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Replace "crippled" with "hindered"

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> @"assasin oates.3018" said:

> > @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

> >

> > OP here just joined up. This is their only post. It's a troll. Just ignore it..


> Unfortunately there’s people out there who believe and say this kind of thing.

> It’s becoming increasingly harder to spot satire


I'd say that the username should be a dead giveaway.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"assasin oates.3018" said:

> > > @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

> > >

> > > OP here just joined up. This is their only post. It's a troll. Just ignore it..

> >

> > Unfortunately there’s people out there who believe and say this kind of thing.

> > It’s becoming increasingly harder to spot satire

> >

> I'd say that the username should be a dead giveaway.



Probably shouldn't mention the metaphor of beating a dead horse...that may really trigger them.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> This kind of account (if linked with an actual GW2 character) should be tracked and censured.


> If you want to know how people feel about the names of certain skills or conditions, come out and ask the question within a poll.

Polls are offensive and discriminatory as they don't include every possible option.


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> @"Gundahar.2765" said:

> Honestly, im fed up with this political correctness. Don't use this, don't use that... In this day and age are people offended by everything? I'd have a word for that... Stop making everything offending or racial or anything. Its just stupid.


I'd tell you why people on forums are so easily offended but this crappy bait is not worth the ban :)

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> @"Nietzsche.6247" said:

> The word "cripple" is literally a dictionary defined pejorative/slur.


Yes, when you are referring to a person with a permanent disability. The verb "crippled", however, when referring to a temporary state, is not pejorative but defining a state in which you have become injured in a way that makes it impossible for you to walk unhindered. That was already explained earlier.


Whether a term is insulting or not in some cases (like here) depends on the context.

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> @"Nietzsche.6247" said:

> The word "cripple" is literally a dictionary defined pejorative/slur. You'd never call someone with a permanent disability a "cripple" or describe them as being "crippled" so why would you think it's OK to refer to someone with a temporary disability that way?


> Getting rid of all language that is insulting to disabled people is pretty hard (e.g. stopping all use of blind or deaf as metaphor for being terrible at something). But at the *minimum* we should be able to avoid referring to people or conditions by a literal slur.


I hope you realize you're acting exactly the opposite of what Friedrich Nietzsche proposed in _On the Genealogy of Morality_. He argued that it was the hordes of the meek that are holding back the few strong individuals that should take the reigns and lead the world (in quite colorful rhetoric that reminds me of an old man yelling at the clouds).


So umm.... learn your philosophy man.

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> @"Taril.8619" said:

> > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > > @"Gundahar.2765" said:

> > > Honestly, im fed up with this political correctness. Don't use this, don't use that... In this day and age are people offended by everything? I'd have a word for that... Stop making everything offending or racial or anything. Its just stupid.

> >

> > If you look hard enough, everything is racist/sexist/...


> It really isn't.


> Offense is rooted in the intent, not the means.


> Heck, take a look at these forums for example, where any "Bad" word is replaced by "kitten" but posts can still be moderated because the intent of the word "kitten" is still being used offensively (I.e. "You're an absolute kitten") not because the word kitten is inherently bigoted.


> It's one of the big failures of this oversensitive culture to not realize this basic principle. But instead they look to try and get everything banned because of some asinine idea that something such as a word is inherently offensive to them.


You misunderstood me. People looking for offense will be able to justify anything being racist/sexist/...

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> @"Rogue.8235" said:

> I hope you realize you're acting exactly the opposite of what Friedrich Nietzsche proposed in _On the Genealogy of Morality_. He argued that it was the hordes of the meek that are holding back the few strong individuals that should take the reigns and lead the world (in quite colorful rhetoric that reminds me of an old man yelling at the clouds).


> So umm.... learn your philosophy man.


I think he/she already knew.

Judging by the nickname it just intentionally put the thread to see other people's reaction.

Just what the internet often describes as 'troll'.


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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> There is nothing wrong with the word.

> Offensive meanings are implied by context not definition of the word.

This cannot be stressed enough for any case of words offending people. Words are just that - words. None of them are inherently offensive; what makes them offensive is the context in using them.


Hell, in some contexts, even the n-word is not offensive. And that's probably one of the few words that would be closest to universally accepted as offensive.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > This kind of account (if linked with an actual GW2 character) should be tracked and censured.

> >

> > If you want to know how people feel about the names of certain skills or conditions, come out and ask the question within a poll.

> Polls are offensive and discriminatory as they don't include every possible option.



I am so ashamed. :'(

I deserve 1000 lashes with a wet noodle.

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God... the Tumblr snowflakes are everywhere as it seems. Really! I've seen some crazy shit there like people censoring everything, even words like "table" or "frying pan". Like what the hell is up with people these days getting triggered by literally everything.


But back to the initial topic. Then they must censor stuff like "bleeding" too as it would offend "vagina havers" (as JKR worded it). Or change the necromancer icon because it depicts a skull and I know a few people that have a fear of skulls. (Yes, I know about it being changed for China because everybody backs down in front of allmighty China *winks* like Blizzard for example)

The problem is that "crippled" was an actual normal word that got abused and turned into a slur. The same story applies to the word "gay" or "disabled". Bad people turned these into slurs.

However this game isn't targeted towards a child audience and more towards a more adult audience and things can get a bit harsher in wording there.

Anyways, I've seen much more actual slurs and worse in LFG recently and it simply bugs me out that there's no proper report function for that.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > This kind of account (if linked with an actual GW2 character) should be tracked and censured.

> >

> > If you want to know how people feel about the names of certain skills or conditions, come out and ask the question within a poll.

> Polls are offensive and discriminatory as they don't include every possible option.



No they are not. They are tools to help who use them to analyze and/or forecast. Nothing in life includes every possible option. This is why everything has an opportunity cost.

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