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Legendary Gathering Tools

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I wanted to propose the following idea for discussion and see if anyone else agrees with me.


I think it would be really cool if we had some sort of collection that delved into lore that let us ultimately get an upgraded Legendary version of our gathering tools. One collection per type of tool. The benefit here would be that they function in the same way as any unbreakable tool, BUT would have an extra glyph slot. It also doesn't have to impact the gem store, since they could still sell the different skins of animations and glyphs etc. This would also pair well with the upcoming Legendary armory as it would allow you to get a set of items that can be character shared and you wouldn't have to keep swapping your unbreakable tools with shared inventory slots either! Well, let me know your thoughts on this idea. Thanks!

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someone already raised previously proposing having extra glyph, but it'd be way too OP Reaping / Industry with another, a single slot makes players have to chose 1 glyph over another which is good design


for example I use Industry with wvw toon to not fall behind the zerg, which may result in missing out on objectives, I use Reaping on a toon that have bad healing skills to quickly gather the trees from malchor to not die while the area is corrupted, while other one toons parked there uses Unbound so i can have enough unbound magic to gamble for clovers

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Reaping glyph requires a lot of nodes in a concentrated place to be super effective. the only place I have found great success is within your home instance and those nodes are refreshed daily. Also glyph of industry just speeds up the process of gathering. Nothing about what you said can be seen as too OP. In fact, I challenge anyone to tell me why having an extra glyph could ever be a bad thing. Extra resources from something like this would help to keep the economy in check if anything, or have you not noticed in the past year the cost of globs has gone up over 30%?

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> @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

> Extra resources from something like this would help to keep the economy in check if anything, or have you not noticed in the past year the cost of globs has gone up over 30%?


Now look at ectos on a multi-year chart and see how cheap they still are relatively. And what do gathering glyphs have to do with ectos? Economy could use more sinks for multiple things before it gets more sources. At least zephyr festival is coming up.


What your idea would do is tank the value of remaining gatherables even further, glyph of bounty is great on its own and silly combined with the others. Bounty + herbalist = no more valuable plants (even more than now). Bounty + prospector = bye bye what’s left of platinum ore’s value.


And it is gonna feel really crappy for anyone who bought a gemstore tool with real money. whether justified or not, lots of people would probably feel like their cash tool was now second-rate and would resent “having” to grind out a legendary tool after making a cash purchase. Mad customers are not good for business.

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> @"thehipone.6812" said:


> And it is gonna feel really crappy for anyone who bought a gemstore tool with real money. whether justified or not, lots of people would probably feel like their cash tool was now second-rate and would resent “having” to grind out a legendary tool after making a cash purchase. Mad customers are not good for business.


I am a person who has bought multiple sets of tools from the gemstore already. Heck, I've played long enough to still have soulbound tools like the molten mining axe. Tbh I still buy new tools when they come out with a glyph I want, and I am the one asking for something like this. The argument that a person would feel crummy for buying a tool, using it for a while and getting their value out of it when something new or better comes out is weak tbh. You paid for a convenience at that time, not a requirement. What something like this would do is give a QoL improvement for the people who have 1 set of unbreakable tools but would like to have it on all characters. The idea of an extra glyph slot was just because legendary should be better than standard in some way. I still don't see how one extra glyph slot is the breaking point when we already have one, but you are welcome to your opinion.

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Your idea would work if - as said by others- it wasn't in competition with monetised versions, even with the proposed extra glyph. Anet are always popping out a new set of tools and it is clear that's where they want to make money from.


Whilst I like the idea - especially any themed collection it comes with - I also don't see them adding something that might risk their income dropping. I mean we don't even see in game rewards for mount or glider skins for this very reason

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> @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

> > @"thehipone.6812" said:


> > And it is gonna feel really crappy for anyone who bought a gemstore tool with real money. whether justified or not, lots of people would probably feel like their cash tool was now second-rate and would resent “having” to grind out a legendary tool after making a cash purchase. Mad customers are not good for business.


> I am a person who has bought multiple sets of tools from the gemstore already. Heck, I've played long enough to still have soulbound tools like the molten mining axe. Tbh I still buy new tools when they come out with a glyph I want, and I am the one asking for something like this. The argument that a person would feel crummy for buying a tool, using it for a while and getting their value out of it when something new or better comes out is weak tbh. You paid for a convenience at that time, not a requirement. What something like this would do is give a QoL improvement for the people who have 1 set of unbreakable tools but would like to have it on all characters. The idea of an extra glyph slot was just because legendary should be better than standard in some way. I still don't see how one extra glyph slot is the breaking point when we already have one, but you are welcome to your opinion.


You do know you can make that one account bound right?



Soulbound versions of this item can be exchanged for account bound versions at the Black Lion Weapons Specialist in any major city's bank (not The Vaults in Lion's Arch), but the tool must first be unequipped and in your inventory.

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> @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

> Reaping glyph requires a lot of nodes in a concentrated place to be super effective. the only place I have found great success is within your home instance and those nodes are refreshed daily. Also glyph of industry just speeds up the process of gathering. Nothing about what you said can be seen as too OP. In fact, I challenge anyone to tell me why having an extra glyph could ever be a bad thing. Extra resources from something like this would help to keep the economy in check if anything, or have you not noticed in the past year the cost of globs has gone up over 30%?


Reaping is super effective at a Malchor tree farm, Mt Maelstrom Hidden Garden, Dry Top skritt garden, flax farms


Industry is super effective if you are roaming around gathering anything in sight


When you are doing gathering run, every second save counts, having extra Glyph slot means you generate more income than those only have a single Glyph, a significant Pay to Win over all gather tools, and if Anet ever adds it as OP wants, you will see those who owns unlimited gather tools have their pitch forks out to make the change to all

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> @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

> > @"thehipone.6812" said:


> > And it is gonna feel really crappy for anyone who bought a gemstore tool with real money. whether justified or not, lots of people would probably feel like their cash tool was now second-rate and would resent “having” to grind out a legendary tool after making a cash purchase. Mad customers are not good for business.


> I am a person who has bought multiple sets of tools from the gemstore already. Heck, I've played long enough to still have soulbound tools like the molten mining axe. Tbh I still buy new tools when they come out with a glyph I want, and I am the one asking for something like this. The argument that a person would feel crummy for buying a tool, using it for a while and getting their value out of it when something new or better comes out is weak tbh. You paid for a convenience at that time, not a requirement. What something like this would do is give a QoL improvement for the people who have 1 set of unbreakable tools but would like to have it on all characters. The idea of an extra glyph slot was just because legendary should be better than standard in some way. I still don't see how one extra glyph slot is the breaking point when we already have one, but you are welcome to your opinion.


Did you see the forum reaction when they originally made legendary weapons shareable across an account? Or go check out the current legendary armory discussion and see how many people wanted “compensation” because of new convenience functionality. I typically agree with the general argument “you got what you paid for at the time”, but I think the reaction is predictable and won’t be positive. But your suggestion is indeed beyond those cases and does cross a rubicon- the idea that a legendary should be functionally better (not just more convenient/swappable or flashy) violates the typical gw2 design principle. It would be akin to giving a legendary weapon another sigil. Maybe in other games, not in this one.


And it still would be terrible for the materials economy, which is looking a bit oversupplied in a lot of places.

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Legendary Gathering Tools could be interesting.


However, the "Advantages" should just stick to being easily sharable with Legendary Armoury and maybe flexibility in swapping Glyphs.


That way, store bought tools are still equally viable and thus can still make a profit. While someone can instead opt for the grind to get a Legendary set that offers some more convienience by way of being more easily shared and can use the best glyph for their particular gathering run.

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> @"thehipone.6812" said:

> > @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

> > > @"thehipone.6812" said:

> >

> > > And it is gonna feel really crappy for anyone who bought a gemstore tool with real money. whether justified or not, lots of people would probably feel like their cash tool was now second-rate and would resent “having” to grind out a legendary tool after making a cash purchase. Mad customers are not good for business.

> >

> > I am a person who has bought multiple sets of tools from the gemstore already. Heck, I've played long enough to still have soulbound tools like the molten mining axe. Tbh I still buy new tools when they come out with a glyph I want, and I am the one asking for something like this. The argument that a person would feel crummy for buying a tool, using it for a while and getting their value out of it when something new or better comes out is weak tbh. You paid for a convenience at that time, not a requirement. What something like this would do is give a QoL improvement for the people who have 1 set of unbreakable tools but would like to have it on all characters. The idea of an extra glyph slot was just because legendary should be better than standard in some way. I still don't see how one extra glyph slot is the breaking point when we already have one, but you are welcome to your opinion.


> Did you see the forum reaction when they originally made legendary weapons shareable across an account? Or go check out the current legendary armory discussion and see how many people wanted “compensation” because of new convenience functionality. I typically agree with the general argument “you got what you paid for at the time”, but I think the reaction is predictable and won’t be positive. But your suggestion is indeed beyond those cases and does cross a rubicon- the idea that a legendary should be functionally better (not just more convenient/swappable or flashy) violates the typical gw2 design principle. It would be akin to giving a legendary weapon another sigil. Maybe in other games, not in this one.


> And it still would be terrible for the materials economy, which is looking a bit oversupplied in a lot of places.


I don't know if I would say it crosses a rubicon. Take your ascended back item for example, or ascended rings. Legendary automatically gives you 3 slots on a ring and 2 slots on a back item. But if you get a generic ascended back item or ring from say, bloodstone fen, you have to do something to it, that is rather costly to get the same effect as the legendary counterpart. Also take legendary armor and weapons. They are functionally better because they offer you every single stat set on the fly. The game's principle that legendary is better has been in place for quite a while honestly. But regular gathering tools already have the functionality of removing glyphs without destruction, so you would need at least some carrot to make it work. I am open to alternative ideas, but tbh i hate having to remember to take my one set of unbreakable tools off each character whenever i do a farming run of say, quartz that is character bound.

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> @"Taril.8619" said:

> Legendary Gathering Tools could be interesting.


> However, the "Advantages" should just stick to being easily sharable with Legendary Armoury and maybe flexibility in swapping Glyphs.


> That way, store bought tools are still equally viable and thus can still make a profit. While someone can instead opt for the grind to get a Legendary set that offers some more convienience by way of being more easily shared and can use the best glyph for their particular gathering run.


As for store bought tools, I personally have bought tools at the 1000 gem price points exclusively for the glyph quite a few times. I have 3 different skyscale harvesting gathering tools that i don't even use because I wanted three glyphs of reaping right away. I paid for that convenience, even though now i can get them for less than half that cost in gold on the TP. IF it were me, I'd happily buy a "glyph pack" off the gem store that came with no tools. My point being there are other options available to the dev team for monetization outside of unbreakable tools.

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Despite your claim, it WILL have an effect on the sales of tools from the GS, probably in a negative way. Even if there are ways for dev team to monetization outside of unbreakable tools, that in itself acknowledges it will have an effect on tool sales.

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My suggestion: Anet could sell a Legendary quest package in the gem store for what the items go for now. The quest ends with an abundance of lore to go with the selected gathering tool. The added bonus...instead of an extra glyph spot...give it a teleport to a room to hidden riches.....basically a room of rich nodes that is once a day like the home instance or guild hall.

There...you have some lore, some minuscule bonus and a purple item in slot that isn't really better than anything currently available. Then again, are we just going to skip over Exotic and Ascended versions? Nevermind then.

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In my opinion, a Legendary Gathering Tool, to become viable should have another Glyph as proposed and, for the lack of a better name, a skin slot so you can change the animation at will BUT both the extra Glyph and Skin slots MUST have to be bonded to the account through Gem Store.


This way:


- "Rich players" (or people living in countries with a decent money exchange rate) wouldn't become super-rich in-game by buying stuff with real money from Gem Store and selling on TP

- By "forcing" players to buy other tools exclusively from Gem Store, no damage in ANet's incoming should occur

- Players owning the Legendary Tool would have a faster way to farm their stuff reducing the number of loading screens (which, in turn, would save ANet a small — or not — amount of bandwidth reducing their costs)


Of course, this is a simple scenario I thought while writing, without thinking much thorough or considering all possible quirks

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