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In your opinion, is GW2 too hard?

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While there is some difficult content here and there, the grand majority of the game pretty much coddles its players. In general, you aren't really forced to really know how your characters work. Heck, I probably don't even know what some of my skills do.


It's actually pretty amazing how lazy some "experienced" players are. People will tell me they've played for years, but they insist on standing in fire or setting off flux bombs in the middle of the group or something. I mean if you picked up the game last month I understand, but....


> @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Why still play if u leave in disgust everytime u play


> Without pointing fingers: If you watch the usernames for long enough you'll pick up that there are certain players who are very obviously losing fights in PvP/WvW on the regular and then running off to the forums and reddit to rant about toxic / OP builds, and how they're uninstalling because the game is kitten, and the devs are incompetent, and the players are lazy morons, and, and, and, and, annnnnnd... we'll see them again making the same post in a few weeks.


> Asking this is like asking your cat why it unrolled the toilet paper.


Yea, that's basically the wvw subforum. But to be fair, there's nothing else to talk about.

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> @"fixit.7189" said:

> gw2 is the only mmo i have played in 20 years that has rotations consisting of 30+ steps that have to perfectly executed in order to be good. most mmos have far simpler rotations thus the skill gap between average and pro is much much much smaller in those than here. with this sort of combat system, it's no wonder most opt to simply just AA.


GW2 rotations are deceptively complex and the key to learning them is not actually to try to memorise them step by step, but to understand the Build and it's burst windows/combinations that naturally flow from them, and to then use the specific rotation as guideline on how to maximise DPS when possible.

DH has always been a good example of this. You don't need to learn step by step which button to press, rather than just understanding that Spear of Justice gives you a burst window of +20% damage due to Big Game Hunter, in which you then want to cram as many of your high damage skills as possible, such as Procession of Blades, Symbol of Wrath and Whirling Wrath, etc.

It's really not that difficult or daunting when you read the skills and Traits and try to understand the point of combining them in the way they were.

And even once you know the rotation, most of the time you still have to be adaptive with it due to phasing/mechanics of bosses causing interruptions.

It's not about knowing or executing rotations perfectly and never was, it's about understanding your skills, their priority and what they do.

Rotations simply provide guidelines on how to get the most out of a build under perfect conditions, which can be helpful for comparison and self-improvement.


> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> the hard stuff does get the better end of the stick but that's to be expected, i do think they could slow down the game a bit so the hard parts (meta's, raids, strikes) don't get the highest priority while the RPG part is wasted.


I see this narrative being pushed in this community since years and I really don't understand where it's coming from.

Extremely casual content with living world has consistently been pushed out and been focused by Arenanet, while the hardcore content has been withering away on the sidelines since years without enough content to sustain a large player base, be it no Fractal CM's in 3 years, no normal Fractal in over 1 year, or no new Raid in 8 months, and counting.

The hardcore community has been starved for so long, it's been dying a slow death since years while watching constant LW releases go by without even a bone thrown to them.


> @"Taylan.2187" said:

> I decided to vote too easy because so much of the game is pretty much a joke, even though I've definitely had pretty difficult areas as well. The Eater of Souls in the Domain of the Lost comes to mind. The final fight with Balthazar was a bit challenging too, but partly because I didn't immediately get the mechanics. I've also had difficulties in the final Mordremoth battle but that was because I couldn't freaking figure out how to escape the attack where the whole ground damages you. IMO the game sometimes does a sub-optimal job communicating to you what you're expected to do. Also took me way too long to figure out the mechanics of some Ley Energy Infused mobs, like the stop or go mechanic.


> Anyhow, 90% of the content is way too easy.


Exactly, the game feels hard to some people in certain areas **because** the game overall is too easy, and doesn't communicate these mechanics to players over their journey.

Fights like the Eater of Souls, even pre-nerf, was imo just another let down of a boss fight (I genuinely thought that it was just a normal mob of which I had to fight a bunch through out this story instance, just to realise to my disappointment that the instance was already over and it was supposed to be a boss fight), if you just know the game mechanics, in this case, breaking a breakbar with CC.


But since the game is so incredibly easy, you got players with hundreds, if not thousands of hours in the game who don't even know what a breakbar is or how it works (or what their CC skills are, which they just randomly press off CD, see longbow rangers in open world, knocking mobs out of AoE's randomly whenever their knock back comes off cool down, frustrating everybody around them), suddenly hitting a brickwall in fights as this where it is somewhat of a requirement.


In open world when a breakbar comes up, you can just keep auto attacking, you won't be punished for your gemeplay failure anyway and the mob will fall over regardless.

In metas the 3-5 competent people in 50 man zergs do all the DPS and CC anyway, with the rest just dragging the fights out by scaling things up with their presence without even just compensating for it with their personal contribution.

No one ever has to learn how to play the game because it's too easy, and then even core game mechanics like using Crowd Control at the right time can trip up players so hard that it makes a 10-20 second "boss" fight seem impossible to them.


The only solution to that is more, and more punishing, breakbars and such across the game. Not to get rid of them/hide them away in designated "challenging content" for people to hit a brickwall on, and make everything else a walking simulator, because player's can't be expected to know base game mechanics in max level post expansion content.

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I say it's too hard for new players needing to start from scratch. There's so much content and information, it would be overwhelming to a newbie if they discovered how much there truly was. GW2 takes dedication and many hundreds/thousands of hours to complete most of the expansion episodes and regular storylines, as well as achievements, etc.


For players who have stuck with the game for a while and have majority completed story-wise, and unlocking all mounts, it's not hard at all.

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I remember HoT on release being the most intense PvE experience ever, people were dropping left and right, and that was a good thing. By now we've learned, and powercrept, add to that people complaining that it was "too hard" lol.


Since then the PvE world has been painfully simple. I know you have fractals and raids for challenging content, but feels to me that the open world suffers too much from how casual it is, when it could be doing amazing stuff. Path of Fire has awesome unique mobs, but I've barely ever had a situation (except from hydras), where I'm actively engaged with what the enemies are doing so I can properly play around it, something that heart of thorns did fantastically with their very readable, but deadly enemies.

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> @"BlackBullWings.2734" said:

> I remember HoT on release being the most intense PvE experience ever, people were dropping left and right, and that was a good thing. By now we've learned, and powercrept, add to that people complaining that it was "too hard" lol.


> Since then the PvE world has been painfully simple. I know you have fractals and raids for challenging content, but feels to me that the open world suffers too much from how casual it is, when it could be doing amazing stuff. Path of Fire has awesome unique mobs, but I've barely ever had a situation (except from hydras), where I'm actively engaged with what the enemies are doing so I can properly play around it, something that heart of thorns did fantastically with their very readable, but deadly enemies.


HoT was pretty good. I remember being worried it was going to be night @ Verdant Brink. But it was fun and people had to work together and stuff.


Now with mounts you can just speed through everything with 0 thought. Who cares about the mobs? I'll just run through all of them. I'll just jump off a cliff with the mount; I won't die! I haven't even done most of PoF because I fall victim more to boredom.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:


> HoT was pretty good. I remember being worried it was going to be night @ Verdant Brink. But it was fun and people had to work together and stuff.


> Now with mounts you can just speed through everything with 0 thought. Who cares about the mobs? I'll just run through all of them. I'll just jump off a cliff with the mount; I won't die! I haven't even done most of PoF because I fall victim more to boredom.


PoF is a great exploration experience, I keep finding new little details every now and then. But I do agree that there's absolutely nothing to do afterwards. No meaningful/interesting events. They don't need to be crazy meta events or anything, but the ones that do exist are pretty mediocre at best.


Also yes, mounts destroy the HoT experience, they weren't meant to be used there clearly. But they are also so OP. It's already crazy that you can mount instantly, but then you get to add a mini nuke with strong CC to your dps rotation, the latter is a bit too much imo.


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> @"Caitybee.3614" said:

> I say it's too hard for new players needing to start from scratch. There's so much content and information, it would be overwhelming to a newbie if they discovered how much there truly was. GW2 takes dedication and many hundreds/thousands of hours to complete most of the expansion episodes and regular storylines, as well as achievements, etc.


> For players who have stuck with the game for a while and have majority completed story-wise, and unlocking all mounts, it's not hard at all.


Mm, having too much content is a luxury not a sign of difficulty. The trick to not bring overwhelmed is to just enjoy the journey rather than trying to learn everything at once or be an expert ASAP.

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it’s too hard to make enough gold, so you don’t have to spend real money.

there are so much nice items in store but for poor ppl (and new players) it’s no fun at all if you never can buy something without spending real money on gems. market is broken and items where i made nice gold with are so low right now. AND gems with gold increased. so you earn less gold and have to spend more on the same gems as few years ago. i am not online so much anymore. it’s just frustration. you see ppl on youtube that gamble away few hundreds gold. and rng is bad everywhere, no easy gold in this game (except if you have skills for fractals) but for me fractals are frustrating too. you see infusions, charr helmed, invisible shoes and many more expensive items which never drop. it’s just for ppl to spend real cash on gems because they never can buy it normal way. and yes you can make enough gold, just by wasting life and play 24/7. but going work and gym is better then gold farm. for me.

sometimes i read forum that someone spend 20+ euro on keys and only get trash loot, if this is the normal way to earn money from players i think it’s not fair. normally you want the best for customers and not only their money. the last 2 livings seasons i didn’t play much. i thought let’s try new strike mission for maybe easy gold. but after kill i can’t open the chest. i am forced to do other things before i can loot. i want to do what i like and don’t want to be forced for something. same for story and the scroll. bad design in my opinion. normal way is: create something that players like and so ppl will play it because it’s awesome. BUT don’t create trash and force ppl to play it because you think it’s good.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:n to that is more, and more punishing, breakbars and such across the game. Not to get rid of them/hide them away in designated "challenging content" for people to hit a brickwall on, and make everything else a walking simulator, because player's can't be expected to know base game mechanics in max level post expansion content.


i think break bars are dumb. why? b/c there is no feel for the impact of it. i hit my cc ability and that bar doesn't even move b/c i didn't, apparently, use the right one. or for that matter, have one that actually does something if i am playing a prof/build that barely has any if at all. also, with more players, some of these break bars scale to insane levels. with a few people, it breaks pretty easy, in a massive group event it feels like i am literally doing nothing to it. there is no..impact if you will. it's just, lame. not like other mmos where i hit a cc ability and immedietly know it works: not so here.


edit. my idea is to simplify this system by giving every proff a special action button whos only purpose is to deal with BBs. no dps, no cc, just pops up when BB appears thus there will be absolutely no confusion on what to do. just an idea.

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> @"BlackBullWings.2734" said:

> I remember HoT on release being the most intense PvE experience ever, people were dropping left and right, and that was a good thing. By now we've learned, and powercrept, add to that people complaining that it was "too hard" lol.


> Since then the PvE world has been painfully simple. I know you have fractals and raids for challenging content, but feels to me that the open world suffers too much from how casual it is, when it could be doing amazing stuff. Path of Fire has awesome unique mobs, but I've barely ever had a situation (except from hydras), where I'm actively engaged with what the enemies are doing so I can properly play around it, something that heart of thorns did fantastically with their very readable, but deadly enemies.


hot was a disaster, its a major reason for this games current situation. they can only keep it alive, by giving obscene amounts of loot.

many of my friends simply dont believe how much loot you can farm there, over 200 shinies in one go.

anyone , who knows the basics of economy, can see that it is only a matter of time, before the bubble bursts

and this was the game, that wouldnt force people to farm and grind...lol

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> @"fixit.7189" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:n to that is more, and more punishing, breakbars and such across the game. Not to get rid of them/hide them away in designated "challenging content" for people to hit a brickwall on, and make everything else a walking simulator, because player's can't be expected to know base game mechanics in max level post expansion content.


> i think break bars are dumb. why? b/c there is no feel for the impact of it. i hit my cc ability and that bar doesn't even move b/c i didn't, apparently, use the right one. or for that matter, have one that actually does something if i am playing a prof/build that barely has any if at all. also, with more players, some of these break bars scale to insane levels. with a few people, it breaks pretty easy, in a massive group event it feels like i am literally doing nothing to it. there is no..impact if you will. it's just, lame. not like other mmos where i hit a cc ability and immedietly know it works: not so here.


Any CC, soft or hard, moves the breakbar when active (blue), there is no right or wrong CC.

As for the impact of it, I agree to some extend, but once again that comes down to, at least partially, difficulty. Just throwing in breakbars randomly you might as well ignore or can't reasonably break anyway does a huge disservice to the game, essentially teaching players to ignore them.

What the game needs is properly punishing mechanics, with tanky enough mobs (so you can't instantly kill them anyway ignoring the breakbar) with devastating channelled attacks or charged up nukes which you need to interrupt via breaking the defiance bar, actually teaching players the game mechanics throughout normal gameplay semi regularly.


As for the issue with more players scaling up break bars (and HP for that matter), that imo isn't really a game problem in of itself, but a symptom of this whole mess.

The more players are present in open world, the higher becomes the ratio of incompetent players. It's not that these breakbars scale way too much (at least usually), it's just that a breakbar scaled for 1-3 players breaks instantly under the CC of those 1-3 competent players in a satisfying way, but a breakbar scaled to 20 players, still only sees those 1-3 competent players using their CC, with maybe 2-5 more players randomly using one off-cool down ability "by accident", meaning you still lack the CC of 10+ players who should be contributing, but aren't.


That's why increased difficulty outside of specific instances like Raids, so everybody learns those base mechanics by stumbling across them a few times, is important.


It's the same with HP really. If you are a highly proficient player, it's something you will notice a lot when doing open world stuff, when you solo a champion in seconds alone and have a good time, but when you try it again with other open world only players joining you, it suddenly takes easily 3-10 times as long and becomes an unfun chore, because they scale the HP up more than they are contributing damage.

Currently, having other players join you in GW2 actively makes the game less fun (for competent players), simply due to how low the average skill level of players is in combination with the dynamic scaling mechanic. Imo the real issue is the former, not the latter though.


The solution to that can't be to ever make the game easier though, in the process making the game worse and worse for those who know how to play it, but to raise the bar of the average player by incentivising improvement by slowly increasing the difficulty, and not resorting to content nerfs every time a few players struggle a little so they don't have to learn anything.

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I think the majority of core game is designed with the idea of play how you want to and so that content needs to be beatable no matter what a person used even while playing in a solo situation which is why early on the game was considered to be easy with no endgame content.


In came HoT which produced content that was for most professions was not solo playable by any means especially with just any build. Even now players struggle to solo some of the masteries in HoT with very specific builds and a understanding on how to play the profession of their choice. The content was built to be played with other players which lead people to calling it too hard.


In came PoF which i think made alot of trips going back and forth between the ease of core game play and HoT gameplay in terms of difficulty.


Now we are into the icebrood saga and for the most part of the content we have seen so far its mainly just like the core game you can pick any thing and go into this content and clear it most of it has minimal difficulty to it which at this point in the games age people expect.

The few thigns that do have moderate to high difficulty (some strike missions depending on if pugging or not) dont even give good enough rewards which is not encourage players to actively do them. The Grothmar strike was easy and has high potential in reward while the other two from what ive seen so far offer no spicy rewards despite the difficulty slowly scaling up.


Overall i think the game is currently catoring to new players and the play how you want to playstyle for the most part and its not content thats going to keep veteran players interested because its too easy.


In anets recent post they talked about going forward with living world content similar to back when scarlet was doing her things around the world which was difficult content at the time and it was some of the most fun content that the core game had to offer at the time. I would like to see more of that going forward. If you fail something difficult enough to make you want to beat it you will continue to play it if something is an easy wash it feels more like a waste of time to go do it. Balance this pls.

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I love the current difficulty of the game. I do not need to spend time looking up builds/strats to play the open world. For those that want harder content go solo dungeons etc. the harder content is there just for you. Leave open world as is, I have done 42 world completions because it is relaxing and I do not need to be on the top of my game at every moment. I can just relax and enjoy. I will reserve my need for challenge to real life where it actually benefits me.

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> @"titje.2745" said:

> it’s too hard to make enough gold, so you don’t have to spend real money.

> there are so much nice items in store but for poor ppl (and new players) it’s no fun at all if you never can buy something without spending real money on gems. market is broken and items where i made nice gold with are so low right now. AND gems with gold increased. so you earn less gold and have to spend more on the same gems as few years ago. i am not online so much anymore. it’s just frustration. you see ppl on youtube that gamble away few hundreds gold. and rng is bad everywhere, no easy gold in this game (except if you have skills for fractals) but for me fractals are frustrating too. you see infusions, charr helmed, invisible shoes and many more expensive items which never drop. it’s just for ppl to spend real cash on gems because they never can buy it normal way. and yes you can make enough gold, just by wasting life and play 24/7. but going work and gym is better then gold farm. for me.

> sometimes i read forum that someone spend 20+ euro on keys and only get trash loot, if this is the normal way to earn money from players i think it’s not fair. normally you want the best for customers and not only their money. the last 2 livings seasons i didn’t play much. i thought let’s try new strike mission for maybe easy gold. but after kill i can’t open the chest. i am forced to do other things before i can loot. i want to do what i like and don’t want to be forced for something. same for story and the scroll. bad design in my opinion. normal way is: create something that players like and so ppl will play it because it’s awesome. BUT don’t create trash and force ppl to play it because you think it’s good.


GW2 has one of the healthiest game economies I have ever seen. Markets aren't static, they evolve according to supply and demand. Sure some past money makers and flipping aren't as profitable or even viable anymore but there are plenty of opportunities to make some gold if you go looking. RNG is atrocious and anyone wasting RL money on keys is an idiot that deserves to be departed from his money.


I agree that locking rewards behind masteries is shit design but they only take a 3 to 4 hours to unlock if you follow the guides. Here's a tip speed up the process, do the leveling part in Grothmar. You get way more XP per hour than in Bjora. We all have to do things we hate doing in order to benefit in other parts of the game. I personally hate the whole mastery grind. I hated it in HoT and still Hate it today but I sucked it up and did them anyway.

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Neither of the options is true. In fact, the game is both too easy and too hard _at the same time_. There's either very easy content, or content that's supposed to challenge better players (although the skill difference gap means, that for some top players even that content is very easy), but there's practically nothing in the middle.

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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> I love the current difficulty of the game. I do not need to spend time looking up builds/strats to play the open world. For those that want harder content go solo dungeons etc. the harder content is there just for you. Leave open world as is, I have done 42 world completions because it is relaxing and I do not need to be on the top of my game at every moment. I can just relax and enjoy. I will reserve my need for challenge to real life where it actually benefits me.


this. there is already raids, fractals, and high end pvp for the 'pro' players to test themselves so there is no reason to apply this to open world. games are supposed to be fun, not a job. i mean look at strikes...my bet is, the majority of people can't even be bothered: lfg reflects this with barely any groups at all. clearly, this sort of content isn't popular nor attractive to most players and i feel it's just a waste of resources in an attempt to force people to do them. i mean, i play gw2 to escape raids in the first place.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:


> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > the hard stuff does get the better end of the stick but that's to be expected, i do think they could slow down the game a bit so the hard parts (meta's, raids, strikes) don't get the highest priority while the RPG part is wasted.


> I see this narrative being pushed in this community since years and I really don't understand where it's coming from.

> Extremely casual content with living world has consistently been pushed out and been focused by Arenanet, while the hardcore content has been withering away on the sidelines since years without enough content to sustain a large player base, be it no Fractal CM's in 3 years, no normal Fractal in over 1 year, or no new Raid in 8 months, and counting.

> The hardcore community has been starved for so long, it's been dying a slow death since years while watching constant LW releases go by without even a bone thrown to them.

i see meta's as hardcore content, as such that has bin forced trough our throats for years now.

i actually love to see a place where something significant can be gained without even a single meta event to be found, one of the reasons why i absolutely hate dragonfall is because it's heavily relying on meta's while pretty much torturing any casual.


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> @"fixit.7189" said:

> > @"kratan.4619" said:

> > I love the current difficulty of the game. I do not need to spend time looking up builds/strats to play the open world. For those that want harder content go solo dungeons etc. the harder content is there just for you. Leave open world as is, I have done 42 world completions because it is relaxing and I do not need to be on the top of my game at every moment. I can just relax and enjoy. I will reserve my need for challenge to real life where it actually benefits me.


> this. there is already raids, fractals, and high end pvp for the 'pro' players to test themselves so there is no reason to apply this to open world. games are supposed to be fun, not a job. i mean look at strikes...my bet is, the majority of people can't even be bothered: lfg reflects this with barely any groups at all. clearly, this sort of content isn't popular nor attractive to most players and i feel it's just a waste of resources in an attempt to force people to do them. i mean, i play gw2 to escape raids in the first place.


It's funny cause I see LFGs for strikes (along with raids, fractal CM) every evening when I play. I know guilds, who don't need LFG, that do them regularly, I'm a member in 3 of them. Nobody is forcing you to play them. If you don't find it fun then don't do it but the metrics must say that there is a large enough population wanting this type of content because Anet is spending resources to put it in the game.

So what if there is some achievement or shiny locked behind them. Personally, I hate mapping, I find renown hearts to be some of the dumbest content to ever exist ever and I get a little hint of nausea just thinking about it. That is the reason why I will probably never craft a gen1 legendary. Do I feel left out? maybe a little . I sure wish that they weren't locked behind such and long and tedious task but I just accept the fact that not everything in the game is catered to me and that there are some things that I will never achieve.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > I can go afk on my ranger and come back to find that, without a single ounce of effort on my part, I have earned gold in events that spawned on top of me. It doesnt get much easier than succeeding with zero effort.


> Yeah, that's against the ToS, so....




It is not against the ToS to have to go to the door to pick up an Amazon package, or to the bathroom, etc. The pizza guy seems to purposefully time his arrival to coincide with in game events.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:


> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > the hard stuff does get the better end of the stick but that's to be expected, i do think they could slow down the game a bit so the hard parts (meta's, raids, strikes) don't get the highest priority while the RPG part is wasted.

> >

> > I see this narrative being pushed in this community since years and I really don't understand where it's coming from.

> > Extremely casual content with living world has consistently been pushed out and been focused by Arenanet, while the hardcore content has been withering away on the sidelines since years without enough content to sustain a large player base, be it no Fractal CM's in 3 years, no normal Fractal in over 1 year, or no new Raid in 8 months, and counting.

> > The hardcore community has been starved for so long, it's been dying a slow death since years while watching constant LW releases go by without even a bone thrown to them.

> i see meta's as hardcore content, as such that has bin forced trough our throats for years now.

> i actually love to see a place where something significant can be gained without even a single meta event to be found, one of the reasons why i absolutely hate dragonfall is because it's heavily relying on meta's while pretty much torturing any casual.



I see. I suppose I can see that from a certain point of view.

In my eyes metas have always been incredibly casual zerg fests with nauseatingly low framerates almost forcing players to just run around in some mindless swarm, auto attacking, where personal contribution doesn't matter at all.

On the other hand, I can see it being more stressful in a way than roaming around the world solo without having to commit to anything, pressing F on things and such, ofc.


The beauty of hardcore content for me has always been that what you do actually matters though, where personal contribution and improvement directly impacts the moment to moment gameplay and decides over the success or failure of both oneself and the group for group content, which to me personally makes for a lot more satisfying and rewarding gameplay.

Ofc that is not for everyone and not all the time. But I know a lot of people desperately have been missing interesting and properly facilitated solo and small scale (1-3 players) challenging and rewarding content in the game for them and their friends to enjoy for years now.


What I personally would like to see is less zergy events one needs to commit to for a while as well and instead rather have more challenging areas for solo and small group play in maps, where mobs have more health, more intricate mechanics (such as breakbars, threatening attacks with clear tells, etc.) and better AI for higher rewards.

Think Bitterfrost Frontier's The Bitter Cold area, except larger, actually hard and rewarding and less contrived to get to, but clearly indicated as the non beach vacation area of the map (and maybe even possible to open as private or guild instance, possibly with a further hard mode and Vanquishing akin to GW1) for those seeking proper gameplay with mobs fighting back to figure out and beat, specifically designed to be inconvenient to just zerg down.


That could be some fresh air from both either pressing F on bushes and oneshotting mobs or rolling around mindlessly in a giant zerg.

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The content is enormous and very varied, with all possible level of difficulties. Combined with the many different approaches possible for same activity, that we can chose depending on way to play, I believe we are all well served.


My impression based on what I witness every day: The game is old. Veteran players are mixed with newbies. Many newbies want to have same than what veterans have. But... What veterans have, it wasn't within one day. They are since long in the game and it came over time. It's not possible to get it straight.

The game is a RPG. We're meant to progress over time and it's not really compatible with rushing. So, for the newbies who want to push it faster than it should go, there is of course a feeling: 1) that they grind and 2) that some content is too hard.

Don't misunderstand me: I don't tell it's wrong. Each is entirely free to play the way he wants. However, when someone is intentionally choosing to push, then it means grinding and encountering difficulties for which he/she is not ready (equipment, classes, experience...). Can't be helped.

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