about the strategy/awareness. And chatting to help isn't an option in a running match. Premade chat commands or voice chat commands could help. Like "defend the keep" or stuff like that. Some shooter have these even with a voice message appearing ... maybe with a bit cooldown to prevent spamming. Could be localized to the client version for players not speaking English and having their client in a different language.


Annoying when I see people running away from capture points after the enemy team has gotten the buttom buff in temple (and gotten everything capped) ... or 4 people trying to capture far point (where 1-2 bunker guys of the enemy team defend and the remaining enemy team leisurely caps all the other points ... and nobody cares. The most annoying thing I regularly see (might get better should I get a chance to climb up in rating) is 2 teammates trying to dps a downed enemy to death ... near a point that enemy capped and they want to recap. Near a point ... not on the point. 2 guys and not one of them staying in the circle when there is no thread and only a downed enemy.


Other than that most inherent problems to the game mode or balancing ... I don't have a problem with. I like the game mode conquest.

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Reliance on RNG teammates to win. A single player should be able to influence the match more than they are currently able to.


Maybe adding a channeled buff on the side nodes that give 25 points while making the mid point tick for 2 points instead of 1. (just brainstorming)


This would make team fights important to gain a consistent source of points but skilled side noders would be able to kill more often to channel those point buffs and help boost their team forward.


Idk... in my opinion the game just needs new ideas and something fresh/interesting to do. Same old gamemode and safe approach gets boring, which is the main reason people don't stick around. If the game was fun, easy to pick up and play, had variety and had clear paths for people to follow if they wanted to improve, more people would be PvPing.


I mean even the currently rallying system adds an unnecessarily frustrating and RNG mechanic to whether or not you win a fight. If you down 2 people and go down yourself, will your teammate who just rotated in be able to cleave in time or will both enemies rally and wipe your ally off the face of the planet in under 10 seconds. Rallying removes any lingering impact you had in a fight, which is bad.

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Path of Fire really did ruin PVP for me. It's like playing Town of Salem's Coven expansion, the roles are at the same time similar to each other but different. And if you don't know that difference you're as good as lost.


Elite specs are like that. I think people prefer PVP to be more simple, and introducing this many options can make PVP overwhelming.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> **What ruins your PvP experience the most? How would you fix it?**


Only thing that ruins it for me is the potential of some builds to be infinitely sustainable and yet be oppressive in their damage output. A lot of the other problems, like toxicity and win trading/stacked matches, largely stem from that problem. I think if the number of builds that could perform very well in most game changing aspects of the matchup (Disengage potential, low or no telegraph of moves, mobility/positioning, stealth access, sustainability/healing output, damage output at range and in melee) had to just objectively __be bad__ at something that classes can easily exploit, a lot of the secondary issues would weaken or dissipate entirely.


I'm just really tired of having to explain why having strong access to every good class trait makes gameplay vs that painful.


A hard look at that, coupled with a good handling of Swiss Tournaments would probably destroy most of the main pvp problems (namely, people willfully tanking teams in ranked and builds that invalidate entire classes)

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > **What ruins your PvP experience the most? How would you fix it?**


> Only thing that ruins it for me is the potential of some builds to be infinitely sustainable and yet be oppressive in their damage output. A lot of the other problems, like toxicity and win trading/stacked matches, largely stem from that problem. I think if the number of builds that could perform very well in most game changing aspects of the matchup (Disengage potential, low or no telegraph of moves, mobility/positioning, stealth access, sustainability/healing output, damage output at range and in melee) had to just objectively __be bad__ at something that classes can easily exploit, a lot of the secondary issues would weaken or dissipate entirely.


> A hard look at that, coupled with a good handling of Swiss Tournaments would probably destroy most of the main pvp problems (namely, people willfully tanking teams in ranked and builds that invalidate entire classes)


I agree with this. Toxicity is my biggest personal pet peeve. It also doesn't help that they do things to reenforce toxic behaviour. It's just minor things, but it's annoying. Like dancing over your defeated opponents dead bodies at the end of the match, very sportsmanlike. Loosely PvP related but letting players troll the free for all arena with spawning crap in there (I use the area between matches to practice combat, it would be nice if it wasn't being trolled on half the time). Letting people get away with being toxic in chat. I can't tell you how many times I've seen someone called or been called myself a "F****** re****" in chat. Like, how does that system not pick this up and just insta-mute them? I block them instantly, but still, come on. If PvP gets you that heated to start cussing and name calling people, you need to not be playing it and anet should be strict on that. It's not tolerated in irl sports, why should it be tolerated here? Just because it's an anonymous game?


inb4 "just ingore them and mute" "git gud snowflake" "psh, millennials now days"

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> **What ruins your PvP experience the most? How would you fix it?**


Using 4 stunbreaks and still being stunned, getting hit at least 1/3 of my max health with 1 pathetic badly designed dumb bs skill and not being able to say anything negative in forums without getting banned cause sjw enthusiastics.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Above and beyond any mechanical or balance issue, removing 5man queue was the #1 worst decision they could have possibly made for every reason.


> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> They took away teams in ranked.





Elite specs did ruined a lot in pvp when they released with hots, in my opinion.

I really would love to see the remove of elite specs but I also would miss the pof elite specs, atm they game feels pretty smooth with a good flow. But they should tune down the power creep, which they should get after the patch in the end of February.


But I am not sure if I would like the remove of the power creep, the way how the game is right now, is just so good. (I know Many disagree) but it's just the big big learning curve that's in the game, every class need to be outplayed in a specific way, some classes are way harder to outplay than others, but if you find a way it will be mostly working. The fights are mechanicly super intense and every wrong decision or miss click could be the end, but not only for you, the enemy has the same problems to handle.

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Manual movement is garbage and generally worthless in mid-combat. Everything relevant to positioning is encapsulated in "lol I'm not taking damage for X seconds" and teleporting. This game has no footsies, it has no legitimate movement tech, and it has no jukes. This problem isn't really something that can be fixed short of re-balancing the game around mount-style movement for players rather than an over-reliance on tab-target ranged attacks and teleports; so it will never happen, but suffice to say that movement has been getting more and more irrelevant as classes got more and more stability, or basically all started engaging fights like a Thief (i.e. with teleports or stealth).

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> @"maximusmann.1263" said:

> Thieves. The never ending cycle of burst-dodge-evade-stealth combined with "i'm a lonewolf ninja. deal with it" mentality makes me want to vomit. Removing this class altogether would improve the imbalance tenfold. I dread every match with and/or against thieves.


to be honest, as much i blame Thief Profession for the Toxicity; i have met many good hearted Thief Profession players who would gladly compromise with Anet to lessen their Toxicity for healthy improvement changes.


The truth is; I would rather Anet to redesign them instead of nerfing them because all that does is making them worse and be hated more


(No! i am not feeling bad for them but i do feel bad for them being the most hated Profession in the game especially for 7 years straight while Anet does nothing to help them improve in a healthy positive way)


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Simple: The insults, and even threats to my RL health I got when I first tried PvP...


There is NO excuse to insult and threaten a new player trying PvP.

When you do that, you're part of the problem and as far as I am concerned, you should be banned for life.


Never EVER again. I wish Anet could delete that stupid freakin PvP badge off my PvE account.


Due to the above, I hate PvP to the CORE and will NEVER try a match EVER AGAIN.



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I am a casual player and enjoy PvP with all its perks. I am not fussed with any imbalances (apparently) as I am personally challenged to get on top of them and find an adequate angle to counter them.


The only thing I dislike is that people take this game (any game) to serious and take any issues they may have to the next level, insulting and ranting.



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