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All Guild Wars 2 Community!! Lets VOTE, if there is a guild wars 3 Dev a request all skins transfer

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Hey, my dear friends and family, i hope everyone is doing well and enjoy the game in the new year of 2020 because looking back guild wars 1-2 and hopefully, gw3 has come along way. I have been playing guild wars from the time it was released then became hooked to the series itself. I still play it as always but slowly pushing away cause the unbalanced PVP where everyone playing currently guards symbol brand or using ele with viper amulet spamming condition status which outputs the number of condition cleaners sadly lol, still a great game and nothing can beat guild wars 2 in 2020.


SOOOO I need everyone's help here!!!! Please Lets Vote as a community. If there is ever to be a guild wars 3 in development with a new engine but nothing too crazy that would make dev crazy lool like character design bugs and such. I would request Guild wars 2 account Skin Transfer!!! Please!! as a long term member, years effort (Fractal and PVP backpack OMG, Legendary's + legendary armour skins) would like to see them transferred to guild wars 3. I do not mind making new characters at all cause there will be new optional choices with the same race but guild wars 2 skins are a must transfer, I mean everything gem skins, legendary skins, legendary backpacks, mount skins, glider skins.


Lets Vote for this, I want to see guild wars 2 grow more than what it currently is at the moment, with new tech guild wars will once make history again with guild wars 3, if ever in development but for the love of God, guild wars 2 skins is a must transfer please dev. Being a long term player I would never ask for anything besides this and would like the community help to push it cough.... cough... if gw3 ever to be in development looooool

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There's way too many unknown factors here. Anet have not even hinted that they are making a GW3 (when they made GW2, which was announced pretty much as soon as they decided to do it) and if they ever do make one we have no idea what tech it would use or if it would be in any way compatible with GW2, this idea could require them to re-make all the skins from scratch in a completely different engine, which is hundreds of hours of work by multiple people, and potentially to adapt them to different races etc. Not to mention removing any incentive for existing players to play the new game to unlock new skins, and simultaneously making new players feel like even if they start at launch they're so far behind they'd never catch up. (Remember there's some skins in GW2 which are only available by playing GW1. Imagine starting a brand new game which has just been released, seeing a cool item and being told to get it you have to buy and play **2** previous games.)


_If_ they ever do make a GW3 and decide they want some sort of continuity between the two I think it's far more likely to be like the Hall of Monuments - collecting certain items in GW2 will allow you to unlock new rewards in GW3 but with no direct transfer between the two. But at this point we have no reason to even think GW3 is being considered.

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I'm no expert, but GW2's engine *seems* (from the user's perspetive) to be solid enough to just build GW3 with. Now, I'm not saying there aren't problems with skill lag in WvW, but the devs on the WvW stream have... more or less hinted that someone's friend's dog heard a guy down't pub say it could be possibly maybe something to do with badly programmed skills, but nobody is pointing any fingers at Jon "Six Signets" Peters, because it's definitely not his fault, probably.


How would you sell it as a new game if you don't present a new engine, though? You could just bang out the same maps etc. How is that a different game?


What do the players want from GW3 that GW2 doesn't have (aside from the obvious, i.e. a completely rewritten combat system)?

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All skins transferred over? That's assuming, and that is a REALLY big assumption that:

1.) GW3 is even in development

2.) Any of the current skins are even going to be implemented into the game at all (which judging by GW1 -> 2, is very unlikely)


I can't see this happening, ever. I agree with others that a Hall of Monuments idea would be good, when and IF GW3 ever becomes a thing, but as it stands now, we're nowhere near it.



Not sure why all of these GW3 threads are popping up. Devs have said nothing. Pretty sure Reddit has something to do with this, or just LOTS of tinfoil hatting going on.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> I'm no expert, but GW2's engine *seems* (from the user's perspetive) to be solid enough to just build GW3 with. Now, I'm not saying there aren't problems with skill lag in WvW, but the devs on the WvW stream have... more or less hinted that someone's friend's dog heard a guy down't pub say it could be possibly maybe something to do with badly programmed skills, but nobody is pointing any fingers at Jon "Six Signets" Peters, because it's definitely not his fault, probably.


> How would you sell it as a new game if you don't present a new engine, though? You could just bang out the same maps etc. How is that a different game?


> What do the players want from GW3 that GW2 doesn't have (aside from the obvious, i.e. a completely rewritten combat system)?


GW2's engine is barely solid enough to keep GW2 running and the Devs are already pushing the limits of what this 15year tech can do. GW3 (if it ever becomes a thing) needs to be bigger, better, and prettier than GW2 or there is no point in spending any money on it. In order to carry the franchise into next gen it will need an engine that can utilize next gen hardware.

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> @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > I'm no expert, but GW2's engine *seems* (from the user's perspetive) to be solid enough to just build GW3 with. Now, I'm not saying there aren't problems with skill lag in WvW, but the devs on the WvW stream have... more or less hinted that someone's friend's dog heard a guy down't pub say it could be possibly maybe something to do with badly programmed skills, but nobody is pointing any fingers at Jon "Six Signets" Peters, because it's definitely not his fault, probably.

> >

> > How would you sell it as a new game if you don't present a new engine, though? You could just bang out the same maps etc. How is that a different game?

> >

> > What do the players want from GW3 that GW2 doesn't have (aside from the obvious, i.e. a completely rewritten combat system)?


> GW2's engine is barely solid enough to keep GW2 running and the Devs are already pushing the limits of what this 15year tech can do. GW3 (if it ever becomes a thing) needs to be bigger, better, and prettier than GW2 or there is no point in spending any money on it. In order to carry the franchise into next gen it will need an engine that can utilize next gen hardware.


I guess we'll have to wait for that to get invented then.

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Operating under the assumption that there is a GW3 on the visible horizon (There isn't. Get over it.):


I think it would be neat if they could find a way to incorporate a transfer or unlock system which allows at least previous in-game purchases to carry over. They would take a bit of a financial hit at first - since old players wouldn't be re-buying their old skins - but then new and future players could see the popularity of "premium" skins in action and be inspired to raise their spending right from the get-go.

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> @"Darknesszz.8073" said:

> Hey, my dear friends and family, i hope everyone is doing well and enjoy the game in the new year of 2020 because looking back guild wars 1-2 and hopefully, gw3 has come along way. I have been playing guild wars from the time it was released then became hooked to the series itself. I still play it as always but slowly pushing away cause the unbalanced PVP where everyone playing currently guards symbol brand or using ele with viper amulet spamming condition status which outputs the number of condition cleaners sadly lol, still a great game and nothing can beat guild wars 2 in 2020.


> SOOOO I need everyone's help here!!!! Please Lets Vote as a community. If there is ever to be a guild wars 3 in development with a new engine but nothing too crazy that would make dev crazy lool like character design bugs and such. I would request Guild wars 2 account Skin Transfer!!! Please!! as a long term member, years effort (Fractal and PVP backpack OMG, Legendary's + legendary armour skins) would like to see them transferred to guild wars 3. I do not mind making new characters at all cause there will be new optional choices with the same race but guild wars 2 skins are a must transfer, I mean everything gem skins, legendary skins, legendary backpacks, mount skins, glider skins.


> Lets Vote for this, I want to see guild wars 2 grow more than what it currently is at the moment, with new tech guild wars will once make history again with guild wars 3, if ever in development but for the love of God, guild wars 2 skins is a must transfer please dev. Being a long term player I would never ask for anything besides this and would like the community help to push it cough.... cough... if gw3 ever to be in development looooool


There won't be GW3, it takes unbelievable money to make another game, especially another MMORPG.

I doubt there will be GW3 anytime soon or ever.

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Let´s assume a third game is in the making, all skins that should be taken over are the legendary-ones. Not even the items themselfs and their properties, only the skins without additional stats.


This should be done as an incentive for other players to replay gw2 and could serve as a thank you for all players who actually went into making one of these horrible time-sinks, me included.

All in all, it would be quite the reasonable move.

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I have never seen the point of a Guild Wars 3. GW2 made sense because GW1 wasn't an MMO - it was a 1-4 player coop game combined with a squad based PvP mode.


Putting effort into a new game - rather than into improving GW2 - just doesn't really do anything. Even if it involved a new engine -games have incorporated new engines before without creating an entirely new game. A third game would have to differentiate from GW2 in terms of content/style/etc and I just don't see the point. Just pour those resources into GW2 instead.

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Sorry, terrible idea..

Not to mention a monumental amount of work required to recreate the entire skin library for Gw2 and having it instantly available to those in Gw3.


No way Anet should do this if they make Gw3


What they should do however is create a similar system to how Gw1-Gw2 worked.

Only this time include rewards for people who played Gw2 and people who played Both Gw1 and Gw2.

What would also be a real nice feature would be to count all gemstore owned skins on your Gw2 account (mounts, weapons, outfits , toys, living world, home instance upgrades, account upgrades etc) or if possible your cash to gems transactions and paid expansions (providing they have a record of that per player) and tally up your total financial investment in Gw2 and provide some extra bonus rewards based on that in Gw3.. a kind of big thank you from Anet for choosing to financially support the game.


In GW3 this could translate a few cool weapon skins and GWAMM title from Gw1 depending on your Gw1 progress.

Some cool Elder Dragon themed skins, titles, and an armour set from Gw2.

And depending on your total financial investment in Gw2 some exclusive emotes, animations/effects, mount and weapon skins and a special coloured title.


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Others have pointed out the technical issues with this idea and the assumptions underlying it. I'll add -- if there's a brand new game using the same world setting but advanced in time, I'd certainly hope that fashion advances along with everything else. GW2 is 250 years after GW1; presumably GW3 would be similarly removed in time though I suppose they could just sort of remake things and offer nothing new except graphics (not really worth the massive effort imo). Not much of 1770's style is reflected in the clothing of 2020. Maybe in some very traditional tribes in remote pockets of the world, but on the whole people have a changed aesthetic.


And one more technical concern, covered by Danikat's comment on the need to re-make all the skins but to drill down, the current armor rig system is why armor weights can't mix. Since that is clearly something they'd change if they could, and would incorporate into a new big game, they *can't* just move the skins over.

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