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Achievement overgrinds are getting to me


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Well the achievements down have to be grinded out within the first few days or even weeks.


If the end reward, such as an emote, is something you wouldn't even use then you don't need to do the achievements in the first place. If you're an AP hunter that wants all the achievements to be complete, then grind is expected.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> I totally understand the team wants players in zones, but please be more mindful of how many achieves you are dumping on us for completing things. Also, please be more mindful of player time and the effects of overly repetitive event requirements.


This is what the game has come to, but some players refuse to see it and call one a whiner for bringing it up. This is what ANet considers content now.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> I totally understand the team wants players in zones, but please be more mindful of how many achieves you are dumping on us for completing things. Also, please be more mindful of player time and the effects of overly repetitive event requirements.


> Ty!


Anet can either not provide enough achievement content at which point you have a game where achieve hunters like yourself run out of content, or they can provide plenty content, at which point you can choose how much you want to do.

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As other people have said there's no need to do achievements unless you want to. I usually skip a lot of the achievements in each release, because they don't interest me at the time and I have other things I'd rather be doing. Then sometimes I go back and do them later on - for example I recently finished the Crack In The Ice meta-achievement because I wanted the glacial gauntlets for a character, and now I'm doing the Druid Stone collections from Flashpoint because I was in Draconis Mons for other stuff, got drawn into it and actually found it interesting. Plus I kept building up unbound magic I didn't have a use for so now I can use it to get the druid stones.


Likewise if there's an achievement you want to do but it's repetative you don't need to do it all in one go. Like the druid stone achievement above - I could spend a lot of time grinding out all 4 hearts in the map every day to buy the fragments faster. But I don't want to do that and I'm in no hurry to finish so instead I'm buying one per day with unbound magic and spending my time doing other things.


> @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> Aside from the ones you need for the mastery points, achieve can be completely ignored. If you are "overgrinding" then it is your doing.


You don't even need all the masteries unless you're already planning on spending a lot of time in the new maps, so even those ones could be skipped if you don't feel like doing them.

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The AP hunt itself is not getting to me. But some of the old living story/world whatever are hardly done anymore. And some of them are not made for soloing them. Conservation of magic, or the legendary bandit hunt are just a few that come to mind. So a bit of a situation that they might not be hard to get, but since nobody is doing them they are not easy either.

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Given that some of the achievements are repetitive open world stuff and some of the achievements are in strike missions, this is going to be a rough achievement cycle for someone. I don't love repeating events either, but since I take multiple characters through story I end up getting them all anyway. But yes I think the repetiitveness of this particular cycle is worse than previous ones, as in previous seasons.


Grothmar was much like this too.

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When an achievement says do a meta so many times, I'm okay with it because eventually you'll get it done. You'll eventually do that meta that many times. Consider Tarir 100 times. People are doing it daily.


Some achievements are absurd, but I think they're getting better overall. The Strike missions seems to be getting the typical amount of AP like it was Raids and we are actually getting a fair amount of AP for story content like it was Season 2.

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Its odd, because some of the original achievements (weapon master - 5000 kills with a weapon, or the creature slayer, requiring 1000 kills of a certain type of creature, would also be in the very grindy category, yet I've finished a decent number of those off. But I don't try to finish them (except maybe when I'm really close), and I'm ok with those.

Maybe it is just an organizational thing in the panel - weapon master & slayer were in their own categories, so you wouldn't really see them, yet for more recent releases, the grindy ones are mixed in with the simple 'need to do a specific thing once'.


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I think ppl discount how difficult t it is to maintain a player population long enough to accommodate players who can't jump in during the first few days or weeks. Anet's solution isn't great in that it 'forces' players to be there against their will, so to speak, even though ofc no one is actually forced to do anything in a video game. But the alternatives aren't great either. They can't make every zone 'more fun' than all previous existing zones, bc fun is not an objective criteria. They could make each zone more profitable than the ones that came before, but that would be some wicked inflation . . .


I can see the problem, but I'm not sure I've seen any better solutions . . .

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> I think ppl discount how difficult t it is to maintain a player population long enough to accommodate players who can't jump in during the first few days or weeks. Anet's solution isn't great in that it 'forces' players to be there against their will, so to speak, even though ofc no one is actually forced to do anything in a video game. But the alternatives aren't great either. They can't make every zone 'more fun' than all previous existing zones, bc fun is not an objective criteria. They could make each zone more profitable than the ones that came before, but that would be some wicked inflation . . .


> I can see the problem, but I'm not sure I've seen any better solutions . . .

I'm honestly not sure it even is the right problem. GW2 is set up on the premise of "the whole world is endgame", so that you encounter people everywhere you go, not just in the latest hub on the latest map added. It works pretty well, too. Sure, whenever something new comes up, you still have people clustered there for a couple of days or at worst weeks, but you do have a pretty even population across all maps, compared to other MMOs.


Make the latest zone more attractive (fun, profitable, whatever attracts you to play a certain zone over others) is counter-productive to trying to spread people across the world. While it will make that zone more densely populated (which might not be everyone's cup of tea either), it will also make all the zones that came before more empty. We'll end up with the same system of people only doing the latest zone, everybody coming in later going through a series of ghost maps, and people at the top burning out more quickly because of only one zone full of things to do (a real problem in my view that has driven many of us away from other games).


People already claim that you can't do a lot of events, achievements etc. unless you manage to cram it into the first days (or max couple of weeks) after release. Personally I think this is untrue, since I rarely do achievements the moment they are released, and sometimes not until many months (and releases) later and have never encountered a true road block, but the more you shift people from playing all over the world to concentrating on the latest release, the harder it will be to play through older releases and their achievements.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > I think ppl discount how difficult t it is to maintain a player population long enough to accommodate players who can't jump in during the first few days or weeks. Anet's solution isn't great in that it 'forces' players to be there against their will, so to speak, even though ofc no one is actually forced to do anything in a video game. But the alternatives aren't great either. They can't make every zone 'more fun' than all previous existing zones, bc fun is not an objective criteria. They could make each zone more profitable than the ones that came before, but that would be some wicked inflation . . .

> >

> > I can see the problem, but I'm not sure I've seen any better solutions . . .

> I'm honestly not sure it even is the right problem. GW2 is set up on the premise of "the whole world is endgame", so that you encounter people everywhere you go, not just in the latest hub on the latest map added. It works pretty well, too. Sure, whenever something new comes up, you still have people clustered there for a couple of days or at worst weeks, but you do have a pretty even population across all maps, compared to other MMOs.


> Make the latest zone more attractive (fun, profitable, whatever attracts you to play a certain zone over others) is counter-productive to trying to spread people across the world. While it will make that zone more densely populated (which might not be everyone's cup of tea either), it will also make all the zones that came before more empty. We'll end up with the same system of people only doing the latest zone, everybody coming in later going through a series of ghost maps, and people at the top burning out more quickly because of only one zone full of things to do (a real problem in my view that has driven many of us away from other games).


> People already claim that you can't do a lot of events, achievements etc. unless you manage to cram it into the first days (or max couple of weeks) after release. Personally I think this is untrue, since I rarely do achievements the moment they are released, and sometimes not until many months (and releases) later and have never encountered a true road block, but the more you shift people from playing all over the world to concentrating on the latest release, the harder it will be to play through older releases and their achievements.


But keeping the new maps populated during the first few weeks isn't so latecomers can still do the events or cheeves, it's so they can still feel the excitement of the 'new zone' experience after the first week. If everyone just hopped in for the couple of days that it takes to do everything a couple of times and then went back to what they were doing before then every new release would feel 'dead'. It's not a gameplay benefit, it's marketing. And that may be a dirty word to some ppl but marketing is important . . .


The problem you're describing is a product of the frequency of releases, with I think six now(?) festivals squeezed in between. So no one ever has a chance to get back to what they were doing before. Which again is probably intentional, bc if ppl have a chance to get back into their down time activities they also have a chance to explore some other options outside the game as well . . .

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Agreed, i can cope with one "kill/interact/complete 1000 of x" achievement per episode or 2 episodes but they really are going ham on those and its making me less and less excited to play.


I certainly dont look forward to doing all of them at the end of the season for the legendary trinket.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> I totally understand the team wants players in zones, but please be more mindful of how many achieves you are dumping on us for completing things. Also, please be more mindful of player time and the effects of overly repetitive event requirements.


> Ty!



No participation achievement should take 10-20 hours to complete. *For one achievement.* Things like "raven shrines 20 times" when those events only come around once every two hours is ridiculous. It's not considerate of our time, both in the amount of time expected to grind out the achievement, *and* the time to *wait* for them.


And the same goes for the "tee hee, we hid *forty* items in little nooks and crannies in this huge zone, go find them~* achievements. The achievement may as well read "Bjora Wiki Reader" because that's what most of the players are going to do.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > funny... people have been begging for more APs


> ...but preferably embedded in achievements that are fun and challenging and no mere grind. ;) The former have become a strict minority compared to the latter, hence people are starting to complain.


Hrm, you mean like, oh, strike missions? Yes, the Grothmar one is ridiculously easy, but the others are all fun and challenging. IMO, of course. So glad Vayne got me to give them a real try. Our guild now does them twice a week after missions.

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I gave up on AP hunting, some things are just way too repetitive or expensive.

Love that sense of completion, but not willing to trade my sanity for it :)

Like, it would be okay to offer an additional reward without AP for repeating something way too many times.

Do this 5 times, do that 10 times to get the drops, repeat this n times and then you'll get a fancy skin from an NPC or a title.


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