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Any news on a possible major balance patch coming soon?


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Hmm, I just want a big change is all. Like the previous big patch, where everyone tried to adapt and find the best ways to ~~abuse~~ create a new meta. The current playstyle for most guilds I've fought are just the same old story, it's stale. I don't even mind getting nerfed, I just want change.


But if it's fake news, then who am I to argue? Might as well remain pessimistic and not have any expectations at all. WvW is only good for money from transfers anyway

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> they felt players were stacking to much FB's.


this has been the case for 8 freakin' years!


the lack of diversity & attention given to balance in classes in WVW has been, quite frankly, appalling. like, the worst of any MMO in the 25years+ I've played MMOs.


and it's not like the solutions are rocket surgery:

* give druids stab and/or rework spirits (again) to NOT SUCK HARD and be useable in WVW.

* make mesmer mantra heal occur at the start of the mantra cast, not the end

* tweak ventari traitline so that rev can maintain a decent level of healing outside of ventari legend


stability is such a critical boon in WVW that it needs to be spread around more, or CC mechanics reworked (again).


soulbeast stability is excellent but soulbeast cannot heal well enough to be a support. SB is good as WVW DPS but people are so biased against rangers after years of balance neglect that the only way SBs will replace FB stability is if they get something OP enough to finally change people's minds.

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> @"scerevisiae.1972" said:

> stability is such a critical boon in WVW that it needs to be spread around more, or CC mechanics reworked (again).

Its just bad mechanics imo. You either are immune, or suffer 1 corrupt and its like you have a disconnect from the game, cant move, cant use skills.



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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"scerevisiae.1972" said:

> > stability is such a critical boon in WVW that it needs to be spread around more, or CC mechanics reworked (again).

> Its just bad mechanics imo. You either are immune, or suffer 1 corrupt and its like you have a disconnect from the game, cant move, cant use skills.


oh man don't get me started. the most critical boon in the game which also has no animation or effect to indicate that you have it (or don't have it), just some tiny little icon in a terrible part of the UI which can't be moved or resized? while semi-useless/self-evident boons like swiftness have an obvious and (irritatingly loud) animation (because moving faster isn't obvious enough)?


yeah i dont have a problem with current CC/stab mechanics but it's clearly bad game design/UX not to hav the most important boon have a clear visual/audible indication and even worse design to have the game's most important boon available to just 1 support class.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"scerevisiae.1972" said:

> > * make mesmer mantra heal occur at the start of the mantra cast, not the end

> Sweet, infinite healing as you cancel the skill. That would be my new main. Can probably macro it to heal you 0-100 in less than a second with no cd.


apparently you don't understand casting/skill mechanics in GW2...


here's a hint: think about all the channeled healing skills in the game rn and how you can't do infinite healing with them already...


sometimes it's good to think before mashing the reply button.

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> @"Kurowolfe.7124" said:

> Not much reason, I just got tired and bored with the current meta and playstyle, it's been a few months since the last major one. Well, notwithstanding the global pandemic anyways.

> Though I do sincerely hope that the balance team members don't think that the current balance is the best they can come up with...


Well first things first you have to realize that this is Anet we are talking about. If it is comes to PvE content they will work super hard and fast even overcoming the obstacle like pandemic, but when it comes to WvW? Don't expect anything come out fast and the pandemic happened to be a good excuse to "ignore wvw" for a moment.

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> @"scerevisiae.1972" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"scerevisiae.1972" said:

> > > * make mesmer mantra heal occur at the start of the mantra cast, not the end

> > Sweet, infinite healing as you cancel the skill. That would be my new main. Can probably macro it to heal you 0-100 in less than a second with no cd.


> apparently you don't understand casting/skill mechanics in GW2...


> here's a hint: think about all the channeled healing skills in the game rn and how you can't do infinite healing with them already...


> sometimes it's good to think before mashing the reply button.

None of them pop their things before you even start to channel...


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> @"scerevisiae.1972" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"scerevisiae.1972" said:

> > > * make mesmer mantra heal occur at the start of the mantra cast, not the end

> > Sweet, infinite healing as you cancel the skill. That would be my new main. Can probably macro it to heal you 0-100 in less than a second with no cd.


> apparently you don't understand casting/skill mechanics in GW2...


> here's a hint: think about all the channeled healing skills in the game rn and how you can't do infinite healing with them already...


> sometimes it's good to think before mashing the reply button.


Psst: churning earth skill for Ele: Can be cancelled after the blast finisher part of it, and it becomes a 1-2 second cooldown. The actual damage doesn’t take place, but you can blast a field.


Might @"Dawdler.8521" have been slightly hyperbolic? Yep. Is he wrong about how broken that change would be? Nope.

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People seems so eager to have their builds "reworked" into the ground because when people say _"this skill is 10% OP and could use some tweaks"_ Anet always say **"increased cd by 100% and reduced damage by 30% and also removed all the traits affecting it and cut duration in half also we added self damage. But as a bonus it gives you 1s of might".**

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> - Gets a major balance patch

> - Doesn't like patch because 'balance'

> - Complains there should be more patches








When I read the OP it was related to the balance cadence that was announced around the time of the last patch. It was to be 4-6 weeks.


Just helping to clear it up for you.


Here is the thread. It’s buried about 5 pages in, but the statement is in the initial Post by Cal.




Hopefully that will allow you to understand the OP’s question.


Hope your day is good!

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Well.. it technically left their fingertips, but at least you have the information at hand!


It’s been a pleasure!


To the OP: balance cadence from Anet has been an enigma since the beginning. Technically, they could say that changing a two or three skills on a few classes was an additional patch, but I get where you are coming from.


Unfortunately it would appear that statements were made yet again that were not attained.



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