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redesign aoe - less lag, more impact

Stand The Wall.6987

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concerning most pulsing aoe: reduce duration to 2-3 sec and buff effects/ cds accordingly. most offensive has a 1 sec delay before taking effect, while most defensive is immediate. some aoe shouldn't be changed, like meteor shower and black powder, amongst many others. most aoe that lasts 5 sec currently is not designed well for wvw since most of the time the enemy will simply walk out of the aoe before taking its full effect, and the constant aoe checks creates tons of lag.



well of corruption - same cd and radius, but removes 2 boons per pulse. 2 pulses over 2 sec. 1 sec delay.

null field - same cd and radius, but removes 2 condis on first pulse, 2 condis and boons on 2nd and 3rd pulses. 3 pulses over 2 sec.

wall of reflection - 18 sec cd, 3 sec duration.


get rid of aoe that tics faster then 1 per sec. change effects accordingly for each aoe so that it retains its same basic functionality with out being to op or up. for pvp I think you would only have to change (most often reduce) the cd, and pve reduce cd and buff damage.

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The problem is... its not really AoE that cause lag and we see proof of that when two large armies can simply *move* within 100m distance of each other and your skills start failing and players start warping, yet other days both can be engaged in battle with little to no lag.


But I suppose it wouldnt hurt to start with long duration lingering fields, ie necro marks, traps etc. IMO they should automatically get deleted if you move beyond their range.

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The lag is/was due to the way certain skills were programmed. Not sure if they ever got around to fixing any of it as it would have been a lot of man hours to redo everything correctly.


Mesmer and revenant were the big offenders if I’m not mistaken. Pulsing skills be they buffs, debuffs or other effects take a big toll on the engine. Mesmer also super problematic as they would count each clone essentially the same way as a player.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > That would increase the spike dmg a well coordinated group could do by alot. I dont like it. And it wont fix lag anyways.


> not if the cd was fiddled with. it'll help with lag, maybe not totally fix it.


This has nothing to do with cds, you said you want to compensate the lesser duration with more corrupts/dmg.


That means that if i get hit by a bomb just for 1 sec id eat alot more dmg than a bomb with longer durations etc would do. - >increased spike/burst dmg.


High burstskills in a zerg are very unfun imo.


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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> This has nothing to do with cds, you said you want to compensate the lesser duration with more corrupts/dmg.


> That means that if i get hit by a bomb just for 1 sec id eat alot more dmg than a bomb with longer durations etc would do. - >increased spike/burst dmg.


> High burstskills in a zerg are very unfun imo.



cd plus activation delay adds plenty of counter play. a 1 sec delay is plenty of time to react and dodge.



if a 5 sec skill was changed to 2 sec, that doesn't necessarily mean that its damage should be buffed by 250%.

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The way to reduce lag is spreading players more.


If there was better reasons to stick around each supply line from camps to a keep, players would have to split more to keep all areas defended at all times.


For example, there could be a 'bounty' system that sends players from one side to defend an area, while on the other sides they are sent to attack it.


There could also be meta-events for each supply line from camps to keeps (overlapping on shared camps). Keeping all objectives in a supply line for a time would give bonus rewards to all those who participate in defending parts of the supply line, while enemies that take parts of that supply line would also get rewards for breaking it.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> The way to reduce lag is spreading players more.


> If there was better reasons to stick around each supply line from camps to a keep, players would have to split more to keep all areas defended at all times.


> For example, there could be a 'bounty' system that sends players from one side to defend an area, while on the other sides they are sent to attack it.


> There could also be meta-events for each supply line from camps to keeps (overlapping on shared camps). Keeping all objectives in a supply line for a time would give bonus rewards to all those who participate in defending parts of the supply line, while enemies that take parts of that supply line would also get rewards for breaking it.


hmm you just gave me an idea. I may wait a quick tic before making another post tho, don't think the forums can handle too much of my nonsense.

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Another trick they could do is make all skills have a 50% chance to fail (coughcorcough). That would drastically reduce the server's calculation stuff and make the game run smoother. Yes even mounting could have a 50% chance to fail. Oh and swimming too so zergs crossing water would break up. Oops you drowned, better luck next time, hehe Oregon trail style crossings.

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> @"PeerlessArch.6547" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > Reduce all aoe down to 1 target.

> > 1 button push = 1 enemy or ally affected


> LOL...someone forgot the definition of AoE


Or you and that other one did, in games where aoe is target capped. It would still affect an area, just only one target in that area, mind blown.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> The problem is... its not really AoE that cause lag and we see proof of that when two large armies can simply *move* within 100m distance of each other and your skills start failing and players start warping, yet other days both can be engaged in battle with little to no lag.


AoE isn't just damage skills. A significant number of the defensive skills, buffs, etc are AoE (area of effect) as well. When the game is just dealing with the defensive AoE, there is already a problem which gets compounded by offensive attacks that trigger even more defensive AoE. If GW2 had zero defensive AoE, I doubt you would know a large group is running until they were right on top of your group.


No game with large scale combat is going to do well with virtually every character throwing out massive defense and offensive AoE spam. Every AoE that impacts a player positive or negative causes an absurd level of cascading trigger effects that have to be calculated. If they ever design another WvW system, they will almost certainly limit the AoE skills significantly.



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> @"Straegen.2938" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > The problem is... its not really AoE that cause lag and we see proof of that when two large armies can simply *move* within 100m distance of each other and your skills start failing and players start warping, yet other days both can be engaged in battle with little to no lag.


> AoE isn't just damage skills. A significant number of the defensive skills, buffs, etc are AoE (area of effect) as well. When the game is just dealing with the defensive AoE, there is already a problem which gets compounded by offensive attacks that trigger even more defensive AoE. If GW2 had zero defensive AoE, I doubt you would know a large group is running until they were right on top of your group.


> No game with large scale combat is going to do well with virtually every character throwing out massive defense and offensive AoE spam. Every AoE that impacts a player positive or negative causes an absurd level of cascading trigger effects that have to be calculated. If they ever design another WvW system, they will almost certainly limit the AoE skills significantly.




This person gets it. There have been plenty of games with massive uncapped aoe but the difference was all those players weren’t also pulsing a bunch of buffs at the same time.

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