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What do you expect from the new expansion?


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Personally, I want to see these things:


1. New profession

2. New elite specs, but not only for variety - these specs need to fill the lacking holes of the current professions.

3. Interesting maps with vertical progression.

4. New playable race, or 2.

5. Huge repeatable meta events, similar to HoT but with more and better rewards.

6. Extremely long collections tied with these meta events.

7. New legendary items.

8. New weapons - whip, fists, greataxe etc.

9. Ressurection of dungeons and tied them with legendary armor and cloth skins+outfits obtainable from hard challenges and achievements.

10. Five men raid system with decreased rewards + solo/story mode without rewards.

11. Housing.

12. Major rework of the underwater combat system.

13. Opening for underwater content, after the end of the expansion or the living season after the expansion.

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Frankly, just exploring a place with beautiful locations and having new elite specs. I sadly don't expect anymore new weapons, reborn of dungeons, new race and I have doubt of not seeing housing added. I'm not hyped that much because of the bad side: It's a xenophobic place, which one experienced cataclysms turning a sea into jade and trees into stone. Currently, I don't see how we could go there if any non-human would be basically killed.

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* Cantha

* New batch of elite specs

* The Sea Dragon to show up in some capacity, either as the primary focus, or setting the groundwork for it to be the focus of the story arc after the expansion, like PoF and Kralkatorik.

* If the dragon is a central focus, then a revamp of underwater content, possibly including an underwater mount.

* One, _maybe_ two, more big, back-of-the-box features (maybe a new race, maybe housing, someone in another thread brought up the idea of sailing, which could work)


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Other than new maps and a new story set in Cantha and probably new elite specs I'm not sure what to expect. I assume some of the 'expansion level features' which would have come out with Icebrood Saga or future free updates are now being held back for this, but I'm not sure what those will be.


I wouldn't have guessed HoT would include gliding or the mastery system (I'd have expected new skills, maybe universail skills which all races and professions have, but not a whole new system) or that PoF would introduce mounts (or that they'd work the way they do) so I assume this expansion will also include something new and unexpected.


I'd really like the tengu as a new playable race, but I won't be surprised if it doesn't happen.


(I'm also wary of getting too attached to the idea of any specific features when we have absolute no information to go on, because that's a really easy way to end up disappointed in whatever they do bring out, because it's not what you imagined.)

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> Personally, I want to see these things:


> 1. New profession


Would be cool but with the current complete class line up thanks to Revenant, of 3 heavy 3 medium and 3 light I can almost guarantee there will never be new classes in gw2 again.


> 2. New elite specs, but not only for variety - these specs need to fill the lacking holes of the current professions.


Agreed on this, I am hoping the new specs will be both very different from the current ones but also feel very foreign to give us a real sense that we are playing a totally new thing in a totally foreign land.


> 3. Interesting maps with vertical progression.


Cantha has good regions for this to work out, Kaineng City and Echovald Forest are two locations that could have some awesome vertical design.

That said providing how much the Jade Sea has reverted back to water we could also see a significant sized vertical underwater map as well.


> 4. New playable race, or 2.


Highly unlikely from a lore and development standpoint, but I too still want my Tengu lol


> 5. Huge repeatable meta events, similar to HoT but with more and better rewards.


I really hope to see a couple of new world bosses in Cantha ^^


> 6. Extremely long collections tied with these meta events.


Fine with this, I don't mind long quest like collections provided I am not constantly blocked from progress by annoying timegates.

Let me complete them at my own pace ^^


> 7. New legendary items.


I don't really care for this one tbh, but I get why others do.


> 8. New weapons - whip, fists, greataxe etc.


As cool as it would be to have land spears and some other weapons I just don't see this happening unfortunately.


> 9. Ressurection of dungeons and tied them with legendary armor and cloth skins+outfits obtainable from hard challenges and achievements.


Yes please, giving up on dungeon content has long been something i've considered a mistake in Gw2.

Fractals are fine for what they are but I too long for that longer traditional dungeon experience that we had in Gw1.


> 10. Five men raid system with decreased rewards + solo/story mode without rewards.


Dunno about the 5 man raid bit but some kind of story/training mode raid without rewards is something i've supported for years.


> 11. Housing.


Tbh i'd settle for just giving us more control over the home instance.. decorations etc or having a new unified home instance hub with those features.

(fingers crossed for HoM)


> 12. Major rework of the underwater combat system.


I couldn't support this more, UW content has massive potential in this game and it is constantly crippled by neglect and lack of interest, the latter of which is largely because of the content being neglected in the first place.

There is a good number of us players who want to see UW content get the TLC it deserves and become an awesome part of this game.


> 13. Opening for underwater content, after the end of the expansion or the living season after the expansion.


In to da sea!!

Yeah been waiting to go there myself for years ^^

The above mentioned underwater rework would need to happen before Anet would ever consider content exclusively focused on UW play though.

It's one of those annoying situations where the rework can justify making the content but to justify the rework you need to have the content XD

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Expect? Cantha, with whatever that entails. Beyond that I don't tend to specifically expect anything ANet hasn't announced. I do strongly hope, verging on expecting based on the past, that we will get nine new elites with interesting themes. I've always been disappointed by their saying those were for expansions only but given that they did say so, I feel like they'd better deliver them :) Or I'll /rabblerabblerabble. Quietly. Politely.

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I expect it to have:


9 elite specs, one for each class.

New good mastery akin of HoT and PoF. Not this garbage we have in LWS5.

Good repeatable maps, similar somewhat to HoT, with modifications for better solo accessibility. POF map design is a no-no.

Better exploration. PoF felt dry on the exploration side compared to all previous content.

I do not expect much from the story. As long as it is not have cheesy garbage full of jump the shark moments (sadly there has been much of that) I will be okay.

Better designed enemy mob factions. The forged in particular were pretty lame. The awakened were also lacking.

Anet not deciding to remove essential parts of the story in the Interest of time, like they did with the forged in PoF and nightmare court in HoT.

Anet reacting much faster to balance issues, after expansion release.

The more maps the merrier.

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