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Lion chest key

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> @"Faccina.5091" said:

> I formely request a recipe that work once a week to make one key with bloodstone dust, dragonite ore, empyereal fragments and obsidian shards.

> Doing the lvl 10 quest once a week after months become meh more than boring :/


Opening BLCs is more than boring.


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> @"Faccina.5091" said:

> my point was:

> since anyone can do the lvl 10 key once a week in 15m (or more depending if you have exp tomes) and at some point that materials become useless why dont just add a recipe for the key that use that mats and limited to one/week



Because ANet would prefer people buy keys?

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Faccina.5091" said:

> > my point was:

> > since anyone can do the lvl 10 key once a week in 15m (or more depending if you have exp tomes) and at some point that materials become useless why dont just add a recipe for the key that use that mats and limited to one/week

> >


> Because ANet would prefer people buy keys?


And you can use the Ascended eaters for more trash ? you can salvage and sell for gold daily that you then can buy keys with.

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I agree that this would be very convenient for players. I also agree Anet won't do it because they don't want to make getting black lion keys too easy because they want us to buy keys instead.


A key run might not take long, especially if you have tomes available and you know how to streamline the process, but it also requires a spare character slot and you're highly unlikely to get anything else worth mentioning during that time. I suspect it's only actually a minority of players who do them regularly. Whereas ascended crafting materials can be obtained during some of the most profitable activities in the game, and everyone will end up with some sooner or later. So this would not only enable you key farm while doing other forms of farming, or simply playing normally, but it would open it up to everyone without requiring any extra effort or time commitment on their part. The end result is almost certainly that Anet would sell noticably fewer keys.


I'd be in favour of that, because I don't like them selling keys in the first place, but I understand why they wouldn't do it.

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> @"Jilora.9524" said:

> It's probably a lot more of us would craft it then actually run the lvl 10 story once a week so anet isn't going to add it. Takes me 25m doing human noble search for parents so if there is a 15m one which is that?


human commoner the second option dont matter since that kick in on the level 20 stage.

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> @"Faccina.5091" said:

> I know but 125 gems is around 38 gold and is way faster to do the lvl 10 quest

Why misrepresent like this?

The level 10 personal story, from character creation to the awarding of the key takes less than a half hour.

I promise you no one in this game is consistently making 75g/hour.


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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Faccina.5091" said:

> > I know but 125 gems is around 38 gold and is way faster to do the lvl 10 quest

> Why misrepresent like this?

> The level 10 personal story, from character creation to the awarding of the key takes less than a half hour.

> I promise you no one in this game is consistently making 75g/hour.



Well looks to me the poster you quoted say .... is way faster to do the lvl 10 quest.

So no idea why you assume they think people make 75g an hour.

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While folks may not make 75g/hour, lots of folks probably make more than $3/hour (cost to buy 125 gems is about $1.50, though cheaper if you buy 25 at once). So maybe $6/hour, if you can do the story in 15 minutes to get the key.

While people like free stuff, it doesn't pay Anets bills. So if you don't like it, and really want keys, consider giving Anet some money for it.

Though I don't really recommend it, given the total crap (and very low likelihood of getting anything at all decent) out of the chests.


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This is not likly to happen. Arenanet prefers you get gems and buy the keys.

The level 10 reward is not intended as a weekly free key. It is a promotion for the keys for new characters. They actually nerfed it so people would not farm several per day and diminish the value of the content of the chests..


There is no reason for Anet to add another weekly "free" key as the first one was never intended to be that way.

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> @"Faccina.5091" said:

> I formely request a recipe that work once a week to make one key with bloodstone dust, dragonite ore, empyereal fragments and obsidian shards.

> Doing the lvl 10 quest once a week after months become meh more than boring :/



ANET wants you to buy them. They allow you to earn 3 of them per week by levelling a key toon, as well as giving you a chance to get them as a reward for map completion, a reward from Chest of Black Lion goods, or as a random drop.


That you find it boring to level a key toon each week is exactly what ANET would want, as that could lead you to actually buying them.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Faccina.5091" said:

> > my point was:

> > since anyone can do the lvl 10 key once a week in 15m (or more depending if you have exp tomes) and at some point that materials become useless why dont just add a recipe for the key that use that mats and limited to one/week

> >


> Because ANet would prefer people buy keys?


This should have ended the discussion. /shrug

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Faccina.5091" said:

> > I formely request a recipe that work once a week to make one key with bloodstone dust, dragonite ore, empyereal fragments and obsidian shards.

> > Doing the lvl 10 quest once a week after months become meh more than boring :/

> >


> ANET wants you to buy them. They allow you to earn 3 of them per week by levelling a key toon, as well as giving you a chance to get them as a reward for map completion, a reward from Chest of Black Lion goods, or as a random drop.


> That you find it boring to level a key toon each week is exactly what ANET would want, as that could lead you to actually buying them.


You can get more then 40, 60 and 80 stories are not limited to 1 a week.


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stop trying to rob from Anet, they've got bills to pay, mouths to feed, BLC Key is their biggest source of income, or we all wont have GW2 to play with this idea


you get about 13-16 BLC keys per tyria map completion, with the mounts you can do it in under 3 days, that's about ~30 keys per week just doing the contents

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