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Stand The Wall.6987

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Everything posted by Stand The Wall.6987

  1. the reason this will never happen is cuz anet will protect the players feels. remember when they hid elite spec right after hot?
  2. its most likely anets amazon servers. i was using a vpn and getting stable ping until anet switched servers. i heard choosing a vpn server (if your vpn allows you to) close to amazons servers can help but i'm not sure on that.
  3. > @"Kuma.1503" said: > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said: > > > @"Kuma.1503" said: > > > an ex-Ele main who's been on a year-long search of a new class to call home. > > > > everyone who leaves their main chooses engi > > Why? Because it's meta? I was under the impression people avoided it because they didn't like their kits. > Either way, it was the closest thing to Ele. > > Ele has their attunement swaps, engi has their kit swaps, but I'd probably have more success if I didn't handicap myself by playing core. nah i was just kidding lol. for the people that did choose engi like me tho, its the most diverse prof with the best skills. just look at personal battering rams animation. it doesn't get any better then that.
  4. > @"Kuma.1503" said: > an ex-Ele main who's been on a year-long search of a new class to call home. everyone who leaves their main chooses engi
  5. it would be interesting to try out for a week.
  6. there def needs to be more boon rip. the nerf to boon rip in the megapatch was dumb. this could be done easily and effectively but this is anet we're talking about.
  7. it would be nice if balanced builds were viable again. for cele, i wouldn't add in condi/ boon duration but a bit more power. the game really needs much better 4 stat combos that support balanced builds, such as +power (or condi) +heal - precise -vital (or tough). this would only work for classes that have + precise and + feroc traits. it would be awesome if we could just have gear that added points into a shared pool that we could then assign to each stat as we saw fit (with limits ofc).
  8. holo has crystal config eclipse, shield block, and elixir s. its fine on survivability. its problem is most of its big damage is projectiles (grenades, holo4). laser disk is good. mine field is too spread out to be useful (you can only hit 1 person with 3 mines tops). you're left with bomb kit, and you might as well play power scrapper with that. druid needs bigger aoe in CA and boon support. support mes needs bigger aoe on its mantras and more direct support (heals, condi cleanse, boons). pain mantra spam for heals is good but thats the only option. chrono is useless without IP and offers nothing for group utility other then double cc well. mirage useless with 1 dodge. mesmer useless cuz clones die to aoe. no damage option. ggwp.
  9. > @"Shao.7236" said: > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said: > > i think messing with duration and cd first is more prudent. > > I considered that, which is smart to suggest really. However given how Revenant works, it's hard to recommend as an Upkeep skill and little effect it'll have in general when swapping legends back and forth. > > Should as an upkeep the skill be a commitment of the same level the others have in the legend? I can see that work while keeping the effect of said skill in check to prevent too much cheese, losing the liberty as is right now brings a lot of mixed feelings for the rev in me. it would be weird to have a duration on an upkeep skill. ~~so yeah idk something is definitely off about the skill, i think an interval would work well but not necessarily fix it. maybe bump up the cd first since its a ridiculous 3 sec.~~ nah i agree i think an interval would be best.
  10. > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said: > How can you even consider buffing something when most of e-speces are poorly designed, did you ever though about what you write atleast once? > I can't even imagine how broken they would need to make Druid to replace FB or even fight for Support slot in meta without breaking it into other areas, simply impossible to do so. > Buff something to broken level so it can fight another broken thing, best idea ever. so instead of buffing something that is poorly designed, lets nerf something that is well designed. makes sense. simply impossible to make something viable, so have to break it instead. makes sense.
  11. not necessarily but overall yes. people will always have their mains and favs so bias will always be there. ofc learning how another class plays is the key to understanding how to beat it, but some players are just bad tho for a variety of reasons.
  12. > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said: > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said: > > > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said: > > > FB should get nerfs and redesign as well, too much of everything in one spec. > > > > yeah nerf something that has been nerfed hard already so other class looks slightly better, makes sense lel > > If it was depending on me, I would have deleted every single e-spec and redesigned them from scratch, since all of them are kitten bad. FB has access to far too many skills, end of story, it's broken. > Your so called "argument" would be fine only if FB wouldn't be used anymore, oh wait, it's still defining meta stuff. After so many nerfs it's still used and kicks out pretty much everything else from "support role", literally unplayable. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i guess we're dealing with a 1 million brain power individual here. nothing will ever replace guard due to anets philosophy of restricting mechanics to certain classes. even if you nerfed guard into oblivion, it would still be picked because it has the most diverse profile. so, instead of nerfing something strong, it would make more sense to buff something weak since most supports have 1 or maybe 2 things going for them but completely lack in other crucial areas.
  13. > @"Kuma.1503" said: > With every outlier we nerd so you think your theory craft is pretty good, eh?!?!
  14. > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said: > FB should get nerfs and redesign as well, too much of everything in one spec. yeah nerf something that has been nerfed hard already so other class looks slightly better, makes sense lel
  15. i think messing with duration and cd first is more prudent.
  16. mega patch was good first step but no follow up now salty so i vote against my own interest
  17. ye i always spam crystal desert for free armor when i need
  18. terror used to be strong before the nerf to corrupts now its meh
  19. anet thinks that restricting certain mechanics to specific classes is the way to go, they won't change. best we can hope for are small changes to make specific skills a little better, i.e. radius inceases and cd decreases, as well as slight functionality changes.
  20. when wvw gets content everyone gets upset.
  21. pulsing immob is the same as pulsing cc, it should be removed imo.
  22. i think sc/ f ele burns has better potential, but yeah those builds could possibly be a decent nuisance.
  23. > @"Yasai.3549" said: > I still want my Chariot idea to be a thing. > > Mount + Chariot Siege which ferries up to 4 players which can use their weapon skills. yes! these are the ideas that need attention. there should be a trap that destroys the chariot and launches the occupants 1200 range too.
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