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Why Thief roaming players. Give people a bad impression. Is it caused by infinite stealth stacking?


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> @"kash.9213" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > The ability to run away from any thing with out with out stealth. Ele d/d back when the game first came out had the same impression and it was nerfed to the ground but for some reason thfs get a pass.

> > > > >

> > > > > That's all thief has, ele had self sustain and could actually face tank a bit. And guess what, engie/ranger/guard/mesmer/warrior and ele can still be able to get away or run far enough to force the theif to give up. Remember theif relays on Initiative and that's used a lot to chase people down, ware this away and there is very little they can do and most will not burn shadow step (a stun break) to chase down unless the target is pretty much dead already

> > > >

> > > > **All thf has as what as the ability to stack stealth or the ability to blink away or the ability to spam evasion? Thf has a lot of "that all it has."** They realy dont at the same level any more after nerfs your classes your saying cant get away as well as they use to and that for the best. Sure there are run away builds still out there but every build on thf has the abitly to run away where your other classes MUST build to only run away. That what effects like stealth and blinks do to a class.

> > >

> > > If the thief is doing all of that they're probably not hurting you or they'll hurt you real quick and gas out. Take pulls and other control and scan your peripheral for stealth signs to have an idea of stealth duration, direction, and orientation. Normally when I catch a thief who jumped me I didn't chase them down, I've built to sustain a bit and unload a bunch of stuff rapidly and lock them down close up or pull them in. Some are going to get away and since I didn't freak out dodging and spending all of my stuff on flak when they jumped me I can either now spend my own Initiative and utility like Shadowstep or let them keep themselves busy thinking they're clever and evasive while they don't do anything to my team. Some are just better players and I have to be real about that.

> > >

> > > If they're a problem for you, take it easy and let them show you how to kill them.

> >

> > That is true they are not doing dmg most of the time during that but they get too much free outs when it comes to that during condi dmg OR after / before the big hits. There are no classes that are doing things during the same effects as well. If they are running away they are not likely doing dmg.

> >

> > Stealth is a way to get gas back for the thf class. Time is every thing in this game and the more you can delay the more effects you can out put and the ability to control that delay is much stronger then not.

> >

> > There are a few shadowsteps that for what ever reasion are not effected by lines like other blink effects.

> > **To kill a thf is very very class dependent only a few set classes and builds can truly kill a thf** (out side of bad thfs) having both mobility and stealth is a real problem for balancing.

> >

> > As well as stun brakes spame. Its ok for the thf class to have these things **but they need to be forced to build for them** giving up every thing to have them like other classes. If your still doing a 9k back stab or doing 2k condi ticks and still have these effects there is something broken about the build / class.


> Definitely not class dependent, it's mostly staying calm and adjusting your build over time, which changes over time due to server transfers and everything else.

> That thief jumping you might have all of those things but they still have to make build decisions and some of those things just aren't going to be a factor or might even be counter productive if they're overextending past their builds capabilities which will happen. I think you're overselling to yourself the requirements to counter some classes and what people are packing out there, most of the time you can just let people mess up until they die or they've done the same to you.


> Adding: stun breaks take slots, that's a build choice you can make them trip on.


I would be underselling my self if i think its class dependent to kill a thf!


I am just trying to point out that much like the old ele ppl did not want to give up its staying point at any cost so anet nerfed the dps of the old d/d ele to the ground as well as stun brake "spam" from its cantrips witch was removed. The same thing is happening to thf and it sounds like its going to keep happening. I think thf should hit hard and do good dps for the risk of doing mostly melee BUT this means thf should not have as much staying power (though stealth evasion and mobility) that it has.


Anet is going to keep going after thf even if you do not think they should.

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I mean this is what happens when you nerf all the other ranged power classes, the thieves get away with this type of play relatively unchecked.


Made this a couple years ago, I doubt I could ever do this again in todays game,


You guys make your own problems. We already had zerg builds that could kill these pesky thieves. And now here we are.

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you realize mesmers can do this too. Also some warriors if they are good, tho without the stealth.

I had a mesmer chasing me for 15min the other day. We couldn't kill each other because we couldn't deal enough damage before the mesmer would stealth, run away, reset, then come back. I just waypointed to a different borderland.


A week ago, a warrior was following us. He had a ton of mobility. He was attacking and running. I was on my thief and could barely keep up with my shortbow when he retreated to reset, but since it used all my initiative, i couldn't do anything else. Ive seen warriors like this more and more lately.


If thieves are doing it just to annoy you, you can easily waypoint somewhere else. They are also wasting their time if they can't kill you. Typically i roam solo as my thief or necro with the same plan, try to kill any opposing soloers from taking our camps and slow any small groups until help arrives. There is a difference between that and harassing so make sure you learn the difference before placing blame.


EDIT also if a thief is infinite stealthing, they won't have initiative to do anything so it's really not a problem. Also good chance their utilities are on CD.

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Just make revealed mechanic more enticing to use over stealthing - you don't even need to change how stealth works. If it's worth more being revealed than stealthing, you'll start seeing less thieves in stealth, if only to proc or gain whatever buff can be tacked onto reveal training/flickering shadows/etc (and switch some of the traits that give buffs going into stealth only when revealed). In the end, I think whatever build a thief uses, people are still going to be complaining about them mostly due to class bias.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> Just make revealed mechanic more enticing to use over stealthing - you don't even need to change how stealth works. **If it's worth more being revealed than stealthing**, you'll start seeing less thieves in stealth, if only to proc or gain whatever buff can be tacked onto reveal training/flickering shadows/etc (and switch some of the traits that give buffs going into stealth only when revealed). In the end, I think whatever build a thief uses, people are still going to be complaining about them mostly due to class bias.


I used to build around being Revealed with the old version of Malicious Intent and revealed training and then whatever else I could have going off within that same window of landing hits and being hit. I still build in an indirect way in and around that same window and still mostly play the same way even fitting Stealth Attacks for secondary mods from interrupts, blinds, etc instead of the strait up stat boost from the old traits at about the same spot. There's a lot of flak to punch through in WvW though that can take up that whole window and it can come down to having to stagger out stealth, evades, and mobility and it's going to look gimmicky from another players end.

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> @"Gryxis.6950" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > The ability to run away from any thing with out with out stealth. Ele d/d back when the game first came out had the same impression and it was nerfed to the ground but for some reason thfs get a pass.

> >

> > That's all thief has, ele had self sustain and could actually face tank a bit. And guess what, engie/ranger/guard/mesmer/warrior and ele can still be able to get away or run far enough to force the theif to give up. Remember theif relays on Initiative and that's used a lot to chase people down, ware this away and there is very little they can do and most will not burn shadow step (a stun break) to chase down unless the target is pretty much dead already


> core mesmer and chrono cannot, unless playing a stealth oriented build. You do not have a lot of mobility as a mesmer if you're not playing mirage



Mirage don't have a lot of mobility that are ranged outside of Blink and Mirage Advance (utility skill that teleport to target and need a enemy target to work). Axe can move forward a bit and have short range teleport, so in general Mirage is not that mobile as all skills either need a target to activate and are based on being in melee range (300-900 range). Only Blink can move player to 1200 Range.


The only exception would be if there are some Runes on armour to increase base movement speed or Swiftness/Superspeed (boon).


Do remember in WvW Mirage do not have access to two doges any more, so it would put Mirage in danger to chase enemy player with Jaunt (also only two time in short succession before it will go on 30 sec CD - 2 x 450 range if used to catch up a player). On paper it might look like Mirage have high ability to catch up, but that would put player at risk of counter attacks of any kind (very probably loose targeting from Stealth and also get damaged from conditions if not Jaunt and condi cleanse are off cooldown).



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> @"SlitheSlivier.1908" said:

> Oh remember, if you are being hunted by a thief with lots of invis, just go stand next to a sentry or near a tower with radar (forget if that's T2 or T3). You will really mess up their day then.


Doesn't matter what tier tower is, it must have "Watchtower" tactic to put "Marked" on enemies.

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> There just shouldnt be permastealth. Its exploiting and destroying too many game mechanics. for example "staying at the lord in freshly taken keeps"

> Even though they should mark them. They dont.


The post above yours solved your issue. You can place traps or everyone can sweep and cleave for free before everyone bounces. Most of us don't bother though and that's the WvW life.

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> There just shouldnt be permastealth. Its exploiting and destroying too many game mechanics. for example "staying at the lord in freshly taken keeps"

> Even though they should mark them. They dont.


Freshly taken keeps mark everyone for 5 minutes so what you are saying is false. They did that years ago i think. It now only works in towers.

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> @"kash.9213" said:

> > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > There just shouldnt be permastealth. Its exploiting and destroying too many game mechanics. for example "staying at the lord in freshly taken keeps"

> > Even though they should mark them. They dont.


> The post above yours solved your issue. You can place traps or everyone can sweep and cleave for free before everyone bounces. Most of us don't bother though and that's the WvW life.


As long as there is Reveal-cleansing ,traps dont do anything.

Also being marked doesnt mean u cant go invisible. U still can.

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > > There just shouldnt be permastealth. Its exploiting and destroying too many game mechanics. for example "staying at the lord in freshly taken keeps"

> > > Even though they should mark them. They dont.

> >

> > The post above yours solved your issue. You can place traps or everyone can sweep and cleave for free before everyone bounces. Most of us don't bother though and that's the WvW life.


> As long as there is Reveal-cleansing ,traps dont do anything.

> Also being marked doesnt mean u cant go invisible. U still can.


Going stealth doesn't mean you can't be hit. If they're "staying at the lord" I'm pretty sure they're getting marked soon and if not, it's a newly taken keep, why not cleave and blast the area real quick before you all leave?


I would like it if people would post their matchup and login times when claiming they see something like "permastealth" thieves soloing keeps with everyone on their map standing around all day.

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> @"Strider.7849" said:

> I think what bothers people the most is stealth disengage and re-engage.


> Yesterday at reset I was playing my berserker in WvW (I main ranger, just felt like playing something different lately) and my gf and I were trying to do our daily within a few minutes before I had to leave for work.


> Had a rifle condition based deadeye follow us all over the map plucking away at us, downing her frequently. I'm the more PvP oriented player of the two of us, however if I managed to land a stun and/or attack, he'd shadow step away and enter stealth. Then re-engage after resetting the fight and keep plucking away again. It was annoying/obnoxious to have to deal with, not to mention even though I had a decent amount of cleanse and resistance, the cooldowns were too long considering after using a cleanse when needed if I hit him, he'd just reset the fight but my cleanse would still be on cooldown. The spam immobilize made it even worse.



Hold on, if you land a stun, the only way he can shadowstep away is by using, well, Shadowstep. But then he cant reengage until its back up, which is a 50 second cooldown. There is no way your resistance or cleanse cooldowns are longer than than the Shadowstep cooldown. Berserker Stance is 40 seconds, isnt it? So while annoying, that fight shouldve been nothing more than an annoyance, with no chance for him to ever even down you, or for that matter stick close enough.


> We got our daily done and eventually managed to break combat from the condi thief but it was literally us going down after down and down, while stealth/conditions and high disengage/engage allowed him to harass and try to kill endlessly. I'm not saying it was OP, but it was a very unskilled tactic combining some of the most unfun things to fight in this game.


Stealth does jack all in that scenario. As for engage/disengage, yeah thats kinda WvW. Its not like Warriors are any different. If you get close to killing them, they just use their mobility to escape, and if its on flat ground, *no* class can keep up (not even thief).

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> @"SlitheSlivier.1908" said:

> Oh remember, if you are being hunted by a thief with lots of invis, just go stand next to a sentry or near a tower with radar (forget if that's T2 or T3). You will really mess up their day then.


Actually, I build around weaving stealth in 2 second durations. Basically, WvW made long duration stealth unfavorable in many engagements. So I adapted.


But yeah, marked is easy to apply (throw a painter or use a watchtower or sentry. Then they can’t stealth longer than two seconds.


But, big whoops if they know about the marked and don’t care.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > > @"Strider.7849" said:

> > > I think what bothers people the most is stealth disengage and re-engage.

> > >

> > > Yesterday at reset I was playing my berserker in WvW (I main ranger, just felt like playing something different lately) and my gf and I were trying to do our daily within a few minutes before I had to leave for work.

> > >

> > > Had a rifle condition based deadeye follow us all over the map plucking away at us, downing her frequently. I'm the more PvP oriented player of the two of us, however if I managed to land a stun and/or attack, he'd shadow step away and enter stealth. Then re-engage after resetting the fight and keep plucking away again. It was annoying/obnoxious to have to deal with, not to mention even though I had a decent amount of cleanse and resistance, the cooldowns were too long considering after using a cleanse when needed if I hit him, he'd just reset the fight but my cleanse would still be on cooldown. The spam immobilize made it even worse.

> > >

> > > We got our daily done and eventually managed to break combat from the condi thief but it was literally us going down after down and down, while stealth/conditions and high disengage/engage allowed him to harass and try to kill endlessly. I'm not saying it was OP, but it was a very unskilled tactic combining some of the most unfun things to fight in this game.

> >

> > and this is why thief either needs to get nerfed into the ground or stealth being removed from the game.


> Thankfully, you are not a developer cause many people paid good money for access to classes with stealth. For 5 years on this board all I have ever seen you post about is how you hate stealth. But your kind of complaints has already essentially killed Mesmer outside of PvE so you gonna help me get my refunds?


and I paid good money not to be hit out of stealth by attacks dealing 50+% percent damage. Or more than 100 pre the big balance patch. So are you stealth abusers refund me?


That said, I am not even playing for 5 yrs, so I can't even complain that long about this mind boggling stupid mechanic that should have never been introduced into the game.



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> @"kash.9213" said:

> > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > > > There just shouldnt be permastealth. Its exploiting and destroying too many game mechanics. for example "staying at the lord in freshly taken keeps"

> > > > Even though they should mark them. They dont.

> > >

> > > The post above yours solved your issue. You can place traps or everyone can sweep and cleave for free before everyone bounces. Most of us don't bother though and that's the WvW life.

> >

> > As long as there is Reveal-cleansing ,traps dont do anything.

> > Also being marked doesnt mean u cant go invisible. U still can.


> Going stealth doesn't mean you can't be hit. If they're "staying at the lord" I'm pretty sure they're getting marked soon and if not, it's a newly taken keep, why not cleave and blast the area real quick before you all leave?


> I would like it if people would post their matchup and login times when claiming they see something like "permastealth" thieves soloing keeps with everyone on their map standing around all day.


Thats sadly the daily routine here.

And the lord rooms are pretty big. So good luck hitting them

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Yep my stealth/thief adjustments that I have always said need to be implemented are:

1. When stealhted you must move at walk speed in order to be "stealthy".

2. No spiking from stealth.

3. No stealthing while in combat. Blinding is one thing but going invis is completely different.

4. Longer cooldowns on stealth - much longer.

5. Once revealed you stay revealed until timer is gone - i.e. Target Painters - no traiting to insta-re-stealth and ignore certain mechanics.

6. Portal should be changed to thief only - period. The current meta is completely unbalanced. Also the timing needs to be adjusted. It should be just like the mesmer portal timing. Right now a thief can drop the portal and run away for almost a minute then port back and drop another immediately.

7. While in keeps that have just flipped you cannot stealth. Currently you can stealth and your dot vanishes and you are NOT MARKED. And with the ridiculous stealth stacking you can stay stealthed for a very long time - nearly permanent(with tiny visible windows.)

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> @"Heibi.4251" said:

> Yep my stealth/thief adjustments that I have always said need to be implemented are:

> 1. When stealhted you must move at walk speed in order to be "stealthy".

> 2. No spiking from stealth.

> 3. No stealthing while in combat. Blinding is one thing but going invis is completely different.

> 4. Longer cooldowns on stealth - much longer.

> 5. Once revealed you stay revealed until timer is gone - i.e. Target Painters - no traiting to insta-re-stealth and ignore certain mechanics.

> 6. Portal should be changed to thief only - period. The current meta is completely unbalanced. Also the timing needs to be adjusted. It should be just like the mesmer portal timing. Right now a thief can drop the portal and run away for almost a minute then port back and drop another immediately.

> 7. While in keeps that have just flipped you cannot stealth. Currently you can stealth and your dot vanishes and you are NOT MARKED. And with the ridiculous stealth stacking you can stay stealthed for a very long time - nearly permanent(with tiny visible windows.)


You can't take with out giving, what are you 7 suggestions to compensate what you are suggesting to remove?

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> @"ferbz.6987" said:

> > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > Yep my stealth/thief adjustments that I have always said need to be implemented are:

> > 1. When stealhted you must move at walk speed in order to be "stealthy".

> > 2. No spiking from stealth.

> > 3. No stealthing while in combat. Blinding is one thing but going invis is completely different.

> > 4. Longer cooldowns on stealth - much longer.

> > 5. Once revealed you stay revealed until timer is gone - i.e. Target Painters - no traiting to insta-re-stealth and ignore certain mechanics.

> > 6. Portal should be changed to thief only - period. The current meta is completely unbalanced. Also the timing needs to be adjusted. It should be just like the mesmer portal timing. Right now a thief can drop the portal and run away for almost a minute then port back and drop another immediately.

> > 7. While in keeps that have just flipped you cannot stealth. Currently you can stealth and your dot vanishes and you are NOT MARKED. And with the ridiculous stealth stacking you can stay stealthed for a very long time - nearly permanent(with tiny visible windows.)


> You can't take with out giving, what are you 7 suggestions to compensate what you are suggesting to remove?


Why should there be give and take when stealth is so broken? Sorry, with stealth in its current form I'm for take-take-take. And we're only talking about the thief here, currently a favorite of some dev since it keeps getting MORE stealth and that ridiculous portal.

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> @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > @"ferbz.6987" said:

> > > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > Yep my stealth/thief adjustments that I have always said need to be implemented are:

> > > 1. When stealhted you must move at walk speed in order to be "stealthy".

> > > 2. No spiking from stealth.

> > > 3. No stealthing while in combat. Blinding is one thing but going invis is completely different.

> > > 4. Longer cooldowns on stealth - much longer.

> > > 5. Once revealed you stay revealed until timer is gone - i.e. Target Painters - no traiting to insta-re-stealth and ignore certain mechanics.

> > > 6. Portal should be changed to thief only - period. The current meta is completely unbalanced. Also the timing needs to be adjusted. It should be just like the mesmer portal timing. Right now a thief can drop the portal and run away for almost a minute then port back and drop another immediately.

> > > 7. While in keeps that have just flipped you cannot stealth. Currently you can stealth and your dot vanishes and you are NOT MARKED. And with the ridiculous stealth stacking you can stay stealthed for a very long time - nearly permanent(with tiny visible windows.)

> >

> > You can't take with out giving, what are you 7 suggestions to compensate what you are suggesting to remove?


> Why should there be give and take when stealth is so broken? Sorry, with stealth in its current form I'm for take-take-take. And we're only talking about the thief here, currently a favorite of some dev since it keeps getting MORE stealth and that ridiculous portal.


Keep it up with the lies Heibi! Buff them lies good!


Do you want me to pull up the records of the stealth nerds across the patches now too?


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Some thieves play alone which is respectable, the class itself isn't that strong and is hard to play.


Most tho just gank single players in a group while stacking on strong servers. They leave high ranks alone and jump on low ranks. Also dueling died becaue toxic thieves started adding in 1v1s, you can smack any other class with 2 people dueling except thief will just burst, daggerstorm the down and then run away.


But tbf thief mains still feel much more useful than ranger ones. I guess because their class forces them to think constantly instead of being able to turn off brain due to massive range most of time.

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There are several problems with stealth. Not all of those problems are even thief related.


1. Stealth should not be random or timed, it should be turn on or turn off, meaning permanent unless combat actions are taken or revealed/damaged.

2. Players should move slower in stealth, ~60% move speed untraited, 80-85% normal speed if traited (obviously have to add those traits).

3. Stealth players should always be visible in a radius around you, ~120 maybe. That way you get a fraction of a second for counterplay as you would see them right before attacked. Mounted players would not get the detection radius. No mounted hunting parties looking for slower moving stealthers.

4. Revealed (all forms, even marked) need removed and replaced with an increased detection radius (maybe 240) if traited (obv. need to add that too).

5. Removal of reveal means the thief portal needs changed/removed or set to thief only. Due to permanent stealth availability.

6. Stealth ends when combat starts. Once in combat, the stealther can not restealth (deadeye elite being the only way to stealth in combat, on a single use charge). This requires reworking a lot of things on multiple classes.

7. Weapon skills require a target to use (including spirit weapons and wells/shades). This prevents spamming marks/aoe's to tag stealthers and remove stealth. Traps would still put the stealther in combat and remove stealth (maybe a specific few). All skills would require line of sight to use. No more rev porting through obstacles or barrage shots over walls. This would also make walls usable for defenders, since now spamming aoe's on walls would give you "no line of sight to target", or "out of range". Siege damage would not remove stealth, except the arrow cart skill.

8. Very short duration stealth skills are available to classes other than thieves to aid with mass combat, mesmer and engineer for example. Stealth from combo fields would be removed, no other classes would have access to stealth (druid F5 and ranger pets reworked). Kind of like how necro should be the only class with access to fear (like anet told us at launch), but that's for another thread.


This is the short version, and it would go a long way to fixing a lot of other issues, including stealth.

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