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Chance of Tengu playable race in the new expansion?

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> @"Dragon.4782" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Dragon.4782" said:

> > > That might not necessarily be the case.

> > Oh, that was _definitely_ the case. They had no hometown, starting areas, racial quests and cultural armor done, for example. No voice lines either. Does that point to them being "cut out at last minute"? That would have to be a veeery long last minute then.

> >

> >


> They could still augment current VA's or even have recurring VA's (Like Liam O'Brian for instance who comes by somewhat frequently at Anet to do voice recordings for toons) voice tengu lines and have them do their own campaign that ties directly into the End of Dragons. With the manpower they have now, a new map, city, etc. is plausible.

It still has nothing to do with the claim that Tengu were "cut out at last minute" and thus were nearly complete, needing only small finishing touches. No, they weren't. And it's not about them having or not the manpower (although i would say that this is probably one of the _worst_ moments to free some devs on such project, as they seem to be already extremely strapped for resources). It's about the size of what is missing. You are talking about at least a whole LS-chapter size (or two) of work here. And i mean a full chapter, not one like the last.

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Well one way they could implement Tengu in the game is that their story starts off from when the new expansion (EoD) begins. And to be able to play as a Tengu, for example you have to have completed the core story with atleast one core race toon, otherwise the Tengu will be locked until you've done that. This way of implementing Tengu in the game makes sense to me, and I've seen other MMOs doing this exact same thing with new races before.


Maybe they cant become a commander like our other toons, instead they have their own reasons that they are fighting for and their own rankings equivalent to being a commander. As the story proceeds in the expansion they start to cooperate with the other races and their story naturally entwine with the others story.


And when you're doing the content in core Tyria with your Tengu, you will not be able to do the core story since it already "happened" with your other toon, so it will be more about exploring and doing the other contents that exists in core tyria.


Now the tricky part is when it comes to HoT and PoF story and implementing Tengu in it. Maybe you guys have some good ideas to fill in there? :)




This crossed my mind, but one way they could deal with Tengu going to old zones (core, HoT, PoF) could be as I said before, they cant do the stories anymore since they already happened before EoD started. Instead, the Tengus has started to explore Tyria by themselves and there is Tengu NPCs popping up allover Tyria, HoT and PoF. They can create new events and side stories that are connected to the new Tengu NPCs in those zones that are meant to be for the Tengu players, but that other races can do aswell. This is a good incentive for people to go back to old zones which will benefit the new players aswell(specially the new players from steam).


Just a thought :)

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> @"AshkyLicious.4729" said:

> Now the tricky part is when it comes to HoT and PoF story and implementing Tengu in it. Maybe you guys have some good ideas to fill in there? :)


They dealt with that problem in GW1 - you're reliving past events and are treated as / voiced by the default race.

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> @"AshkyLicious.4729" said:

> Well one way they could implement Tengu in the game is that their story starts off from when the new expansion (EoD) begins. And to be able to play as a Tengu, for example you have to have completed the core story with atleast one core race toon, otherwise the Tengu will be locked until you've done that. This way of implementing Tengu in the game makes sense to me, and I've seen other MMOs doing this exact same thing with new races before.


> Maybe they cant become a commander like our other toons, instead they have their own reasons that they are fighting for and their own rankings equivalent to being a commander. As the story proceeds in the expansion they start to cooperate with the other races and their story naturally entwine with the others story.


> And when you're doing the content in core Tyria with your Tengu, you will not be able to do the core story since it already "happened" with your other toon, so it will be more about exploring and doing the other contents that exists in core tyria.


> Now the tricky part is when it comes to HoT and PoF story and implementing Tengu in it. Maybe you guys have some good ideas to fill in there? :)


> Edit:


> This crossed my mind, but one way they could deal with Tengu going to old zones (core, HoT, PoF) could be as I said before, they cant do the stories anymore since they already happened before EoD started. Instead, the Tengus has started to explore Tyria by themselves and there is Tengu NPCs popping up allover Tyria, HoT and PoF. They can create new events and side stories that are connected to the new Tengu NPCs in those zones that are meant to be for the Tengu players, but that other races can do aswell. This is a good incentive for people to go back to old zones which will benefit the new players aswell(specially the new players from steam).


> Just a thought :)


THIS!!!! This bypasses half of the problems of making a new playable race entirely!!!!! Thank You!!!! And given the writing/creative team behind Anet, I am confident they can come up with something good!

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Dragon.4782" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Dragon.4782" said:

> > > > That might not necessarily be the case.

> > > Oh, that was _definitely_ the case. They had no hometown, starting areas, racial quests and cultural armor done, for example. No voice lines either. Does that point to them being "cut out at last minute"? That would have to be a veeery long last minute then.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > They could still augment current VA's or even have recurring VA's (Like Liam O'Brian for instance who comes by somewhat frequently at Anet to do voice recordings for toons) voice tengu lines and have them do their own campaign that ties directly into the End of Dragons. With the manpower they have now, a new map, city, etc. is plausible.

> It still has nothing to do with the claim that Tengu were "cut out at last minute" and thus were nearly complete, needing only small finishing touches. No, they weren't. And it's not about them having or not the manpower (although i would say that this is probably one of the _worst_ moments to free some devs on such project, as they seem to be already extremely strapped for resources). It's about the size of what is missing. You are talking about at least a whole LS-chapter size (or two) of work here. And i mean a full chapter, not one like the last.


I'm sorry I am having a tough time following you on this one. Are you saying that because they already are working on the expansion, they wont have the time to work on a new race? Because I imagine they are doing something big if the last episode of Icebrood Saga is mostly (if not entirely) taking place in older maps.

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> @"Dragon.4782" said:

> I'm sorry I am having a tough time following you on this one. Are you saying that because they already are working on the expansion, they wont have the time to work on a new race? Because I imagine they are doing something big if the last episode of Icebrood Saga is mostly (if not entirely) taking place in older maps.

Yes. There's a strong possibility that the whole case of splitting the last chapter over 4 weaksauce parts with barely any content (if the first one is any guidance) is caused by them working on expansion, and no longer having the capability of working on two major projects (expansion and LS) at the same time. Notice, that it was pretty much this case with the first expansion. It was only well over half a year later when their dev numbers grew up to the level where they could start working on PoF without impacting LS releases. Layoffs seem to have brought them back to that original situation.


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > Please no. Keep in mind, that introducing new playable race would require a lot of work on fitting already existing armors to tengu


> No, they could just do three racial armor sets and that would be it.


No. The players who play as tengu will not accept that and will demand existing and future armor sets to be created for them.

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They could take the Death Knight approach in WoW and create a race which has its own storyline and starts from a certain point. Like you'd need at least one level 80 character to create a tengu and the tengu would be level 40 or 50 or so. That way they wouldn't need to re-do the old armors for tengu and they would only need to adapt higher level ones.

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The way I see it, there are three major obstacles to making a new race: making armors fit, voice acting for the story, and new zones to go along with the race. So let's look at where the tengu stand in regards to them:


**Armor** Well, the more a new race's rigging corresponds to an existing race, the easier it should be to get armor models to fit on that race. Since the tengu already use the same rigging as the charr, making the armor models fit them should be easier than if they were working on a race that was completely different. Not to say that there wouldn't be any extra work needed to get armor pieces to fit right, but it should actually be fairly analogous to taking an armor piece initially designed around humans, and applying it to sylvari, as an example.


**Voices** The other potential really big issue for a new race, as the story has a lot of voice acting to it. There's two ways you could potentially work around this: First, as some people here have said, you could essentially have it that the tengu start at the current stage of the story, and don't experience any of the story prior to EoD. The other option, which I've brought up elsewhere, is to not actually have a new voice actor for the tengu, but rather use the existing recordings for one of the current races with some post-processing effects to alter the pitch and make it sound a bit distinct from the original. With that, you would have 95% of the voice lines you need for a new race without having to do any new recording (of course, you'd still need to get new recordings for that remaining 5%, but that should be fairly manageable). This wouldn't work for a new race with a distinct accent (like the largos) or an unusual speech pattern (like the quaggans), but for a race like the tengu, it should work fine. And frankly if having two races sound similar is the price to be paid to see a new race happen, I'd be fine with it.


**New Zones** I figure that a new race would require the addition of two or three new zones (not counting the level 80 content making up the rest of the expansion): a new city, a new tier one zone (the equivalent of Queensdale or Ashford), and potentially a new tier two zone (like Kessex or Brisban) to serve as the newbie experience of the race, after which they could reasonably be folded in to the existing zones for the rest of the leveling experience. And of course, people would still expect a full batch of level 80 content out of an expansion pack, meaning that EoD would need to be larger than either of the previous expansions. I have to admit, the fact that the Icebrood content is going to be so thin for the next several months actually has me a bit optimistic on this front, as I could see them doing something like putting the Living World team on making the tengu content, while the main expansion team is working on the Cantha zones.


Just my thoughts on it.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > No, they could just do three racial armor sets and that would be it.

> > No. The players who play as tengu will not accept that and will demand existing and future armor sets to be created for them.


> Future perhaps, but existing? I'd play Tengu with "only" racial armor, no problem.


Both. We saw it with legendary armor when sPvP and WvW wanted legendary armor in their games modes. They made the argument of getting it with no special skins. When it was added, they quickly started demanding for unique skins.


“They” being them as a collective. In the case of Tengu, you cannot speak for players as some may have no issue with limited armor availability, others would have issues, and there may even be those who say they wouldn’t have an issue just to make it an issue later in hopes of increasing the likelihood of getting what they want.

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  • 5 weeks later...

> @"Taylan.2187" said:

> Oh man, I thought this was related to the new episode or something, didn't realize it was an old video. xD

> There were Tengu in the trailer... Gotta play it soon and check out if there's any Tengu-related news.


There is not the tengu were from whats coming in later chapters not this one.

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