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Everything posted by Cynz.9437

  1. Since i usually raid and have stacks of those: Cilantro Lime Sous-Vide Steak and Ogre sharpening stone. Works fine for me as zerker/valk thief. For zerk on support class: anything i have on me with healing, e.g. riceballs.
  2. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said: > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said: > > > > @"cyberzombie.7348" said: > > > > > @"VICBEAR.1529" said: > > > > > What is about Engineer, Warrior, Ranger, Mesmer etc? > > > > > Many classes can escape from fight but why is thief so big trouble? > > > > > > > > > > Just make topic "Please delete thief class" > > > > > > > > From personal experience, most other classes except for some rangers actually commit to escaping. It's more common to see roaming thieves **_(dash d/p daredevils specifically) _**to be cocky and just ooc, stack on stealth, then come right back to anyone with their back turned and run away again when they realize they're still in hot water. > > > > > > The part nobody else ****ing understands. > > > > > > It's not thief. It's D/P Daredevil. > > > All these people asking for nerfs should go play any other thief build. Anything besides D/P DrD pretty much gets splattered if it botches an engage and deals no damage except for maybe S/P into relatively bad foes who don't know how to punish it or are running bad builds. > > > > > > Thief has been balanced around D/P Daredevil existing because it's the worst offender of unhealthy designs, and ANet absolutely refuses to rework it because it'd require a huge class rework and I know they're too lazy to do so. > > > > > > When DE started eclipsing its bad design it actually got nipped in the bud and reworked properly. > > > > Dwayna help the poor thieves I've Bull's Charged with no Stunbreaks to recover from it... > > > > But there is a point to be made here. If D/P DD is the big problem then is it the D/P part or is it the DD part? I suspect it is the E-Spec driving the problem not the weapon spec. Not that the weapon spec itself isn't a problem, but is it as much a problem on Core or DE? No, and that is because of the DD dodge being a leap. Remove the leap finisher from the dodge and you may see DD become very balanced very quickly. Not that there are other things that could be done, but I suspect that would go a long ways by itself. > > I'd say its definitely daredevil. 3 dodges a side, lets just call it 2 like everyone else. It's a 450 range escape-evade that clears movement condis, and the whole line stacks -30% incoming dmg as well as giving weakness on enemy's after a successful evade and has a 15% dmg modifier. Who else wouldn't take daredevil lol Anet wanted to sell xpacs so they made DD basically mandatory. Same goes for a lot of especs. Let's be honest, how many really run core on the character? If they nerf DD then people will play DE. If they nerfed DE there will be just no thieves. I guess most people with pve specs in greens in WvW will love it but guess what? They they start to die even more to mesmerss/rangers/wars etc. Look at pvp forums: there are multiple threads and posts complaining about revs since main beating target (thief) got for most part removed with sb nerf. As for this thread: if thief got away this means they are not dumb enough to stay in fight they can't win. If they were your enemy - rejoyce, you just won the fight. Once again people, care what you are asking for. If for some reason Anet would nerf thief escape capability completely they would have to compensate it and result would be some really disgusting type of shiro rev. Good thieves will still murder your average WvW player and you still won't get your bags. Isn't it enough for you that every thief player get instantly kicked from squads and flamed on top of it for simply existing? By own teammates? Or like yesterday, i just wanted to do some dailies, enemy comes in group and trash talks me because i had to run away since i just can't fight them all at once, especially with constant reveals from the keep. I am biased but i will still defend the point that thief is not the issue here. WvW community should seriously look in mirror - maybe they would finally see what toxic mass they have become.
  3. > @"Megametzler.5729" said: > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said: > > > @"Megametzler.5729" said: > > > Why do you always compare thief to rev? You really make thief look even more one-dimensional than it already is. > > > > He's right though. > > The comparison is adequate. Rev serves the same purpose as thief except it's a couple armor tiers higher and has other roles it can fill. > > > > Thief for the length of this game has been one-dimensional, because people reacted poorly to every venture that allowed thief to perform anything that even slightly deviated from +1, because they could run away. Portraying it as having the potential to be anything other than +1, like it would be accepted in any other role, would be being much too optimistic IMO. > > > > He's calling it like it is. It has one role, it will have one role, and other classes do that role better. > > > > > Perma evade is unfun. You need openings and counterplay. The same reason significantly increased weaver's evade spam and rightfully so. > > > > Agreed. What would be fun for you, coming from a thief? > > > > >Give it a new role - like s/d used to have. > > > > Keep in mind people hated S/D because good thieves could shred them with it. > > That is why I am saying: Give thief new roles. > > Make the heal poison meta!!! Been there, done that. People hated it, got nerfed. Tnks, bye. This can be repeated for pretty much every build outside of d/p. D/P is hated as well but i guess it just doesn't do enough damage, has to go in melee and can't hold points so people can somehow live with it. Now that sb and indirectly thief ini got nerfed (once again) we don't even see that many thieves in matches anymore. Rejoyce people. You wanted it. Bow down to your rev overlords.
  4. > @"DoomNexus.5324" said: > > @"Axl.8924" said: > > I voted stronghold just to see what it is, it sounds interesting. > > > > Having more variety could help keep the game alive > > "Just to see what it is" - do you mean what the improvements would be? Or do you mean the mode in general? If the latter then just checkout Unranked, there's a game mode preference somewhere beneath the ranked queue button if I'm not mistaken.. you can switch between "Stronghold, Conquest, Both" and I think by default it's Conquest only. Stronghold is actually a lot of fun :) > Always has been but coming from conquest only the majority of the playerbase didn't really know how to play it and went for a team deathmatch style of play. It was forced into ranked when it came out which probably really hurt its reputation due to being a huge clownfiesta.. nobody was playing the objective or seem to understand what to do. However the players queueing for the mode today are deliberately chosing it over conquest and it really shows because I have yet to come across a guy who goes afk, doesn't play the objective, is toxic, ... whatever.. It's just PvP as it should be tbh. > > > @"Cynz.9437" said: > > Given their resources i would prefer they would stick to conquest. I can understand the appeal of 2v2 and 3v3 however they just can't balance all classes across all those modes - they can't even do it within conquest (not to mention pve and wvw). > > Imo people should stop expecting a perfect balance across all classes across all modes within any game mode. This is just in general not really feasible and even less so if they keep changing the balance.. which they have to do, otherwise it would become stale after a while. We will always some flavor of the month. > > I'm not saying you are but a majority of players in GW2 seem pretty obsessed with playing only meta builds. I can't fully agree, in some metas I had most fun by playing builds that were not even considered viable.. I comfortably sat in plat2 with those builds mind you. > P/P Deadeye for example.. I've played this and quit gw2 way before it got hyped af just to come back to gw2 and see Unload getting nerfed into irrelevance in pvp. Kind of reminds me of cs:go where the AUG (a ct rifle) just sat there for years infront of everyone's eyes unchanged.. When Valve dropped the price, pro-players started buying it and it became meta FAST getting adopted by the entire community. After Valve then brought it up to its original price people started hating because "this price increase is not enough - it's op".. yea.. Or loadouts in rainbow six siege.. Because one pro guy decided to use a shield (I think it was, not sure) it became meta super quick.. You see, metas can be super volatile even without devs changing anything.. people will experiment and discover new broken synergies which may affect entire team compositions if adopted by the community. > What kind of annoys me every time some new balance discussion is coming up that doesn't adress one of the fotm-builds is that a lot of people also seem to confuse "presence of X in mAT/winning mAT with X comp" with "being meta". But I guess my two examples above really underlines that this is not unique to gw2.. If "pro-players" use it then it must be good, right? I just don't think gw2 works like a shooter in this regard.. > Small anecdote following my p/p deadeye story: I had a couple matches - this were in fact pretty much the only ones I've lost while playing the build - where at least one player in my team would go straight afk after noticing that I'm playing p/p and not a meta build.. Because it was so "not viable" they flat out refused to play even tho I usually stomped with it. > > I don't like the current meta either btw, just a little story and my opinion idk. > > > @"Kyraios.8954" said: > > I hope they bring back Jade Quarry in the cantha expansion! That game mode was always packed in Gw1. > Anything from Factions really :D Fort Aspenwood and the Alliance Battles <3 Really shows how great Guild Wars 1 when it comes to competitive content ^^ > If you are interested there are communities for GW1 pvp queues btw.. they usually all login in on saturday evening or whenever there are enough people for a queue pop and just play gw1 pvp. I myself was in a discord server dedicated to Fort Aspenwood but I know that they also have a Jade Quarry discord. Ok. Let's stay by thief: til now the class was balanced around decapping/+1 (althrough given recent nerf rather debatable). Due to that "idea" thief wasn't allowed for most part to be a bruiser/high damage, bunker or a support (any build that could be somehow used as such have been removed pretty quickly). Now if Anet "supported" different kind of mode they would have make the class (and other as well) somehow viable in those game modes which would lead to rather unintended and probably really "unfun" consequences. Let's take 2v2: thief is a joke there. You can argue about it but it is just not the best class for such small party death match given players have same levels of skill. Theoretically the balance team would have to up survivability and damage from thief to be viable in that mode, maybe even support. Take a wild guess how it will affect conquest. Thief would probably turn into shiro rev right after HoT-release if someone remembers it. As far as i recall community hated it. With passion. The nerfs that followed were so hefty that there was no rev for really long time in pvp. Not sure it is great idea to force other classes into that same kind of dynamic.
  5. > @"Kuma.1503" said: > I'm not a fan of the amulet system to begin with. I'd much rather have a pool of stat points that I'm allowed to allocate however I wish Then we would have condi meta because condis need really only 1 stat to work, rest can be invested into survival.
  6. > @"Megametzler.5729" said: > > @"Cynz.9437" said: > > > @"Megametzler.5729" said: > > > I think we should first adjust revenant and then give thief maybe some more team fight capabilities instead of obnoxious stealth mobility for decapping... because I sure don't want that and I don't think that requires much skill at all. > > > > There used to be thief builds that did exactly that - people hated it. > > (...) > > Which ones? Staff builds? If you couple that with the (former) mobility, then yes, that might become quite problematic. (Not talking about the evade nonsense.) Why evade nonsense? That build could hold points. I mean if thief is not allowed to have mobility and stealth then all they have is evades. I mean what is rev? A bruiser thief with no stealth. You guys wanted it. Enjoy.
  7. I thought this is what pvp community wanted. What is the problem? With love, your neighborhood thief <3
  8. Tab (target next enemy) and left mouse click have been more than sufficient for me. Then again it is personal preference. I would really suggest you to keybind set/take target and stow weapon(you can cancel spells with it) on keys you can reach quickly, disable AA on target change, enable instant cast on ground based spells, disable autotargetting.
  9. +1 How do you know there is a zerg in map - your skills are not responding. Been like this for years :<
  10. > @"Megametzler.5729" said: > I think we should first adjust revenant and then give thief maybe some more team fight capabilities instead of obnoxious stealth mobility for decapping... because I sure don't want that and I don't think that requires much skill at all. There used to be thief builds that did exactly that - people hated it. > @"Yasai.3549" said: > **Not sure if +1 even matters anymore when node control builds are extremely potent and can even fend off ganks.** > > Op just has a hate bone against Shiro and players that can play better than him. Pretty much this ^^ (except for the second sentence - i would rather not judge people this much).
  11. I took around 3 years break from game, came back last year and to my horror realized that thief is way worse than it used to be. On the bright side they did tone down certain aspects that made combat in pvp rather enjoyable. Then came the recent "balance" patch and it got even worse. Yeah, i spend more time in raids atm than in pvp although i got this game (even 2 accounts) for pvp actually :|
  12. OP, take a wild guess why there is a necro in every match. At least this is my answer to all those guards.
  13. Given their resources i would prefer they would stick to conquest. I can understand the appeal of 2v2 and 3v3 however they just can't balance all classes across all those modes - they can't even do it within conquest (not to mention pve and wvw).
  14. OP, you obviously missed times when one would end up with 4 thieves on the team vs balanced comp on other side, especially when enemy team also has good players - it was horror and caused a lot of toxicity. I like currently implemented aspect of the matchmaking that attempts to avoid class stacking.
  15. > @"Fipmip.7219" said: > Stealth isnt inherently bad. imo most mechanics can be balanced. its just the implementation that needs constant adjustment. The problem here is that it seems like devs see stealth = survivability = thief class concept. In terms of possible balance paths, this is a sort of local maxima in which thief hard to catch but has a hard time killing. I'll admit, it's fun to flit around, teleport to and fro, stealth in and out, and be a nuisance. But an against it is a huge annoyance. A good fighting character design is both fun to play and play against. > > My proposal is that thief's class concept with regards to stealth is that stealth = opportunity. I think that stealth should give a good reward for using it successfully, for example, buffing the damage and being able to restealth when hitting backstab. however, failing to use stealth successfully, i.e. getting caught, carries heavy punishment, e.g. more revealed. Furthermore, free resets and teleports could also be limited, with some being possibly tied to stealth only, increasing the danger of being exposed. All this would lead to thief truly living on a knife edge between the light and darkness, able to kill people quickly but also be quickly killed if caught. > > **I think the main problem people have when seeing stealth nerf threads is being unable to see past the fact they're losing an essential tool for survivability when what actually needs to happen is for thief to be buffed in other ways**. as I said previously, thief is currently being balanced around the wrong idea. That is what is called revenant at HoT launch. People didn't like it. People also didn't like evade based builds on thief. I honestly think that no matter what devs do majority won't be happy until combat is basically warrior on warrior punching each others faces endlessly. And then everyone quits because it is boring.
  16. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said: > > @"Cynz.9437" said: > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said: > > > All you need is flanking dive. > > > > > > Rotation of the build is flanking dive followed by flanking dive then flanking dive and go then back to step 1. > > > > I like nine-tailed strike more :open_mouth: > > It's alright, but nuking people for 12k flanking dives is silly not to do. Not mention with infiltration signet and landing steals you can spam this indefinitely since it only costs 3 ini. It's also a very good escape tool. I thought we were talking about pve :o
  17. > @"Shao.7236" said: > > @"Cynz.9437" said: > > > @"Kuma.1503" said: > > > Thief skill breaks > > > > > > Anet: Dw fam I gotchu > > > > > > Kalla Elite doesn't have fire field for months > > > > > > Anet: I'm just gonna ignore that. > > > > There are a lot of thief skills that are not working, some since launch. Don't worry, thieves are in same boat and often die due to those bugs (actually have to build and play around those bugs since they affect most builds). The reason why bound was fixed is most likely due to pve (raids say hello). Also, hammer is inconsistent while bounding dodger effect was simply removed - the last is probably easier to fix than wonky mechanics. > > They broke the skill consistency since the added uniformity in the damage and it's only gotten worst with the targeting added with the dislocated hitbox in front of the player, so really It's not hard to fix, they're just not doing it. Shouldn't have had to fix what wasn't broke, or broke what was working fine beforehand. > > The skill is really popular in WvW too so there's no reason to neglect it so badly. Did you really just assume that they care about class balance in wvw lol?
  18. I will pretend this is a serious post and no, i don't agree with it. P.S. i do not play engi in pvp.
  19. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said: > All you need is flanking dive. > > Rotation of the build is flanking dive followed by flanking dive then flanking dive and go then back to step 1. I like nine-tailed strike more :open_mouth:
  20. > @"Yasai.3549" said: > > @"Cynz.9437" said: > > > There are things like traps that do damage and that you can't cancel. > > So.... Traps have are countered by Infused Light. > Glad we took a whole page of back and forth to come to this conclusion. > > Considering OP is coming from a DH perspective, it's no wonder they have so many grievances regarding Herald. > Apparently Heralds using Infused Light against his traps is too op or something. > Well, there are more things like this than just DH traps but sure. I personally don't have issues with infused light but i can also control my attacks due to mechanics of the class i play. I just don't think it is ok to call players "plebs" when rev gains life via IL - sometimes you can't control it.
  21. Yes, yes, yes. My outfit is not the same without ghostly infusion :< What is funny, legendary trinkets (pve ones including) get to keep their effects in pvp.
  22. Necro. Been there, done that. Those who say, just avoid support - well easy, when there is only one. Gets bit harder when there are few of them. Surely, they don't kill as much but they can hold points well and support their teammates. But yeah, necro nomnoms them all. In lower ratings? Use brain cells. I killed bunkers guards and support spellbreakers on my thief (even on core lel) in lower ranks xD
  23. > @"Kuma.1503" said: > Thief skill breaks > > Anet: Dw fam I gotchu > > Kalla Elite doesn't have fire field for months > > Anet: I'm just gonna ignore that. There are a lot of thief skills that are not working, some since launch. Don't worry, thieves are in same boat and often die due to those bugs (actually have to build and play around those bugs since they affect most builds). The reason why bound was fixed is most likely due to pve (raids say hello). Also, hammer is inconsistent while bounding dodger effect was simply removed - the last is probably easier to fix than wonky mechanics.
  24. Your post won't survive long because your screenshot shows names. For some reason they don't allow it here O.o
  25. > @"Virdo.1540" said: > > @"Megametzler.5729" said: > > > > Actually, if revenant does not get significant healing from this skill, the revenant deserve to stay in pleb tier. > > > > Actually, if someone continues to attack a herald after seeing him use the Infused Light, the player deserve to stay in pleb tier. > Its extremely easy to see. You can even see if the passive facet is already prepared for a heal. > Blocks (like Aegis) lowers healing you get. Resistance completely remove the healing you would get from conditions. Poison even lowers the incoming healing. > > There are things like traps that do damage and that you can't cancel.
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