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i'm having a burnout after 3 month since buying these game.

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just unlocked all season 4 and finished dragonfall story for skyscale.

all this running around map multiple time for the past week are super boring.

and i starting to feel HUGE regret on spending 350 gold to unlock all episodes instead of just spend it all to get griffon.

is it because i rush it too fast ? skyscale is not that good in my opinion. usefull ? yes, but is it to my taste ? i do not think so (trial skyscale is meh).

lagging and rubber banding does not healp either.

and just this morning, my client won't log in, stuck in the connection error.


next time i log in, shall i stay away from dragonfall ? and start to work on my first ascendant gear ?

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I don't like the skyscale much either although most people seem to like it. The movement feels too awkward for me. Definitely useful, as it seems like a better version of the springer, but not worth the grind to unlock it in my opinion.


If you want to unlock the skyscale you will have to spend quite a lot of time in dragonfall to complete the achievements.

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I may be biased because I'm very much a casual player who prefers to take my time with things but it doesn't surprise me at all that you're feeling burned out playing that way. It sounds like you've spent 3 months pressuring yourself to rush from one large goal to another as quickly as possible, ending up on one of the longest collections the game has. A lot of people called the skyscale a legendary mount, because what you have to do to get it, compared to all the other mounts, is comparable to the difficultly in getting a legendary weapon, compared to exotic or ascended ones. (3 months after I started the game my main character was about level 60, my other 4 were all under level 50 and I hadn't even finished the personal story. The skyscale collection took me 3 months on it's own, starting from the point where I'd finished Dragonfall and had already completed the story for all the previous episodes.)


I will say the rental skyscale is not really comparable to the fully unlocked version with the mastery fully trained. The wall jump ability especially makes a big difference, making it much more useful for getting to otherwise hard to reach areas. But even so the skyscale is not required for anything in the game and there's lots of people who prefer to use other mounts instead.


If I was you I wouldn't give up on it completely, and I definitely wouldn't look to replace it with a slightly shorter grind for a different reward because that's just going to cause the same problem at some point. Instead I'd keep doing a little bit towards the skyscale collection as and when you feel like it and then spend the rest of your time doing something just because you find it fun. Imagine you've got all the mounts unlocked, a full set of ascended gear and whatever else you think you need to complete ASAP, what are you planning on doing with it? What are you looking forward to being able to play? Chances are you can start doing it now.

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> @"raamess.1642" said:

> next time i log in, shall i stay away from dragonfall ? and start to work on my first ascendant gear ?


Take a break from the big goals. Try to play things you enjoy instead of what you perceive you have to play to get the next reward. Some players enjoy starting a new character to reduce the endgame pressure need to finish goals.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> If I was you I wouldn't give up on it completely, and I definitely wouldn't look to replace it with a slightly shorter grind for a different reward because that's just going to cause the same problem at some point. Instead I'd keep doing a little bit towards the skyscale collection as and when you feel like it and then spend the rest of your time doing something just because you find it fun. Imagine you've got all the mounts unlocked, a full set of ascended gear and whatever else you think you need to complete ASAP, what are you planning on doing with it? What are you looking forward to being able to play? Chances are you can start doing it now.


Yeah I think this is a good point for the OP. I am kind of in the same boat as the OP. After finishing the newborn skyscales achievement I really don't feel like advancing much further at the moment. I'm just collecting volatile magic from events and living world season 4 maps and trading them at the elonian trader in dragonfall for the living world season 4 currencies that you will need a lot of later on to unlock the skyscale. Other things the OP could do might be unlocking some other masteries or working on unlocking the roller beetle if you haven't already.

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Too fast progression. Too "forced" regarding the focus on mounts and gear. Maybe try to slowly complete the maps and all the achievements there ... while enjoying some of the events. A bit every day. If course if you buy season 4 to rush through the main story and then only rushing at the mount (ignoring everything else, maybe not even fully played the HoT maps) ... then it will get boring. ;)

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Skyscale is a huge grind, I got worn out trying to get it too.

Try to take a break from getting it if you feel yourself burning out, focusing solely on skyscale isn't the most fun.

If you've got the money try going for griffon in the mean time, once you get the hang of flying with diving and pulling up it'll help you out immensely with getting around dragon fall and end up helping with speeding up getting skyscale too.

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I've hit that point a few times, although my limit for feeling burned out seems to be much lower than the OP. Once it was when I was making my first legendary, back when precursors only came from the Mystic Forge or random drops so the only practical approach was to grind gold to buy it from the TP. I hated feeling under pressure to grind gold, constantly chasing a moving target and feeling like I'd never manage it. Once I finally had enough and bought the precursor I actually stopped playing for a few weeks and didn't do anything else towards the legendary for about a month after that. (I did eventually finish it though, and I've made 3 more since then, at a much more relaxed pace.)


I've also done it for limited time goals during festivals or Season 1 (when all releases were limited-time). One Halloween I spent so much time farming the Labyrinth trying to get mini Gwynefyrdd (when it was a random drop) that I was literally dreaming about it. And not in a fun way where I dreamed I was actually there, I was just dreaming about sitting at the PC playing GW2.


I've tried to learn from those experiences and stop it happening again (not just in GW2 either). For example even though I love dragons so the skyscale was an absolute must-have for me and I wanted it as soon as possible I still made sure to take my time with the collections and only do it when I felt like it. When I got to the saddle collection (where you need 200 of each map currency) I set myself a target of collecting 50 of a currency per day, then I'd just go to the map and do whatever to get it. I'd usually start gathering nodes, then get drawn into events when they started happening or find I was close to completing a daily so I'd do that too. Once I got to 50 I'd finish the event/s I was doing and then play something else, and if I didn't hit 50 one day I didn't worry about it, I'd get there eventually. As I mentioned earlier the entire process took me about 3 months, but it was worth it because by the end I had my dragon and I was actually excited to get out and use it rather than just relieved it was over and looking forward to doing literally anything else with my time.

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> @"raamess.1642" said:

> just unlocked all season 4 and finished dragonfall story for skyscale.

> all this running around map multiple time for the past week are super boring.

> and i starting to feel HUGE regret on spending 350 gold to unlock all episodes instead of just spend it all to get griffon.

> is it because i rush it too fast ? skyscale is not that good in my opinion. usefull ? yes, but is it to my taste ? i do not think so (trial skyscale is meh).

> lagging and rubber banding does not healp either.

> and just this morning, my client won't log in, stuck in the connection error.


> next time i log in, shall i stay away from dragonfall ? and start to work on my first ascendant gear ?


My response just based on your title: at this stage of the game, there is a HUUUUUUUUGE amount of content available to play. There is no rush, none of the content really becomes obsolete, and don't push yourself unnecessarily. Set goals, and don't worry about all the other things that need doing - they will get done in their own time.



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Im playing this game 3 month, got 2 characters fully ascended (geared second from fractal drops), finished Skyscale in first month of play, 10 more days and i will have first legendary and i still feels like i got bunch of things to try and do....definitely going for Griffon next, bought lw3 long ago still didnt try it...i say play what you enjoy, for example raids burned me after playing wow for years so i still didnt tuch them, but j love fractals so i focus one them.

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> @"Syllar.7451" said:

> Im playing this game 3 month, got 2 characters fully ascended (geared second from fractal drops), finished Skyscale in first month of play, 10 more days and i will have first legendary and i still feels like i got bunch of things to try and do....definitely going for Griffon next, bought lw3 long ago still didnt try it...i say play what you enjoy, for example raids burned me after playing wow for years so i still didnt tuch them, but j love fractals so i focus one them.


if you played this game 3 months how long is long ago when you say buying lw3?

1 month or 2?

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Although a longtime player (since beta), I got angry and burned out on the Skyscale collection too, to the point that I never want to see any of those related maps again. I ended up taking a two-month break from the game. Now I'm back and enjoying it more than ever -- gradually working on Legendary weapons, crafting things I actually want, starting a new toon and leveling her gradually, popping in to festivals until they get boring, and so on.


Slow down. Take a break. Do what you love. It's not a race.

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This sounds exactly like me 6 years ago. I burned myself out crafting sunrise and this was in the era where gold farming was waaaaaay worse than it is now.


You gotta take it easy on some days or else the game will start to feel like a chore

This is definitely true for any MMO tbh.


I recommend you find activities in game that are primarily fun to you then if they give rewards that is good too.


Also having a social circle in game is a huge boon and makes anything you do together way more enjoyable. I'll happily do content with my guild that isn't necessarily highly profitable because it's fun to help others (imo)


So yeah take it easy and try not to worry about your next goal 24/7


I'll also give a bit of advice that is counter intuitive but I highly recommend building up a permanent gold reserve because this lets you get stuff that you otherwise have to grind for. Of course don't make this your sole focus but every now and then hit the crafting stations and see what you can craft for profit. There's lots of little things you can do to make a steady stream of gold income.

Try not to blow all your gold on one thing cos I guarantee that feeling of having an empty wallet after purchasing a precursor or living story season will leave you feeling very demotivated

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Skyscale works well in combination with:

* General mount masteries (energy boost and leap off skills)

* Skyscale masteries (wall grip recharge)

* Griffin (climb up using the Griffin and then swap to Griffin to move fast across the map).


Don’t worry about rushing it though. There’s plenty of content.

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> @"Syllar.7451" said:

> Im playing this game 3 month, got 2 characters fully ascended (geared second from fractal drops), finished Skyscale in first month of play, 10 more days and i will have first legendary and i still feels like i got bunch of things to try and do....definitely going for Griffon next, bought lw3 long ago still didnt try it...i say play what you enjoy, for example raids burned me after playing wow for years so i still didnt tuch them, but j love fractals so i focus one them.


Wow, I envy the amount of time you must have. ;)

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Syllar.7451" said:

> > Im playing this game 3 month, got 2 characters fully ascended (geared second from fractal drops), finished Skyscale in first month of play, 10 more days and i will have first legendary and i still feels like i got bunch of things to try and do....definitely going for Griffon next, bought lw3 long ago still didnt try it...i say play what you enjoy, for example raids burned me after playing wow for years so i still didnt tuch them, but j love fractals so i focus one them.


> Wow, I envy the amount of time you must have. ;)


I do have it atm, and im pretty sure you would too if your country is locked up completely for 3 months(ofc it isnt, i gues you dont know what covid is) ;)

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Syllar.7451" said:

> > Im playing this game 3 month, got 2 characters fully ascended (geared second from fractal drops), finished Skyscale in first month of play, 10 more days and i will have first legendary and i still feels like i got bunch of things to try and do....definitely going for Griffon next, bought lw3 long ago still didnt try it...i say play what you enjoy, for example raids burned me after playing wow for years so i still didnt tuch them, but j love fractals so i focus one them.


> if you played this game 3 months how long is long ago when you say buying lw3?

> 1 month or 2?


Long enaff ? I literaly paid 10e for something i didnt tuch at all for 2 month.

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> @"Syllar.7451" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Syllar.7451" said:

> > > Im playing this game 3 month, got 2 characters fully ascended (geared second from fractal drops), finished Skyscale in first month of play, 10 more days and i will have first legendary and i still feels like i got bunch of things to try and do....definitely going for Griffon next, bought lw3 long ago still didnt try it...i say play what you enjoy, for example raids burned me after playing wow for years so i still didnt tuch them, but j love fractals so i focus one them.

> >

> > Wow, I envy the amount of time you must have. ;)


> I do have it atm, and im pretty sure you would too if your country is locked up completely for 3 months(ofc it isnt, i gues you dont know what covid is) ;)


We're locked here in the US, too, but I'm able to work from home. Also, as an (ahem) older player, I have family and other obligations which is why I'm such a casual player.

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This game has an immense amount of content. Go level another class, casually. Play different races. Hop into WvW during your server's primetime. Hop into the PvP lobby and play a few matches. Hop into FotM and enjoy some actually fun group content. Get into raids. Get into Strikes. Do some world boss runs. Master some crafting disciplines. Go hunt for some achievements.


I almost burned myself out on WvW legendary armor, but all the whispers I got from my FotM pugs wondering what the skin was made it worth it. Not many PvE players now what that skin looks like (heavy btw).


This is the kind of game where as you play the rewards come, but if you really push hard you can get them quickly, but that kind of push takes 20-30 hours/week of game play time and if you are turning the game into a second job then you will burn yourself out fast.

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> @"Syllar.7451" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Syllar.7451" said:

> > > Im playing this game 3 month, got 2 characters fully ascended (geared second from fractal drops), finished Skyscale in first month of play, 10 more days and i will have first legendary and i still feels like i got bunch of things to try and do....definitely going for Griffon next, bought lw3 long ago still didnt try it...i say play what you enjoy, for example raids burned me after playing wow for years so i still didnt tuch them, but j love fractals so i focus one them.

> >

> > Wow, I envy the amount of time you must have. ;)


> I do have it atm, and im pretty sure you would too if your country is locked up completely for 3 months(ofc it isnt, i gues you dont know what covid is) ;)


Unless their a essential worker like I am and in some cases have less time then normal :).

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