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WvW is not playable


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Can we finally have servers fixed?

When there are 3 blobs on map, you get lagg all the time. It even happens with only 2 blobs sometimes. Me and many even got lagg mounting up from our own spawn cause 2 enemy blobs were fighting in SM castle.

How can you call this game playable if people are teleporting and not a single skill is working.

Fix your servers already and stop using dead NA region for testing laggs. Come over to EU where the population is actually alive and where lag runs down on a daily basis all the way to T4.

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So many posts about this already, still no answer from anet. Long known issues and players interest not worth a little statement. Shame. Either just wait and hope for wvw population to drop again because of missing care after the shiny hunters are gone or maybe just face the fact that they don't care and try to find another game which hopefully does better. Like.. idk.. crowfall, camelot unchained, archeage:unchained or new world?!

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> @"primatos.5413" said:

> So many posts about this already, still no answer from anet. Long known issues and players interest not worth a little statement. Shame. Either just wait and hope for wvw population to drop again because of missing care after the shiny hunters are gone or maybe just face the fact that they don't care and try to find another game which hopefully does better. Like.. idk.. crowfall, camelot unchained, archeage:unchained or new world?!


Word is CU will be the first true engine able to handle massive RvR battles.


We'll have to see but that is apparently what they've spent so much time working on the engine for. Also so they can license it out once they have CU to show its abilities.


Who knows if it will live up to the hype hopefully Marc Jacob's is right. Not many MMOs have been able to achieve this. Certainly anet did the game no favors by not taking into account what increases the load in WvW for end user PCs.

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> @"Vrath.1754" said:

> > @"primatos.5413" said:

> > So many posts about this already, still no answer from anet. Long known issues and players interest not worth a little statement. Shame. Either just wait and hope for wvw population to drop again because of missing care after the shiny hunters are gone or maybe just face the fact that they don't care and try to find another game which hopefully does better. Like.. idk.. crowfall, camelot unchained, archeage:unchained or new world?!


> Word is CU will be the first true engine able to handle massive RvR battles.


> We'll have to see but that is apparently what they've spent so much time working on the engine for. Also so they can license it out once they have CU to show its abilities.


> Who knows if it will live up to the hype hopefully Marc Jacob's is right. Not many MMOs have been able to achieve this. Certainly anet did the game no favors by not taking into account what increases the load in WvW for end user PCs.


> @"primatos.5413" said:

> So many posts about this already, still no answer from anet. Long known issues and players interest not worth a little statement. Shame. Either just wait and hope for wvw population to drop again because of missing care after the shiny hunters are gone or maybe just face the fact that they don't care and try to find another game which hopefully does better. Like.. idk.. crowfall, camelot unchained, archeage:unchained or new world?!


Grass is always greener. I’m not excusing Anet because they can do better but so can every other mmo. You wont find a single mmo that is balanced or doesnt have server issues unless you have access to the same skills and gear for every character. Go to any other forum and youll see the same thing that devs don’t know how to balance or cant balance or don’t care and servers are crap. ESO, WoW, FFXIV, take your pick they are all complaining and threatening to play other games. Nearly everyone is on Amazon servers now to so that may be the problem for some.


CU just caught fresh hell for admitting they have been using some of the Kickstarter funds to create a pve game. This is after CU has been in development for 7 yrs with nothing more than a tech demo server that shows how many concurrent bots can be on the server at once. So at this point we all payed for them to make an engine to market for other companies who knows if the actual game ever gets made.


New World doesn’t know what it wants to be. They play tested it as a gank box and game testers revolted. They doubled back said its now a PVE game… this far into development and now they want to toss in a handful of npcs??? Sounds like at best it comes out looking like Atlas or Fallout 76.


Crowfall plays like ass I wouldn’t be surprised if the engine optimization is the same or worse than GW2. The mmorpg industry right now imo is in shambles. It isn’t going to be any better than anything else. Large seasoned game developers realize the big money is in battle royale or mobas so you have to take what you can get for mmorpgs at this point.


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Never lag. But yeah if it's only when 3 60 plus zergs show up same time that makes sense so stop being the 3rd group rolling in to smc and take something else or swap to a BL. Almost every game other then GW2 I played with mass battles has way more lag then this and stop leaving out every bit of info like where you are and internet provider and computer like how is random complaining anet fix gonna help narrow it down

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> @"Jilora.9524" said:

> Never lag. But yeah if it's only when 3 60 plus zergs show up same time that makes sense so stop being the 3rd group rolling in to smc and take something else or swap to a BL. Almost every game other then GW2 I played with mass battles has way more lag then this and stop leaving out every bit of info like where you are and internet provider and computer like how is random complaining anet fix gonna help narrow it down


Yeah I hate eso RvR when it's zergy because I have to play on potato graphics and still I get lag stuck in place or just simply crash...

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> @"Vrath.1754" said:

> > @"primatos.5413" said:

> > So many posts about this already, still no answer from anet. Long known issues and players interest not worth a little statement. Shame. Either just wait and hope for wvw population to drop again because of missing care after the shiny hunters are gone or maybe just face the fact that they don't care and try to find another game which hopefully does better. Like.. idk.. crowfall, camelot unchained, archeage:unchained or new world?!


> Word is CU will be the first true engine able to handle massive RvR battles.


> We'll have to see but that is apparently what they've spent so much time working on the engine for. Also so they can license it out once they have CU to show its abilities.


> Who knows if it will live up to the hype hopefully Marc Jacob's is right. Not many MMOs have been able to achieve this. Certainly anet did the game no favors by not taking into account what increases the load in WvW for end user PCs.

*googles the yearly "camelot unchained gameplay" because its regularly brought up*


*finds PvP explained video from this year with people warping all over the place just running around, barely even fighting*


Ah yes. Camelot Unchained, been killing WvW since 2014 according to this forum.

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It's not that simple, you have to handle packet queueing differently at a large scale. And it's difficult to tell exactly where the problem is.


I think the biggest issue is the way Foreign Players are handled. As an example someone from France could be playing on a North American server; because of this you'll generate more exertion on the routers that perform the QoS and in return if you have too many foreigners converging on a set of nodes, you're looking at more priority given to the foreign clients than the native ones, thus explaining why you're getting lag.


Something what may help is being closer to the server, and to do that you'd have to move to a server in your time zone. But realistically because of what I've said earlier that's not really going to happen. The most viable solution that comes in my mind is to simply just get rid of all the foreign players and that's never going to happen.


However I'm also forgetting ANET built their own engine. Maybe they can optimize how their traffic is being handled through their C++ programmers. I myself have dabled heavily on socket programming in C but never in relation to queueing or QoS. We're talking about really big brain work here...and considering the layoffs....I mean finding a socket programmer that does sockets in C is hard enough as it is, finding one that does QoS with it is like finding a needle in a haystack. You have to be pretty smart with algorithms at that level of work.


Tell you what, you apply to ANET and you fix the lag. Problem solved.

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> We're talking about really big brain work here...

Yeah, we're talking about the geniuses who thought that removing a tier and rolling out the turtle meta was the perfect time for adding more PvE crap to bring the noobs in. A stellar plan. If you're wishing for brainstorms at Arenanet I wouldn't expect more than a few sprinkles.

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> @"msalakka.4653" said:

> > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > We're talking about really big brain work here...

> Yeah, we're talking about the geniuses who thought that removing a tier and rolling out the turtle meta was the perfect time for adding more PvE kitten to bring the noobs in. A stellar plan. If you're wishing for brainstorms at Arenanet I wouldn't expect more than a few sprinkles.


LMAO I remember that.


Ight , Imma head out.

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> @"spankyed.4735" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > I don't get lag on EU, problem is probably with your computer (CPU) or internet connection more than the servers.


> You dont play WvW, because EU has lag too. And its not cpu or gpu or internet its the server.


Been playing WvW daily for a while now and no noticable lag.

Maybe you're all getting diminished internet availablity issues from all the people stuck at home and streaming 4K netflix or something.

I hear that has been noted a thing lately but it doesn't effect me atm as I live in a country with a significantly smaller population than most and things are mostly running as usual here for now.

Hence no lag for me.. that's my best guess anyway.



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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"spankyed.4735" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > I don't get lag on EU, problem is probably with your computer (CPU) or internet connection more than the servers.

> >

> > You dont play WvW, because EU has lag too. And its not cpu or gpu or internet its the server.


> Been playing WvW daily for a while now and no noticable lag.

> Maybe you're all getting diminished internet availablity issues from all the people stuck at home and streaming 4K netflix or something.

> I hear that has been noted a thing lately but it doesn't effect me atm as I live in a country with a significantly smaller population than most and things are mostly running as usual here for now.

> Hence no lag for me.. that's my best guess anyway.



Thats not how reality works. WvW has been a lagfest in 3-ways since GW2 release.


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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I don't get lag on EU, problem is probably with your computer (CPU) or internet connection more than the servers.


So you're saying that my 9900k @5Ghz along with an OC'd 1080 ti + 100/100Mbit fiber are not enough to normally play a game from 2012?


Servers are absolute garbage. And ever since they added mounts they went from bad to worse (servers need to calculate dodges and skills that are spammed now and were not there before mounts), this is causing extra strain. Mounts were the dumbest idea to be added into WvW since autoupgrading.

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> @"hobotnicax.7918" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > I don't get lag on EU, problem is probably with your computer (CPU) or internet connection more than the servers.


> So you're saying that my 9900k @5Ghz along with an OC'd 1080 ti + 100/100Mbit fiber are not enough to normally play a game from 2012?


> Servers are absolute garbage. And ever since they added mounts they went from bad to worse (servers need to calculate dodges and skills that are spammed now and were not there before mounts), this is causing extra strain. Mounts were the dumbest idea to be added into WvW since autoupgrading.


Well gw2 is super heavy on CPU, note fps and lag on a 9k cpu as well, theres still performance issue, for experience it kinda feel some sorta desync and bottleneck effect,

There are some boons when they stack they compromise the performance on the end that needs to render all the zerg animation under those boons the client will bork up...


your group needs to play the same effect comps, of stealh + quickness in mass plus condi bombs that will replicate the issue on some players fo thge enemy as well , that or regroup in places where lags feels so the cliente performance can recover a bit...

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The lag is super bonkers today

NA T4 was unbearable, on every map, even chat was lagged for me.

NA T2 was playable, but other players had worse lag compared to me but I found it somewhat playable.

I also found the servers unresponsive ocassionally when trying to log in with characters into whatever maps they were in pve/pvp. It just sits on STATE_SERVER_WAIT forever as it times out (this happened on both eu/na)

I had slightly better luck on eu T2/T3 but there are still lag spikes occuring, and the avg ping was somewhat stable in wvw but not in pve maps. Gonna get ugly on the weekend I bet.



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A good bit of guessing going on here by people.


The lag is skill lag, which is not the same as FPS lag, I have FPS plots and trace routes going at the same time, FPS will still be over 100FPS, however responses from the server, and I DON'T mean the back bone, but the actual anet servers, now hosted with AWS is where the response time will sky rocket. Along with it being the only online game I play that has this issue. 9900k@5.2GHz, custom water cooled, 2070 super, etc etc, 1Gbps/1Gbps fiber. Do some people have FPS lag that is 100% client side related? Yes. However many people and those here are talking about SKILL LAG, you push a button and have time to stand there and watch an insta cast skill just blink, and blink and blink and then never cast, or cast at random LONG after using the skill.


This is due to how skills, boons and dmg are calculated by the servers, it is back end related, and they had someone come in to find out where the bottlenecks were, and boons and dmg calculations were at the top. This could also be further exacerbated by how much they are willing to spend on hosting, AWS has about all the processing power you could want, and scales with load....However you have to be willing to pay for it, if you put a cap on how much you are willing to pay in high load situations, well, performance is going to be even worse. You have a bottleneck, so new skills and events are being sent to the servers by all the connected clients, that bottleneck causes those new actions to go into a queue in RAM, once that fills up things start timing out, as it can't add anything else to the queue and you get large sections of time where it's like everyone disconnected (everyone else running in straight lines or into walls etc etc) when it gets really bad and then it's like someone hits fast forward as all those queued actions get processed.


And I will say like I do at the end of most of these posts, if someone from anet has more or new information on these issues and willing to share, PLEASE DO. If this information is no longer accurate due to changes that might have happened, please let us know, we all would like some updated information on the problems, even if in the end the final answer is "we are not going to do anything", at least people will know then and not see posts every day about it.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"hobotnicax.7918" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > I don't get lag on EU, problem is probably with your computer (CPU) or internet connection more than the servers.

> >

> > So you're saying that my 9900k @5Ghz along with an OC'd 1080 ti + 100/100Mbit fiber are not enough to normally play a game from 2012?

> >

> > Servers are absolute garbage. And ever since they added mounts they went from bad to worse (servers need to calculate dodges and skills that are spammed now and were not there before mounts), this is causing extra strain. Mounts were the dumbest idea to be added into WvW since autoupgrading.


> Well gw2 is super heavy on CPU, note fps and lag on a 9k cpu as well, theres still performance issue, for experience it kinda feel some sorta desync and bottleneck effect,

> There are some boons when they stack they compromise the performance on the end that needs to render all the zerg animation under those boons the client will bork up...


> your group needs to play the same effect comps, of stealh + quickness in mass plus condi bombs that will replicate the issue on some players fo thge enemy as well , that or regroup in places where lags feels so the cliente performance can recover a bit...


That doesn't explain why i had been able to play 3-way blob fight with no lag before the balance patch, and now even 2-way small scale fight causes literally unplayable lag. Skill is not responding at all, can't mount/dismount, can't go through door portal. This happens exactly after the balance patch.

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  • 3 weeks later...

1)there is NO any lag, if you have cool pc and good connection. I don't have any lag any time in any zerg.

2) don't have both or still lag - do not play prime day and prime days. Don't run near zerg. Find small party and do chill runs.

Hope problem solved ?

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> 1)there is NO any lag, if you have cool pc and good connection. I don't have any lag any time in any zerg.

> 2) don't have both or still lag - do not play prime day and prime days. Don't run near zerg. Find small party and do chill runs.

> Hope problem solved ?


Gotta say this is a pretty smart ass response. Players shouldn’t have to change their play style (zerging or roaming) or play times to fix the problem themselves.

Many ppl have been experiencing skill lag, lag spikes, and overall lag on all the servers I’m on. I have 4 accounts on 4 different servers, in different tiers all on NA. Lag has been a serious issue and continues to be for many many people. We shouldn’t have to adjust our play times or play style for a product a company is putting out poorly.


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