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Nerf WvW Downstate


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Down state is pointless in WvW. The very few times that you ever manage to rally doesn't make it worth having. I would rather die instantly and respawn instead the just laying there bleeding my life out. On the flip side, have a group that is mostly down rally because Leroy decide to tank the condi bomb fucking sucks.


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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> We got mount stomps so current downstate is ok.


In smallscale favors the bigger group, that still has someone mounted, waiting for downs to stomp.


While defending warclaw makes it almost impossible to take something like garrison when there are like half your amount of players, because they keep running back way to quick and suicide to down someone with someone else to instastomp the attackers with mount.


Imo warclaw made downstate even worse in wvw. Remove warclaw and downstate or atleast nerf both big time.

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I think Downstate should occur only in controlled areas.


Sometimes being sieged outnumbered by a boonball happens, and I'm kinda unimpressed that defending is futile af and all it does is wastes time on both sides.


When one of the enemy zerg falls, they get instant ressed.


Defenders just get pushed on until supply dries up and lose.



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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> I think Downstate should occur only in controlled areas.


> Sometimes being sieged outnumbered by a boonball happens, and I'm kinda unimpressed that defending is futile af and all it does is wastes time on both sides.


> When one of the enemy zerg falls, they get instant ressed.


> Defenders just get pushed on until supply dries up and lose.




Thats a horrible idea, taking keeps in primetime is already almost impossible.


And honestly, if you are badly outnumbered you should lose the keep. Lastly im reading many of those complains, were ppl are upset about losing an objective while being outnumbered, which is ridiculous. WHEN is it ok to lose an objective in your opinion? If absolutely nobody is there to defend? Big oof.


I can understand that its frustrating to be outnumbered alot, but thats not the fault of objective mechanics, its the fault of unbalanced server population.


Making it easier to defend objectives, just so that outnumbered ppl can sit in their objectives will just make it absolutely impossible for zergs with even numbers to fight around them.

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To reiterate what I've said in the past regarding nerfs and acceptable compromises while maintaining one of the core functions of GW2 combat (ignoring broken bugs such as dead pets ressing underwater):


*1 to 1 ressing*

Only one can res someone downed, no more power res by 5 peeps.


*Third times the charm*

Downstate debuffs reduced to three stages - 66% hp, 33% hp, dead.


*Triple downstate debuff timer*

Its currently just 60s, up that to 180s.


*No rally*

If you go down, you have to be ressed or get up by yourself.


As an addition, there is downstate health food which is absolutely **ridiculous** as it give +100% hp but its hard to say how that should be balanced since well... No one use it. I would say changed from 20-100% hp / 0-20% more dmg when downed to 5-20% faster ressing / 0-20% more dmg on enemy downed but who knows.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > We got mount stomps so current downstate is ok.


> In smallscale favors the bigger group, that still has someone mounted, waiting for downs to stomp.


Why do you assume that it is only the bigger group with someone mounted? The mount stomp has been a boon for the smaller group. It lets them chip away at numbers faster and less need to sustain after an initial bomb so as not to have the downs rally off your own players who take more damage from bigger groups.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> Isnt it more the rally that needs to be looked at?


One to one rally isn't that bad, one to many was right out. But there is no price to pay if you are defeated. That should require a full run back. Today the only side that has to come all the way back to a fight is the defenders, that same rule should apply to anyone that is defeated. Either get them up while they are downed or they are out of the fight till they get back.

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> @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> Since ANET wont remove downstate from this game mode. Also the no downstate weekend received great responses.

If I'm not mistaken a bunch of pro-no-state players made polls several times over after the no-downstate week and they lost their own polls every time.

That is even with the majority of this forum seemingly being lower-tier solo players and puggers who lack friends, guilds and commanding experience.

Concluding that as a definition "great responses" is a Trumpism if I ever saw one.



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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > We got mount stomps so current downstate is ok.

> >

> > In smallscale favors the bigger group, that still has someone mounted, waiting for downs to stomp.


> Why do you assume that it is only the bigger group with someone mounted? The mount stomp has been a boon for the smaller group. It lets them chip away at numbers faster and less need to sustain after an initial bomb so as not to have the downs rally off your own players who take more damage from bigger groups.


because the bigger group is going to have "throw away" players that can just watch their server winning the fight and snipe downs with warclaw. Throw away characters also includes non-meta zerg players like soulbeast snipers and stuff you wouldn't normally expect to fight from a zerg comp. They have the numbers to include this type of stuff that can really mess on outnumbered players even if its a 1 to 1 trade. The outnumbered players need everyone they have, the bigger group does not, hence "throw away" players.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > > We got mount stomps so current downstate is ok.

> > >

> > > In smallscale favors the bigger group, that still has someone mounted, waiting for downs to stomp.

> >

> > Why do you assume that it is only the bigger group with someone mounted? The mount stomp has been a boon for the smaller group. It lets them chip away at numbers faster and less need to sustain after an initial bomb so as not to have the downs rally off your own players who take more damage from bigger groups.


> because the bigger group is going to have "throw away" players that can just watch their server winning the fight and snipe downs with warclaw. Throw away characters also includes non-meta zerg players like soulbeast snipers and stuff you wouldn't normally expect to fight from a zerg comp. They have the numbers to include this type of stuff that can really mess on outnumbered players even if its a 1 to 1 trade. The outnumbered players need everyone they have, the bigger group does not, hence "throw away" players.


That hasn't been my experience at all. When you say the outnumbered players "need everyone they have" as if only their class build is to be utilized, you're willingly ignoring the idea that the mount stomper can also be considered "needed". At the start of a fight everyone has their cooldowns and should be getting an initial set of downs which the mount stomper can then finish off quickly in order to even the numbers a bit. Obviously if the smaller group is getting one-pushed and not getting any enemy downs, that isn't because of mount stompers.


BTW, the best troll move is mount stomping into the middle of two enemy zergs with downs to see who you snowball.

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If they don't remove downed, which would suck, I would like to see them remove stealth finishers and do something about blind spam on downed, hell even downed CC getting eaten by the incredible about of stab around at the moment. It is extremely rare to use your CC, even if you damage first, while downed and not see "immune" or miss due to blindness. There are a few cheese low skill low risk high reward builds that exploit stealth finishers, would like to see reveal on finisher. Saying that, reduce the damage done by downed state, some prof have obnoxious amounts of downed damage.

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There's a crap ton of players running bursty builds that can nearly one shot people, and we all now have mounts to pounce and auto finish downed targets. Forgive me if I'm just being ignorant or blind here to an issue I just cannot see, but after all these years I've never seen the downed state in wvw as something that's problematic in any capacity.


The only thing I can say that's been problematic is when it came to the cheese finishers on downed people, I'm sure people remember the portal hoping mesmers finishing people.


From what I can gather from what people are saying, this is more of a problem with certain downed states in comparision to others. So it might possibly be best to either ask for nerfs or buffs in those given areas then just asking for downed states as a whole to be removed or nerfed.

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> @"Sinfullysweet.4517" said:

> Personally, I prefer no downstate on myself. Just freaking kill me and get it over with so I can run back into the fight. Sitting there bleeding out and I am hollaring "DO IT. KILL ME. END MY TORMENT."


> My husband and son think there is something wrong with me when they hear it. :p


You know......


That image and sound track (with a persons voice of my making) is going to play in my head every time I down someone now.... it’s gonna make me not wanna stomp someone lol!

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