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What is the top reason for your char’s deaths?

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My most common causes of death...


- Being in SAB. If I could remove just one thing entirely from the game, it would be SAB.

- Cheap one-shot attacks, such as Mordrem/Forged snipers and those strafing wyverns in the Mouth fight.

- Trying to do group content with low-watt bookahs who don't do mechanics and/or don't carry their weight.

- The game not performing properly. Lag, auto target picking everything BUT the mob that's hitting me, my character stops attacking mid-fight for no reason whatsoever, and so forth.

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Before HoT: Falling from high places.

Now it's just "gg". I hate when my team in fractals tells me to /gg because they can't improvise and they need that little easy mode (mistlock saves you from downed state). I don't need it. If people in raids can play without precast, then same thing should be in fractals.

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> @"Skiravor.1257" said:

> I did not see the "pve chain cc to death" option.


> This game has way too much cc, there needs to be some kind of immunity mechanic after first cc.


THIS. Seems like there's some kind of CC on every mob and the recovery times are way too long.

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> @"voidek.5738" said:

> Falling from high grounds. :p


I was looking for this in the poll tbh hahahaha my main always falls, idk why I only fall often with her O_O it's like she is clumsy haha you can imagine the struggle first time in heart of thorns maps

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None of the above, we need an extra option:

ArenaNet is the top reason for dying.


All other things I die occasionally when I make a mistake, but the VAST MAYORITY of deaths is broken game content.


I contribute 75% of my /death stats to Areanet's fault. Plain and simple. Therefor the /deaths stats are a joke to begin with


- Insta death on falling 1 freaking meter... happens often (Stop gliding to land, instead BAM dead. - Mostly Bloodstone Fen)

- Death because of lag - Thunderhead Peaks anyone?!?! the biggest joker map currently in the game for months already

- Death because of cinematics in storyline during a fight that does NOT skip - Found myself dead too often, getting out of that crap (if I actually didn't crash due to it)

- Deaths because of skills not doing what they promise (dodge, stunbreak failure etc)

- Deaths because leaving map/instance without warning or even getting close to visible border

- Deaths because of poison (example in Tangled Depths - despite having the correct mastery)

- Death because I attack an enemy but a freakin oakheart essence is too close by and is automatically attached (dumb design!)


Do I need to continue?



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One of my more memorable deaths just now, in Drizzlewood Coast:


>! While we were capturing Leadfoot Village, Vishen yeeted me off the roof (just as I got to her) right into a torch on the barricade wall, where one of the mobs promptly immobilized me. It couldn't have been more effective if they'd planned it! :3

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1. Biting off more than I can chew

2. Lag contributes more often than I like, so missing a dodge to get spiked...

3. Lack of skill contributes more often than I like, so missing a dodge to get spiked...

4. Pvp-all forms-see reasons 1-3

5. Pve-all forms-see reasons 1-3

6. afk deaths are a thing

7. falling deaths are a thing

Pretty much that's my time in GW2, or any game for that matter.

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