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Should we Quest to Unlock Elite Specializations?


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This is something I really want in the game, but I'm a bit bias in this so I'm going to make a poll for it since I realize I sometimes have very unpopular opinions. So I'll ask.


Would you enjoy a Short to medium Quest Chain(achievement chain) that takes about an hour to maybe three hours to complete that slowly unlocks the Traits and weapon of the elite specialization you are going after? The chain would provide quite a bit of lore for the elite specialization and give you the opportunity to connect with it's design. The wouldn't so much apply to WvW players and not at all to PvP players.

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Definitely yes.


With how hero points currently work, it is too easy to unlock the new stuff. I already have enough hero points to unlock the next elite spec on my engineer the day it comes online, which shouldn't be a thing imo.


And showing us the lore behind the new profession we are going to unlock would be great. Especially if my engineer unlocks a chemical focused elite spec, then I want that to be a **journey**. Like how I loved learning stuff about alchemy in GW2 by building my H.O.P.E. (SO sad that they removed these story driven collections from the new legendaries).


I like having to work for new stuff. One feature I really liked about GW1 was that you had to headhunt bosses in the open world for new elite skills to unlock. It felt rewarding and I want that feeling back while unlocking my elite spec. Give me a story to earn my engineer chemical madman.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> If like to do the exploring while learning the new specs.


And that's a fair response. I'm in the camp of Wanting to get lost in the game. To really delve deep into the lore and become immersed in the experience. I personally feel we'll have plenty of time to learn the spec. Plus I mentioned it wouldn't take a long time to complete.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> Definitely yes.


> With how hero points currently work, it is too easy to unlock the new stuff. I already have enough hero points to unlock the next elite spec on my engineer the day it comes online, which shouldn't be a thing imo.


> And showing us the lore behind the new profession we are going to unlock would be great. Especially if my engineer unlocks a chemical focused elite spec, then I want that to be a **journey**. Like how I loved learning stuff about alchemy in GW2 by building my H.O.P.E. (SO sad that they removed these story driven collections from the new legendaries).


> I like having to work for new stuff. One feature I really liked about GW1 was that you had to headhunt bosses in the open world for new elite skills to unlock. It felt rewarding and I want that feeling back while unlocking my elite spec. Give me a story to earn my engineer chemical madman.


Necromancer learning the Burial right practices of Cantha from the Ritualists, Guardian Learning the Purity Zealotry of the Ministry of Purity, Rangers learning from the Kurzicks and their Juggernaut magics, Revenant finding Memory fragments and channeling the very history of Cantha to attune to a legend long forgotten or perhaps quite famous, Elementalists getting Closer to the stars. It all sounds great to me and gives me a reason to jump on other characters for more than Hero point grinds.

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This is why I wanted to ask this question. I'm always going to have my own personal biases. And sometimes what I think is a good idea, like having a legendary that replaces health pickups produced my some professions with cupcakes when its equipped or minion skins that turn them into stuffed animals are good ideas. But not everyone is going to be on the same page as me. So we need to have these discussions.

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I think locking new elite specs behind a quest would cause a massive uproar. I think it would be a better idea to put the story in the weapon collections so they aren't just generic time sinks. This way people can delve deeper to find out about their spec if they want but they can start playing immediately.

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The specs themselves? No.

But the collections surrounding them should be more quest-like if you ask me. They're optional, but they're a really powerful story telling tool if done right. We've seen more elaborate collections/achievement chains recently and this would be a perfect way to apply all this stuff to a game mechanic.


Ideally Masteries would work this way too. Instead of just magically acquiring the skills and knowledge to do some magic, explained away by our exp bar, they could also become the rewards for an achievement. Applying them, learning them.


Won't happen though, because that's really niche and honestly too late for it now.

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I like Pvp and Wvw, “competitive” game modes, and I never enjoy Pve (any game).... I never complete any map or finish the main quest in 7 years and I don’t want to do it right now.



If I have to complete the expansion Pve quest to get the new Elite Spec I rather prefer to don’t waste money and don’t buy the expansion pack. I don’t have lots of spare time, and the time that I have I prefer to invest it in enjoy the game, not waste it in something that I don’t enjoy.


So if you enjoy the Pve and want some back story, feel free to unlock or not the Elite when U want, there is no limitations don’t push other people to do things that they don’t like and limítate them

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> @"ApaWanka.2698" said:

> I like Pvp and Wvw, “competitive” game modes, and I never enjoy Pve (any game).... I never complete any map or finish the main quest in 7 years and I don’t want to do it right now.



> If I have to complete the expansion Pve quest to get the new Elite Spec I rather prefer to don’t waste money and don’t buy the expansion pack. I don’t have lots of spare time, and the time that I have I prefer to invest it in enjoy the game, not waste it in something that I don’t enjoy.


> So if you enjoy the Pve and want some back story, feel free to unlock or not the Elite when U want, there is no limitations don’t push other people to do things that they don’t like and limítate them


I specifically excluded those from the acquisition and you'd be able to acquire them for those game modes without doing the quests. I specifically mentioned that for players like you.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I like this idea but I think at this point it's a bit too late..


> If this was introduced in HoT or PoF it would be a different story but now i just don't see the point.


A lot of players loose interest a bit too quickly. And there is going to need to be some rollback somewhere and this is better than "grind your way up and we're adding more time gates."

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I'm kind of in the middle on this. While I like the idea of just having enough hero points to unlock the new elite spec right away, Id also like to have the new elite specs expanded upon lore wise. Perhaps a short instance of having an npc teach us what it means to have our new powers, a tutorial of how of use the new mechanic. Unfortunately making 9 separate instances would be too time consuming/work intensive since not everyone plays every profession. Having the npcs answer questions in elona was a nice step forward, id just like to see it pushed a bit further. I just dont like the idea of having an elite spec blocked behind a quest since there is also a percentage of the player base that doesnt do much pve or expansion content.

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As someone incapable of ever being immersed in anything as I'm too consciously aware I'm sitting on my butt playing a video game, I'm fine with the hunting down hero points thing the game currently has now, while leaving things like quests for elite specs (unlockable spec-specific weapons via one-time achievements) entirely optional.


I also have waaay too many characters to ever want to quest on multiple times.

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> @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> I'm kind of in the middle on this. While I like the idea of just having enough hero points to unlock the new elite spec right away, Id also like to have the new elite specs expanded upon lore wise. Perhaps a short instance of having an npc teach us what it means to have our new powers, a tutorial of how of use the new mechanic. Unfortunately making 9 separate instances would be too time consuming/work intensive since not everyone plays every profession. Having the npcs answer questions in elona was a nice step forward, id just like to see it pushed a bit further. I just dont like the idea of having an elite spec blocked behind a quest since there is also a percentage of the player base that doesnt do much pve or expansion content.


I literally said it wouldn't be required for PvP or WvW!

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Were it me implementing this idea I'd be inclined to have the first 1/4th of the achievement chain being the unlocking phase to where you have it and can use it. The latter 3/4th being more about getting achievement titles and equipment skins.


Translating 1/4th to an hour minimum's time-slot, that would be 15 minutes to acquire the spec, and then 45 minutes for the flair stuff. In a 3 hour scenario, that'd be 45 minutes of unlock time, 135 minutes of skin/title unlocks.


Altogether what OP is thinking would do wonders for giving each class a little more signs of existing in the game world beyond _Super Special NPC Cutscene Moment_

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I kind of like how PoF handled elite specs.


* Players who want elite specs can unlock and play them via rushing hero points.


* Players who care about lore could find masters of each profession and ask them for their stories. There is a guy in amnoon that will point you in the general direction of each master, each of whom are generally involved in an event happening in the desert. This event can serve as a sort of optional "trial" or training (less optional if you want the achievement)


* Players who care for achievements and weapon skins could get those too.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> I kind of like how PoF handled elite specs.


> * Players who want elite specs can unlock and play them via rushing hero points.


> * Players who care about lore could find masters of each profession and ask them for their stories. There is a guy in amnoon that will point you in the general direction of each master, each of whom are generally involved in an event happening in the desert. This event can serve as a sort of optional "trial" or training (less optional if you want the achievement)


> * Players who care for achievements and weapon skins could get those too.


It was nicer than HoT. But it was very hollow. And I unlocked Scourge right away, which was fine, but I felt like I didn't earn it. It felt cheap to me.

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