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Please let us turn off other player effects

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This game is notorious for particles effect. Now before you all say "EFFECT LOD CAN HELP" NO it cannot help. This game over the years have added Auras, now floating balls, flashy skill effects. It's borderline impossible to play now, all the players are just looking at the numbers and not characters. Please let us completely shut down all other player effects. I know Anet sells cooosmetics and you want others to see that, and get mentally manipulated, and cave in, and and spend money, but nope this is actually discouraging, and this information is pretty much known to all gamers today so that marketing tactic will not work any more.


In terms of usability this game is at very low score of 40 I would say, in metas the eyes burn after sometime due to all these bright effects. Let us turn off all player effects including skills, auras and their names. Even in Party let us turn off names as everything is an AOE in this game. every Major MMOs today allow this, even FFXIV allows this considering the it's made by a team that plays extremely safe.


Please let us have this option, the game is just painful to play with all the silly looking effects going about. it' ridiculous, rather than looking at character one has to look at the damage number to see if they are in position.


Let us have this option in next update, it's high time the game pushed usability features. It's extremely irritating to play and in game you play that's the use of the product. usability should not be a part of just UI but the entire experience.


Thanks, btw ice brood saga is awesome (ending with a positive note is not a trick to get features implemented, its a genuine +ve feedback)

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I would love to be able to turn off different things, like typically giant backpacks and giant gliders, that can badly hide the view depending on situations. I'm also quite disturbed by a few gathering tools with very blinding visual effects, like the sickle (I think), that creates big twisters of flames... Don't misunderstand me. They certainly have nice visual effects, but well, sunglasses to play is not so nice! LOL

Now aside of that, I'm also bothered by all the little flashing effects, like for example as long as we have not selected all of our skills...

All in all, that would be a nice option if we could turn off all those yes. :3

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Aye, a options menu with lots of customisation and... options for ppl to have their ideal viewing experience.


The ability to hide other's infusion, legendary effects, glider and mount trails amd on boss effect should be the default.


For more costumizable options i would add the ability to toggle what skills and effects i want to see from allies or have a very minimal version with as little glow as possible for aoes.

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Its not just an aesthetics thing, its for practicality. larger scale fights are flooded with effects and aoe markers littering the ground so much it becomes hard to tell wich ones are from friend or foe. being able to turn off other player effects cleans up the clutter and allows for a smoother battle experience.

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i would want to disable seeing other players completely. Like add an option to Character Model Limit: None or something so I can pretend I'm in my own world with just mobs and NPCs :) Joke aside, for perf reasons. And also should be good to be able to disable other players' pets and minions names separate from the "Show All NPC Names" option since I would still like to see NPCs during metas but not all the 100 pets and minion names from other players cluttering the importan NPCs

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> I'm also quite disturbed by a few gathering tools with very blinding visual effects, like the sickle (I think), that creates big twisters of flames... Don't misunderstand me. They certainly have nice visual effects, but well, sunglasses to play is not so nice! LOL


You might be thinking of the unbound magic sickle? That one bothers me so much I actually reskinned mine to the default sickle. I wish I could turn off other players' harvesting tool skins so I wouldn't have to turn the camera away or do some creative zooming in/out to get away from the blinding effects. It's particularly bad at the flax farms in Verdant Brink and Draconis Mons, which are in dark areas so the harvesting tool skins stand out even more.



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  • 4 months later...

> @"Snarglewomp.6870" said:

> I want to add the thing that sounds like a screaming horse with every attack. Sound just drills right thru your head.


You already can turn that off, in sounds settings if you chose mute projectiles only or off you wont hear that sound from others or yourself depending on with option you change.


My Unique Item Sounds

Drop-down options include "All", "Limited", "Mute Projectiles Only", and "Off".

Other Players' Unique Item Sounds

Drop-down options include "All", "Limited", "Mute Projectiles Only", and "Off".

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Agreed, those infusions are probably the ugliest cosmetic I've seen in any game, period. Like GW2 is usually very good at making cosmetics imo, but don't know what went wrong with those. And worse is when people are mixing/stacking them.

I'm confused if people actually think they look good with them, or they just like to look like a flashing discoball for fun, either way, that's totally up to them, just please give me a way to disable the effect.

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  • 2 months later...

The Effects of the skills burn my eyes away.

"Dodge when he lifts his right feet" hahaha i would love to see the legs but all the effects are flashing all over the screen.

Please ArenaNet. Give us a option to reduce the supernova like effects. I do not want to wear glasses when i am older and i wanna get better in the game. Not only with long range weapons.


And the most important and essential thing that Aridon.8362 already said here in this topic, which isnt even about that, is that we absolutely need an update to let our cpu function well with Guild Wars 2. It is so inevitably important that the DirectX version needs to get updatet. This game is all about massive players counts on one spot which all have different Styles. It is a MMO. Its existence is about it. Noone in this world can see in gw2 50 players in the troup without setting them to the grey apperance, let alone getting more than 40 fps while doing it. Noone.


We sincerly need Guild Wars 2 using more than one core and that we can turn down the effects, so that in the end our eyes wont bleed to death because its lagging and flashing as HELL.









*(and is it true that gw2 runs on amazon servers nowdays? i lose faith)

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I would like some choices on effects.


Some are really too much at times.

I don't mind backpacks so much or gliders but the things that irk me the most are auras and certain mount skins that are intentionally dyed to be as obnoxiously bright and shiny as possible.

They stick out far too much in the world and tend to siphon some of the immersion out of it.

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The game is decent enough optimized, the issue is not being able to see whats going on amidst 9000 particle effects and people with their clown suits , literal just a blob of visual clutter.


They can't even get hidden nameplates to work much less add a particle slider. Yes GW2 runs on the garbage cheap amazon servers.



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No, please.

Otherwise, how am I supposed to show off my 5 stacks of chak egg effects after i spent tens of thousands of gold on them?

♫ Let it show, let it go, let it show... ♫


If your computer cannot take it, lower the graphic settings? Don't expect smooth gameplay when you set every thing on very high or high on a outdated computer or graphic card. We are going into 2021 soon, time to upgrade that pc or network connection.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> No, please.

> Otherwise, how am I supposed to show off my 5 stacks of chak egg effects after i spent tens of thousands of gold on them?

> ♫ Let it show, let it go, let it show... ♫


> If your computer cannot take it, lower the graphic settings? Don't expect smooth gameplay when you set every thing on very high or high on a outdated computer or graphic card. We are going into 2021 soon, time to upgrade that pc or network connection.


This is actually a great argument as to why there should be an option to turn off visual clutter if someone so desires. Let the individual decide what they want to see. Giving this option to filter out the effects is similar to the option already in place to turn character model quality low. It literally has no effect on those wearing them since they can still display it for themselves and everyone else that wants to see it.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> No, please.

> Otherwise, how am I supposed to show off my 5 stacks of chak egg effects after i spent tens of thousands of gold on them?

> ♫ Let it show, let it go, let it show... ♫


> If your computer cannot take it, lower the graphic settings? Don't expect smooth gameplay when you set every thing on very high or high on a outdated computer or graphic card. We are going into 2021 soon, time to upgrade that pc or network connection.


That's sort of a poor solution, especially for a game 8 years old. Something running off of the Unity engine? Oh yeah I can see arguing that. For this game though when you have extremely stark contrasts with what's old in game and new? Not really.


My biggest problem is I can't see. Literally I cannot see. You go down and need help? Sorry not happening, I actually can't see your body with all the glowy mcsparkles. Scream at me about boss aoe? WHERE? Again, cannot see because of everything else. Honestly, Arenanet needs to step up their game. Why not have a console command that changes spell effects like this?



Oh and it only effects your end of things. So you can see blinding flashy flash flash while I can tune it down so all I see is a whimper of a spell.


This, this here would fit everyone's needs. Maybe then I can stop standing in aoe that I'm supposed to avoid.

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Yes, for that! I wish I could give more than one thumbs up.


Not only the infusions, but other players in general.

I would like it to be similar to the Clocktower. Because for me personally, there's nothing more annoying than having a bunch of bling-bling people walking around in front of me, who are maybe the biggest kind of Norn, with a huge backpack and the biggest weapon they could find ...

You can take out a lot of things, so it looks like you're not super crowded at events. But a lot of effects and players are still shown. And especially their mounts ~~.


And for me this has nothing to do with FPS problems. I have no problems with it. It's just annoying to see correctly at JP's and events.

And to the people who need the attention... start streaming or something. In the game 99% of the people don't watch you anyway.

Most of the compliments for Chars I got btw are always for the 'boring' characters ^^. In which I end up spending most of my time. Because it's much harder to make a boring character look good than just slapping all the bling-bling you have on it.

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