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Balance Update June 2020


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I was under the impression that balance updates were announced to happen regularly. That‘s why I am a little confused about why we still haven‘t received any informations until now. I mean, condition damage makes playing normally impossible at the moment, the same 3 classes (Nec, Rev & Engi) dominate sPvP for 4 or 5 years now and I really thought last patch was a step in the right direction. That‘s why it is even more important to follow up with new balance updates after the last big one.

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> @"snoow.1694" said:

>I mean, condition damage makes playing normally impossible at the moment, the same 3 classes (Nec, Rev & Engi) dominate sPvP for 4 or 5 years now and I really thought last patch was a step in the right direction. That‘s why it is even more important to follow up with new balance updates after the last big one.


Scourge had a great ride at the release of PoF but in the second year faded away; has been years since the last time that core necro had presence in PvP. And if I can play power Rev with berserker amulet in ranked anyone should do the same with any class and at least a few builds.


In fact I think that we hadn't so much build variety in years; I did use 5 diffrente builds with only two different classes this season 20 and in the past 2 vs 2 mini-season my build was also different. When was the last time we had condi Rangers or Thieves, Renegades using short bow, oer even Tempest playing around? You didn't even mentioned Guardians, and I saw at least 3-4 different builds from that class doing decently at both ranked and AT.

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i hope they would fix this bunkermeta, rly fed up with this shit. i have to play properly with minimum of mistakes, while bunkeridiot does his faceroll and does more damage than me.

If i want some roam/dps i sacrifice damage and survivability, bunkers has both of that. I'd like to add some punishing mechs versus them, such a dumb shit here, game lost sustain, its no reason to choose between berserker or marauder, who cares, if there's no changes with ur damage. Pvp now is a torture, its about more ppl to leave this game mode, ur auto dmg is around 200-300, goddamn ridiculous

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> @"Aihao.5824" said:

> i hope they would fix this bunkermeta, rly fed up with this kitten. i have to play properly with minimum of mistakes, while bunkeridiot does his faceroll and does more damage than me.

> If i want some roam/dps i sacrifice damage and survivability, bunkers has both of that. I'd like to add some punishing mechs versus them, such a dumb kitten here, game lost sustain, its no reason to choose between berserker or marauder, who cares, if there's no changes with ur damage. Pvp now is a torture, its about more ppl to leave this game mode, ur auto dmg is around 200-300, kitten ridiculous


Completely true and it is not said enough. **The current state of the game balance caters to braindead bunker / cheese builds that give such an advantage that you can predict the outcome of a match just looking at both team comps 90% of the time**. The 10 other % is RNG based because of a completely idiotic MMS.


It is not PvP anymore, just Build vs Build. Player input is negligible. I can only say Bravo to the PVP team and ask them, if they are decent players only, if they are honestly enjoying their own game and would recommend anybody to play PvP semi-seriously ?


You take 1 Nec + 1 rev +1 tempest + 2 rando vs 2 thief s+ 1 ranger + 2 rando. Well, do you think you will enjoy that match if you are in the second team?

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We got a balance patch just last month where Ranger, Necro, Engi, and Ele got addressed. They also ended up removing tanky amulets.


Anet has been keeping to their promise so far. Be patient, there should be a new patch coming up shortly.

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I did expect a balance patch this week since they patch the game every two weeks and we got no content update this week. Maybe the EU server issue caused them to cancel the patch. I don't know.


We can expect to get the delayed patch of this week in the next week or on june the 9th (two weeks after the next episode update) as they usually don't combine balance patches with content updates.

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Word on the street is that there was meant to be another pretty hefty patch coming but the higher ups don't want a big patch making the zoomers cry about longer cool downs and having to think tactically.


This would delay a planned patch as it has to be revised in scope and keep essential changes and have a staged roll out.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"snoow.1694" said:

> >I mean, condition damage makes playing normally impossible at the moment, the same 3 classes (Nec, Rev & Engi) dominate sPvP for 4 or 5 years now and I really thought last patch was a step in the right direction. That‘s why it is even more important to follow up with new balance updates after the last big one.


> Scourge had a great ride at the release of PoF but in the second year faded away; has been years since the last time that core necro had presence in PvP. And if I can play power Rev with berserker amulet in ranked anyone should do the same with any class and at least a few builds.


> In fact I think that we hadn't so much build variety in years; I did use 5 diffrente builds with only two different classes this season 20 and in the past 2 vs 2 mini-season my build was also different. When was the last time we had condi Rangers or Thieves, Renegades using short bow, oer even Tempest playing around? You didn't even mentioned Guardians, and I saw at least 3-4 different builds from that class doing decently at both ranked and AT.


The difference between berserker herald and other classes is that herald still sits on 18.5k hp and has a lot of tools to avoid incoming damage. Something which isn't a reality for other classes.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> Word on the street is that there was meant to be another pretty hefty patch coming but the higher ups don't want a big patch making the zoomers cry about longer cool downs and having to think tactically.


> This would delay a planned patch as it has to be revised in scope and keep essential changes and have a staged roll out.


Could you elaborate a bit more?

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> @"Allarius.5670" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > Word on the street is that there was meant to be another pretty hefty patch coming but the higher ups don't want a big patch making the zoomers cry about longer cool downs and having to think tactically.

> >

> > This would delay a planned patch as it has to be revised in scope and keep essential changes and have a staged roll out.


> Could you elaborate a bit more?


Not without getting into the who's and what's which would likely get deleted. Essentially the rumour is the last patch we had was supposed to be much bigger. Now what they were doing I've only heard bits and bats but I know condi thief, burn guard and bunker renegade are getting hit specifically soon tm.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"Buran.3796" said:

> > > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > >I mean, condition damage makes playing normally impossible at the moment, the same 3 classes (Nec, Rev & Engi) dominate sPvP for 4 or 5 years now and I really thought last patch was a step in the right direction. That‘s why it is even more important to follow up with new balance updates after the last big one.

> >

> > Scourge had a great ride at the release of PoF but in the second year faded away; has been years since the last time that core necro had presence in PvP. And if I can play power Rev with berserker amulet in ranked anyone should do the same with any class and at least a few builds.

> >

> > In fact I think that we hadn't so much build variety in years; I did use 5 diffrente builds with only two different classes this season 20 and in the past 2 vs 2 mini-season my build was also different. When was the last time we had condi Rangers or Thieves, Renegades using short bow, oer even Tempest playing around? You didn't even mentioned Guardians, and I saw at least 3-4 different builds from that class doing decently at both ranked and AT.


> The difference between berserker herald and other classes is that herald still sits on 18.5k hp and has a lot of tools to avoid incoming damage. Something which isn't a reality for other classes.


But Ranger has plenty of ranged damage to pressure targets and kill them while playing outside the control point areas filled with AoEs, the same as the Deadeye or DP Thieves (which play a hit and run). Mesmers also doesn't need to stay at melee range to do their job. So we have a fair amount of builds which tank and spam AoEs while not being much mobile, but also a good chunck of classes which can move fast around the map and poke at range or burst and disengage, decap uncontested nodes or get the map buffs while the bunkers slowly fight each others at middle. Before February, the problem was just the opposite: huge spike burst, half of a team downed in 30 seconds and the winning ones snowballing the map winning in 5 minutes after a 4 minutes queue. The current state, with the slower pace, the build variety and the balance between "yes I normally can tank damage but still I can die fast if I got cc chained" is way better.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"Allarius.5670" said:

> > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > Word on the street is that there was meant to be another pretty hefty patch coming but the higher ups don't want a big patch making the zoomers cry about longer cool downs and having to think tactically.

> > >

> > > This would delay a planned patch as it has to be revised in scope and keep essential changes and have a staged roll out.

> >

> > Could you elaborate a bit more?


> Not without getting into the who's and what's which would likely get deleted. Essentially the rumour is the last patch we had was supposed to be much bigger. Now what they were doing I've only heard bits and bats but I know condi thief, burn guard and bunker renegade are getting hit specifically soon tm.


yeah, I heard some similar things. along with some exciting things for off season. looking pretty good tbh

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1) Power rev is too strong and condi rev is just ridiculous. Braindead sustain+high damage+good mobility.

No balancing/hotfix for 3 months now, great job dev team^^

2) Necro the same. High sustain+high damage. Has access to perma swiftness and fear needs to get nerfed too.

3) Condi thief should not run around like this. After years, stealth still seems to be the only spamable ability. Why?

4) Except guards, nearly all classes have too much mobility.

5) Overpowered classes affect unbalanced matchmaking.

6) Only good thing about op classes is, that many players dont know how to play it to the max.


There are other issues as well, but these are most obvious ones. I always defended the new dev team, but I start asking myself now,

if they even want a balanced PvP mode at all. Although PvP improved pretty much, compared to times of powercreep,

generating hopes and then disappointing people is a bad thing ! ! !

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> @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> 1) Power rev is too strong and condi rev is just ridiculous. Braundead sustain+high damage+good mobility.

> No balancing/hotfix for 3 months now, great job dev team^^

> 2) Necro the same. High sustain+high damage. Has access to perma swiftness and fear needs to get nerfed too.

> 3) Condi thief should not run around like this. After years, stealth still seems to be the only spamable ability. Why?

> 4) Except guards, nearly all classes have too much mobility.

> 5) Overpowered classes affect unbalanced matchmaking.


> There are other issues as well, but these are most obvious ones. I always defended the new dev team, but I start asking myself now,

> if they even want a balanced PvP mode. Although PvP improved pretty much, compared to times of powercreep,

> Generating hopes and then disappointing people is a bad thing ! ! !


ill give it 1-2 more patches, im running out of will tbh.

nothing getting fixed, and no effort whatsoever

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> @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> 1) Power rev is too strong and condi rev is just ridiculous. Braindead sustain+high damage+good mobility.

> No balancing/hotfix for 3 months now, great job dev team^^

> 2) Necro the same. High sustain+high damage. Has access to perma swiftness and fear needs to get nerfed too.

> 3) Condi thief should not run around like this. After years, stealth still seems to be the only spamable ability. Why?

> 4) Except guards, nearly all classes have too much mobility.

> 5) Overpowered classes affect unbalanced matchmaking.

> 6) Only good thing about op classes is, that many players dont know how to play it to the max.


> There are other issues as well, but these are most obvious ones. I always defended the new dev team, but I start asking myself now,

> if they even want a balanced PvP mode at all. Although PvP improved pretty much, compared to times of powercreep,

> generating hopes and then disappointing people is a bad thing ! ! !


Condi thief doesn't have spammable stealth. Where do people get this from?

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> @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > 1) Power rev is too strong and condi rev is just ridiculous. Braindead sustain+high damage+good mobility.

> > No balancing/hotfix for 3 months now, great job dev team^^

> > 2) Necro the same. High sustain+high damage. Has access to perma swiftness and fear needs to get nerfed too.

> > 3) Condi thief should not run around like this. After years, stealth still seems to be the only spamable ability. Why?

> > 4) Except guards, nearly all classes have too much mobility.

> > 5) Overpowered classes affect unbalanced matchmaking.

> > 6) Only good thing about op classes is, that many players dont know how to play it to the max.

> >

> > There are other issues as well, but these are most obvious ones. I always defended the new dev team, but I start asking myself now,

> > if they even want a balanced PvP mode at all. Although PvP improved pretty much, compared to times of powercreep,

> > generating hopes and then disappointing people is a bad thing ! ! !


> Condi thief doesn't have spammable stealth. Where do people get this from?


Probably because, to them, any thief that uses stealth more than once in a fight is “spamming it.” Also known as “a thief who is still alive and contributes to their team by not being dead.”

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > > 1) Power rev is too strong and condi rev is just ridiculous. Braindead sustain+high damage+good mobility.

> > > No balancing/hotfix for 3 months now, great job dev team^^

> > > 2) Necro the same. High sustain+high damage. Has access to perma swiftness and fear needs to get nerfed too.

> > > 3) Condi thief should not run around like this. After years, stealth still seems to be the only spamable ability. Why?

> > > 4) Except guards, nearly all classes have too much mobility.

> > > 5) Overpowered classes affect unbalanced matchmaking.

> > > 6) Only good thing about op classes is, that many players dont know how to play it to the max.

> > >

> > > There are other issues as well, but these are most obvious ones. I always defended the new dev team, but I start asking myself now,

> > > if they even want a balanced PvP mode at all. Although PvP improved pretty much, compared to times of powercreep,

> > > generating hopes and then disappointing people is a bad thing ! ! !

> >

> > Condi thief doesn't have spammable stealth. Where do people get this from?


> Probably because, to them, any thief that uses stealth more than once in a fight is “spamming it.” Also known as “a thief who is still alive and contributes to their team by not being dead.”


And a piece of nonsense like this one calls into question the rest of the list.

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> @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > 1) Power rev is too strong and condi rev is just ridiculous. Braindead sustain+high damage+good mobility.

> > No balancing/hotfix for 3 months now, great job dev team^^

> > 2) Necro the same. High sustain+high damage. Has access to perma swiftness and fear needs to get nerfed too.

> > 3) Condi thief should not run around like this. After years, stealth still seems to be the only spamable ability. Why?

> > 4) Except guards, nearly all classes have too much mobility.

> > 5) Overpowered classes affect unbalanced matchmaking.

> > 6) Only good thing about op classes is, that many players dont know how to play it to the max.

> >

> > There are other issues as well, but these are most obvious ones. I always defended the new dev team, but I start asking myself now,

> > if they even want a balanced PvP mode at all. Although PvP improved pretty much, compared to times of powercreep,

> > generating hopes and then disappointing people is a bad thing ! ! !


> Condi thief doesn't have spammable stealth. Where do people get this from?


..dagger 5

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> @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > > 1) Power rev is too strong and condi rev is just ridiculous. Braindead sustain+high damage+good mobility.

> > > No balancing/hotfix for 3 months now, great job dev team^^

> > > 2) Necro the same. High sustain+high damage. Has access to perma swiftness and fear needs to get nerfed too.

> > > 3) Condi thief should not run around like this. After years, stealth still seems to be the only spamable ability. Why?

> > > 4) Except guards, nearly all classes have too much mobility.

> > > 5) Overpowered classes affect unbalanced matchmaking.

> > > 6) Only good thing about op classes is, that many players dont know how to play it to the max.

> > >

> > > There are other issues as well, but these are most obvious ones. I always defended the new dev team, but I start asking myself now,

> > > if they even want a balanced PvP mode at all. Although PvP improved pretty much, compared to times of powercreep,

> > > generating hopes and then disappointing people is a bad thing ! ! !

> >

> > Condi thief doesn't have spammable stealth. Where do people get this from?


> ..dagger 5


that's not spam.


in gaming terms, you are way off from the meaning.

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