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So, Super Adventure Box 2020...

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Respects to Josh Foreman, SAB is an experience like no other, so I'm hoping to see some new content for it this year, even if it's just gem store items.


A lot of people were asking for purple varients of the SAB weapon skins during last year's festival, and since every festival so far has come with new weapon skins, I can't see a reason not to do the same for SAB, though I suppose since Crimson Assassin weapons are a thing, they already fit the role of "do dailies for x amount of days, get exclusive weapon skin on the xth time" achievement. Kaiser Snake weapon skins being a rare drop from the chests is also a thing, so I suppose the only way to include purple weapons would be to create World 3, which is ironically another "3" we won't see. But hey, if there's a new in-game achievement for earning purple weapons, that'd be swell.


SAB also seems to bring out the grumpiest side of GW2 players who love to complain about immersion breaking, which strikes me as odd because it's just as immersion breaking to use the real-life bathroom (which sadly doesn't have any infusion slots), and I assume it's because of that minority that we don't have SAB mount skins.


Last year we also got some unused weapons released. Can we expect to see the fire-sword this year? Or maybe even an SAB themed outfit?


Either way, Super Adventure Box is as hype this year as it is every year :)

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> @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> the real-life bathroom (which sadly doesn't have any infusion slots)


But if it did, think of the choices you'd have to make!


Do you go with agony resistance? Are you willing to shell out for that +18?


How about swim speed infusion? Could be helpful to get things moving.


Or do you choose the WvW -damage from Lords and Supervisors? Keeps the boss off of you during your third ~~Twitter~~ bathroom break of the day.


My nominees would be:


Scariest Infusion: Chak

Best for Kids: Festive Confetti

Seasonal for Summer: Winter's Heart

Seasonal for Winter: Ember

Overall Winner: Peerless


Oh, and as far as stats go, although I gave serious consideration to Healing and Resilient, I think we can all agree that the best attribute for this application is "Precise," right?


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Still have a hope, that festival is awesome and unique. Of course haters gonna hate but lovers gonna love too. They added the coins races, some item upgrades and even some guild hall decos. ^^


I'm not against Sab mounts skins, they already released a chair. They can even make a cape like the one from that evil knight Lord Victus. If no world 3-4 they can at least bring back w3-1 with the genie. I would like to save mia :( . And the water level, and the mine, the castle!


It's a big waste, they could have finished it in 2015, if the kept the energy burst and intensive release of 2013-2014.

RIP Josh Foreman, loved you so much for that festival you created.

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> @"Kiyaira.4738" said:

> You're all so negative. There is always hope! If you don't like SAB, just shut up pls. Let us love it.


Not negative. Just voicing my opinion. I'm not advocating that it should be removed. If you love it, that's fine. I prefer that it be kept in it's own space and not painted all over the rest of the game. It's a Super Adventure BOX. Let it remain in the BOX.

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  • 3 months later...

@"kharmin.7683" said:


> Not negative. Just voicing my opinion. I'm not advocating that it should be removed. If you love it, that's fine. I prefer that it be kept in it's own space and not painted all over the rest of the game. It's a Super Adventure BOX. Let it remain in the BOX.<

And you're certainly welcome to your opinion, however, I'm honestly curious. Do you have the same objection to all the Hallowe'en and Christmas, not to forget WvW and PvP mounts/skins/weapons, etc that are...er...painted all over the rest of the game?



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> @"Wiishu.1852" said:

> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> >

> > Not negative. Just voicing my opinion. I'm not advocating that it should be removed. If you love it, that's fine. I prefer that it be kept in it's own space and not painted all over the rest of the game. It's a Super Adventure BOX. Let it remain in the BOX.<

> And you're certainly welcome to your opinion, however, I'm honestly curious. Do you have the same objection to all the Hallowe'en and Christmas, not to forget WvW and PvP mounts/skins/weapons, etc that are...er...painted all over the rest of the game?




Yes, I do.

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Lol, Kharmin is consistent on that opinion. I don't want to agree but it would probably be best for the overall feel of the game if festival content was contained within the festivals. Gaaaahhh, I can't believe I joined that train.... but the SAB raptor skin showed up in the Desert Highlands the other day and I had that moment where I was like, "Okay, no!" So now I'm on the "Don't Break Immersion" team.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> Lol, Kharmin is consistent on that opinion. I don't want to agree but it would probably be best for the overall feel of the game if festival content was contained within the festivals. Gaaaahhh, I can't believe I joined that train.... but the SAB raptor skin showed up in the Desert Highlands the other day and I had that moment where I was like, "Okay, no!" So now I'm on the "Don't Break Immersion" team.


To be fair..its an asuran hologram, technically less immersion breaking than branded mounts.


(I love the sab raptor, )

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> Lol, Kharmin is consistent on that opinion. I don't want to agree but it would probably be best for the overall feel of the game if festival content was contained within the festivals. Gaaaahhh, I can't believe I joined that train.... but the SAB raptor skin showed up in the Desert Highlands the other day and I had that moment where I was like, "Okay, no!" So now I'm on the "Don't Break Immersion" team.

I'm still sad that I lost my screenshots from April 1st 2013 when chests full of SAB mobs appeared all over Tyria. SAB holograms "in the wild" really are kind of natural in Tyria ;) . Then there's the "destroyer of bananas" in the destroyer simulation in episode 2 of season 3 ... like it or not, SAB is part of this game's lore.

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Actually they already hinted with this year's post that theyre working on more sab content behind the scenes, even if its a tiny bit by bit. And to be honest, the glitches and choya could be some sort of a teaser hint too. Have you noticed that their portal in the hub spawns next to the world 3 house (Which is an underground themed world), and from there they walk to either w2 or w1? It's no longer "never happening", but just lower priority, probably something after the next expansion.


A part from the dev post:

"However, we haven't given up on a larger addition to the Super Adventure Box, and even if it isn't this year or the next, we'll be chipping away at it behind the scenes. You may even see some new assets in the Box this year from outside the Worlds you know…"

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> @"Andovar Edoras.2143" said:

> even if its a tiny bit by bit

I appreciate what you did there :smile:


This year I have made it a point to dodge any SAB content until there is actually new content outside of skins. I have not even traversed into Rata Sum because of it.

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