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If even Wooden Potatoes is struggling with sticking to Gw2...


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WP imo needs a plan b for his channel. To be honest GW2 is not delivering this much content to do vids/Let's plays these days. The Icebrood saga is imo lacking at lenght and depth storywise till now and the new archivments are the same old shenanigans we already done a lot's of time before. No one knows how the saga plays out in the end and if we will get lasting content like new e specs or something like this wich can be used to produce interesting new content.


And to be honest i ''only'' got around 6k play time overall in this game and have some times wehre i need to take a step away from the game or i would get burned out. I don't know exactly how many hours WP invested but i would guess between 15k and 25k easily. So it seems pretty legit to me if he wants to do some other games too.

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> @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> _~snip~_

> Quite honestly, my family hasn't played GW2 in a while, because it just isn't interesting. We are playing games like ESO, TABS, Minecraft, ARK, Atlas, Empyrion and even Stardew Valley because it now has a multiplayer component. Only one of those is an MMO. These games aren't new, they just are more interesting to us than GW2


> Your mileage may vary, but for our family bus only an expansion will get us back playing GW2.


It's true in my experience. Even I, a Guild Wars 2 die-hard, find myself playing Minecraft and Destiny 2 with my friends (many of whom I met in Guild Wars 2) a lot more often these days. I still play Guild Wars 2 fairly regularly, but not as often or as long as I used to.

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It just sounds like you need a break from the game. Obviously the game is not meeting your expectations lately and while it's understandable, they have atleast given us info of what's coming ahead..


I hit the brick content wall last year and played ffxiv expansion but strangely the whole time I thought aw man this ain't gw2.. that's when I knew I wanted to come back for good


Just take a break from the game and come back when you miss it



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> @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > @"Konrad Curze.5130" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > Who are these content creators that stopped?

> >

> > Jawgeous and Hizen for starters. Dulfy a while ago


> Hizen streamed GW2 9 days ago, Dulfy appears to have stopped creating content for not only GW2, but also all other MMOs on her site. I doubt it has anything to do with GW2.


> Also WP branched out in the past, like his Grimrock or Tomb Raider stuff, so it's nothing new. He's just saying he wants to grow his channel by reaching a bigger audience, which is reasonable for a youtuber.


Dulfy stopped because she got a job that required her full attention/her job got busy (not sure which). So less the game is dying/content creators are leaving a dying game, more putting IRL priorities ahead of video game content and documentation in her case.


And honestly I'm fine with that and I wish more content creators would move on if they're tired of a game or being a content creator doesn't cover all their expenses so they need to cut back on video games so they can focus on things like rent and food. That's not to say content creators don't benefit their video game(s), but I'd rather people be happy than burn out. Also GW2 has been out for over 7 years now and that's a long time for anyone to be focused on a game full time.

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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > or just quit.


> Except that Arenanet's business model is made specifically to punish people who leave for any long length of time. If you drop out for more than 3 months, and then decide you want to get back into the game, you have to fork over cash for any living story segments you might have missed, and you'd better log in once a week for the next 3 years if you want that mount skin or glider that you missed in the Gem store while you were gone.



You literally have to log in to just the character select screen whenever a new episode is released then you can log right back out again, and continue taking that long break anyone might want to consider, it's that easy. Same with Gem store items, you see the release note, log-in, purchase and log-out, not that difficult unless people don't have the self control to be able to do just that one thing and must play when they log-in.

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> I don't think it'd matter. Dulfy hasn't posted new guides in close to a year


AFAIK Dulfy got a real job.


> @"SunTzu.4513" said:

>The Icebrood saga is imo lacking at lenght and depth storywise till now...


I played all three installments on an alt. The whole thing flows like a TV show designed to be binged on Netflix or a comic book designed for the trade paperback. But yeah, playing it as it comes out has been creating a pretty disjointed feeling.


It reminds me of S2 TBH. I missed it when it came out but going by how brief those are I can imagine what a pain it was to wait it out back then.


> @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> Just take a break from the game and come back when you miss it


This is the most sane approach to dealing with a commercial product one has somehow forgotten was a commercial product.

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> @"Zephire.8049" said:

> > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > > @"Konrad Curze.5130" said:

> > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > Who are these content creators that stopped?

> > >

> > > Jawgeous and Hizen for starters. Dulfy a while ago

> >

> > Hizen streamed GW2 9 days ago, Dulfy appears to have stopped creating content for not only GW2, but also all other MMOs on her site. I doubt it has anything to do with GW2.

> >

> > Also WP branched out in the past, like his Grimrock or Tomb Raider stuff, so it's nothing new. He's just saying he wants to grow his channel by reaching a bigger audience, which is reasonable for a youtuber.


> Dulfy stopped because she got a job that required her full attention/her job got busy (not sure which). So less the game is dying/content creators are leaving a dying game, more putting IRL priorities ahead of video game content and documentation in her case.

Jawgeous too, I think? Didn't he stop because he moved to another country for a job and couldn't bring much of his equipment?


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Well there are 2 real types of content creators: those who do it JUST for fun and those that make a career out of it (ie for the money). Losing then1st means there is a problem with the game, losing the second means there is a problem with viewership. The first is a potential problem, the second really isn't.

And in the words of Henry Cavill, "Watching people play is a waste of good playing time." Of course people can do both, but I think the vast majority (in this game atleast) just would rather play than watch.

I watch a couple streamers that do the content I enjoy, and some YouTube for patch notes and builds (both of which DO get good viewership).


TL:DR who cares? If people are playing the game, it really doesn't matter if people are "watching" the game, and matters even less if an individual jumps ship to the FOTM game for viewer dollars.

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> To be honest, even if Wooden Potatoes and other streamers all got together and quit the game tomorrow, I don't think it'd matter. Dulfy hasn't posted new guides in close to a year, and while I miss the usefulness of her website, the void has been filled by players helping each other in map chat and squad.


I lean on the wiki a lot more, but it's not as timely as when Dulfy was around. :( The only streamer I didn't have a wealth of antipathy for.



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There's so much misrepresentation going on in this thread. WP is still just as passionate about GW2, he's just not as hopeful about the development of the game. But he explicitly stated he will continue making just as much GW2 videos as he has done in the past. His main gripe is that those videos don't mean a lot in the long run. People watch them when he releases them and they get the usual views, which does enable him to get by in life. But after that, there's no reason to revisit the videos. Apparently they're valuable or entertaining in the moment, but after that nobody watches those videos anymore. All he wants is to try and introduce other content to his channel to maybe ramp up his subscribers and views, so he can do more than get by in life.


The video was more about his life/livelihood, his channel and where he wants to take it than it was about the state of GW2. Yes, he said some things about GW2 but his views aren't representative of the entire GW2 community. Sure, many people share his opinions, and many don't. And as this thread proves, many have never even heard of him. Drawing conclusions about the state of GW2 based on this particular video of his is missing the mark on an epic scale. It seems the level of cognitive skills in people varies wildly.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > He's still planning to do a lot of GW2 content, he's just branching out to increase his audience.


> Yeah, cuz he can't make enough new GW2 content because the content flow is so slow.


That's obvious. Even other big MMO-games like WoW can't create enough content. Nixxiom and similiar content creators had to branch out, Asmongold kept making reaction-streams, Soda changed to variety.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > He's still planning to do a lot of GW2 content, he's just branching out to increase his audience.


> Yeah, cuz he can't make enough new GW2 content because the content flow is so slow.


No. Anyone who truly knows WP and the videos he makes, knows he can make an hour long video of a 20 seconds long teaser trailer. He delves deep into lore and speculation about what might come and always sounds passionate and excited about it. Any little tidbit of new information always gets an extensive treatment from him.


The reason he is branching out is because GW2 videos don't get a lot of replay. They get a steady number of views upon release but after that they rarely are revisited. He is trying to create more meaningful (to him) and longer lasting videos, like he has tried in the past with playthroughs of e.g. Final Fantasy or Tomb Raider. WP can and will be making plenty of videos that last anywhere between 20 minutes and an hour, like he always has. His passion for the game hasn't abated. He's just disappointment with the development of recent years, roughly the past 2 to 3 years, judging from what he said in the video. Despite that, his treatment of GW2 on his channel hasn't changed. And he's no white knight either. No matter how much he loves the game, if he sees something he doesn't agree with, he will voice that opinion, despite being an ANet partner.


It makes me wonder how familiar you are with his output in the first place.

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I don't think you understood his video all too well. He is still very much sticking to Guild Wars 2 but he is branching out because that alone doesn't keep his channel afloat. The video was more about his channel than the game. Why, do you think, would he do daily streams playing it if he lost interest?


That being said, the game is getting older, turning 8 this year. If you play a game that long, you are bound to feel jaded at times, no matter what the game does. I usually take breaks that are sometimes several months long and I'm here since the Betas. I never blamed the game for my occasional boredom, but that may very well be just me.

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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > or just quit.


> Except that Arenanet's business model is made specifically to punish people who leave for any long length of time. If you drop out for more than 3 months, and then decide you want to get back into the game, you have to fork over cash for any living story segments you might have missed, and you'd better log in once a week for the next 3 years if you want that mount skin or glider that you missed in the Gem store while you were gone.


Why do you care about future LS or gemstore items when you quit?


If you do not want to quit the game, but just want to take a break, but want also to unlock all new LS episodes without gems, all you need to do is to login every 2-3 months.


Gemstore skins all come back from time to time. If you do not play, you do not use/miss any skins. And because the skins come back at least once a year, you can purchase them the next time when they are available again, after you came back to the game.


So, I think, the only punishment about this is your own.


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Oh the calamity that a person who creates videos might have had enough of playing and making videos about one game and wants to expand their horizons or take a break from that game. Play the same thing all the time and you will lose interest, better to take a break and maintain a like for the thing than to burn out.

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eventually you just get bored and stop playing. I think is normal bicause you just can't play a single game forever.

I started playing at launch but get bored at some point and stoped. I started playing again not long ago. 1.6k hours total.

Gw2 is very friendly game to come back to. My gear feels as powerful as it was years ago. I can explore new content and its great.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > It seems like many people posting about Wooden Potatoes (whether directly or indirectly) didn't watch the video.

> Or they watched the video and decided to misinform people anyways.

> Wooden Potatoes makes a video about how he is going to try and grow his channel, makes it clear he's not abandoning the gw2 content, then outlines several things he has already started and people can expect.

> A disaffected part of the community responds with "Content creators are leaving" or pretends they missed the parts about the upcoming content and spreads outright false information... about videos they *just* watched.

> Never mind that Teapot still streams GW2 over 5 hours a day 6 days a week, that Mukluk goes over 5 hours a day regularly or that WP himself and Bootts spent 4 hours going over every change in the upcoming balance patch. The fact that WP just posted a 7+ hour audiobook of Ghosts of Ascalon the day before means nothing. Forget about the fact that Kroof still posting videos as often as ever or that Krytan Herald is still posting her regular fashion vids. Noody's regular updates means nothing or the fact that there's a half dozen new people posting build videos because apparently people can't search Youtube themselves anymore.

> None of this fits the narrative of a small group of people who are willfully doing as much damage to the perception of the game as they can by starting threads with false information and spreading the dead game/maintenance mode memes.... because they are not getting what they want.


I really question if YOU watched the video.


He directly said in the video that he can't get any viewers for GW2. So he will branch out to some other projects then GW2.

And yes, he mentioned he will continue to play GW2 but that doesn't change the main message that there is no interest in GW2 anymore.


So you accused now at least 2 people of misinforming who simply quote what was said in the video.

This is not cool dude.


It reminds me a little bit of the oblivious people who quote the bossman: There will be no expansion in the near or far future. And then argue

that is was not ruled out there will be a new expansion.


What else do you want him to say in his video to accept that there is no audience or interest for GW2?

You have twitch chanels with something like 25 people watching. What else do you need?

Let me guess, there is a hidden channel somewhere with millions of viewers.

We are just not able to find it because we don't know how to use Youtube


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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> In my thought, for everyone comes a time you're feeling done with the game.


First of all, not everyone. Source: even GW1 still has a community.


Second, he's not an ordinary player but a content creator, and probably the biggest. For him it's not just about fun but making a living. GW2 is struggling to release anything other than gemstore content, so content creators in general have next to nothing to work with. If they can't create content, their channels die, and they can only do so much when Anet does so little.

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> @"Dantert.1803" said:

> If only we would get a big drop of content.


The content needs to be meaningful. WP mentioned that we do get a fair amount of content, but the way it is packaged lets us consume it too quickly.


At the end of the day, Anet is going to have to choose which group of individuals they want to displease. If they want hard content to call the challenge seekers, theyll piss off the casual base. If they want to reuse old maps/change old maps through Living World to call people back to those maps, theyll piss off the people who dont log in very often. If they want to release stronger gear or better ways of doing things, they'll piss off the people who went to great lengths to collect those things the first time.


It's not an easy thing to do, to be sure.


> @"Neural.1824" said:

> Except that Arenanet's business model is made specifically to punish people who leave for any long length of time. If you drop out for more than 3 months, and then decide you want to get back into the game, you have to fork over cash for any living story segments you might have missed, and you'd better log in once a week for the next 3 years if you want that mount skin or glider that you missed in the Gem store while you were gone.


While you have a point, also keep in mind that the updates and design direction also do not punish you by cheapening your progression that you have already made over time, thus forcing you to play just to maintain your gear or inventory like most other mmos tend to do.

If you're burned out, all you need to do is log in, then you can leave. That has its merits.



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