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Watch the trailer for Visions of the Past: Steel and Fire!

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Are you sure this is just a small in-between update between two episodes? This could just as well be a trailer for a real LS episode ^^ I seriously did not expect that much content, great job.

I must admit I am really not interested in Ryland, his past, or his warband. But even then, there might still be something there for me. Maybe the LS1 missions? I didn't get to play LS1, that might be fun. :) And Sun's Refuge 2.0. And what was that about Almorra?! :lol:


So, not actually hyped, since I didn't ever find Ryland interesting at all, but still looking forward to this release. :)

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This looks like a great update, but please please don't forget the Eye of the North Hub like you did with The Sunspear Sanctuary. The Hub idea was fine and all but last time promised much and was a bit of a let down.

I'm only interested in seeing Cantha, personally (and a way of upgrading my crafted ascended to legendary) - but hey if this is going to be as fun as Grothmar Valley, then I'm there for it.

Oh and another thing, the music is amazing.

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Nice. I really would like to say "Hi" to the Marionette again :) and if the Marionette-fight will be one of the four missions, I definitely will play it (don't care about if and how challenging it would be, but I hope it will be easier than fractal 100cm :) ). But there is this bittersweet feeling, that the mission fights will maybe not feel that "epic" like I remember the originals from S1.


And I really hope that Anet will not repeat with the EotN hub the errors they made with Sun's refugee (and the home-instance).


I like the announcement. But I also liked previous announcements and then ... Anet happened.

So, lets see what the content really will be, when it is relased.


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> @"Zok.4956" said:

> Nice. I really would like to say "Hi" to the Marionette again :)

The trailer shows images from four of the season 1 solo missions (introducting [Rox](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rox_-_The_Hatchery) , [braham](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Braham_-_Retake_Cragstead) , and [Canach](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Canach%27s_Lair_(story)) , as well as the fight at the top of the [Tower of Nightmares](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Nightmare_Incarnate) ), so it's likely those four (possibly adjusted to include a bit of the story surrounding the instances) are what will be available.

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I don't play Charr characters because I don't have a connection with them. Don't wanna play them, but now the new content is about playing different Charr characters mostly. First of all it's content I can't play with my own characters but I also have to play them with Charr characters which I don't want to do anyway. I'll have to carefully check the rewards to make sure I really want them and then just suck it up I guess, if I really want any of those skins but I'm not a fan of this approach.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Are you sure it's playing with Charr characters? I mean, other than when we actually play Ryland?


well the first half of the trailer shows 5 Charr characters that, under their name, each list 5 weapons to unlock of a different type, including Ryland. How would you interpret that?

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The same way I'd interpret seeing a Human Male as Commander in trailers?

You say, "mostly", but I'm guessing the 4 LWS1 missions aren't Charr-centric. So, that's 2 Missions vs. 4 Missions.


But, you may be correct. We will find out in a couple of weeks.


I'm not fond of Charr animations either, but as long as I play a Profession I'm comfortable with, it doesn't matter that much (to me).

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> While some of this looks like a very nice and unexpected content drop, I just want to express my disappointment that developer resources were allocated to the resurrection of S1 content.

> This is content that several developers and even many of it's apologists have admitted is substandard by today's game's standards.

> On the surface it's another letdown from a company that once could do no wrong in my eyes, but for the past year has done little to engage me as a player and a fan.

> I will, however, reserve judgement until playing it.


Sorry you feel that way, but as a player who never got to experience it and has a huge void in player knowledge, it is extremely important to me to finally have a start at bridging the gap.


I have a team of people who I don't know and I am expected to feel sympathy for and I suppose I do because I have played with them for a while now, but I still don't know who they are and why they are with me. I am expected to think of them as friends and yet I know jack **** about them.


It ruins immersion and player experience by having that missing void of content. It wasn't fair that we didn't get to experience STORY that was a crucial part of the stories progression. It's not like a current event where other characters explain it later in the story but we got to act it out for a time and even then they have kept current events in.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> This looks like a great update, but please please don't forget the Eye of the North Hub like you did with The Sunspear Sanctuary. The Hub idea was fine and all but last time promised much and was a bit of a let down.

> I'm only interested in seeing Cantha, personally (and a way of upgrading my crafted ascended to legendary) - but hey if this is going to be as fun as Grothmar Valley, then I'm there for it.

> Oh and another thing, the music is amazing.


What was promised of the Sun's Refuge?

I don't remember being disappointed by it, which makes me think I either didn't hear about what it was supposed to be or some people may have made assumptions about what some of the stuff Anet said about it.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> The same way I'd interpret seeing a Human Male as Commander in trailers?

> You say, "mostly", but I'm guessing the 4 LWS1 missions aren't Charr-centric. So, that's 2 Missions vs. 4 Missions.


> But, you may be correct. We will find out in a couple of weeks.


> I'm not fond of Charr animations either, but as long as I play a Profession I'm comfortable with, it doesn't matter that much (to me).

Well the human male is just the default because people can choose race/gender etc. themselves. This doesn't feel the same to me especially because it's 5 different ones that are named. I fear that it's going to be like that one mission where you had to play a certain character and got a fixed skill set.


But you're right, we won't know till we get an official answer or the content drops :)

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Well LS1 haters still gonna hate. But what I see is also LS1 lovers popping on reddit or publishing reaction of the new trailer on youtube recently. Peoples must stop assuming the whole community or a great part of it was against it. It's like SAB or whatever content, there is players loving it and some hating it. I let you check [it](

), and yes not every comment is bashing LS1. The maze-writing is a thing but you can't deny the marionette, the old LA, the nightmare tower and all the events. I am very thankful to Anet for creating LS1, Scarlet, Canach and the different alliances. And I'm again thankful to them to bring back that content. It was a very good moment. This is my second favorite arc after personal story. And I agree with the comments of hellsqueen proceeding me. This is my feeling toward LS1 agree or not, I don't care. But Anet you have my support, and this is a great initiative. Sadly a negative shoutout is always more seen and remembered than a good one. Several of my friends and some guildies are also happy to see it back. I also think about all the players who never experienced it, and I'm happy for them. This isn't a waste of resources, It's helping new players to understand the origin of our adventures companions like braham, rox or canach. Oh eternal alchemy I love Aetherblades!! They wouldn't have been there without LS1.
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I know everyone is Hyped up for the four LWS1 missions but I am on the fence because what I want to see from that era is the Open World [Marionette ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Twisted_Marionette)Fight and the Final Open World battle with Scarlet in the [battle for Lion's Arch](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Battle_for_Lion%27s_Arch_(living_world)) . I guess technically they could do the Battle For LA because that was an instanced event every hour. I still have a bone to pick with Scarlet destroying LA because it allowed King Triton to get his fishy hands in the remodel.

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> @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > This looks like a great update, but please please don't forget the Eye of the North Hub like you did with The Sunspear Sanctuary. The Hub idea was fine and all but last time promised much and was a bit of a let down.

> > I'm only interested in seeing Cantha, personally (and a way of upgrading my crafted ascended to legendary) - but hey if this is going to be as fun as Grothmar Valley, then I'm there for it.

> > Oh and another thing, the music is amazing.


> What was promised of the Sun's Refuge?

> I don't remember being disappointed by it, which makes me think I either didn't hear about what it was supposed to be or some people may have made assumptions about what some of the stuff Anet said about it.


I think it was fair to assume it would be more than a "one and done" type of deal, considering the way it was shown in the trailer and the time we spent working on it ingame. It was great - but why build a hub when we never once use it in its restored state really.

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>! Will the four mission contain the the "lead up" content? It looks like we will get the Cragstead, North Nolan Hatchery, Southsun's Dungeon and maybe the Tower of Nightmares?


Will those (Season 1 Missions) include the weekly content drops as part of their "mission"?


>! The sign posts (yeah many thought it was lame, but it was new and different saw it was fun), steam vents, all the lost and forgotten content we missed and enjoyed?

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I was not expecting anything because I barely played the last map and was moslty into pvp for the past month but the trailer was great.


The metal side of the charr, the fantasy side of aurene and the fountain. I liked the music but something made me want something more like unreal tournament XD.


I probably missed a large part of the start of the season 1 (sometimes I was playing, sometimes I was not) so if this is the story I am really excited. (I got reminded that for a while our character was not talking. I wonder if the dialogues are updated)


The new home instance is probably something I will not do (just like the others) but I can understand if some people love this.


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> @"Jordmil.7239" said:

> > @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

> > ![](https://d3b4yo2b5lbfy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/14ce7Eye-of-the-North.jpg "")

> >

> >

> > What is this set and when can i get it? I've really wanted a 'true' mage robe look <3


> This looks like Lady Camilla, the player character's herald from the personal story and the Domain of Kourna. Its nice to see her being brought back


As long as we don't hear, "Hail, mighty hero!" every time we pass her. I started taking detours to avoid her.

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