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Explosive engi has gone too far

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The same devastating damage occurs if you are wedged in a crevasse together.


On a more serious note, im not sure why anet sees the need to add traits like this to the game. We dont need anymore unnecessary aoe and passive procs, it just makes a mess of combat. I wouldnt be surprised if these sort of abilities make a significant contribution to skill lag as well.

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Mass emotional hysteria has been reached, raise your hand if you have played Engineer before and have tried to get value out of this on-Heal damage


The reason why Holo is trending hard & topping DPS meters in PvP has nothing to do with this trait. Anyone who believes this trait's damage is good as a rule and not an extreme exception, look around the room - ex; trait combos like: **Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit & Laser's Edge** with any high damage toolbelt skill.



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People complaining about taking 6k damage... That's so 2020.

I could understand people complaining about taking 20k 1 shot damage in 2019, but 6k spread over no less than 5 hits, that necessite the active use of the healing skill and that you can't aim (so totally up to rng)... Seriously?

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> People complaining about taking 6k damage... That's so 2020.

> I could understand people complaining about taking 20k 1 shot damage in 2019, but 6k spread over no less than 5 hits, that necessite the active use of the healing skill and that you can't aim (so totally up to rng)... Seriously?


add in EE that propably proc for 2-3 and dude lost 9k/16k of his HP.

its not even about how good it is, its about its design, they remove passive stupid damage like this from classes and their new rework adds this shit.

And to give you perspective, this shit kills me in actual games, mesmer gets hard punished by this skill.

If I try to interrupt the heal from holo with sword ambush and it bugs, Im in their model and take this 6k+ damage on top of not interrupting.

its tilting to the maximum.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > People complaining about taking 6k damage... That's so 2020.

> > I could understand people complaining about taking 20k 1 shot damage in 2019, but 6k spread over no less than 5 hits, that necessite the active use of the healing skill and that you can't aim (so totally up to rng)... Seriously?


> add in EE that propably proc for 2-3 and dude lost 9k/16k of his HP.

> its not even about how good it is, its about its design, they remove passive stupid damage like this from classes and their new rework adds this kitten.

> And to give you perspective, this kitten kills me in actual games, mesmer gets hard punished by this skill.

> If I try to interrupt the heal from holo with sword ambush and it bugs, Im in their model and take this 6k+ damage on top of not interrupting.

> its tilting to the maximum.


I mean, I think most engineers actually wouldn't mind to see this trait getting reworked. Getting a random AoE damage drop on healing skill is hella clunky, so if we can rework this and give us something actually useful in it's place, I am all for it.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

>this kitten kills me in actual games

you are not the only one ;) I dont even go in 1v1 with holo anymore because most of them kill me, and in the rare cases when I manage to pressure them

they just escape ezepeze with invulnerable and stealth.

good holo = you are dead pretty fast

mediocre holo = you are dead soon

bad holo = an even and fair fight


A sure prove that a class/spec is overperforming is when even the bad ones are dangerous !

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> @"Renny.6571" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > add in EE that propably proc for 2-3 and dude lost 9k/16k of his HP.


> ??? Explosive entrance only activates once even on multi hit skills you can even see it did proc in the screenshot




yes, 6k from barrage, 3k from ee for total of 9k

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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> Basicly it has the survivability of a bruiser, but the damage of a roamer.... Seems perfectly fine. Move along people.

One elite makes the previous elite speck redundant, holo cannibalizes the niche of scrapper while being better at it in every way and has way better damage output. The heat mechanic is non mechanic since it just a cd which can be turned on/off at any moment and the skills in the kit have fuck all CD on them also, it is yet another spammy pve dps POF speck.Why the fuck holo can give out 3 second super speed on 2 second cd that is a leap, wasn't super speed share the big deal about scrapper. And on top of that they added more passive damage traits going against previous design decision that nerfed all similar traits on all classes and forgot to change the scaling of kits by -33% like everyone else in the fucking game.


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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Holosmith should not have superspeed, at all, or any form of protection, at all. Also reduce it's sustain by 50% because its bruiser level sustain. It should be a pure glass cannon spec as it's intended to be.


Why would a spec that is focused on a heat mechanic that builds up over a long time and has to be carefully managed be a "glass cannon spec"? Hell it straight up has a damage reduction trait, a barrier trait and various defensive traits in its traitline. And a melee weapon. Its pretty clear it was supposed to be a bruiser.

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If it's intended to be a bruiser then it needs to lose tons of mobility and burst. Also why would eng have two bruiser specs? That's very weird.


I don't think it was intended to be a bruiser, I think they just messed up and gave it everything.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> If it's intended to be a bruiser then it needs to lose tons of mobility and burst. Also why would eng have two bruiser specs? That's very weird.



Bruisers, especially melee bruisers, usually have mobility. Rangers greatsword does, Warrior does, Rev certainly does, even guardian has a fair bit. As for burst, bruisers do have spikier skills, but not outright burst. Thing is, neither does Holo. Grenade Barrage is spiky, but its not full-on burst.


> I don't think it was intended to be a bruiser, I think they just messed up and gave it everything.


It was intended to be a bruiser, and thats exactly what it is. It really doesnt have "everything", and its not like it needs to lose much. Pretty much just the might generation from the grandmaster trait needs to be toned down.

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Superspeed, high sustain, stealth, invul, blocks, reflects, ranged damage, melee damage, burst damage at either range or melee, converts condis to boons.


It has basically everything. It's a bloated class that needs to be brought back down to earth.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Superspeed, high sustain, stealth, invul, blocks, reflects, ranged damage, melee damage, burst damage at either range or melee, converts condis to boons.



Almost all of those are things core Engineer has. Actually, scratch that. *All* of those are things Engineer has. The thing is, thats not inherently an issue. Also, "High sustain" is honestly a stretch, Holos sustain isnt anything special, its just that damage right now is so low any healing at all amounts to high sustain. Bring back damage to the game, and that gets fixed.


> It has basically everything. It's a bloated class that needs to be brought back down to earth.


There is almost nothing in that list you can touch without hurting core engineer. Core engineer is not a problem. Ergo having those tools is not, itself, a problem.

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